Anatomy Flashcards
Fuse or incomplete division of morula (1-3 days)
Incomplete separation of fusion of blastocysts (4-8 days)
Incomplete division or fusion of implanted blastocyst(8-13 days)
Conjoined twins
Formed embryonic disc incomplete division of fusion
Twin twin transfusion syndrome
Recepient-increases urine production/polyhydramnios-volume overload of uterus
Donor-produce less urine/oligohydramanios ..almost no bladder on US. “Stuck twin”
What causes monozygotic
Incomplete fusion or division of embryonic disc
Most common conjoined twin
Followed by omphalopagus
Minamata disease
Methylmercury poisoning
Severe neurological syndrome
Spasticity, seizures, mental defiency
Lead poisoning
Learning and behavioral disorders
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Mental and growth retardation and morphogenetic disturbances
Intrauterine growth restriction, mental defiency, microcephalic, ocular anomalies, joint abnormalities, short palpebral fissures, cognitive and neurobehavioral disturbances
Microencephaly, neurobehavioral disturbances.
Intrauterine growth restriction, prematurity, microcephalic, cerebral infarction, urogenital anomalies, neurobehavioral disturbances
CNVIII nerve defects
Synthetic non steroidal estrogen once used in pregnancyto prevent breast engorgement.
Risk of vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma and reproductive tract malformations
Abnormalities of uterus and vagina; cervical erosion and ridges
Heart and great vessel abnormalities in utero
Premature delivery, conotruncal defects, urinary tract abnormalities
Androgens and high dose progestogens
Varying degree of masculinization of female fetuses; ambiguous external genitalia (labial fusion and clitoral hypertrophy)
Intrauterine growth restriction, skeletal and renal defects
Multiple anomalies, skeletal, face, cranium, limbs and vertebral
Abnormal development of the limbs, ocular defects, cranial nerve defects, and autism spectrum disorders
Fetal hydantoin syndrome, IUGRI microcephalic, metal retardation, ridged metopic suture, inner epicanthic folds, eyelid ptosis, broad, depressed , nasal bridge, phalangeal hypoplasia
Stained teeth, hypoplasia of enamel
Abnormal development of the limbs; meromelia , Amelia, facial anomalies, systemic
Meromelia-partial absence
Amelia-complete absence
Abnormal development o the limb, v shaped eyebrows, low ears, cleft lip and or palate
Valproic acid
Craniofacial anomalies, neural tube defects , often hydrocephalus, heart and skeletal defects, poor postnatal cognitive development
Nasal hypoplasia, stipples epiphyses
Polychlorinated biphenyls
IUUGRI, skin discoloration
TORCH viruses
Toxoplasmosis, Other (syphilis, varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Herpes infections, are some of the most common infections associated with congenital anomalies
Toxoplasma gondii
Microcephalic, mental defiency, microphthalmia, hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis, cerebral calcifications, hearing loss, neurologic disturbances
Treponema palladium
Hydrocephalus, congenital deafness, mental defiency, abnormal teeth and bones,
Cutaneous scares, neurologic anomalies, cataracts, microphthalmia, horner syndrome, optic atrophy, nystagmus, chorioretinits, microcephalic, mental defiency, skeletal anomalies
Ionizing radiation
Microcephalic, mental defiency, skeletal anomalies, growth retardation, cataracts
Microcephalic, chorioretinits, sensorineural loss, delayed psychomotor, and mental development, hepatosplenomegaly, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, brain, calcification
Skin vesicles and scarring, chorioretinitis, hepatomegaly, thrombocytopenia petechiae, hemolytic anemia, hydranencephaly
Human parvovirus b19
Fetal anemia, nonimmune hydrops fetalis, fetal death
IUGR< postnatal growth retardation, cardiac and great vessel abnormalities, microcephalic, sensorineural deafness, cataract, microphthalmos, glaucoma, pigmented retinopathy, mental defiency, neonatal bleeding, hepatosplenomegaly, osteopathy, tooth defects
Small birth weight
Small head
Fetal hydantoin syndrome
Phenytoin or hydration anticonvulsants
IUGR, microcephalic, mental, ridged frontal suture, inner epicanthic fold, eyelid ptosis, hernia,
Trisomy 21
Intellectual, abnormal fancies, heart
Treacher collons
Craniofacial deformities, such as absent cheekbones
No thymus and parathyroid glands
Cardiac outflow tracts
Ovarian dysfunction along with the cardinal features of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary morphology
Menstrual irregularities, signs of androgen excess, and obesity
