Alcohol Flashcards
What are effects of low doses of alcohol?
Reduced anxiety
What are effects of high doses of alcohol?
Intoxication Impaired attention and judgement Unsteadiness Flushing Nystagmus Mood instability Disinhibition Slurring Stupor Unconsciousness
What are the 4 levels of alcohol diagnosis?
Acute intoxication
Harmful use
Withdrawal state
What is harmful use of alcohol?
Pattern of use causing damage to physical or mental health. Use of >1 month or repeatedly over 12 months
How is alcohol dependence diagnosed?
3 or more of the following for >1 month or repeatedly over 12 months: Cravings Difficulty controlling use Primacy Increased tolerance Physiological withdrawal on reduction Persistence despite harmful consequences
What is primacy?
Something someone finds more important than anything else that takes priority
What is a withdrawal state?
A group of symptoms of variable clustering and severity on complete or relative withdrawal of a psychoactive substance after persistent use of that substance
What symptoms are found in alcohol withdrawal?
Tremors Weakness Nausea Vomiting Anxiety Seizures Confusion Agitation Death
What mental health problems can alcohol cause?
Anxiety Depression Sleep disruption Morbid jealousy Alcoholic hallucinosis Deliberate self injury Suicidal thoughts/acts
What problems can alcohol cause for physical health?
Accidental injury Violence Cancer Fits Confusional state Korskakoff's
What problems can alcohol cause for relationships?
Aggression - physical or verbal
Marital difficulties due to morbid jealousy
Poor parenting/neglect - loss of parenting rights
Loss of friendships and social supports
What screening tool is usually used for alcohol?
What is the CAGE test?
2 or more of the following = likely problem
Have you ever tried to Cut down?
Have you felt Annoyed by people criticising drinking
Have you felt Guilty about drinking
Have you needed to have an Eye-opener?
How is alcohol addiction managed?
Practical advice
Harm reduction
Hollistic approach - support for patient and family, psychological help, skills training, medication
What medication can be given for alcohol addiction?
Thiamine for wernicke korsakoff syndrome
Disulfiram for aversion
Acamprosate for anti-craving
How long does it take a healthy liver to process one unit of alcohol?
1 hour
What is the weekly limit for alcohol?
14 units per week for men and women
What is the progression of alcohol related liver disease?
Normal liver Fatty liver Steatohepatitis Fibrosis Liver cirrhosis
Why does alcohol cause fatty liver disease?
Acetaldehyde - acetate - fatty acids
Build up of fat is deposited around central veins then parenchyma
Is fatty liver disease reversible?
What are indicators of chronic alcohol use in investigations?
Elevated GGT Macrocytosis Low platelets Elevated ferritin Enlarged smooth edged liver HIstory