Air Law Flashcards
What are the requirements to act as a flight crew member?
- Must hold appropriate permit, license or rating
- Must be VALID appropriate license or rating
- Appropriate medical certificate
- Must be able to produce the license or ratings when exercising the privileges’
License, permit, rating, VALID license, permit, rating, medical certificate, produce the license or ratings
No holder of a flight crew permit, license or rating, OTHER THAN THE HOLDER OF A FLIGHT ENGINEER LICENSE, shall exercise the privileges of the permit, license or rating unless:
- Act as PIC within the last 5 years
Within 12 months before the flight:
- Completed a flight review
- Flight instructor who conducted the flight review is satisfied and signs it off
- Pass the appropriate flight review
Controllers apply a radar separation minima of ___ miles between a preceding IFR/VFR category H aircraft and a category M aircraft vectored directly behind it and at less than 1,000 ft during any phase of flight.
5 miles.
According to the CARs, the operator of an aircraft is:
The person who has possession of the aircraft.
A flight data recorder is required in:
- A multi-engine powered aircraft for which a type certificate has been issued authorizing the transport of CARGO ONLY and operated under Subpart 5 of part VII (700 series operations in CARs)
- A multi-engine turbine-powered aeroplane for which a type certificate has been issued authorizing the transport of 30 or fewer passengers and configured for 20 to 30 passenger seats
- A multi-engine turbine-powered aircraft for which a type certificate has been issued authorizing the transport of MORE THAN 30 PASSEGNERS
While being vectored with a speed adjustment from ATC, maximum speed tolerance is:
+/- 10 KIAS
North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace dimensions:
FL285 - FL420
What is TODA of a runway?
The length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided.
VFR OTT provisions for weather:
Basic provisions:
- Only during DAYTIME and CRUISE portion of flight
- 1,000ft vertically from any cloud
- When flying between layers, 5,00ft between cloud layers minimum
- Visibility must be at least 5nm
Forecast provisions:
- Clouds must be scattered or better
- Ground visibility 5nm
- No fog, precip, thunderstorm, snow, blowing snow
At your ETA:
> 1hr before to 2hrs after your ETA via a TAF
> 1hr before to 3hrs after your ETA via a GFA
What is a high performance airplane?
- Minimum crew of 1
- Vne 250 KIAS or greater
- Vso 80 KIAS or greater
Requirements to fly a high performance airplane:
- Complete ground training
- Complete flight training
- 200hrs on aeroplanes
- Complete qualifying flight
HIGH performance, LOW maintenance: ground, flight, 200 airplanes, qualifying flight
Aeroplanes requiring a minimum crew of 2 requirements:
- Complete ground and flight training program
- Obtain 70% on IATRA within 24 months preceding application
- Complete flight training
- 250 hours PIC time
- Pass PPC within 12 months preceding the application for the type rating
Ground & flight, 70% IATRA, flight training, 250 PIC, PPC 12 months
Oxygen needed between 10,000 and 13,000ft :
- Oxygen for flight crew for whole time
- Oxygen for 10% (but not less than 1 pax) of the passengers for the duration over 30mins
Flight crew member on call:
Available to report for duty on one hour or less
Flight crew member on reserve:
Report for duty in one or more hours.
Flight crew member on standby:
Remain at a specified location to be available for duty on one or less hours.
Flight duty time:
Group 1 - Heavy turbulence classification:
MTOW weight of 300,000lbs or more
Group 2 - Medium turbulence classification:
MTOW weight between 15,500lbs and 300,000lbs
Group 3 - Light turbulence classification:
MTOW weight up to 15,500lbs
Radar environment - heavy following heavy:
4 miles separation
Radar environment - light following heavy:
6 miles separation
Radar environment - medium following heavy:
5 miles separation
Radar environment - light following medium
4 miles separation
Maximum flight time of a flight crew member:
1,000 hours in any consecutive 365 days
300 hours in any 90 consecutive days
112 hours in any 30 consecutive days
60 hours in any 7 days
8 hours in any 24 consecutive hours of single pilot IFR
1,000, 300, 112. YEAR, MONTHS, MONTH
What should you squawk when VFR at and below 12,500’?
What should you squawk when VFR above 12,500’?
Within the NCA, flights operating on predominately north or south tracks shall report over reporting line points formed by the intersection of parallels of latitude spaced at _ intervals expressed in latitude.
20 degrees.
Within non-radar airspace, when ATC temporarily suspends RVSM within selected areas and/or altitudes due to adverse weather conditions, the minimum vertical separation between two aircraft facing in opposite directions will be __ feet, and the minimum vertical separation between two aircraft facing the same direction will be ____ feet.
What is a CAT III A approach?
A category III A approach is a precision instrument approach and landing with no decision height or a decision height lower than 100ft (30m) and a runway visual range not less than 700ft (200m).
What is a CAT III B approach?
