Anaemia: symptoms and treatment Flashcards
anaemia that develops over time may
may not present with any symptoms as the body can begin to adjust to reduced haemoglobin levels.
a rapid decline in Hb levels
can produce more ssingicant symptoms
symptoms of anaemia
- fatigue
- pale skin
- headache
- shortness of breath
- palpitations
- lack of energy
- confusion
signs of anaemia
- Pallor
- Tachycardia
- Systolic flow murmur
- tachypnoea
- Hypotension
the best way to treat anaemia
is by focusing on the underlying cause of it
treatment for deficiencies (Vitamin B12/folate/iron)
can be treated by increasing levels in the diet or providing the patient with oral supplements. Iron can also be injected if oral absorption is ineffective or slow.
treatment for rapid blood loss
Find and stop the cause of bleeding – this can be internal as well as external e.g. in the form of a peptic ulcer.
if the patient has reduced kidney function
production of the hormone erythropoietin can be stimulated by giving injections (erythropoiesis stimulating agent).
blood transfusions are only given in
extreme cases
normal Hb range
varies with:
- age
- sex
- ethnicity
anaemia is not a
diagnosis but a manifestation of an underlying disease state
signs and symptoms of anaemia are related
related to insufficient delivery of oxygen to tissue
a condition in which cramping pain in the leg is induced by exercise, typically caused by obstruction of the arteries.
specific signs associated with the cause of anaemia: Koilonychia
spoon shaped nails
- iron deficiency
specific signs associated with the cause of anaemia: Angular stomatitis
Inflammation of corners of the mouth
- iron deficiency
specific signs associated with the cause of anaemia: glossitis
inflammation and depapillation of tongue
- vitamin B12 deficiency
specific signs associated with the cause of anaemia: abnormal facial bone development
rare in recent times as preventable with early diagnosis
- thalassaemia