AMB 1300 Uniform Guidelines Flashcards
Service stars are placed on the _____ sleeve.
Service stars are awarded for how many years of federal service?
5 years
Including prior military time
Which class of uniform is not considered a working class?
Class 1
Note: Class 2 may be worn to court
Service stars are placed how far above the highest point on the left sleeve above the dark brown cuff?
One inch
Then every 3/4” from star center to center
A mustache should not extend more than how far below the corners of the mouth?
1/4 inch
Women may not wear more than ______ pair of earrings?
Hair Standard Men
Trimmed, groomed, and may not touch ears or the collar when standing and natural color if dyed.
Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the ear and end with horizontal line
Hair Standard Women
Neat, natural color if dyed, arranged so that it does not extend below the bottom edge of the collar when standing. Pins, combs, and elastic bands that are plain and conservative are allowed.
Facial Hair
Beards are not permitted at academy or supervisory agents (unless medical exemption)
Mustaches shall not extend more than 1/4” below horizontal line through corners of mouth and may not be heavily waxed or twisted
Male fingernails
Shall not extend beyond the fingertips
No false nails or polish
Female fingernails
Shall not be more than 1/4” beyond fingertips
Neutral color polish
Jewelry- Rings
No more than a total of three rings on both hands collectively
Jewelry- necklaces
Allowed one necklace, medallion, or chain that is concealed, not visible
Male = prohibited Female = only one pair that is plain, stud type and no more than 1/4” diameter
Prohibited (other than medical alert bracelets)
Authorized one conservative or military style watch with watchbands gold, silver, black, brown, dark blue, or dark green
Conservative in style and color, no bright frames or mirrored lenses
Straps that are black may be worn
Does not apply to safety glasses or issued eyewear
Body Piercing
May not be visibly while on duty (including tongue rings)
Racial, gang related, sexual in nature, or obscene must not be visible
Tattoos on neck, face, head, and hands are not permitted (exceptions for existing tattoos with color photo and memorandum)
All tattoos covered if: recruiting, public affairs, hiring boards, international liaison, community affairs, judicial proceedings)
Local supervisors may require all to be covered while on duty
Body Alterations
Are prohibtied
Badge Wear Policy
6c (gun carrying) agents shall display a metal badge or wear a uniform with official AMO bright badge patch
Also must carry badge, credentials, and a restraint device when wearing duty weapon
Uniform Classes
Ceremonial uniforms
Class 1-full ceremonial uniform
Class 2a-dress long sleeve
Class 2b-dress short sleeve
Working uniforms
Class 3-tactical uniform
Class 4-Administrative/Enforcement polo
Class 5-flight suit (1 & 2 piece)
Tie Tack Location
In line with buttons on shirt pocket and centered on tie
Marine Insignias
Entry level = academy trained
Basic level = mission trained to be vessel commander (VC)
Senior level = 3000 hrs & 7 years of service
Master level = 4,500 hrs & 15 years of service
Aircrew Wings (AEA)
Basic = mission trained Senior = 1,500 hrs & 7 years of service Master = 3,000 hrs & 15 years of service
Pilot Wings (AIA)
Basic = mission trained to be PIC Senior = 1,500 hrs & 7 years Master = 3,000 hrs & 15 years
Rank Structure
4 stars = EAC (Executive Assistant Commissioner)
3 stars = Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner, Executive Director Operations & Training/Safety/Standards & Mission Support
2 stars = Executive Director NASOC, AMO Center, Regional Executive Directors
Where should the CBP and AMO patches be worn?
CBP = right shoulder sleeve AMO = left shoulder sleeve
Award bars can only be worn with what uniform?
Class 1
Can’t be worn with Class 2a or 2b