Airspace Flashcards
Federal airways are designated class _____
What are the entry requirements for class A-G airspace?
A and B = ATC clearance; C-D = two way radio communications; E = none for VFR; G = none
What equipment is necessary in class A-G airspace?
A = IFR; B and C = two way radio and transponder with altitude reporting; D = two way radio, E and G = none
What is minimum pilot certification for class A-G airspace?
A = IFR rated, B = private or student/recreational with “regulatory requirements met”, C-G = no specific requirements
If the radio fails in flight, what three requirements must be met to land?
1) Must be VFR; 2) visual contact with tower is maintained; 3) clearance to land is received
SAO are ____
special areas of operation
A restricted area is one where ______
operations are hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft (artillery firing, aerial gunnery, guided missles)
The difference between a restricted area and warning area is ______
US government doesn’t have sole jurisdiction over warning area, but does for restricted
Restricted areas are designated on section charts by ____
R, followed by a number
Warning areas are designated on sectional charts by
W, followed by a number
Alert areas are those ______
inform nonparticipating pilots of areas that may contain a high volume of pilot training or unusual aerial activity
Alert areas are designated on section charts by
A, followed by a number
Controlled firing areas are ____
areas that have activities hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft; unlike other areas, these activities must be suspended when an aircraft is approaching the area.
What are 6 types of special use airspace?
Prohibited areas, restricted areas, warning areas, military operation areas, alert areas, controlled firing areas
Military operation areas are for ____
separating IFR traffic from certain military activities. ATC will only clear IFR traffic through a hot MOA if separation can be provided
Military training routes are _____
used by military aircraft for proficiency training
MTRs are identified by which two designations?
IR = IFR route, VR = VFR route
Military training route
MTR with four and three number designations are those that _____
have no segment above 1,500 feet AGL, or those with one or more segments about 1,500 AGL
What is standard protocol when approaching a MOA?
Contact FSS (if any) at least 100 NM before entering to determine if it is active
On sectional chart, means no special VFR is allowed here