A category III B approach is a precision approach and landing with no decision height or a decision height lower than 50ft (15m) and a runway visual range less than 700ft (200m), but not less than 150ft (50m).
What is a CAT III C approach?
A category III C approach is a precision approach and landing with no decision height and no runway visual range limitation.
The BEST one with no limitations.
Types of Air operators:
701 - Foreign Air Operations
702 - Aerial Work
703 - Air Taxi
704 - Commuter
705 - Airline
706 - Aircraft Maintenance Requirements for Air Operators
What is an air taxi operation?
703 - Air Taxi
- All single-engine aircraft
- Multi-engine aircraft with a MCTOW of 19,000lbs or less AND a passenger seating configuration of 9 or less
- Any other aircraft authorized by minister
ALL single-engine aircraft.
MULTI-ENGINE AIRCRAFT: MCTOW 19,000lbs, 9 passengers or less
What is a commuter air service?
704 - Commuter
- •a multi-engine aircraft that has a MCTOW 19,000 pounds or less and a passenger seating configuration, of 10 to 19 inclusive;
- •a turbo-jet powered aeroplane that has a maximum zero fuel weight of 50,000 pounds or less and for which a Canadian type certificate has been issued authorizing the transport of not more than 19 passengers; or
- •any aircraft that is authorized by the Minister
MULTI ENGINE AIRCRAFT: TOW 19,000lbs, 10-19 passengers (beech 1900D)
TURBOJET AIRCRAFT: ZFW 50,000lbs, up to 19 passengers
What is an airline operator?
705 - Airline
- an aeroplane that has a MCTOW of more than 19,000 pounds or for which a Canadian type certificate has been issued authorizing the transport of 20 or more passengers
- a helicopter that has a passenger seating configuration of 20 or more
- any aircraft that is authorized by the Minister
Aircraft with type-rating required: MCTOW of more than 19,000lbs, over 20 passengers
Helicopter that seat more than 20 passengers
Any other authorized aircraft
- 112 in any 28 consecutive days
- 300 in any 90 consecutive days
- 1,000 in any 365 consecutive days
- 8 in any 24 consecutive hours
Flight time is LOWER than duty time limits!
Name the columns for number of flights regarding an average flight duration of less than 30 minutes:
1 - 11
12 - 17
18 - ?
Name the columns for number of flights regarding an average flight duration of 30 minutes or more but less than 50 minutes:
1 - 7
8 - 11
12 - ?
Name the columns for number of flights regarding an average flight duration of more than 50 minutes:
1 - 4
5 - 6
7 - ?
A flight crew member is considered to be acclimatized if:
Timezone change less than 4 hours:
- Has had required rest period
- Spend 72 hours in same timezone
Timezone change more than 4 hours:
- Has had required rest period
- Spend 96 hours in same timezone
Any other cases of timezone:
- Has spent 24 hours in same timezone for each hour of difference
Maximum number of hours of work:
2,200 in any 365 consecutive days
192 in any 28 consecutive days
60 hours in any 7 consecutive days if:
1 single day free** from duty **in any 168 consecutive hours
4 single days free** from duty **in any 672 consecutive hours
No person shall conduct a takeoff in an aeroplane if the weight of the aeroplane is greater than the weight specified in the aircraft flight manual as allowing a net takeoff flight path that clears all obstacles by at least ____feet vertically or at least ___feet horizontally within the aerodrome boundaries, and by at least ___feet horizontally outside those boundaries.
35ft, 200ft, 300ft.
No air taxi operator, commuter operator or airline operator shall operate a pressurized aircraft unless protective breathing equipment with a ____ minute supply of breathing gas at a pressure-altitude of 8,000 feet is readily available at each flight crew member position.
15 minute.
In teh CDA, airspace above FL600 is class ___ airspace.
What are the speed limits regarding holds and altitude?
6,000ft and below =200kts
6,001ft to 14,000ft = 230kts
14,001 + = 265kts
Holt leg times with altitude:
At or below 14,000ft = 1 minute
Above 14,000ft - 1.5 minutes
No person shall commence control of a flight if they have had alcohol within the last ___hrs.
12 hours.
Fueling with engines running:
Fueling is not allowed with engine(s) running with passengers on board, embarking or disembarking.
What includes critical surfaces for icing?
The wings, control surfaces, rotors, propellers, horizontal stabilizers, vertical stabilizers or any other stabilizing surfaces of an aircraft, as well as any other surfaces identified as critical surfaces in the aircraft flight manual.
A turbojet commuter can use no less than __% of the headwind and no less than __% of the tailwind component.
50% of headwind
150% of tailwind
In order to travel over a body of water over 100NM or if the distance can be covered in 30 minutes, you need:
For both single-engine & multi-engine (where 1 engine is inop. and cannot maintain altitude):
Need life rafts
No person shall operate over water a multi-engined aeroplane that is able to maintain flight with any engine failed at more than 200 nautical miles, or the distance that can be covered in 60 minutes of flight at the cruising speed filed in the flight plan or flight itinerary, whichever distance is the lesser, unless:
200 NM = multi-engine only
Need a life raft for all passengers and crew.
