Almoravids and Almohads Flashcards
The Almoravids
Ruled over S. Iberia and Morroco and centred in Marrakesh was established. Emerged after decline of tafias
Early 11th century…
The Iberian Christian Kingdoms were consolidating and expanding. The city of Toledo and the Taifa of
Zaragoza fell to Castile Leon and the Muslim Taifas were collapsing.
What were Almoravids known for?
The Almoravids were known for their distinctive face veiling, which was part of their identifying uniform and forbidden to others.
A luxury textile developed in the Byzantine Empire,
consisting of silk base with gold and silver threads woven in.
Mosque of Tlemcen, Algeria ribbed dome of the mihrab,
Over the mihrab, an elaborate lattice dome
inspired by the maqsura dome of al-Hakam II at the Mosque of Cordoba was built. It was commissioned by Ibn Tafshin’s son, Ibn Yusuf c. 1138.
Minbar in Almoravid mosque in Marrakesh
Likely based on the minbar of al-Hakam II for the Mosques of Cordoba Relocated to Kutubiyya
(Booksellers) Mosque of Almohads
“those who profess the Unity of God
The Almohads
commissioned a monumental mosque in Seville. those who profess the unity of god
Al-Idrisi (c. 1100-1166)
was born in Sabtah / Ceuta under the Almoravids, studied in Cordoba, and travelled extensively. During the Almohad rise, he sought refuge in Norman Sicily, newly taken from the Fatimids.
There he compiled by 1154 an encyclopedia of geographical knowledge
What is the most important medieval geographic works.
Copy of Al-Idrisi’s map of the Iberian peninsula,
Explain the Al-Idrisi’s map
northern hemisphere was divided into 7 climates of equal width, each subdivided into 10
sections, for a total of 70 sectional maps. North is at the bottom.
The almoravide capital
Abbasid Caliphate
Caliphate They declared allegiance to the Abbasid Caliph in the East. overthrew the Uymmad caliphate
destroyed by the Mongol invasion in 1258
El-Cid of Valencia
A key opponent was the mercenary
Kingdom of Ghana
Islamic realm in the southern Iberian Peninsula during the Late Middle Ages. ruled by Nasrid dynasty. last independent Muslim state in Western Europe
a religious figure from Qayrawan, Tunisia.
Sericulture (Almeria, Cordoba, Malaga, Seville)
production of raw silk by raising silkworms was likely exported cross the Mediterranean through Muslim expansion.
empire overthrow Almoravids in Morrocco and take over al-Andalus
Ibn Tumart
founded the mosque of Tlemcen, Algeria
Book of Roger
combines Greek and Arabic texts with firsthand accounts. Created by Al- Idrisi