Am I fit to fly, stress, fatigue, sleep Flashcards
Mental fitness degraded by
Medication, drugs, alcohol, stress, personal problems, fatigue,lack of sleep, bad eating habit
Avg time to eliminate one unit of alcohol in body
The causer of stress
Either :
- Physical or env. stressor
- Intellectual, psychological, emotional stresssor
Physical stressors
- Hyperthermia
- Hyopthermia
- Vibration
- Turbulence
- Noise
- Being uncomfortable
- Feeling unwell
- Eye strain
- Flashing lights
- Concentratiion
- Lack of sleep
Body defense mechanism
- Lack of awareness - brain denies it subscounsily
- Rationalism - Justifying actions
- Somatisation - starting into space and mentally escaping
- Resignation - Ready to accept whatever comes e.g. defeat
- Anger
Avoiding self-imposed stress
- Thinking ahead
- Make early decisions
- Not be distracted
- Do no accept ATC clearences through clouds
- Reaquest ATCt o standby if busy
Deep tiredness from:
- Lack of sleep
- Lack of phsyical or mental fitness
Excessive physical or mental stress and axiety
- Desync of body-cycles (jetlags)
Sympt. of fatigue
- Lack of awareness
- Diminished motor skills
Slow reactions
Short-term memory problems
Easily distracted
Channelled concentration
Increased mistakes
Medicine to help with jetlag. Forbidden. 12 hours
Sleep cyclel ength
90 min
REM sleep
rapid eye movement
How many stages of sleep and where REM is
REM is at early stages, the lowest sleep cycle, and there are 4. 4 is the deepest
Sleep deficit
Not going to sleep when body should be
Circadian rhythms
Body rhythms, like awake-sleep cycle (8h sleep, 16h awake)
Clues that help us reduce the sleep/wake rhythm to 24 hours. (It is natively 25-26 hours) like sun, train ride at 8:23, news at 9, etc
Body temp at sleep
Performance and body temparature
High temp. high performance
circadia disrhythmia
The desynchronization between body ryhtmhs, such as sleep/wake ryhtm, temp. rhythm etc.
circadia disrhythmia
The desynchronization between body ryhtmhs, such as sleep/wake ryhtm, temp. rhythm etc.