Anatomy Flashcards
3 main important shunts in foetal circulation
ductus venosus (shunts oxygenated blood from umbillical vein to IVC to bypass liver)
foramen ovale (shunt oxygenated blood from right to left atrium)
ductus arteriosius (shunts deoxygenated blood from pulmonary artery to inferior aorta)
how do the shunts in the foetal circulation change on birth
when they take their first breath, this decreases pulmonary resistance – increases left atrial pressure = closure of foramen ovale
increase in 02 from respiration + reduced prostalandins from placental separation = closes ductus arteriosus
post natal derivative of umbillical vein
round ligament (ligamentum teres hepatis)
post natal derivative of umbilical arteries
medial umbilical ligament
what layers does the pericardial space lie
between the parietal pericardium and epicardium
what neve supplies the pericardium
phrenic nerve
why does pericarditis cause referred pain to the shoulders
its supplied by the phrenic nerve
damage to what artery causes heart block or arrythmias and why
right coronary artery as it supplies the SA and AV node
anatomy of the carotid sheath
internal jugular vein lateral to the common carotid
posteriorly lies the vagus nerve
anatomy of the femoral triangle
nerve –> artery –> vein
(lateral to medial)
femoral nerve, artery and vein
what nerves pass through cavernous sinus
CN III, IV, V1, V2, VI
cavernous sinus syndrome presentation
variable opthalmoplegia, horners syndrome, decreased corneal sensaion and sometimes decreased maxillary sensation
main arteries which branch off the aortic arch
(medial to lateral)
brachiocephalic trunk
left common carotid artery
left subclavian artery
pharyngeal arches
children at the resturant of golden ARCHES tend to chew first, then smile, then swallow stylishly, then simply swallow then speak
1st - V3 (massater, medial pterygoid, temporalis)
2nd - VII (muscles which cause smiling)
3rd - IX stylopharyngeous
4th - X (cricothyroid - superior laryngeal branch of vagus nerve)
6th - X (all muscles of larynx except cricothyroid) - recurrent/inferior branch of vagus)
what aortic arch gives rise to the ductus arteriosus
6th aortic arch