Anatomy (1) Flashcards
What two structures are in the retroperitoneum?
- Kidneys
2. Proximal ureters
What three structures are in the pelvis?
- Distal ureters
- Bladder
- Proximal urethra
What structure is in the perineum?
Distal urethra
At what vertebral level does the abdominal aorta bifurcate?
From the visceral peritoneum - what structures are found deep until the kidney is reached?
- Visceral peritoneum
- Paranephric fat
- Renal deep fascia
- Perinephric fat
- Renal capsule
What muscle is the kidney lateral to?
Psoas major
What muscle is the kidney anterior to?
Quadratus lumborum
What are the three structures of the renal hilum?
- Renal artery
- Renal vein
- Ureter
Name a muscle of the right side of the posterior abdominal wall?
Quadratus lumborum
What level is the right kidney at?
What level is the left kidney at?
What ribs are posteriorly related to the kidenys?
11 and 12
The right kidney is posterior to the liver and what other space?
Hepatorenal recess
Name four structures the left kidney is posterior to?
- Stomach
- Tail of the pancreas
- Hilum of the spleen
- Splenic vessels
What are more anterior - renal veins or arteries?
What nodes does lymph from kidneys drain to?
Lumbar nodes - located around AA and IVC
What nodes do lymph from the ureters drain to?
Lumbar nodes and iliac nodes
How many pyramids are in the human medulla?
What does each pyramid contain?
50000 nephrons
What structure of the nephron does ultrafiltration of the blood arriving via branches of renal artery?
What structure comes after glomerulus?
Proximal convuloted tubule
Where does the collecting duct drain modified filtrate into after it has passed through the pyramid?
MInor calyx
How does urine drain from the kidney?
- Minor calyx
- Major calyx
- Renal pelvis
- Ureter
What are the three sites of ureteric constriction?
- Pelviureteric junction
- Ureter crossing anterior aspect of common iliac artery
- Ureteric orifice
What is hydronephrosis?
Water in the kidney
Where is the false pelvis?
From iliac crest to pelvic inlet - part of abdominal acivty
Where is true pelvis?
From pelvic inlet to pelvic floor - pelvic cavity
Where is the bladder found?
In the pelvic cavity
Name the pelvic floor muscle?
Levator ani
What does the urethra pass through the pelvic floor to reach>
What do the ureters pass anterior to to enter the pelvis?
Common iliac vessels
At what level do the ureters turn medially to enter the posterior aspect of the bladder?
Level of ischial spine
What is the most inferior part of male peritoneal cavity?
Rectovesicle pouch
In females - what is lateral to the right ureter?
Right suspensory ligament
Where does the right uterine tube terminate?
In right ovary
What does the round ligament of the uterus do?
Attaches uterus to the perineum via the inguinal canal
What is the most inferior part of female peritoneal cavity?
Rectouterine pouch - of Douglas!
In females - what does the ureter run inferiorly to?
Uterine tubes and uterine artery - water under the bridge
In males whast does the ureter run inferiorly to?
Vas deferns
What are the arteries entering the pelvis mainly from?
Interal iliac artery
In females - what are the four arteries leaving the internal iliac artery to supply the pelvis?
- Vesical artery
- Uterine artery
- Middle rectal artery
- Vaginal artery