Alcohol Flashcards
Blood alcohol concentration
A percentage that expresses the amount of ethanol in a persons blood.
A drug that shows the activity of the body’s central system.
A disease in which useless scar tissue and fat replaces normal liver tissue, interferes with blood flow and is caused by heavy drinking.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Refers to a group of brith defects caused by the effects of alcohol on an unborn child.
Controls that people put on their emotions and behavior in order to behave in socially acceptable ways.
Refers to many negative effects of alcohol has on a drinkers body and behavior.
When drugs increase each other’s effects when taken together.
A state in which a persons body becomes resistance to a drug.
Alcoholics Anonymous
A support group of recovering alcoholics who give support and encouragement to help other alcoholics to stop drinking.
A disease in which people suffer from an addiction to alcohol.
People who assume for an alcoholics needs, feelings, and happiness-they lose their sense of identity.
Removing all alcohol from a persons body.
People who unintentionally protect addicts from the consequences of their behavior.
A planned confrontation with the alcoholic, family members , a member of the support group.
To choose not to take a particular action.
Refusal skill
Skills that help a person to refuse doing something others may pressure you into against your will.