ambylopia and strabismus Flashcards
ways to identify strabismus
- light reflex
2. cover/uncover
reduced visual acuity in the absence of detectable organic disease, usu unilateral
brain selects the aligned or least blurred image and____the blurry image, causing a ____
suppresses; lazy eye (amblyopia)
does strabismus present with diplopia?
inward cross eyes
outward wall eyes
failed vision test, strabismus
unilateral ambylopia
how to determine amylopia (3)
- red reflex
- visual acuity
- evaluate ocular alignment
how to distinguish pseudostrabismus from true strabismus?
what age can you start using the snellen chart?
age 5
what age should you tx amylopia?
before age 5
exam of strabismus (5)
- inspect cardinal positions
- epicanthus,
- facies,
- corneal light reflex,
- cover/uncover
does diplopoa present with strabismus
at what age can you start using cover/uncover?
age 2-4
how to optimize the retinal image (2)
(1) clear visual pathway w/ cataract or ptosis surgery;
(2) correct refractive error
how to intensify neural image to visual cortex (2)
- occlusion tx;
2. penalization (defocus) with cycloplegic
occlusion tx is used to tx____, not____
amylopia; not strabismus
what is a good tx for amblyopia in noncompliant patient?
atropine penalization tx