Anatomy Flashcards
Thumb dermatome
Hip adductors myotomes
L2 L3 (L4)
Knee flexors myotomes
(L4) L5 S1
Toe flexors myotomes
S1 s2
Biceps reflex root
C5 C6
Triceps reflex root
Knee jerk root
L3 L4
What is neuropraxia
Mildest periph nerve injury. Conduction block. Reversible
Sunderland 1
Recovery period Sunderland 1 /neuropraxia peripheral nerve injury
≤3 months
What is axonotmesis
Axons divided but nerve itself intact. Axonal sprouting, Wallerian degeneration. Loss of conduction
(Sunderland 2-4 )
What is neurotmesis
Rupture of nerve, no longer a continuous fiber. Complete division. Needs surgery.
(Sunderland 5 )
Shoulder abduction nerve root
Flexion at elbow nerve root
C5 C6
Wrist extension nerve root
Elbow extension nerve root
Neck flexion myotome
C1 C2
Neck extension myotome
C1 C2
Neck lateral flexion myotome
Shoulder elevation myotome
Shoulder abduction myotome
Elbow flexion myotome
C5 C6
Wrist extension myotome
Elbow extension myotome
Wrist flexion myotome
Thumb extension myotome
Finger flexion myotome
Finger abduction myotome
Hip flexion myotome
(L1) L2 L3
Lift my knee
Knee extension myotome
(L3) L4
Kick the door
Ankle dorsiflexion myotome
(L4) L5
Ankle plantarflexion myotome
S1 (S2)
Hip adduction myotome
L2 L3 L4
Modesty closes the door
Hip abduction myotome
L5 S1 S2
Woo hoo
Toe flex myotome
S1 S2
Label picture 7
see picture 8
What inserts onto olecranon of ulna?
Triceps tendon
Which muscle inserts onto ulnar tuberosity?
Name the 5 flexor/volar zones of the hand.
Zone 1: distal to flexor digitorum profundus (fdp) insertion
Zone 2 : proximal a2 pulley (distal to MCP joints of digits 2-5) to FDP insertion
Zone 3: carpal tunnel to proximal a2 pulley
Zone 4: carpal tunnel
Zone 5: proximal to carpal tunnel
Label picture 8
see picture 9
where on scapula does clavicle articulate?
Which 2 muscles attach to coracoid process?
- Coracobrachialis
* short head biceps
On which part of scapula does humerus attach to?
Head of humerus to glenoid cavity
Which nerve runs on the posterior surface of the body of the scapula?
axillary nerve
Biceps function? (2)
Flex elbow and supinate forearm
Brachialis muscle function?
Flex elbow
Coracobrachialis muscle function? (2)
Flex and adduct arm at Glenohumeral joint
Name the muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm
. Biceps
. Brachialis
• coracobrachialis
Which nerve innervates the ant compartment of arm?
Function deltoid muscle? (3)
Abduct, flex, extend shoulder
Function teres minor muscle? (2)
- Externally rotate shoulder
* form part of rotator cuff which stabilise shoulder joint
Label picture 10
See picture 11
Where on humerus does axillary nerve run?
Surgical neck
Where on humerus does radial nerve run?
Radial groove on shaft
Where on humerus does ulnar nerve run?
Runs medial to humerus then pass posterior to medial epicondyle.
Where do the humerus and radius articulate? (2)
Head of radius to capitulum of humerus and radial fossa anterior
Function of brachioradialis muscle?
Flex elbow
Function of anconeus muscle? (2)
- Extend elbow
* stabilise elbow joint
Sensory supply of radial nerve (3)
- Posterior arm and forearm
- lateral 2/3 dorsum hand
- prox dorsal aspect of lateral 3,5 fingers
Which nerve innervates muscles of post compartment arm?
Radial nerve
Which nerve innervates muscles of post compartment Forearm?
Radial nerve
Sensory supply of median nerve? (4)
• Thenar eminence
. Lateral 2/3 palm hand
• palmar aspect of lateral 3,5 fingers
• dorsal fingertips of lateral 3,5 fingers
Which nerves supply the anterior muscular compartment of the forearm?
- Median nerve most
* ulnar nerve: flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of FDP
Which nerves supply the Intrinsic hand muscles ?
- Mostly ulnar nerve: hila - hypothenar eminence, interossei, medial 2 lumbricals, adductor policis
- median Nerve: loaf- lateral 2 lumbricals, opponens policis, abductor policis brevis, flexor policis longus
Sensory supply of ulnar nerve? (5)
- Hypothenar eminence
- medial 1/3 palm
- palmar aspect medial 1,5 fingers
- medial 1/3 dorsum hand
- dorsal aspect medial 1,5 fingers
Label picture 13
See picture 12
Label picture 15
See picture 16
Label picture 20
See picture 21
How does tibia and femur articulate? (2)
- Tibial plateau and femoral condyles to form the knee joint
* intercondular tubercles of tibia formed by intercondylar eminence to intercondylar fossa of femur
Where on tibia does patellar ligament attach?
Tibial tuberosity anteriorly
How does tibia articulate with the ankle joint?
Medial malleolus of tibia with talus
How does fibula articulate with ankle joint?
Lateral malleolus to talus
Where is femoral pulse palpated?
As it enters femoral triangle, midway between ASIS and pubis symphysis (midinguinal point)
Where is Dorsalis pedis pulse palpated?
Dorsum of foot just lateral to extensor hallucis longus tendon
Where is posterior tibial pulse palpated?
Inferoposteriorly to the medial malleolus
Knee joint type?
