All Concept and comment Flashcards
Be suitale for
Approximately 20,000 are suitable for humans to eat
Phù hợp
Winged bean
People in Southeast Asia eat winged beans, which are over 30 percent protein
Đậu rồng
This versatile plant can grow in a hot climate
Linh hoạt
Buffalo gourd
Scientists are now experimenting with crops of buffalo gourds
Trái bầu
It is a relative of corn
Họ hàng
The scientists are optimistic
Lạc quan
A wide assortment of
A wide assortment of new foods such as potatoes, mtomatoes, pineapple, and chocolate
Nhiều loại
A diverse range of
At first most Europeans wouldn’t touch these bizarre foods
Kỳ lạ
The soybean wasn’t even grown as an industrial crop
Công nghiệp
Genetically, Crisis
Genetically engineered food could solve the world’s food crisis.
Về mặt di truyền
Khủng hoảng
Selective breeding, millennia
Humans have been using selective breeding for millennia to improve food crops
Nhân giống có chọn lọc
Thiên niên kỷ
To introduce traits from unrelated species
Đặc điểm
Many crops have been genetically modified to be resistant to some types of pets
Thay đổi, Biến đổi
Avaible also are plants that have been genetically altered to make them more nutritious
Thay đổi, biến đổi
Change, Modify
Biotechnology companies call them prescription foods because they are supposed to solve health problems
Đơn thuốc
They might breed with wild plants or other crops
Nhân giống
Crop yields
Genetic engineering will actually have a negative impact on crop yields
Năng suất cây trồng
Genetic engineering will just deprive more farmers of land on which they could grow their own food
Làm mất, tước đoạt
Malnutrition, Poverty
They do not address the real cause of malnutrition, which is poverty.
Suy dinh dưỡng, nghèo nàn
Today, tabacco is grown in roughly 120 countries, and more than 1 billion people around the world smoke tobacco
Thuốc lá
A variety of
It was used for a variety of purposes, and it was highly valued
Assortment, range
Medicinal properties
Many Native Americans believed that the tobacco plant had medicinal properties
Dược tính
Smoke, chew, and rub
They smoked and chewed tobacco and rubbed tobacco leaves on their bodies
Hút, nhai và chà sát
Wound, Burn
The leaves of the tobacco plant helped to reduce pain and heal wounds and burns
Vết thương, Vết bỏng
Others thought tobacco leaves could cure toothaches
Chữa trị
Religious rites
Smoking tobacco was also an imprtant part of religious rites and ceremonies
Nghi thức tôn giáo
They encountered Native Americans who used tobacco as snuff rather than smoking it
Hit thuốc
Snuff is basically finely ground tobacco, which is inhaled through the nose
Hít thuốc cơ bản là thuốc lá nghiền mịn cái mà được hít thông qua mũi
They picked up the snuff habit and exported it to their country and much of the rest of the world
Họ bắt đầu thói quen hít thuốc và xuất khẩu nó vào quốc gia của họ và nhiều nước trên thế giới
They were also the first peopl;e to cultivate the tobacco plant outside of the Americas
Trồng, phát triển
The French ambassador To Portugal
Đại sứ
Be taken to
Tobacco was prbably taken to England by Spanish and English explorers
Được đưa đến
In Russia, possession of tobacco was forbidden.
Sỡ hữu
King James 1 of England strongly opposed the use of tobacco
Phản đối
disagree with
Relieve tension
Most people thought that cigarettes helped to relieve tension
Giảm căng thẳng
harmful to
They didn’t believe that cigarettes were harmful to a person’s health
Có hại cho
Cigarette makers also increased the amount of nicotine in cigarettes to make them more addictive
Gây nghiện
Some of these chemicals are toxic
Độc hại
There is evidence that smokers have more trouble healing after surgery
Ca phẫu thuật
They are at greater risk for post-op complications
Họ có nguy cơ cao biến chứng sau phẫu thuật
Be more likely to, respiratory
The children of parents who smoke are more likely to develop respiratory problems
Nhiều khả năng là, hô hấp
Virtually ignored
In some places, the bans are virtually ignored
Hầu như bị bỏ qua
be taken
The bans are taken very seriously
Được thực hiện
the person has fast recall
Nhớ lại
He absorbs information quickly
Tiệu thụ, hấp thụ
We do know that a particular memory is not just one thing stored somewhere in the brain
Cụ thể
A process of retrieving information
Lấy lại
Bring back
It is this process that allows us to retain memories of past events
Giữ lại
Poor nutrition and depression can affect a person’s ability to retain information
Trầm cảm
Excessive, Impair
Excessive alcohol use can also impair memory and cause permanent damage to the brain over the long term
Quá mức, Suy giảm
Make sure that you understand new information. It is difficult to remember something that you don’t comprehend
Visualization techniques
Use visualization techniques when you are learning new information
Kỹ thuật trực quan
Come across
If you come across a new word, make a picture in your mind of the word
Băng qua, vừa gặp
This mental picture will help you remember that word the next time you see or hear it
Tư duy, tâm lý
Clue, acronym
One helpful kind of word clue is an acronym
Manh mối, Từ viết tắt
Obesity, Epidemic
Obesity: The new Epidemic
Béo phì, Bệnh dịch
The most serious health problem in the world used to be infectious diseases
Truyền nhiễm
Typhoid fever, Influenza (flu), bubonic plague
Bệnh thương hàn, Cúm, Dịch hạch
Vaccines and antibiotic have prevented the spread of many serious diseases
Kháng sinh
One obvious contributing factor is the sedentary lifestyle
Ít vận động
People are consuming substantially more calories daily than they used to
A lot, significantly
The skyrocketing popularity of fast-food restaurants over the past 30 years has also contributed to the obesity epidemic
Tăng vọt
High-quality meat has been replaced by lower-quality meat that is full of preservatives to make it taste good
Chất bảo quản
Restaurants lure children by offering toys, playgrounds, entertainment, and a party atmosphere
Thu hút, Attract
A fraction of
Agencies created to educate people about healthy eating have only a fraction of that amount of money with which to get their message across
Một phần
Among the health problems caused by obesity are respiratory difficulties
Hô hấp
Deterioration of bones
Suy thoái, giảm giá trị
In style
Many people who risk their health just to be in style
Có phong cách
As much as
Which can weigh as much as 3 kilograms
Tương đương
Collarbone, Upper ribs
Xương quai xanh, xương sườn phía trên
Appear to be
The neck appear to be very long
Trông như thể là
The ancient Chinese practice of foot binding is another example of beauty at the price of health
Ràng buộc, bó
Turn under
The four smaller toes on each foot were broken and turned under
Lõm xuống
10 percent of the girl dying from infection or circulation problems caused by the tight bandages
Nhiễm trùng
The binding of feet might seem absurd to us
Vô lý
Wearing high heels can cause the back to arch unnaturally
This can lead to serious back problems and nerve damage
Thần kinh
Police officials accused them of causing many car accidents
Tố cáo, buộc tội
The thick soles of the shoes slowed the response time of drivers
Đế giày
There are some that can be dangerous indeed
Thực sự, Truly
Women were willing to drink small amounts of the poison arsenic because it made them look fashionably pale
Nhợt nhạt