Air Law 1 - General Flashcards
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
- Regulatory and Educational Information
- Updated twice a year (Spring and Fall)
Canada Flight Supplement (CFS)
- Comprehensive list of all aerodromes in Canada
- Published every 56 days
PPL Cost Reimbursement
- ONLY for purposes other than hire or reward
- Passengers ONLY carried incidentally
- ONLY reimbursed direct operating costs
Alcohol Limits
- Can’t act as crew member within 12 hours after consuming alcohol
Drug Limits
- Can’t act as crew member if impaired by a drug
Intoxicating Liquor
- More than 2.5%
- Has to be served by crew member or operator of aircraft
Refuelling with engine running
- Can’t refuel while engine is running and passengers are on board or boarding/disembarking
- Unless it is a airline operation and in compliance with the applicable air operators manual
Starting and Ground Running
- Pilot’s seat has to be occupied by someone who is competent
- Precautions to prevent aircraft from moving
- Can’t be left unattended
Entering/Leaving in Flight
- Can’t leave without permission of PIC
- PIC can only authorize parachute descents
- Can’t leave into in controlled airspace, air routes, built-up areas, or open-air assembly of persons
Safety Belts
- Mandatory when aircraft is moving on the ground and when for takeoff and landing, and when PIC deems it necessary
- PIC ensures one pilot at controls with safety belt fastened at all times
- Safety belt includes lap strap and shoulder harness
Child Restraint Systems
- Must be certified
- Child must be within weight limits
- Seat must be secured
- Must be adult or guardian sitting next to them
- Can’t smoke on takeoff/landing
- Can’t smoke when directed not to by PIC
- Can’t smoke in lavatory
- Can’t tamper or disable smoke alarm in lavatory
Portable Electronic Devices
- Can’t use if it affects aircraft systems and equipment
- Only aircraft operator may grant permission to use
- Can’t have a two-way radio unless it can communicate on 121.5 MHz
Flight Control Locks
- Can’t use control locks unless they can’t become engaged when the aircraft is in operation or there is a clear warning that it is engaged
Aircraft Icing
- Can’t takeoff if frost, ice, or snow is on any critical surfaces
- Can’t fly into icing conditions unless PIC deems aircraft to be adequately equipped
Passenger Briefing
- Must be briefed on normal and emergency exits, safety belts, securing of seats, stowing of baggage, oxygen equipment, smoking rules, first aid kits, survival kits, life preservers
ATC Instructions and Clearances
- Must comply with and acknowledge all ATC instructions and clearances
- Read back everything for IFR
- Read back only what is requested when VFR
Deviations from ATC clearance
- May deviate to perform collision avoidance maneuver
- PIC must inform ATC of deviation as soon as possible
- Return to last accepted clearance received from ATC
Life Preservers / PFD’s
- Seaplanes must have PFD’s for everyone
- Land planes can’t go beyond gliding distance from shore unless PFD’s for everyone
- Land planes can’t go beyond 50 NM from shore unless they have life preservers for everyone
- Land planes can’t go beyond 100 NM or 30 minutes of cruise unless there is a life raft that can accommodate everyone
Fire Prevention at Aerodromes
- No smoking or open flame on apron air aircraft loading bridge
- No smoking in any area that could be a fire hazard
- Operator of aerodrome may permit smoking in specific spots
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
- Emits signal on 121.5 for 48 hours
- Type F or AF remains in aircraft (Cessna 172)
- Type AP can be removed
- Testing signal can take place in first 5 minutes of any UTC hour for a max of 5 seconds
ELT requirements
- Can’t operate aircraft without it unless it isn’t an aeroplane, or its operated by a flight training unit within 25 NM of departure airport, an aircraft flight test, or a new aircraft
- Can operate an aircraft without an ELT if removed at first aerodrome possible, visible placard saying its missing, and replaced within 30 days
Oxygen requirements (between 10,000 and 13,000)
- Supplemental oxygen required if more than 30 minutes in duration
Oxygen requirements (above 13,000)
- Supplemental oxygen required for entire duration
Communication Failure (VFR in Class B,C,D)
- Leave airspace immediately, either landing at airport in control zone, or shortest route out
- Set transponder to 7600 if equipped
- Inform ATC of actions taken as soon as possible
Category of Aircraft
- Airship, Helicopter, Balloon, Glider, Aeroplane
Category 1 Medical Requirements
- required for CPL and ATPL
- valid for a year if under 40
- valid for 6 months if over 40
- reverts to cat 3
Category 2 Medical Requirements
- required for air traffic controllers and flight engineers
Category 3 Medical Requirements
- Required for PPL
- Valid for 5 years if under 40
- Valid for 2 years if over 40
Category 4 Medical Requirements
