Air Operations 3710.1H Flashcards
What are 3 things the 3710 success is based on?
Sound leadership principles, good judgment, and common sense at all levels of command.
Where do you submit proposed changes and updates for the 3710.1H?
Commandant (CG-711) via the requesting unit’s Commanding Officer.
Who has primary authority over all Coast Guard aircraft?
The Commandant has primary authority for the operation of aircraft
Who has the final say for delaying a mission?
The PIC has final responsibility
ATTC falls under the operational control of whom?
ALC falls under the operational control of…?
Commandant (CG-4).
Air station Washington falls under control to who?
What length of time should consideration be given to switching to ADCON a cutter deployed helicopter?
Greater than 60 days.
What permits randomized crews to perform missions together?
How many hours of training should be dedicated to rotary wing and fixed wing?
For operational units, at least 20 percent of all Fixed-Wing (F/W) flight hours and 40 percent of Rotary-Wing (R/W) hours should be dedicated to training.
How many passengers and cargo can a C-130 carry?
75 passengers, up to 35,000 pounds of cargo
If damage to the aircraft has been evaluated by the EO, and it is minor, cosmetic, non-structural damage, who can clear it for flight?
If major or structural damage is found who must be notified?
CG-711 and CG-41
How much fuel reserve shall there be for fixed and rotary wing?
45 minutes of flight after reaching the alternate (for fixed-wing aircraft) or 20 minutes of flight after reaching the alternate (for rotary-wing aircraft)
How much fuel will be required to reach alternate?
10% more
How long shall a weight and balance form be retained at a home unit?
90 days
How many off duty hours must occur before a crew member is to go back to alert duty?
10 bours
How many hours must be for bed rest for crews?
8 hours minimum
How many hours of off time should increase if time zone is four hours different from where the mission started?
3 hours
Flight crew members should not fly more than how many hours in 7 consecutive days?
50 hours
Who shall be notified when AVDETS aboard cutters are extended at sea beyond 30 days?
Area Commanders
How long are aviation personnel restricted from aerial flight after consuming alcohol?
12 hours
How long shall personnel wait to fly after SCUBA diving?
24 hours
How long shall personnel wait to fly after being at 30,000 feet?
12 hours
How do aviators employ safe operations and CRM within the aircraft?
Flight Discipline
If a CG-711 electronic checklist is used, what must be within arm’s reach of pilots?
There must be a paper copy within arm’s reach ready for immediate availability.
How long shall strategic napping be for?
40 min
At what length form an obstruction are wing walkers required?
25 feet
At what length from an obstruction shall an aircraft not be towed in?
5 feet
Is gravity hot refueling authorized?
What manual complies with safeguarding the security and classified material of an aircraft?
What manual pertains to safeguarding of weapons for aircraft?
Ordnance Manual, COMDTINST M8000.2 (series).
Is flying over fur or poultry farms authorized?
Resorts and beaches shall be avoided by fixed-wing aircraft by how many miles and altitude?
At least one mile when at an absolute altitude of less than 2,000 feet
Resorts and beaches shall be avoided by rotary-wing aircraft by how many miles and altitude?
At least 1/4 mile when at an absolute altitude of less than 500 feet
What is it called when the operational gain outweighs the risk?
Due regard
When can the entire feathered propeller/secured engine evolution be conducted at or above what level?
6,000 feet AGL.
Who has the final say of deploying the RS?
The Rescue Swimmer does
Cold water greatly facilitates unconsciousness and/or death from drowning in what amount of time?
First 10 to 15 minutes
Flyovers on holidays are authorized when?
The event must be within seven days of the actual holiday date to be considered.
Flyovers for the patriotic holidays are limited to how many aircraft
One to four aircraft of the same type making a single pass.
All approved requests for flight or static display shall be filed and maintained at the unit for how long?
1 year
Engine shutdowns in the HC-130 shall be accomplished at or above what?
1,000 feet AGL and in VMC
Who directs the transfer of all aircraft?
Are pets allowed on government aircraft?
Yes, bona fide working animals.
What type of weapons are authorized?
Only ACCB-approved weapons shall be used.
Can single action handguns have a round chambered?
Shall NOT have a round chambered
Can a double action handgun have a round chambered?
Shall be allowed to have a round in the chamber with the handgun safely de-cocked and holstered.
How long shall records of cargo and passengers be maintained?
7 years IAW Information and Life Cycle Management Manual, COMDTINST M5212.12
Personal protective clothing and equipment issued to aviation personnel shall be inspected how when?
Annually and when reporting aboard a new unit.
Underwear and socks shall be how much cotton?
Underwear 100% and socks at least 80% cotton or wool
The RS dry suit and accompanied wet/dry suit hood/surfcap shall be worn by all RSs when water is what temperature?
55 °F or below.
What altitude shall personnel use oxygen at?
10,000 ft
How many occupants can a first aid kit provide for?
For every 10 occupants
Approved litters aboard cutters or at boat stations shall be marked as what?
What is the Rescue and Survival Systems Manual?
COMDTINST M10470.10 (series).
Insignia may be worn permanently once a designated individual has accumulated how many flight hours?
200 flight hours in rotary-wing aircraft or 400 flight hours in fixed-wing
How often for rotary wing members must they complete dunker training?
Every 75 months
How often must swimmers attend AHRS?
AHRS, within 3 years of initial RS qualification. Recurrent training at AHRS is required every 6 years
How long shall personnel enter and remain in the water with their ADC?
10 min
A near midair collision is an incident where a possibility of collision occurs at what proximity?
500 feet or less
What class mishap is a near midair collision?
Class D