Anatomy Flashcards
What are the bones of the foot?

What are the tarsal bones?

What is the hallux?
Distal phalange of toe 1

What joint allows inversion and eversion and what bones meet?
Subtalar joint
Talus and calcaneus

What joint allows plantar and dorsiflexion and what bones make up the joint?
Tibiotalar joint
Tibia and Talus

What are the two tibiofibular joints and what type of joint are there?
Superior - Synocial
Inferior - Fibrous

What makes up the medial and lateral malleolus?
Lateral - Fibula
Medial - Tibia

What are all the joints in the foot?

What are the lateral ligaments of the foot?
- Achilles tendon
- Anterior talofibular
- Posterior talofibular
- Calcaneo-fibular
- Anterior and posterior and transverse tibiofibular

What are the three medial ligaments of the foot?
- Posterior tibiotalor
- tibionavicular
- tibiocalcaneal
All called DELTOID ligament

Whare are the long and short plantar ligaments?
What else is present?
Plantar aponeurosis

Which muscles dorsiflex?

Which muscles plantar flex and via what nerves?
Peroneus longus and brevis (superficial common peroneal)
Posterior tibialis (Tibial)
Flexor digitorum longus (tibial)
Flexor hallucis longus (tibial)

Which muscles invert and via what nerve?
Tibialis Anterior (Deep branch of common peroneal)
Tibialis posterior (Tibial nerve)

What muscles evert and via what nerve?
Extensor digitorum longus (deep branch of common peroneal)
Peroneus longus and brevis (superficial branch of common peroneal)

What are the three foot arches?
- Medial longitudinal
- Lateral longitudinal
- Transverse

What does the tibial nerve become?
Medial plantar nerve
Lateral planter nerve
What is the sensation to the sole of foot?
Medial planter - medial 3.5 toes
Lateal planter - the rest

What is the motor supply served by the medial plantar nerve?
Lumbrical (first)
Abductor hallucis
Flexor digitorum brevis
Flexor hallucis brevis
What is the motor supply served by the lateral plantar nerve?
The rest including all interossei and the lateral 3 lumbricals
What does the posterior tibial artery become?
Medial plantar artery
Lateral plantar artery

What does the anterior tibial artery become?
Dorsalis pedis and deep plantar artery which anastamosis with the lateral planar

What is 1 and 2?

1 - Peroneus Longus
2 - Peroneus Brevis
What is 1, 2, 3
What is medial to 1
1- Extensor digitorum Longus
2 - Extensor digitorum brevis
3 - Superfical branch of CPN
Anterior tibialis
What is 1
What tendon is medial to it?
Extensor hallucis brevis muscle
Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
What is 1,2,3
1 Abductor hallucis
2 Flexor hallucis brevis
3 Flexor digitorum brevis
What is this muscle?
Abductor digitt minimii
What is 27,28,29
27 - FLexor digitorum longus
28 -Posterior tibialis muscle
29 -Flexor hallucis longus
What are 35 and 37?
35 - Flexor digitii minimii
37 - Lumbricals
What are the three tibiofibular ligaments?

What is the sensation to the dorsal aspect of the foot?

What are the parts of the tib/fib

Where are the popliteus and plantaris?