Albert Ellis- ABC Model Flashcards
What did Ellis believe?
Depressives mistakenly blame external events for their unhappiness
Their interpretation of these events is to blame for their distress (musturbatory thinking)
What did Ellis think we had the general goal of?
The general goal of happiness in life with ourselves and others, life choices and situations
Normal life- these things get blocked
The reaction to the block can either be rational or irrational
If irrational, it leads to depression
What beliefs did Ellis have about how irrational thoughts contribute to depression?
“I must be thoroughly competent and successful in everything I do”
“Others must treat me kindly and fairly and if they do not, they are awful people who deserve to be punished”
“ the world must give me happiness, or else life is unbearable”
What is the ABC model?
A) an action is affected by
B) an individuals beliefs which results in
C) a consequence
Strengths of Ellis’ theory?
Easy to understand- may help healthcare professional to relate/diagnose
Practical application in CBT
Weaknesses of Ellis’ theory?
Reductionism- ignores nature- genes, hormones, imbalances
Very extreme- only partially explains depression
Cognition aspects were very specific- may invalidate some
Does not explain all aspects of depression- does not explain why some individuals experience anger associated with their depression or why some patients suffer with hallucinations and delusions