All Countries [Final] Flashcards
What has bolstered military regimes in Nigeria?
opression, force, prebendalism (corruption), ethnic/regional favoritism
How has Britain and the Nigerian elites since Nigerian indepdendence handled ethnic/religious diversity? How effective has this been?
Federal system. Split power between national, state, and local levels. Often regions contest national authority and demand autonomy.
The culmination of ethnic tensions lead to
Biafrican Civil War, where the Igbo dominated eastern region tried to secede. This event has still left some questioning the integrity and legitimacy of the nation
Which other multiethnic state has had a civil war over ethnicity like Nigeria’s Biafran Civil War?
Russia in the Chechneyan Civil War. Even former superpowers struggle with national legitamcy and integration like Nigeria
What have Nigerian regimes (both military and democratic) failed to utilize in order to reduce that could supress identity based fragmentation? Which other big 6 country has used this method? What have been the consequences of using this method
Focusing on ideology like free, fair, competitive voting. China has used ideology to limit indentity-based fragmentation, however there are costs when this ideology limits political freedoms
What practice has undermined legitamcy of Nigerian authoritarian and democratic institutions?
Prebendal tendencies.
What is crucial to consider before judging Nigeria’s failures? Same question but different terms: What have the UK and Mexico had that has allowed them to democratize?
Time bitch. Nigeria is still evolving towards a democratic order.
What two internal things could help promote national development in Nigeria
Well-trained and well-educated bureaucrats and vibrant civil society with the legal guarantee of free spheech (no guaranteed free spheech yet)
Islam is dominant mostly in which regions of Nigeria?
Mostly North, slightly West
Difference between Iran and Nigerian Islam followings? What does this difference show?
Iran has implemented Shari’ah law, Nigeria has not. This shows the impact of demography and history.
What percent of Nigeria is arable?
30% , another 12% is covered with forests and woodlands
What are the 3 main ethnic groups out of the 250 ethnic groups in Nigera? Provide percentages and the region these 3 groups occupy?
Hausa-Fulani (North 29%), Yoruba (West 21%), Igbo also spelt Ibo (18% East)
What regions of the big 3 ethnic groups out of the 250 ethnic groups can be categorized by a relgion
Igbo (Southeast Christian), Yoruba (Southwest comprised of both Muslims and Christians).
Nigeria is this percent Muslim, this percent Chrstian
50 % Muslim, 40% Christian
How did Britain originally rule the two protectorates that Nigeria was initially divided into differently?
Northern Region through indirect rule. Southern thorugh direct rule
Describe the government institution put into place by the First Republic in 1960. How did this political institution bare similarity to the American presidential system?`
House of Representatives elected by single-member distrints corresponding to ethnic divisions. Senate composed of traditional chiefs (these people were just cermonial). Bared resemblance to American presidential system, because federal structure retained, constiution, and Supreme Court
What parties have formed in accordance to the big 3 ethnic groups out of the 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria that have proven the difficulty of changing the ethnic/ religious/ regional institutions established during colonial rule
Hausa-Fulani: Northern People’s Congress
Igbos: National Convention of Nigerian Citizens
Yoruba: Action Group
Describe the second Republic
Started by Obasanjo, a Christian Yoruba. Created a 19-state federal republic. Hoped that by adopting American presidential system, he could limit the impact of ethnicity on politics, who manipulated the federal system in their favor. Required president to have a majority of popular vote atleast 25% of vote in 12 or the 19 states. Failed, the big 3 Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo received most the votes.
Since Nigerian independence, this branch of government has exercised the most power in Nigeria
Executive regardless of Dictator or elected PM or President
What measures are taken by Nigeria’s president and his ministers to assure enacted laws are properly implemented throughout the country
the Federal Executive Committee
Describe the Legislature in Nigeria
Bicameral lawmaking body called National Assembly. Senate has 109 members, three from all 36 states and one form the Federal Capital Territory, (capital of Nigeria) Abuja. 360 in House of Representatives. Both Senate and House serve 4 year terms and elected popularly.
Describe the difference between the descision making and overall representativeness between the government and military
The military is not based on secretarian interest, it makes descisions efficiently. Comprised of people from all ethnicities, regions, religions. However, there are still ethnic tensions in the military