Alterations In Antepartum Flashcards
Leading cause of death in US
Cardiovascular Disorder
Increased possibility of mom and/or fetus suffering harm, damage, loss, or death
High-risk pregnancies
A chronic endocrine disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, results from inadequate production OR utilization of insulin/resistance to insulin
Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
What will woman not be able to do if they have Diabetes Mellitus?
Women cannot meet need for essential nutrients for fuel and storage
What is insulin produced by?
Beta cells of islets of Langerhans in pancreas
How does insulin lower glucose levels?
By enabling glucose to move from blood into muscle, liver, and adipose tissue cells
Where is glucose stored?
In liver as glycogen
What does glucagon do?
Stimulates breakdown of stored liver glycogen into glucose –> bloodstream
Also stimulates synthesis of glucose for amino acids
Etiological classifications of DM
Type 1 DM
Type 2 DM
Impaired glucose tolerance/fasting glucose
Gestational DM
Absolute insulin deficiency (due to autoimmune process); usually occurs before age of 30; appox 10% have this type
Type 1
Insulin resistance or deficiency; primarily in adults over 30, but now being seen in children; 90% of diagnosed cases
Type 2
Glucose intolerance with its onset during pregnancy or first detected in pregnancy
Gestational diabetes Mellitus
Classifications of DM in Pregnancy
- Pregestational diabetes (type 1 or 2)
2. Gestational diabetes
What kind of complications could you see with a mother that has Pregestational Diabetes?
Retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, CV disease, HTN
What risks come up with a mother with gestational diabetes
Risk of macrosomia, hypoglycemia, birth trauma, and mom in preeclampsia, C/S
Big babies often get _____ trauma at birth
What is macrosomia
Newborn with excessive birth weight. Fetus > 4,500 grams
What is concern with gestational diabetes?
That it may progress to Type 2 DM
High blood glucose lead to what three things?
Cellular dehydration, glycosuria, extracellular dehydration
What are four classic symptoms of DM
Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss
Pathophysiology of DM
Pancreas doesn’t produce sufficient amounts of insulin, poor carbohydrate metabolism, glucose cannot move into cells it remains in bloodstream, body cells become energy depleted, fats and proteins are oxidized for energy, wasting of body’s fat and muscle tissue
What in cells is oxidized for energy in some one with DM
Fats and protein
What can happen with wasting of body’s fat and muscle tissue in DM
Ketosis from fat breakdown and negative nitrogen balance with protein breakdown
How does pregnancy affect Diabetes Mellitus
- Physiologic changes alter insulin requirements
- may increase difficulty with DM control
What hormones affect DM? How?
Rise in progesterone, estrogen, Human Placental Lactogen, and Growth Hormone (somatotropin)
*they increase insulin resistance, especially the last 20 weeks
Insulin needs are _______ in the early 1st trimester. Why?
Decreased! hPL low, minimal embryo demands, less food consumed, N/V may occur
When do insulin requirements increase? When do they peak?
Increase late 1st trimesters and peak in last trimester
Why is insulin not sufficient especially in second trimester?
Placenta secretes hPL (antagonist), decidua produces prolactin, Growth Hormone, increased cortisol and glycogen
***so we see increased PVR to insulin and the process that makes insulin available to the fetus
What is Hydramnios?
Excessive fluid
Premature Rupture of Membrane
What does it mean if we say cord prolapse?
Umbilical cord falls through before baby and could cut off circulation
Complications for mom with DM
Hydramnios, Ketoacidosis, gestational HTN, hypoglycemia, preterm labor after PROM, stillbirth, chronic monilial vaginitis, difficult labor
Complications for fetus with DM
Cord prolapse with hydramnios, congenital abnormalities, macrosomia, birth trauma, preterm labor, fetal asphxia, perinatal death, polycythemia, RDS
What are the 4 categories that can put a women at high risk for pregnancy
Pre-existing medical disorders
Obstetric/ previous pregnancy
CuRrent pregnancy
How many pregnant women have cardiovascular disorders