Anatomy Flashcards
How does urine drain from the kidney?
- Nephrons
- Collecting duct
- Minor calyx
- Major calyx
- Renal pelvis
- Ureter
Name the 6 features of a typical vertebra?
Vertebral body Vertebral arch (x2 pedicle, x2 lamina) Vertebral foramen Transverse processes x2 articular processes - superior + inferior Spinous process
Name 3 anatomical sites of uretic constriction
- Pelvicuretic junction
- Ureter crossing anterior aspect of common iliac artery
- Ureteric oriphice
Where is the trigone of the bladder located?
Floor of bladder between the bilateral uretic + midline urethral oriphices
What type of muscle fibres encircle the ureteric orifices?
Detruser muscle fibres
What is the role of a myelin sheath?
Electrical insulator: a myelinated nerve conducts action potentials faster
In the CNS what is a group of nerve cell bodies called?
A nucleus
In the PNS what is a group of nerve cell bodies called?
A ganglion
Name the 12 cranial nerves?
- olfactory 2. optic 3. oculomotor 4. trochlear 5. trigeminal
- abducent 7. facial 8. vestibulotrochlear 9. glossopharyngeal
- vagus 11. spinal accessory 12. hypoglossal
Name the foraminae in the base of the skull for the cranial nerves to pass through
optic canal, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, interneal acoustic meatus, jugular foramen, hypoglossal canal, foramen magnum, cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
In the spinal cord which is superficial/deep - white matter or grey matter?
white - superficial
grey - deep
Where is grey matter found in the brain and is it deep or superficial?
Cerebral cortex of brain (outermost layer)
Where is white matter - is it deep/superficial - and what gives it a white appearance?
In the brain - deep - contains axons with myelinated insulation (myolin)
C1 vertebra is missing_________ and instead has ________.
A body
A spinous process
C2 vertebra has an __________ .
Odontoid process
What is the palpable spinous process of C7 called?
Vertebra priminens
What do roots and rootlets do?
Connect the spinal nerve to the spinal cord
What do the rami do?
Connect the spinal nerve to the structures of the body wall
What do only anterior rami supply?
The limbs via plexi
What does the right cervical plexus (C1 - C4 anterior rami) supply?
Mainly the neck wall
What does the right brachial plexus (C5 - T1) supply?
The upper limb
What does the right lumbar plexus (L1 - L4) supply?
Supplies the lower limb
What does the right sacral plexus (L5 - S4) supply?
Supplies pelvis/perineum and lower limbs
What nerve is a named branch from the brachial plexus and is made from C5 and C6 axons from the anterior rami?
The musculocutaneous nerve