Name the muscles innervated by the axillary nerve (2)
- Deltoid (flexion, extension, medial rotation, lateral rotation, abductor of arm from 15 degrees taking over from supraspinatus)
- teres minor (lateral rotation)
Name the muscles innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve (3)
Anterior compartment of arm BBC - flex arm at shoulder and elbow
• biceps brachii (supination)
• coracobrachialis
• brachialis
Name the muscles innervated by the median nerve (11)
Anterior forearm most muscles
• pronator teres
•Palmaris longus (flex wrist and tense palmar aponeurosis)
• flexor carpi radialis (flex and abduct wrist)
• Flexor digitorum superficialis (flex PIPJ)
• Lateral half flexor digitorum profundus (anterior interosseous nerve) (flex index and middle DIPJ)
• pronator quadratus (anterior interosseous nerve)
• flexor pollicis longus (anterior interosseous nerve) (Flex thumb IPJ)
Hand LOAF • lateral 2 lumbricals (palmar digital branch) (Flex MCPJ, ext IPJ index and middle) • opponens policis (recurrent branch) • abductor policis brevis • flexor policis brevis (MCPJ)
Name the muscles innervated by the radial nerve (13)
Posterior arm all
• triceps ( extend shoulder and elbow, adduct shoulder)
Posterior forearm all • brachioradialis ( flex elbow) • anconeus (extend elbow and stabilise) • supinator • extensor carpi radialis longus ( extend and abduct wrist) • extensor carpi radialis brevis • extensor carpi ulnaris ( extend and adduct wrist) • extensor digitorum communis (MCPJ, IPJs) • extensor policis longus • extensor pollicis brevis • abductor pollicis longus • extensor indices • extensor digiti minimi
Name the muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve (9)
Anterior forearm 2 muscles
. Flexor carpi ulnaris (flex and adduct wrist)
• medial 2 parts flexor digitorum. profundus (flex ring and little fingers dipj)
Hand most HILA deep branch • opponent digiti minimi • flexor digiti minimi . Abductor digiti minimi (hypothenar muscles) • palmar interossei (adduct fingers) • dorsal interossei (abduct fingers) • medial 2 lumbricals (flex MCPJ, ext IPJs little and ring fingers) • adductor pollicis
Name 5 functions of the deltoid muscle
- Flex arm at shoulder
- extend
- external rotation
- internal rotation
- abduction from 15° (take over from supraspinatus)
Name the function and innervation of the teres minor
Lateral rotation
axillary nerve
Sensory supply of musculocutaneous nerve?
Lateral forearm
Name 2 functions and innervation of palmaris longus muscle
Median nerve
• tense palmar aponeurosis
• flex wrist
Name 3 functions and innervation of triceps brachii muscle
Radial nerve
• extend elbow
• extend shoulder
• adduct arm at shoulder
Name functions and innervation of brachioradialis muscle
Radial nerve
Flex elbow
Name 3 functions and innervation of anconeus muscle
Radial Nerve
• extend elbow
• stabilise elbow
Major supinator of forearm
Biceps brachii
Sensory supply of femoral nerve?
- Ant thigh
* medial leg
Lumbrical muscles function? (2)
- Flex MCP joint
* Extend ip joints
Function of extensor digitorum communis?
Extend phalanges except thumb, at MCP joints primarily!
Name the rotator cuff muscles and their function
Sits • supraspinatus (abduct arm 0-15 degrees, assist deltoid 15-90 ) • infraspinatus (lat rotation) • teres minor (lat rotation) • subscapularis (med rotation)
Function of the supraspinatus muscle?
Abduct 0-15°
Assist deltoid 15-90°
Dermatome of the lateral upper arm?
C 5
Dermatome of the lateral lower arm?
Dermatome of the index finger?
C6 dorsal, c7 ventral
Dermatome of the middle finger?
Dermatome of the ring finger?
C7 c8
Dermatome of the pinkie?
Dermatome of the medial lower arm?
Dermatome of the medial upper arm?
Dermatome of the armpit?
Dermatome of the shoulder?
Dermatome of the anterior groin?
Dermatome of the lateral hip?
Dermatome of the anterior thigh?
Dermatome of the medial lower leg?
Dermatome of the big toe?
Dermatome of the small toe?
Dermatome of the post thigh?
Dermatome of the perianal region?
S4 s5
Which muscle plantarflex the first metatarsal?
Tibialis anterior
Key sensory point c2?
Occipital protuberance one cm lat
Key sensory point c3?
Supraclavicular fossa mcl
Key sensory point c 4?
Over Ac joint
Key sensory point c 5?
Lateral side antecubital fossa just proximal to elbow
Key sensory point c6?
Pulp of thumb
Key sensory point c7?
Pulp middle finger
Key sensory point c 8?
Pulp little finger
Key sensory point t 1?
Just proximal to medial epicondyle
Key sensory point t2?
Apex of Axilla
Key sensory point t3?
Mcl 3rd ICS
Key sensory point t4?
Nipple (mcl 4th ics )
Key sensory point t5?
Midway between nipples and xiphisternum, mcl 5th ics
Key sensory point t 6?
Mcl level of xiphisternum
Key sensory point t7?
Mcl, quarter between xiphisternum and umbilicus
Key sensory point t7?
Mcl, quarter between xiphisternum and umbilicus
Key sensory point t 10?
Mcl at level umbilicus
Key sensory point t 12?
Mcl over midpoint inguinal ligament
Key sensory point l2?
Anteromedial thigh at midpoint of inguinal ligament and medial femoral condyle
Key sensory point L3?
Medial femoral condyle
Key sensory point L 4?
Medial malleolus
Key sensory point L5?
Dorsal 2nd mtpj
Key sensory point s1?
Lateral aspect calcaneus
Key sensory point s 2?
Midpoint popliteal fossa
Key sensory point s 3?
Over ischial tuberosity or infragluteal fold
Key sensory point s 4-5?