Alkenes Flashcards
what shape are all alkenes and why?
trigonal planar- there are 2 bonding pairs and 1 bonding region with no lone pairs
what is a pi bond?
sideways overlap of p-orbitals only
which bond is weaker, a sigma bond or pi bond?
sigma bond is weaker
what are stereoisomers?
compounds with the same structural formula but different arrangement of atoms in space
when would a molecule have E/Z isomerism?
1) molecule contains a C=C double bond which restricts rotation
2) both carbons in the double bond must have 2 different groups attached to them
why do each of the molecules have respective E/Z isomerism?
the first one is the Z isomer because the high priority groups are both on the bottom/ top
the second is the E isomer because the high priority groups are on different sides
what is structural isomerism?
molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formula
why do each of the molecules have cis/ trans isomerism?
the first one is the cis isomer because the identical groups are on the same side
the second has trans isomerism because the identical groups are on different sides
what reactions do alkenes always do?
which bond breaks in an addition reaction, sigma or pi?
pi bond, its weaker than sigma
give the reagants and conditions for the hydrogenation of ethene and write an equation.
reagant = hydrogen
conditions = nickel catalyst, high temp
C2H4 + H2 -> C2H6
give the reagants and conditions for the hydration of ethene and write an equation
reagant = steam
conditions = concentrated H3PO4 catalyst, high temp + pressure
C2H4 + H20(g) -> C2H5OH (ethanol)
give the reagants and conditions for the making of a haloalkane from ethene and write the equation
reagant = Cl2 or Br2
conditions = just room temp
C2H4 + Cl2 -> C2H4CL2 (1,2- dichloroethane)
give the reagants and conditions for the making of a haloalkane with one halogen molecule from ethene and write an equation
reagant = hydrogen halide
conditions = room temp
C2H4 + HBr -> C2H5Br (bromoethane)
what is an electrophile?
an electron pair acceptor
what is a nucleophile?
an electron pair donor
give the mechanism for the reaction of ethene with bromine + name
name = electrophilic addition
give both the major and minor products of the reaction between propene and HBr, and explain why the major product is major
major: CH3CH(Br)CH3
minor: CH2(Br)CH2CH3
major because its formed from a secondary carbocation, which is more stable than a primary carbocation