Analgesia Flashcards
Review Analgesia options
Overall Priniciples of Anglageisa includes:
Positioning, splinting and combination medications escalated to proportion to level of patient’s pain
Mild pain relief includes:
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen
Moderate Pain relief includes:
Starting with Methoxyflurane if distressed,
Ibuprofen and tramadol
Opiate if required
Severe Pain relief includes:
Methoxyfluane if opiate administration is delayed
Administer Opiate and titrate further doses to effect
Administer Ketamine if painnot adequately controlled and titrate further required doses
Dont administer rountinely paracetamol and or ibuprofen initially but review once suffucently controlled
Dont routinely administer tramadol if able to give an opiate.
Indicates for mild pain; an be given combination with ibuprofen and other pain relief; can be given for severe pain if tranpsort tim eis long, contraindicated if has current paracetamol poisoning; administer with caution if taken within the last 4 hours, abdominal pain if vomiting or very unwell known severe liver disease.
Paracetamol Doses:
Paracetamol Dose: 1.5g PO fpr an adult weighing over 80kg.
1g PO for an adult less than 80kg.
Child dose is rounded down
Ibruprofen indications:
ususally given in combination of paracetamol for mild or moderate pain, eg: soft tissue, musculosketetal pain or headache.
Ibruprofen adminstrated:
in combination with other measures for severe pain if transport time is long
Ibruprofen is use with caution when:
Already taken in last 4hours
had abdominal pain esp if unwell or vomiting
is aged greater than or equal to 75yrs with illness, infection or dehydration.
is dehydrated or shocked
Known renal impairment
known bleeding disorders or clinically significant bleeding
worsening bronchspasm with NSAIDS
on warfarin, is pregnant
COntraindicated in 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Ibuprofen Dose:
600mg PO =adult= 80kg +
400mg Po = Adult = < 80kg
Children = see drug tables