Alternative packaging considerations Flashcards
— Paper 3:
- Absence of alcohol
- Vacuum drum distillation
- RS
- Dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC )(Velcorin)
- High dissolved carbon dioxide (DCO2)
- Oxidation
- Slow Line Speeds
Paper 4/5:
- Growing sub category
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- W.H.O. Statement
- Health Trend/Wellness
Paper 3:
- FSO2 25-30 mg and can liner interaction
- Copper levels - reduction
- DCO2: 0.8-1.2 mg/L
- Shelf Life (12-18 mths)
Paper 4/5:
- Environmental benefits: ca.30g weight
- Infinitely recyclable material
- 4x less CO2 footprint than glass (ref. Alko)
- On The Go purchases (chills faster)
- Outdoor events
- New demographic (Gen Z: 18-24)
- Kerbside recycling
Paper 3:
- Increased Free SO2: 55-60 mg/L
- Lower DCO2: 0.5-0.6 g/L
- Shelf Life: 12 months
- Dimethyl dicarbonate or potassium
sorbate required for wines with R.S.
Paper 4/5:
- Lightweight = Lower CO2 Footprint
- Practical benefits - Freshness over 6
weeks/Less waste/Fridge friendly
- Branding and communication point
- Recycling box and bag not tap
PET Flatpack/Bottle
Paper 3:
- Polyethylene Terephthalate
- Oxygen scavenger in material
- 100% recycled PET plastic
- 63g weight
- Efficient supply chain model
Paper 4/5:
- Storage
- 11% tip angle on shelf
- Consumer acceptance
- Good recycling kerbside/recycled content
- Convenient on the go - picnic/festival no
glass policy
Magnum/ Long haul bulk shipping
Paper 3:
- Capability of the bottler: BRC, format options
- Torque meter, headspace
Paper 4/5:
- Drinking in moderation
- Seasonality - Just in time
- Kerbside recycling
- Longer shelf life
Clear glass
Paper 3:
- Lightstrike
- Colour intensity
- Availability of glass type
- Low recycled content
Paper 4/5:
- Colour trends
- Good recycling kerbside
Slightly sparking off-dry rosé
Paper 3:
- Elevated DCO2: 2,800 mg/L
- Potassium sorbate
- 15 g/L RS
Paper 4/5:
- Colour trends
- Good recycling kerbside
Off-dry rosé / lightweight glass
Paper 3:
- 33 g/L R.S.
- Glass weight
- Availability of glass
- Low recycled content
Paper 4/5:
- Colour trends
- Bottleweight accord
- Good recycling kerbside
Frugal pack —
Paper 3:
- Same technical performance as BIB
- Limited production capability
- Bottling speed and cost
Paper 4/5:
- Lightweight CO2 footprint saving
- Branding and communication point
- Consumer acceptance
- Recycling bottle/bag not top
Higher RS red in BiB
Paper 3:
- 10 g/L R.S. - DMDC
- Shelf Life
Paper 4/5:
- International success of style
Packaging CO2 emisions
BIB 68 g/CO2 followed by pouches 71g/CO2. Can is about the double 140g, still low
Max: Champagne bottle 897g folled by stadart bottle 664g
Cost- Price-Packaging Wine society
In 2024, the UK Government is bringing in
new packaging legislation (Extended Producer
Responsibility) which is likely to increase
packaging compliance fees significantly. The
Society already pays nearly £600,000 a year in
Packaging Recovery Note fees, so any further
increases would be significantly challenging for
our finances. Whilst the packaging legislation is
still being developed, it is expected to reward
companies with lower compliance fees if they
reduce packaging weight (for example glass
bottle weight), ensure it is made from recycled
material and is 100% recyclable.