Anatomy Flashcards
The median umbilical ligament is the embryological remnant of what fetal structure?
The medial umbilical ligament is the embryological remnant of what fetal structure?
Fetal umbilical arteries
The superficial inguinal ring is strengthened posteriorly by which structure?
Conjoint tendon (Falx inguinalis)
In women, the inguinal canal transmits the round ligament to the labia majora. Which nerve also traverses the inguinal canal, exiting via the superficial inguinal ring?
Ilioinguinal nerve
Ilioinguinal nerve has motor supply to which muscles?
Internal oblique and transverses abdominus, so strengthens conjoint tendon
A urinary catheter is vigorously inflated in the urethra at the time of caesarean section. Urine leaks from the rupture into which anatomical space?
Anterior abdominal wall and mons pubis
The inferior hypogastric plexus is an important plexus supplying the hind gut. The sympathetic components are derived from the superior hypogastric plexus. What are the three nerve root origins of the parasympathetic components?
The parasympathetic components are carried by branches from S2, S3 and S4, which are the pelvic splanchnic nerves.
Which three muscles form the superficial group of muscles of the perineum?
Bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal muscles and ischiocavernous
Sympathetic supply to the bladder is derived from which segments of the spinal cord?
The lower third of the vagina has lymphatic drainage to which lymphatic nodes?
- Created via canalization of ectodermal thickening
- Superficial inguinal nodes
Upper 2/3 vagina lymph drainage
External and internal iliac nodes
- Created from fusion of mesonephric ducts
A baby’s birth was complicated by shoulder dystocia and he was subsequently diagnosed with Erb’s palsy. Which component of the brachial plexus is most likely to be involved?
- Pronation of forearm, internal rotation of shoulder, adduction of shoulder
A woman presents as an emergency with a painful lump in the vagina, and examination confirms that she has a Bartholin’s abscess. Which gland is involved?
Greater vestibular gland
If a woman sustains an ischaemic injury to the pelvic ureter, which artery supplying it has been occluded?
Superior or inferior vesicle
Abdominal ureter blood supply
Renal artery, ovarian artery and direct branches from aorta
What pelvic structure is lined by non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium?
Epithelium endocervix
Simple columnar (non-stratified)
Epithelium ectocervix
Stratified squamous, non-keratinized
Epithelium fallopian tubes
Simple columnar ciliated
Epithelium uterus
Simple columnar
Epithelium kidney
Simple cuboidal
Epithelium bladder/ureters
Epithelium male urethra
Prostatic is transitional, membranous is stratified columnar, urethral opening is stratified squamous
A 28-year-old woman presents to the gynaecology clinic with a history of dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual pain and dyspareunia. Vaginal examination reveals a thickened nodule in the posterior fornix. Which anatomical structure is most likely to be affected?
Uterosacral ligament
A consultant anaesthetist is teaching a junior anaesthetist how to administer a spinal anaesthetic for a caesarean section. At what level in the spine does the spinal cord end and the cauda equina begin?
Spinal cord ends L1/L2, so performed at L3/L4 or L4/L5
Cauda equine exists in lumbar cistern, between arachnoid membrane and pia mater.
What is the lymphatic drainage of the ovaries?
Lateral aortic and pre/para aortic
Lymphatic drainage bladder
External (most), internal and common iliac
Lymphatic drainage ureters
Internal iliac nodes
Fallopian tubes + fundus of uterus lymphatic drainage
External and superficial iliac via round ligament or para-aortic (passMRCOG)
Cervix lymph drainage
External iliac (most), internal iliac, sacral, rectal and obturator
Uterus lymph drainage
Internal iliac nodes
An obstetric trainee is repairing a medio-lateral episiotomy following a ventouse delivery. Which nerve supplies the area of skin being sutured?
Pudendal nerve
What part of the spermatozoa has the highest concentration of mitochondria?
Middle piece
What type of cells are sertoli cells as defined by shape?