A person may operate a transport aircraft up to ____ and _____ over water.
Up to 400 NM or 120 minutes.
Can you operate a transport category aircraft over 400 NM without life rafts?
Yes. However, over 400 NM will require them.
Who is responsible for wake turbulence separation?
The pilot.
During an IFR flight plan, if your ETA for a reporting point differs by more than ___ notify ATC.
3 minutes.
IFR separation non-radar:
Light behind medium = 3mins
Light behind heavy = 3mins
Medium behind heavy = 2mins
Heavy behind heavy = 3mins
IFR separation radar:
Light behind medium = 4NM
Light behind heavy = 6NM
Medium behind heavy = 5NM
Heavy behind Heavy = 4NM
When a new journey log is started, what information from the old old one should be transferred to the new one?
The entries that are necessary to ensure that unbroken chronological records are maintained.
When a journey log is full, how long shall you retain it for?
At least 1 year.
Unforeseen operational circumstances standards for compliance:
The flight time and duty time may be extended by up to 3 hours provided…
- Minimum rest period shall be increased by an amount EQUAL to the extension to the flight duty time
- PIC should notify air operator the reason and length of the extension
- Air operator shall retain the notifications until the next transport Canada audit
- Air operator shall notify them as soon as possible
Rest period increased by the time of the extension, PIC notify operator, air operator keep the notifications for audit, air operator shall notify Transport Canada Immediately
How much longer can a duty time be extended?
3 hours.
An aircraft in a air taxi or airline operation is to take passengers on an IMC flight where thunderstorms are expected, the aircraft must have:
Thunderstorm detection OR weather radar
No person shall operate an aircraft for an airline service in VFR conditions at less than ___ or at a horizontal distance of ____.
1,000ft, 1,000ft.
A class D airspace is:
A control zone where a tower is operating.
IFR planned altitude should be within:
+/- 0.1 Mach and 5% TAS.
Within the NAT region of Canada, airspace at and above ___ is class ___ airspace, and below this FL, it is class ___ airspace.
FL055, class A, glass G.
To get instructors rating, you need a minimum of ___hrs instrument flight time with at least ___hrs of of dual instrument time from the holder of an instructor rating.
40hrs instrument time. 5hrs dual instrument time.
Can you accept a LAHSO if the runway is wet?
What are the weather minimas to be able to accept a LAHSO clearance?
Ceiling of 1,500ft, 5 SM.
Frost, ice or snow having a thickness and surface roughness on the leading edge and upper surface of a wing can reduce lift by as much as ___% and increase drag by as much as ___%.
40%, 30%
REDUCE 40% of lift, 30% of DRAG. Any drop in lift is BAD. 40% is bad
Controlled rest periods on flight deck should be completed at ___ before top of descent.
30 minutes.
A person who drink an excessive amount of alcohol should wait ___ before flying/
24 hours.
A two-engine aircraft in a transport category must maintain a climb gradient of ___.
A flight crew member’s flight time includes:
Flight time accumulated form other flight operations
Total flight time with an augmented flight crew
During flight in the altimeter setting region, you should set an altimeter to an airport within:
An aircraft in a commuter category must maintain a climb gradient of ___ for four engined-airplanes.
MEL category A, B, C, D:
Category A. This category item must be repaired within the time interval specified in the remarks column of the certificate holder’s approved MEL.
Category B. This category item must be repaired within 3 consecutive calendar-days (72 hours), excluding the day the malfunction was recorded in the aircraft maintenance record/logbook. For example, if it were recorded at 10 a.m. on January 26, the 3-day interval would begin at midnight on January 26 and end at midnight on January 29
Category C. This category item must be repaired within 10 consecutive calendar-days (240 hours), excluding the day the malfunction was recorded in the aircraft maintenance record/logbook. For example, if it were recorded at 10 a.m. on January 26, the 10-day interval would begin at midnight on January 26 and end at midnight on February 5.
Category D. This category item must be repaired within 120 consecutive calendar-days (2880 hours), excluding the day the malfunction was recorded in the aircraft maintenance log and/or record.
A large aircraft is:
An aircraft MCTOW over 5700kg or 12,566lbs
Flight crew in air taxi shall not exceed:
14 hours in any consecutive 24 horus
What is the maximum flight time for commuter operations in a week?
14 hours in any 24 hours.
A crew member is interrupted to report for duty during his rest period. What is the maximum duty time under these conditions?
10 hours.
Maximum hold speed for propeller driven airplane:
When flying across a jet stream in North America, the temperature rises and you experience CAT. What should you do?
(Follow constant temperature)
Flying near a jet stream in a crosswind situation and encounter CAT. The OAT remains constant. What should you do?
Climb or descend.