Anatomy Flashcards
Nasal cartilage is what type of cartilage
What are structures A & B?
A = Inferior nasal concha
B = Vomer
What makes the roof of the nasal cavity?
Cribiform plate of ethmoid
Label the structures
A: Crista galli
B: Superior concha
C: Middle concha
D: Orbital plate
What makes up the septum?
Perpindicular plate of ethmoid + vomer
Which LeFort fractures can disrupt the cribiform plate of the ethmoid?
Label the structures of the nasal cavity. Which wall of the (right) nasal cavity is this?
Lateral wall.
A = Nasal bone
B: Palatine bone
C: Superior concha
D: Middle concha
E: Inferior concha
What side of the nasal cavity is this? Label the structures
Medial wall
A: Perpindicular plate of ethmoid
B: Vomer
What types of mucosa are present at 1, 2 and 3?
1 = Keratinised squamous
2 = Respiratory
3 = olfactory
Where does CN I pass through into the nose?
Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
CN I enters the brain at which lobe?
Temporal lobe
Which nerves are responsible for sensation in the areas A + B?
A = CN V1
B = CN V2
Label the arteries
A: Internal carotid
B: External carotid
C: Facial
D: Maxillary
E: Ophthalmic
Which 3 main arteries contribute to the nasal blood supply?
Ophthalmic (ethmoidal), maxillary (sphenopalatine) and facial (greater palatine)
Where is Little’s Area?
Nasal septum
The superior/ middle concha are part of what bone
How should an NG tube be confirmed placed correctly?
Tip of NG tube visible, 10cm beyond GOJ, below diaphragm.
Describe the sinuses & how many of each there are
1) Frontal bone with 2
2) 2 maxillae each with 2 sets
3) Sphenoidal with 2
4) Ethmoid 2 sets of ethmoidal air cells
Where does the frontal sinus drain?
Middle meatus
Where do the ethmoidal air cells drain into?
Superior and middle meatus
Where does the sphenoidal sinus drain to?
Spheno-ethmoidal recess
Where does the maxillary sinus drain to?
Middle meatus
Where does the lacrimal fluid drain to?
Inferior meatus
Which CN is responsible for sensing sinusitis pain?
CN V1 and V2 (can be referred to teeth)
Which sinus is most predisposed to infection?
Why might maxillary sinusitis present with toothache?
Shared innervation by CN V of the maxillary sinus & upper/ lower dental arches.
Which specific part of CN V innervates the sinuses?
CN V2 is maxillary
All others are CN V1
Which bone contaisn the hearings of organ and balance?
Temporal bone
The pterion is the squamous/ petrous part of the temporal bone?
Label the base of skull features
A: Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
B: Styloid process
C: Stylomastoid foramen
D: Mastoid process
E: Palatine bone
Label the foramens
A: Cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
B: Optic canal
C: Foramen rotundum
D: Foramen ovale
E: Carotid canal
F: Internal Acoustic Meatus
G: Jugular foramen
H: Hypoglossal
(not labelled is superior orbital fissure)
What is the external ear?
Auricle to tympanic membrane (extrernal acoustic meatus)
What is the middle ear?
Tympanic membrane to the oval window
What is the inner ear
Oval window to internal acoustic meatus
Label the nerves
A: Facial
B: CN V3
Where does the ear-lobe drain to (lymphatics)?
Superficial cervical lymph nodes
The external ear is mostly cartilage/ bone?
The superficial 1/3 cartilage, deep 2/3rd bone (petrous part)
Which glands produce earwax?
Label this otoscopy
A: Umbo
B: Pars tensa
How should the EAM be straightened in an adult?
Pull posterior and superiorly
How should the EAM be straightened in a child?
Posterior and inferiorly
Which CN supplies the tympanic membrane?
What CN supplies the middle-ear?
CN IX (Glossopharyngeal)
Which nerve innervates the eustachian tube/ tonsils?
The joints of the ossicles are what type of joint