Tall columnar
What is the layer between the theca cells and the mural granulosa?
Basal lamina
With regard to ovulation, what is the fluid filled space in a follicle called?
What size is a resting follicle?
What size is a follicle that is ready to ovulate?
What coats luminal surface of bladder?
A glycosaminoglycan layer coats the luminal surface of the bladder mucosa
The internal pudendal artery leaves the pelvis via what structure?
Greater sciatic foramen (branch of anterior internal iliac artery) and re-enters via lesser sciatic foramen
The most favourable pelvic shape of the bony pelvis for childbirth is the gynaecoid pelvis. Which is the largest diameter of the maternal pelvic inlet in this type of pelvis?
Between the farthest two points on the iliopectineal lines
Pelvic inlet boundaries
- Sacral promontory
- Alae of sacrum
- Sacroiliac joints
- Pubic tubercles
- Pubic crests
- Iliopectinal lines
- Iliopectinal eminences
- Upper border superior pubic rami
- Upper border pubic symphysis
Through which foramen does the facial nerve exit the cranium?
Stylomastoid foramen
Mento-vertical presentation
14cm brow presentation
Occipito-frontal presentation
11.5cm deflexed vertex OP
Submento-bregmatic presentation
9.5cm Face presentation
Suboccipito-bregmatic presentation
9.5cm flexed vertex
Suboccipito-frontal 10.5cm
Partially deflexed vertex
Which ligament has been pierced by the epidural needle when ‘loss of resistance’ is experienced?
Ligamentum flavum
Skin, subcutaneous fat, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament ,ligaments flavum, epidural space –> dura mater
What is the narrowest part of the Fallopian tube?
There is a portal system which allows the hypothalamus to communicate with the anterior pituitary via the release of neurotransmitters into the bloodstream. Which artery directly supplies this portal system?
Superior hypophyseal artery (branch of internal carotid)
Which arteries directly contribute blood into the Circle of Willis?
Terminal branches of internal carotid and vertebral arteries.
- Anterior cerebral (internal carotid) , posterior cerebral (basilar artery) and internal carotid
- Anterior and posterior communicating provide connections.
Which nerve fibres lie in the ovarian fossa?
Obturator nerve
Which part of the adrenal gland exhibits the chromaffin reaction (catecholamine precursor molecules within the cytoplasm of the cells which are coloured brown by chromium salts)?
Adrenal medulla
Which pelvic muscle is the sacrospinous ligament part of?
Which muscle does the deep part of the external anal sphincter blend with?
Which of these ligaments are a supporting structure for the uterus?
- Uterosacral, transverse cervical (cardinal) and pubocervical liagaments
Infundibulopelvic ligament is ovarian suspensory ligament, in broad ligament and carries ovarian vessels - Round ligament: anterverts uterus but does not provide support.
As a result of electrophysiological studies, the motor supply to the levator ani group of muscles is now thought to enter the muscle from above via perineal branches of nerves.
Which nerve roots are the origin of these nerves?
S3/S4 (perineal branch pudendal nerve)
Pain from the uterus in labour is referred to the lumbo-sacral region, lower abdomen and loins. Which is the route that the afferent pain fibres take to the spinal cord?
Sympathetic fibers via inferior hypogastric plexus
The most common and favourable type of pelvis for vaginal birth is wide and open in shape, giving the baby plenty of room during delivery. Which type of female pelvis is this?
Gynecoid pelvis
What is Anthropoid pelvis?
long narrow oval shape pelvis, occurring in 25%.
What is Platypelloid pelvis?
wide pelvis flattened at the brim, present in 5% of women.
During this operation, ligation of which artery poses the greatest risk to the integrity of the ureter?
Uterine artery
Abdominal ureter blood supply
Renal artery, ovarian artery and direct from aorta
Pelvic ureter
superior/inferior vesicle artery
Ovaries epithelium
Separation of deep and superficial perineal pouches
Superior border deep = superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm
Inferior border = perineal membrane (inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm)
Superior border superficial pouch = perineal membrane (inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm)
In the process of fertilisation, what is the correct sequence for sperm penetration into the oocyte?