<10 mm in diameter and increased ovarian stroma
Ovary is attached to the back of the broad ligament by what
The ___ wall of the vagina is longer than the __ wall
Posterior anterior
The posterior fornix is __ than the other cornices
What is the posterior fornix covered by
Peritoneum of the front of the rectouterine pouch
Primary oocytes being the first meiosis division ____ but completion of prophase in meiosis 1 when
Before birth
*follicular cells surround the primary oocytes secrete a substance, oocytes maturation inhibitor, which arrests the mention process of the oocytes
Placenta Previn
Placenta implanted into he lower segment of the uterus
Major placenta previa
Placenta is covering the internal cervical os
Minor placenta previa
Placenta does not cover the cervical os
Placenta previa presentation
Painless bleeding often recurrent in third trimester and US show abnormal placenta location
Get it in 3rd trimester as placenta separate
Placental abruption
Separated normally positioned placenta from the uterine wall
After 20th week
HTN, proteinuria, and edema
Benign smooth muscle fibroid
Inflammation and infection arising from endocervical leading to endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis, pelvic peritonitis, formation of the tubo ovarian and pelvic abscesses
Where get ectopic pregnancy of abdomen
Pouch of Douglas
What is the pouch of Morrison
Between liver and right kidney
Retropubic space
Extraperitoneal space between the pubic symphysis and bladder
Blastula is reorganized into ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
Cleavage or division of the fertilized ovum usually into a 16 cell structures that resembles a ball
Craniofacial caudal folding
Lateral folding of the embryo that transforms it from a flat disc into a 3d tube
Division of fertilized ovum
Pain fibers above pelvic pain line-uterine fundus and body
Pain structures below the pelvic pain line
Parasympathetic nerves
Uterus is above the pelvic line
Pain fibers fromt he uterus
Visceral afferent fibers and will only run with sympathetic fibers
Fibrillin 1 which for a microfibrils and elasticity in many tissues is decreased
Type 1 collagen called pro a1 chain.
-osteogenesis imperfects
Maternal diabetes
Birth defects-macrosomia (over 8 lb 13 oz)
Hard vaginal delivery
C section
*interspinous distance of concern
Cystic hygrometer
Large swelling usually inferolateral part of the neck and consist of large, single or multiocular fluid filled cavities
From jugular lymph sac that are pinched off or from lymphatic spaces that do not establish connections with the main lymphatic channels,
Lingual cyst
Tongue derived from remnants of thyroglossal duct
Pharyngeal patina Nd dysphagia
Not forming cartilage but converting it to bone, in long bones
Short arms and legs
Large head macrocaphaly
Denticulate ligaments
21 pairs which take their origin from the pia mater ncc
Eisenmengers sydnrome or tardive cyanosis
Left to right shunt caused by a congenital heart defect causes increased flow through the pulmonary vasculature causeing pulmonary HTN and increased pressure right side of heart and reversal of the shunt into a right to left shunt.
Cyanosis heart by a long standing intracardiac shunt caused commonly by ventricular septal defects
Epstein’s anomaly
Septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve is displaced toward the apex if right ventricle
Atrialization if right ventricle
Right atrium to enlarge and right ventricle small
Initial R toL shunt causes cyanosis.
Benign endothelial cell tumor with increased number of normal or abnormal vessels filled with blood
First weeks of life
Left horn sinus venosus
Coronary sinus
Bulbous cordis and truncus arteriosus
Smooth parts of the right and left ventricles and their corresponding arteries
Secretes growth factor causes mesenchyme to form limb bud
Cleft foot
One or more rays fail to develop
Misplacement of a normally formed appendix
Malrotation of the midgut
Vacterl syndrome
Concurrence of birth defects mom 13-19 who took progesterone estrogen birth control pills during development.
Vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, renal and limb anomalies.
Pierre robin
AR ncc fail to go to first arch
Malignant retina
Retina developers fromt he inner and outer layers of the optic cup, which is an invagination of neuroectoderm. The outer thin layer becomes the inner pigmentt epithelium of the retina, whipple the inner layer becomes the light sensitive neural retina
Sphincter pupillae of uric
Form neuroectoderm of optic cup
Surface ectoderm