How many air conditioning packs are there (200, 300) and where are they situated?
The 200 has 1 pack and the 300 has 2 packs. Located in the tail of the aircraft.
What is the purpose of the primary and secondary heat exchangers?
They remove heat from the hot bleed air and feed it to the cabin
How are the heat exchangers cooled in flight?
Ram air through the dorsal fin which is drawn over the heat exchanger by the ACM turbine driven fan.
What is the purpose of the ACM turbine?
The turbine drives the ACM compressor and the ACM fan. it also acts to expand the compressed air and therefore lowering it’s temperature.
How is cabin and cockpit temperature controlled (300)?
The pack temperature control valve which mixes refrigerated air with bypass air, the 300 has two packs, one which feeds the cockpit and the other into the cabin.
If the automatic temperature control fails on either pack, what can you do (300)?
The temperature can be controlled using the temperature control knobs. If this fails then the pack should be shut down however the 30 still has one remaining pack.
What happens if the CABIN DUCT HOT or FLIGHT COMP DUCT HOT caution light comes on?
A full cold signal will be sent to the respective temperature control/trim valves which will deliver full cool air to the flight compartment or cabin.
What is the effect of compressor discharge duct over temperature (Air-conditioning pack overheat)?
The air con pack hot caution light will illuminate and the bleed valves will close, the pack will shutoff until the temperature drops, this can cycle.
What is the normal source of air for the air-conditioning system?
Bleed air from both engines and on the ground can be sourced form the APU.
When will the avionics compartment fan operate?
The avionics compartment fan operates whenever DC power is availabe
Where does the radar get cooling air from?
From the ceiling and floor vents.
What valves control cabin temp (200)?
The pack temperature control valves
What valves cockpit cabin temp (200)?
The trim valves
Where is recirc air drawn from?
under the FWD cabin floor and flight compartment
When should the Recirc fans be used?
Whenever the ACM is being supplied with bleed air