Corona radiata, zona pellucida, perivitelline space, plasma membrane
With regard to cardiovascular changes in pregnancy, what are the physiological changes by the third trimester?
The answer is 30% increase in blood volume, 45% increase in plasma volume and 20–30% increase in red blood cell volume. There is a relative increase in the plasma volume compared to red cell volume that causes dilutional anaemia.
What is the primary haemoglobin type in the baby at 32 weeks of gestation?
Hb F is produced from 6 weeks gestation and the levels remain high until the baby is a couple of months old.
Hb Gower-1 is a form of haemoglobin existing only during embryonic life and has two zeta chains and two epsilon chains.
Gower-2 exists at low levels during embryonic and fetal life and has two alpha chains and two epsilon chains. Portland-1 exists at low levels during embryonic and fetal life and has two zeta chains and two gamma chains. Portland-2 also exists at low levels and is composed of two zeta chains and two beta chains.
At what gestation does fetal urine become the major contributor to amniotic fluid volume?
18 weeks
Who should take 5mg folic acid?
As well as diabetics, women with spina bifida, a family history or previous affected pregnancy and women who are on epileptic or anti-retroviral medication are advised to take 5mg per day. The higher dose is also recommended for obese women (BMI >30), women with sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia and coeliac disease.
Patients with coeliac disease or who eat a vegan diet may be short of iron and vitamin B12.
At what gestational age does the formation of the definitive alveoli take place?
The alveolar stage starts at 36 week and may take up to 2 years postnatal to complete.
Which test is used to diagnose haemolytic anaemia in a newborn?
Direct Coombs test
Signs of hypoglycaemia and hypocalcaemia are often similar. Which sign will help differentiate the two in a newborn?
Increased muscle tone
The physiological changes in pregnancy are associated with a change in serum concentration of various hormones. Which blood test is most appropriate in diagnosing thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy?
Free thyroxine (T4)
Total T4 and T3 levels are raised in pregnancy. hyroid-stimulating hormone levels fall in the first trimester as concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin rise, however they may occasionally rise. The levels of free T4 are altered less in pregnancy.
Pregnancy is associated with a relative iodine deficiency, which has two major causes. Maternal iodine requirement increases because of active transport to the fetoplacental unit. Also there is increased iodine excretion due to increased glomerular filtration and decreased renal tubular excretion.
A woman presents to the antenatal clinic at 30 weeks of gestation with vulval varicosities. What is the most likely cause?
Pressure effect of the gravid uterus on the inferior vena cava
What is the normal circulatory lifespan of a red blood cell?
The answer is 120 days. The process of erythropoiesis takes 7 days from a stem cell.
What is the average lifespan of platelets?
The answer is 5–10 days. Platelets are produced from megakaryocytes
What is the physiological function of bile salts?
Facilitate the absorption of fats
Which vitamin found in liver should be avoided in excess in pregnancy?
Vitamin A
During the postpartum period the uterine cavity develops new endometrial layers.
How long does it take the placental bed to acquire a new endometrial layer?
Within 1 week the uterine cavity has a new endometrial layer, with the exception of the placental bed which takes around 3 weeks.
At what gestation is physiological anaemia most pronounced?
32 weeks
By what percentage does oxygen consumption rise in pregnancy?
Which subunits are found in fetal haemoglobin?
Fetal haemoglobin is composed of two alpha subunits and two gamma subunits. It has a greater affinity for oxygen than adult haemoglobin which is composed of two alpha and two beta subunits.
Which two hormones are required for maintenance of milk secretion?
Prolactin and Oxytocin
What biochemical disturbance most commonly associated with hyperemesis?
What sort of junctions are found within uterine myometrical cells?
Gap junctions
Which hormone is responsible for relaxation of the blood vessels in pregnancy?
