Aims of the Peacemakers Flashcards
What did Clemenceau see the Treaty as a chance to do?
Cripple Germany, especially its economy, so that it could never attack France again.
Why did France want this?
Ever since 1870, France had felt threatened by Germany and its increasing power. The French population was in decline compared to Germany’s ever increasing. Germany seemed to many people as powerful and threatening as ever.
What did Clemenceau want back?
What did Clemenceau want happening to Germany
He wanted it split into two smaller countries so they wouldn’t be as much of a threat.
Why was Clemenceau so harsh?
France had suffered enormous damage to its land, industry, people and self-confidence. They had definitely lost the most casualties in millions. Therefore they naturally wanted revenge.
What did France want to do with Germany’s colonies?
Make her give them up.
What did Britain want?
He wanted Germany to be punished, but not too harshly as he fears it will lead the Germans to resent them.
What was France’s opinion on the League?
Didn’t trust it and thinks that it won’t defend France.
What was Britain’s main aim?
Wanted Germany to lose its navy and colonies as they thought it threatened the British Empire. They were also keen to start trading with Germany again as before the war Germany had been Britain’s second largest trading partner.
However what was the problem with Lloyd George’s idea?
The British people demanded a harsh treaty and were angry after the war.
What was Britain’s opinion of the League?
They don’t like it but accepts. they don’t think it will work so don’t support it.
What was Wilson’s idea of punishment?
He wanted Germany punishing but not too harshly as they would later seek revenge.
What was Wilson’s opinion on territory?
Germany can keep her land but not her colonies.
What did Wilson want to do with the army?
Wants general disarmament - all countries to give up their armies and navies.
What was Wilson’s opinion on the League?
He supports the idea and believes in collective security.
In what ways did Wilson achieve what he wanted?
He got the League of Nations, and self determination for the people of Eastern Europe.
In what ways did Wilson not get what he wanted?
Some of his 14 points did not appear in the Treaty, the USA senate refused him to join the league.
In what ways did Lloyd George get what he wanted?
Given some of Germany’s colonies, restricted the German armed forces particularly the naval restrictions which allowed him to ‘rule the waves.’
What did Lloyd George not get?
He felt that the treaty was too harsh and would ruin Germany and he felt that it would lead to another war in 25 years.
What did Clemenceau get that he wanted?
Reparations, a smaller German army, demilitarisation of the Rhineland, return of Alsace-Lorraine.
What was Clemenceau disappointed about not getting?
He wanted a harsher treaty and wanted Germany to be split into smaller countries.