Altered Conscious Level Flashcards
What is AVPU?
Responds to Voice
Responds to Pain
What causes tachycardia?
- Hypovolaemia secondary to vomiting
- Use of salbutamol
- Anxiety
- Cardiac arrhythmia - can be secondary to electrolyte imbalances, especially hyperkalaemia
- Co-exist endocrine conditions
What causes an abnormal respiratory pattern?
- Endocrine e.g. DKA (Kussmaul breathing)
- Exacerbation of asthma
- Possible chest infection
- Cardiac disease - compensating for poor perfusion and hypoxia and also an element of pulmonary oedema i.e. cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia
- Metabolic conditions with compensatory breathing for metabolic acidosis/alkalosis
What causes agitation?
- Hypoglycaemia due to vomiting
- Exhausted due to work of breathing and feeding
- Hypocapnia secondary to hyperventilation
- Cerebral oedema - irritability and agitation can be an early indication of cerebral oedema in DKA
- Encephalopathic due to infection - viral and bacterial
- Encephalopathic due to high ammonia secondary to a metabolic condition
What are differentials for severe difficulty breathing?
Clear chest, normal RR + O2, tachycardia, increased CRT, agitation
- DKA secondary to T1DM
- Anxiety/panic attack
- Exacerbation of asthma
- Hypoglycaemia
- Encephalopathy
What causes DKA?
- Occurs due to very low insulin levels - body resorts to uncontrolled lipolysis, results in excess free fatty acids that convert into ketones
- Most common precipitating factors - infection, missed insulin doses, MI
- If suspecting DKA (plasma glucose >11mmol/l and DKA smyptoms) - immediate hospital admission
When is DKA most likely to occur?
- At diagnosis
- When ill
- During a growth spurt/puberty
- Insulin omission for any reason
- DKA usually develops over 24hrs but can develop faster particularly in young children or patients on insulin pumps (they have no long acting insulin on board so develop DKA quickly if cannula dislodges)
What are the features of DKA?
- Abdominal pain
- Polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration
- Initially tachypnoeic but then deep hyperventilation (Kussmaul breathing) begins as acidosis worsens (to reduce CO2)
- Acetone smelling breath (‘pear drops’ smell)
- Reduced consciousness
What is the diagnostic criteria for DKA?
- Glucose >11mmol/l or known diabetes mellitus
- pH <7.3, severe if <7.1
- Bicarbonate <15mmol/l
- Ketones >3mmol/l or urine ketones ++ on dipstick
When would you send a child with DKA to acute paediatric facilities?
- Plasma glucose level >11mmol/l in a child or young person without known diabetes and symptoms suggestive of DKA
- Ketones are elevated in a child or young person
- When DKA is suspected in a child or young person with known diabetes and it is not possible to measure ketones
When would you suspect DKA in a child/young person?
Children and young people taking insulin for diabetes may develop DKA with only mildly elevated blood glucose levels. Suspect DKA in a child or young person with known diabetes and any of: N+V, abdo pain, hyperventilation, dehydration and decreased level of consciousness.
What is the management for DKA?
- Fluid replacement (most patients depleted by ~5.8L) - isotonic saline initially used (slow infusion over a few hours, not rapid replacement)
- Insulin - insulin infusion at 0.05-0.1 unit/kg/hr (1-2 hrs after IV fluid started), once blood glucose <14mmol/l then start 5% dextrose infusion
- Correct hyperkalaemia
- Continue long acting insulin (stop short acting insulin)
- NG tube if patient is unconscious and vomiting (reduce aspiration risk) - urgent anaesthetic review
- Measure obs, GCS, look for Kussmaul’s breathing, history of n+v, clinical evidence of dehydration, body weight
- Also measure Na, K, urea and creatinine
Why does fluid resuscitation need to be monitored in children?
Quick fluid resuscitation carries risk of cerebral oedema (especially kids) - need 1:1 monitoring for signs of this e.g. headache, visual disturbances, irritability. To treat cerebral oedema - mannitol or hypertonic NaCl.
Who should be called to deal with a child with DKA?
Inform senior clinician of DKA patient. Children and young people with DKA should be treated on a recognised paediatric high dependency unit. If they are <2yrs or have severe DKA (pH <7.1) discuss with regional PICU.
When should you think about sepsis in a child/young person with DKA?
- Fever or hypothermia
- Hypotension
- Refractory acidosis
- Lactic acidosis