With regard to gestational diabetes, what is the likely change in plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and plasma ketone bodies?
Increased FFA and increased ketone bodies
What cells are transformed by spermeogenesis?
How many times the normal range is alkaline phosphatase increased in pregnancy?
3 x
What is the increase in oxygen consumption in pregnancy?
50 ml/min
What is the change in total lung capacity in pregnancy?
Decreased by 200 mls
What proportion of body calcium is stored in the skeletal system?
What is the WHO definition of osteoporosis?
The correct answer is a T score < –2.5
What happens to gallbladder motility and bile composition in pregnancy?
Decreases gallbladder motility and increases the lithogenicity of bile
Regarding rheumatoid arthritis in pregnancy, which of the following is correct?
Exacerbation tends to occur in puerperium
A primiparous 18-year-old woman presents to the maternity assessment unit at 39 weeks of gestation. Urinalysis reveals a proteinuria value of 3+. The woman has a blood pressure of 170/110 mmHg and she is suffering from a headache. What underlying pathology would brisk reflexes indicate?
Cerebral irritation
A woman from South East Asia books for antenatal care at 12 weeks of gestation. Her BMI is calculated at 40, she has no comorbidities and is already taking folic acid.
What vitamin should be prescribed for this woman during pregnancy?
Vitamin D deficiency is especially an issue for obese women and causes rickets in children.
A primiparous woman with a BMI of 40 from South East Asia is seen by you in antenatal clinic. The woman is at 24 weeks of gestation and has a fundal height of 30 cm. What initial investigation do you organise?
Glucose tolerance test.
Which food substance is especially rich in vitamin D?
Oily fish
After 24 weeks’ gestation, type II pneumocytes begin to appear in the developing alveoli of the fetus.
What is the function of these type II alveolar cells?
Secrete surfactant
What is their function within the cell?
Breaking down bacteria and worn-out cell part
The Golgi apparatus forms lysosomes, secretory vesicles and other cytoplasmic components. At term the maternal cardiac output is increased by 1.5 L/minute.
At term the maternal cardiac output is increased by 1.5 L/minute.
What percentage of this increased blood flow is distributed to the uterus?
Increased blood flow to the uterus is 400 ml/minute at term - therefore roughly 30%.
Which steriod hormone is produced by the placenta?
PROGESTERONE ONLY STEROID HORMONE. others are protein (peptide) hormones.
The human placenta acts as both a transport organ and an endocrine organ, producing important hormones such as chorionic gonadotrophin, progesterone, estrogens (especially estriol) and human placental lactogen.
The placenta also produces relaxin, melatonin, serotonin, oxytocin and kisspeptin.
At what gestation are the primordial follicles maximum in number in a female fetus?
20 weeks
Which wave form occurs at the end of atrial systole?
X wave
X wave occurs at the end of atrial systole.
A wave = atrial systole
C wave = ventricular systole
V wave = atrial filling against closed tricuspid valve
Y descent occurs following tricuspid valve opening
By what percentage does total blood volume usually increase above pre-pregnancy levels at term?
Patient has had multiple vaginal deliveries and now has incontinence - which muscle is weak?
Pubococcygeal (or other levator ani muscles)
Principle of the Haldane effect:
Affinity of deoxygenated blood is increased for CO2
Patient complaining of weakness + muscle spasms. Likely electrolyte disturbance:
Patient had paralytic ileum - which electrolyte disturbance makes it worse?
HPL maximum production at:
35 weeks
Cite of prolactin production without effect of dopamine:
Maternal decidua
Piezoelective crystals used in which mode of imaging?
What is raised in Down’s syndrome in the quadruple test?
Increased inhibin + HCG
Female Kleinfelter patient will have:
Normal stature (or tall stature), small gonads + infertile
Commonest cancer during pregnancy + puerperium
Breast cancer
Vulval cancer with hard base:
Squamous cell cancer
Which cells are involved in innate + adaptive immunity?