- Required for RPP and SPP
- Medical declaration form
- Valid for 5 years if under 40
- Valid for 2 years if over 40
Student Pilot Permit (SPP)
- 14 years of age
- Radio License
- Cat 4 Medical or better
- Can act as PIC under day VFR for flight training with no passengers
Recreational Pilot Permit (RPP)
- 16 years of age
- 60% on exam
- Cat 4 Medical or better
- 25 hours of flight time and flight test
- 15 dual (2 x/c) and 5 solo
- Can operate single-engine aeroplane under day VFR with max 1 passenger and only in Canada
Private Pilot Licence (PPL)
- 17 years of age
- 60% on exam
- Cat 3 medical or better
- 45 hours of flight time and flight test
- 17 dual (3 x/c, 5 instrument) and 12 solo (5 x/c)
- Can be PIC of class and type on licence
Night Rating
- Must have PPL
- 10 hours at night
- 5 dual (2 x/c) and 5 solo (10 takeoffs/landings)
- 10 hours instrument (includes 5 from private)
Land to Sea Conversion
- 7 hours training
- 5 hours dual
- 5 solo takeoffs and landings
Sea to Land Conversion
- 3 hours training
- 2 hours dual
- 5 solo takeoffs and landings
5 Year Requirement
- Must act as PIC once in last 5 years
- If not, must write PSTAR and complete flight review with instructor
6 Month Requirement (For Carriage Of Passengers)
- Must have 5 Takeoffs and Landings in previous 6 months
- If flight is at night, then those 5 must be at night
2 Year Requirement
- must “renew” your licence by doing one of 7 things
- includes a flight review, safety seminar, training program, or written exam
Type Ratings
- Required for aircraft not covered in blanket rating
- high performance aeroplane or aircraft requiring flight crew of 2
- Includes ground school on aircraft and flight test
High Performance Aeroplane
- Vne of 250 knots or greater
- Vso (minimum speed in landing config) of 80 knots or greater
VFR Minimum Distances (Built-up Area)
Not lower than 1000 ft above the highest obstacle within a 2000 ft radius
VFR Minimum Distances (Not Built-up Area)
Not lower than 500 ft above the highest obstacle within a 500 ft radius
VFR Minimum Distances (Non-populous area / Open Water)
Must stay 500 ft away from all obstacles
VFR Minimum Distances (Exceptions)
- Police Operation
- Saving Human Life
- Fire or Air Ambulance
- Aerial Inspection
- Flight Training
VFR Minimum Distances (National / Provincial Parks)
- Should fly 2000 ft above them
- No special restrictions in CAR’s
Aircraft Speed Limits (Below 10,000’ ASL)
Indicated Airspeed below 250 knots
Aircraft Speed Limits (Below 3000’ AGL, within 10 NM of controlled airport)
Indicated Airspeed below 200 Knots
Aircraft Speed Limits (Exceptions)
- Departure
- Special Flight Operations Certificate
- If minimum safe speed is above limits
VFR Weather Minima (Control Zones)
- 3 SM visibility
- Horizontal 1 NM from cloud
- Vertical 500 ft from cloud
- 500 ft AGL
VFR Weather Minima (Other Controlled Airspace)
- 3 SM visibility
- Horizontal 1 NM from cloud
- Vertical 500 ft from cloud
VFR Weather Minima (Uncontrolled Airspace, Above 1000’ AGL)
- 1 SM visibility day
- 3 SM visibility night
- Horizontal 2000 ft from cloud
- Vertical 500 ft from cloud
VFR Weather Minima (Uncontrolled Airspace, Below 1000’ AGL)
- 2 SM visibility day
- 3 SM visibility night
- Clear of cloud
Special VFR Minima
- Must have 2-way radio
- Must operate within sight of ground and clear of cloud
- ATC will only authorize at night for purpose of landing
- Pilot must request it
VFR Over-The-Top
- Day Only
- Weather must be scattered or better
- 5 SM visibility
- Rating requires 15 hours dual instrument
- CPL includes rating
Minimum Altitude Over-Flying Aerodromes
- Can’t operate less than 2000’ AAE unless taking off / landing or authorized by ATC
- Exceptions include fire, police, medical, highway patrol, flight training
Right of Way Rules
- Power driven aircraft give way to towing aircraft
- towing aircraft give way to airships
- airships give way to gliders
- gliders give way to balloons
- Alter heading to the right
- If overtaking, slower aircraft has right of way
- Aircraft landing have right of way
- Aircraft landing at lower altitude has right of way
- When converging, aircraft with other one on right gives way
- Same rules apply for IFR
- Can’t conduct aerobatics over a built-up area, open-air assembly of persons, controlled airspace, or air route
- Can’t conduct when less than 3 SM visibility, below 2000’ AGL
- Need special flight certificate
- To carry passengers, you need 10 hrs dual instruction of aerobatic maneuvers, or 20 hours conducting aerobatic maneuvers
- Need 1 hour conducting aerobatic maneuvers in last 6 months
Formation Flying
- More than one aircraft operating as a single aircraft with regard to navigation and ATC
- Must be pre-arranged by PIC’s
- Must be approved by ATC if operating in control zone
Requirements for Power-Driven Aircraft
- Checklists
- Aeronautical charts and publications
- Fire Extinguisher
- Time piece for each crew member
- First Aid kit
- Flashlight (Night)