Airworthiness Requirements Flashcards
What documents are required on board an aircraft prior to flight?
A irworthiness Certificate R egistration Certificate R adio Station License (Intl.) O perating Limitations—AFM/POH and supplements, placards, markings W eight and balance data
What is an airworthiness certificate?
minimum requirements of 14 CFR Part 21 and that are in condition for SAFE operation.
Whats the difference between and Normal Category and Utility Category aircraft ?
Normal can pull 3.8 G’s without failure. Utility 4.4 G’s
Does an airworthiness certificate have an expiration date?
Hayes, Michael D.. Commercial Pilot Oral Exam Guide (Oral Exam Guide Series) . Aviation Supplies and Academics, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
No. As long as the aircraft meets its approved type design, is in a condition for safe operation, and the maintenance, preventative maintenance, and alterations are performed in accordance with 14 CFR Parts 21, 43, and 91.
Where must the airworthiness certificate be located?
Visible to passengers; Right cockpit entrance
For an aircraft to be considered airworthy, what two conditions must be met?
a. The aircraft must conform to its type design (type certificate).
b. The aircraft must be in a condition for safe operation, referring to the condition of the aircraft with relation to wear and deterioration.
Explain how a pilot determines if an aircraft conforms to its approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation.
a. ensuring that all required inspections, maintenance, preventive maintenance, repairs, and alterations have been appropriately documented in the aircraft’s maintenance records.
b. the pilot conducts a thorough preflight inspection of the aircraft for wear and deterioration, structural damage, fluid leaks, tire wear, inoperative instruments and equipment, etc.
Who is responsible for ensuring that an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition?
The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition.
What are “airworthiness directives”?
The medium the FAA uses to notify of unsafe conditions that may exist because of design defects, maintenance, or other causes, AND to specify the conditions under which the product may continue to be operated.
Compliance is mandatory.
What are the two types of ADs?
Emergency = immediate compliance, Less Urgent = time frame specified.
When are emergency ADs issued?
An emergency AD is issued when immediate action is required. Unsafe flight condition.
How do you find AD’s ?
FAA website. Can search and subscribe.
What are Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins? Are they regulatory?
SAIBs contain non-regulatory information and guidance that does not meet the criteria for an airworthiness directive (AD).
What is a type certificate data sheet?
The FAA issues a type certificate when a new aircraft, engine, propeller, etc., is found to meet safety standards
What is a supplemental type certificate? (FAA-
A supplemental type certificate (STC) is the FAA’s approval of a major change in the type design of a previously approved type-certificated product.
What is an aircraft registration certificate?
Before an aircraft can be flown legally, it must be registered with the FAA
Does an aircraft’s registration certificate have an expiration date?
Where can you find information on the placards and marking information required to be in the airplane?
a. On FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet
b. The required placards are also reproduced in the “Limitations” section of the AFM
Are airplane flight manuals (AFM) required to be on board all aircraft?
Yes. All airplanes built after March 1st 1979