Enzyme needed for catecholamine synthesis:
catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are synthesized by Tyrosine hydroxylase .
In prostaglandin, OH is attached at which position?
Nerve injured during sacrospinous fixation surgeries:
pudendal nerve.
Warfarin teratogenicity occurs when?
6-12 weeks
Enzyme required for synthesis of ammonia?
MOA of Dalteparin:
Inhibition of Xa
MOA of Raltegavir
Inhibit integrase
Nerve root value of obturator nerve:
L2 L3 L4
Patient with VIN, which HPV involved?
Transverse suprapubic incision during C/S is at which spinal level?
T12/L1 (L1 most likely)
Which one of the following structures is the origin of the labia minora?
Urethral folds
GFR is maximum at which gestation
16 weeks
Metabolism of isoniazid is by:
Appearance/hemolysis of strep on agar is by:
Beta hemolysis
Chief characteristic of fetal Hb:
Resists denaturation by acid
Properties of ultrasound waves:
Absorption, scattering & reflection
Bacterial load increases as which compliment decreases?
What is the chief function of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme?
NADPH production in red blood cells
What is the function of the enzyme glucose 6 phosphatase in carbohydrate metabolism?
Converts glucose 6 phospahte to glucose
Remnant of upper mesonephric duct commonly seen on laparoscopy?
Garnet’s duct cyst
Antibodies of Grave’s disease:
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (raised in Hashimoto’s + Graves)
Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies (Graves)
MOA of Clomefine Citrate
selective estrogen receptor modulator
Significant p-value =
Lowest level of dermatome to abolish pain of uterus/labour pain?
Patient with fibroid on ulipristal acetate then requiring additional contraception - which one should be used?
Barrier contraception
CMV lab tests:
A positive test for CMV IgG indicates that a person was infected with CMV at some time during their life but does not indicate when a person was infected.
The presence of CMV IgM cannot be used by itself to diagnose primary CMV infection because IgM can also be present during secondary CMV infection. IgM positive results in combination with low IgG avidity results are considered reliable evidence for primary infection, with limitations of avidity testing described below.
Advantage of Co2 later for endometriosis/endometrium because?
Prevents lateral thermal spread/no lateral spread
Implant MOA:
Inhibits ovulation
Patient with lung cancer + abdominal pain + polyuria. Electrolyte abnormality?
CTG paper speed
Endometrial hyperplasia without atypia - risk of cancer?
PPH ongoing - at what point would a patient have a platelet transfusion?
10 x 10^9
Chlamydia treatment:
Azithromycin or Doxycycline
Which growth factor is in granular tissue in a wound?
vascular endothelial growth factor
Melanoma prognosis is assessed by?
Lesional thickness
Chief hormone in the acrosome reaction?
Which nerve passes below the inguinal ligament?
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
Which nerve passes in front of the psoas muscle?
Genitofemoral nerve
Oocytes develop from which structure?
Yolk sac
Passage of free fatty acids is by:
Passive diffusion
What is the nerve supply to the cervix?
hypogastric and pelvic splanchnic nerves
Torturous glands in endometrium after ovulation:
Sacroiliac joint type:
Definition of massive blood loss:
- Greater or equal to 150mls per min
- OR 100% blood volume per 24 hours
- 50% blood volume in 2 hours
How much FFP given in massive bleeding?
15 to 20 ml/kg or 3 to 6 units (given after 4 units of RBCs)
How much oxytocin is given during CS?
How long is uplistrail contraceptive effective?
120 hours
What criteria used to diagnose BV?
Hay/Ison Criteria
Grade 3 = BV
Suspected PPROM + no liquor on speculum examination. Next steps?
Swab to detect the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal canal. High concentrations of AFP and PP12
Largest/long diameter fetal presentation is:
Pregnant women with twins + sudden rupture of membranes - first action:
vaginal exam to check for cord prolapse.
