An Explorers Daughter Flashcards
Paragraph 1
At the start of the extract Herbert highlights her admiration for the narwhal in a mystical setting
“Spectral” “glittering kingdom in front of me” captures the awe of the author when looking at the natural world and creates an almost fairytale landscape.
“two large pods of narwhals circled in the fjord.” jargon conveys intricate fascination with the narwhals “circled” conveys unusual movement “fjord adds to beauty and mystique
“Always slowly methodically passing by” always conveys perpetual state of calm heightened by repeated lulling sound of “ly”
paragraph 2
Herbert conveys the tense nature of the hunt by conveying the danger that the explorers have to go through.
“it was like watching a vast waterborne game” creates image of the hunt where luck and skill are needed.
“One hunter was almost on top of a pair of narwhal and they were huge.” narwhal outnumber hunter conveying danger he is in and furthermore backed up by the size of the narwhal.
“in a flimsy kayak and could easily be capsized or drowned.” pair of verbs at the end of the sentence viscerally convey the dangers that for the hunters it is life or death.
paragraph 3
Herbert conveys the necessity of the hunt for the Inuit people.
“source of vitamin c” “mattak scurvy” biological facts infer to the benefits of hunting to the tribe.
“only source of light and heat” solidify the base necessity of the hunt.
“nor do they kill for sport” due to the necesssity of the hunt conveys to the reader that there is no element of fun involved with the hunt so no element of sport is involved which is meant to be a joyous thing to do.
paragraph 4
herbert conveys throughout the passage the constant conflict between the narwhal and the Inuit people but in the end resides with the Inuit people.
“urged” repitition of the verb intensifies the writers conflicting desires, first for the hunter to succeed and then for Narwhal not to be slaughtered.
“my heart leapt for both hunter and narwhal” heart represents emotions and through this synechdoche exemplifies her inner conflicts.
“hunting is still and absolute necessity in Thule.”