Anaesthesia - Pre med Flashcards
Acepromazine (ACP)
Pre-med - SC
Used in combination with opoids
Peripheral VD, potential dec. BP
X licensed in rabbits
Poor oral bioavailability
IV (10-15 mins) or IM (30-40), duration = 4-6 hrs
Sedation, analgesia
CV: bradyc, dec. CO2, 2 AV block, Inc. BP
Resp: depression
Dec. GI tract, bloat and gut stasis, dec. insulin
Renal: dec. vasopressin, inc. uterine
uterine contractions
hepatic metabolsim
Reversal = atipamezole
Sedative and analgesia
Enhance GABA effects
Combine with ket or alpha 2 agonist
Min effects on CVS and resp system - admin to patients with CBS disease
GABA mediated muscle relaxant - inh neurnes at SC level
Slow IV admin/ CRI
Short plasma half life and cross BBB
Reversal agent = flumazenil
Flumasole + fenatnyl
Flumasole only available when combined with fentanyl
Rabbits, rats, guinea pigs
Surgical anaesthetic, poor muscle relaxant, can cause resp depression
30-60 min duration
CV: bradyc, dec. CO2, 2 AV block, Inc. BP
Resp: depression
Dec. GI tract, bloat and gut stasis, dec. insulin
Renal: dec. vasopressin, inc. uterine
uterine contractions
hepatic metabolsim
Reversal = atipamezole
Less commonly used than medetomidine and dexmedetomidine
CV: bradyc, dec. CO2, 2 AV block, Inc. BP
Resp: depression
Dec. GI tract, bloat and gut stasis, dec. insulin
Renal: dec. vasopressin, inc. uterine
uterine contractions
hepatic metabolsim
Reversal = atipamezole
Dogs and cats
Sedative and analgesia
Enhance GABA effects
Combine with ket or alpha 2 agonist
Min effects on CVS and resp system - admin to patients with CBS disease
GABA mediated muscle relaxant - inh neurnes at SC level
Slow IV admin/ CRI
Short plasma half life and cross BBB
Reversal agent = flumazenil