What amount of the body’s iron in hemoglobin:
COCP UKMEC 4 conditions (A condition which represents an unacceptable health risk if the method is used)
<6 weeks postpartum (breastfeeding)
<3 weeks postpartum (not breastfeeding) + other risk factor VTE
Age ≥ 35 and smoking ≥15 cigarettes/day
History VTE
Migraine with aura
7 Stages of labour:
engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, and expulsion.
Contraindications to instrumental delivery:
- Unengaged fetal head
- Incompletely dilated cervix
- True cephalo-pelvic disproportion
- Breech and face presentations, and most brow presentations.
- Preterm gestation (<34 weeks) for ventouse.
- High likelihood of any fetal coagulation disorder for ventouse.
Which antibody will associate in blood cell coagulation?
Ciprofloxacin acts by inhibiting:
DNA gyrase
Cancer from pelvic viscera can deposits cancerous cells in the
vertebrae this communication occur between the internal iliac veins
and the vertebral veins through the:
Prosatatic plexus
Lipoprotein lipase does what:
Hydrolyses TAG in chylomicrons and VLDL
Female known case of ovarian CA presented with
Medial thigh Parasethia the nerve involved by CA is
Obturator nerve
How do free radicals cause cell damage:
ROS-induced peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the cell membrane bilayer
Comment about left ureter:
Has lumeneal construction when enters the pelvic brim
Inguinal lymph nodes means cancer from where?
Vulval and anal cancer
Internal iliac lymph nodes mean cancer from where?
Breakdown of 1gm Haemoglobin produces:
35mg of bilirubin
The active transport system for hepatic uptake
of bilirubin is congenitally defective in:
Gilbert’s disease
Excretion of conjugation bilirubin from liver
cells into biliary canaliculi is defective in:
Rotor’s syndrome
Half life of oxytocin:
3-6 mins
Biological activity of ACTH is completely
lost on removal of :
24 C-terminal amino acids
Measles is characterized by:
Koplik’s spots
Assessment of fetal anemia :
Middle cerebral artery
Red infarction develop in:
very efficient inhibitor of steroid
biosynthesis is:
In the synthesis of Angiotensin I, rennin acts
on Angiotensinogen and cleaves the:
Leucine - leucine at 10 and 11 position
normal range of ionized
calcium in plasma is:
4-5 mg/dl
Lymphogranuloma venerum (LGV) is
sexually transmitted disease is caused by:
Chlamydia trachomatis
Scrup typhus is caused by:
Orientia tsutsugamushi
grading of tumour is best described as:
degree of differentiation
pure hypertrophy is seen in:
muscle of athletes
Healing by first intention means:
the surface of wound is rapidly covered by
Tetanus is caused by spread of:
exotoxin in sympathetic system
Phenotype is determined by:
sex chromosome (XX- XY) karyotyping
After treatment of myocardial infarction,
injury occurs because of:
free radical
mature placenta composed of:
maternal blood vessels, syncytiotrophoblast,
fetal blood vessels
Genital tubercle gives rise to the:
Poly-A tails are found in:
eukaryotic mRNA
MOA Tamoxifen
selectively binds to estrogen receptors, producing both estrogenic and anti-estrogen effects
Complement based agglutination reaction is
known as:
The technique involved in comparing the
DNA component of two sample is known as:
DNA finger printing
furosemide MOA
inhibtion of Na k cl co-transporter
Amiloride potent diuretic action by:
reversibly blocking luminal epithelial sodium channels
Benzodiazepine MOA:
Enhanced Cl channels that act on GABA neurotransmitters
45 years old treated for ovarian cancer developed difficulty hearing the cause is:
Coombs test is positive and associated with heamolytic anaemia in :
female diagnosed with TB. before prescribing treatment you should be aware of that one antituberculus induce cytochrome P450 enzyme in the liver
A nucleophilic attack on deoxyribonucleic acid which cause disruption of base pairing occurs as a result
Cardiotoxicity limits the clinical usefulness of which antitumor antibiotics:
Reversible inhibition of cycloxgenase in platelets is caused by which drug?
