analytical selectivity and sensitivity, assay quality control and statistical computations Flashcards
what are the 5 steps to analytical methodology
plan sampling sample prep analytical measurement data analysis
Qualitative, quantitative or both?
What kind of information do we have?
What technique is suitable?
Accuracy depends on proper sampling, characteristic of sample is important, required good representative sample (from top, middle and bottom and mix up and take average sample)
sample prep
Depends on analytical techniques
analytical measurement
Which techniques are best?
data analysis
Whether data acquires make sense or not
what 7 points should be considered when choosing an instrument for any measurement
Accuracy and precision required
Available sample amount
Concentration range of the analyte
Interference in sample
Physical and chemical properties of the sample matrix
Number of samples to be analysed
Speed, ease, skill and cost of analysis
6 figures of merit for an analytical method
Detection limit
Concentration range
what is precision
How close the same measurements made on the same material are to one another. The degree of mutual agreement amongst data that have been obtained in the same manner. Precision provides a measure of the random or indeterminate error of an analysis.
what is accuracy
How close the measurement approached the real value?
what is bias
Bias provides a measure of the systematic, or determine error of an analytical method
bias: x’ = x + δ +
where is x’ is the population mean, δ is the bias (perhaps caused by an interfering component), is a random component (experimental error), and x is the true value.
see powerpoint for
terms on calculation precision
see powerpoint for
normal distribution
see powerpoint for
standard deviation
absorption - concentration relationships
If various different concentrations of a sample are subjected to
UV/Vis radiation the different absorbance readings obtained
can be plotted on a graph against concentration.