Malignant tumer in trigone of the bladder metastasize to the following lymph nodes
Internal + External iliac nodes
Femoral ring definition:
1.25 inch lateral and below the pupic tubercle
Ammonia is a good buffer in urine because
Kidneys produce large amounts of NH3 in chronic acidosis
Which substance increases renal blood flow/renal surface area?
ECG p wave =
Atrial depolarization
ECG QRS complex =
Ventricular depolarisation
T wave ECG =
Ventricular repolarisation
U wave ECG =
repolarisation of the interventricular septum
Hypokalaemia ECG =
Flat T waves
U waves
Hypercalcaemia ECG =
short QT
Hypocalcaemia ECG =
long QT
Glomerular filteration rate would be increased by:
increase in afferent arteriolar pressure
Patient with HBV +ve (hepatitis B) and has co-infection with hepatitis D. Which blood factor would prove whether there is co-infection?
HBc IgM (IgM anti-HBc )
newborn with periventricular calcification commonly associated with:
Pyruvate carboxylase MOA
Converts pyruvate to oxaloacetate
Krukenberg Tumor of the Ovary is an example of what kind of spread?
Transcolomic Spread
-The class of antibiotics known as the quinolones are bactericidal. MOA:
Inhibition of DNA gyrase
N. gonorrhoeae is a fastidious pathogen and found in sites often contaminated with normal flora. The best medium for isolation is
Thayer-Martin agar
The latest and most effective therapy for AIDS patients includes azidothymidine (AZT), dideoxyinosine (DDI), and saquinavir or similar agents. Use
of these three drugs would inhibit which of the following viral processes?
Reverse transcriptase, protease
Which of the following viruses causes an acute febrile rash and pro- duces
disease in immunocompetent children but has been associated with transient
aplastic crises in persons with sickle cell disease?
leukocyte adhesion by which molecules?
Exudate is caused by:
Chronic inflammation
Cell of chronic inflammation are:
macrophages with giant cell
Central chemoreceptors are signaled by:
In what condition do babies have Snuffles, aka “syphilitic rhinitis”?
Congenital syphilis
Thyroperoxidase used H2O2 as oxidative
agent. Hydrogen peroxide MOA:
NADPH dependent enzyme
Thyroid hormones in pregnancy:
Total T3 and T4 increase in pregnancy
TSH levels are typically lower in pregnancy than non-pregnant state
Free T3 and T4 levels drop from 1st to 3rd trimester (free T4 affected less than T3 and can be normal)
Mother has flu-like symptoms + then baby has fetal bradycardia + hepatosplenmegaly. Cause?
Listeria = listeria causes flu-like syndrome as opposed to CMV
Old inferior MI on ECG:
2, 3 AVF - q waves
Which USS resolution is maximum at the focal point or interface?
Axial resolution
How does USS damage tissue?
Power of electro-cautery SI unit
Iodine transport in the thyroid by which ion?
CTPA to breast - what is the dosage?
20 Gy
Pseudomonas on Mac Conkey colour:
Colorless or pale yellow
Patient had history of colon cancer + surgery was done - picture of ovary post-hysterectomy. Diagnosis?
Ovarian metastasis
Male ejaculation from:
seminle vesicle
Phagocytosis cells include:
In ongoing PPH, fibrinogen should be maintained above:
2-4 ul
When is gestational sac visible on USS?
3mm when visible
When is Yolk sac visible on USS?
5 to 5+3wks
3mm when visible
Gestational sac 10mm when yolk sac visible
When is Embryonic pole visible on USS?
5wks+3d to 6 wks
3mm when visible
Gestational sac 16mm when embryonic pole visible
TVS mean sac 23mm with no fetal pole visualized. Outcome?
Unknown viability
Commonest uterine sarcoma?
What is the percentage of lymphocytes?