AIM: Ch 3: Interaction of Radiation with Matter Flashcards
It is the transfer of some of the incident particles’ energy to electrons in the absorbing material, promoting them to electron orbits farther from the nucleus (i.e., higher energy level)
T/F: In excitation, the energy transferred to an electron does not exceed its binding energy.
Following excitation, the electron will return to a lower energy level, with the emission of the excitation energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation or Auger electrons. This process is referred to as ____
If the transferred energy exceeds the binding energy of the electron, ____ occurs, whereby the electron is ejected from the atom
After ionization, sometimes, the ejected electrons possess sufficient energy to produce further ionizations called ____. These electrons are called ____
Secondary ionization, delta rays
T/F: As electron energy decreases the probability of energy loss via excitation decreases.
As electron energy decreases the probability of energy loss via excitation increases.
The average number of primary and secondary ion pairs produced per unit length of the charged particle’s path is called
Specific ionization
Expressed in ion pairs (IP)/mm
T/F: Specific ionization decreases with the square of the electrical charge (Q) of the particle and increases with the square of the incident particle velocity (v)
Specific ionization INcreases with the square of the electrical charge (Q) of the particle and DEcreases with the square of the incident particle velocity (v)
A larger charge produces a greater coulombic field; as the particle loses kinetic energy, it slows down, allowing the coulombic field to interact at a given location for a longer period of time.
As the alpha particle slows, the specific ionization increases to a maximum (called the ____), beyond which it decreases rapidly as the alpha particle acquires electrons and becomes electrically neutral, thus losing its capacity for further ionization
Bragg peak
The ____ of a particle is defined as the distance the particle travels
Path length
The ____ of a particle is defined as the depth of penetration of the particle in matter
The path length of the ____ almost always exceeds its range, whereas the typically straight ionization track of a heavy charged particle results in the path length and range being nearly ___.
Electron, equal
While specific ionization reflects all energy losses that occur before an ion pair is produced, the ____ is a measure of the average amount of energy deposited locally (near the incident particle track) in the absorber per unit path length.
Linear energy transfer (LET)
Unit of linear energy transfer (LET)
keV or eV per μm
T/F: The LET of a charged particle is proportional to the square of the charge and inversely proportional to the particle’s kinetic energy
It refers to an interaction that deflects a particle or photon from its original trajectory
A scattering event in which the total kinetic energy of the colliding particles is unchanged is called ____
When scattering occurs with a loss of kinetic energy (i.e., the total kinetic energy of the scattered particles is less than that of the particles before the interaction), the interaction is said to be ____
Elastic ionization: KE of ejected electron is ____ KE lost by the incident electron
Inelastic ionization: KE of ejected electron is ____ KE lost by the incident electron
The radiation emission accompanying electron deceleration is called
T/F: Total bremsstrahlung emission per atom is proportional to Z2, where Z is the atomic number of the absorber, and inversely proportional to the square of the mass of the incident particle, that is, Z2/m2
There are four major types of interactions of x-ray and gamma-ray photons with matter, the first three of which play a role in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine:
(a) Rayleigh scattering
(b) Compton scattering
(c) Photoelectric absorption
(d) Pair production
In this type of interaction, the incident photon interacts with and excites the total atom
Rayleigh scattering
This interaction occurs mainly with very low energy x-rays, such as those used in mammography (15 to 30 keV).
Rayleigh scattering
T/F: In general, the average scattering angle decreases as the x-ray energy increases in Rayleigh scattering
Which statement is false about Rayleigh scattering:
a. Also referred to as “coherent” or “classical” scattering
b. In medical imaging, detection of the scattered x-ray will have a deleterious effect on image quality. However, this type of interaction has a low probability of occurrence in the diagnostic energy range
c. In this interaction, electrons are ejected, and thus, ionization does occur.
d. This interaction occurs mainly with very low energy x-rays, such as those used in mammography (15 to 30 keV).
c. In this interaction, electrons are NOT ejected, and thus, ionization does NOT occur.
Also called inelastic or nonclassical scattering, is the predominant interaction of x-ray and gamma-ray photons in the diagnostic energy range with soft tissue
Compton Scattering
T/F: As the incident photon energy increases, both scattered photons and electrons are scattered more toward the forward direction. In x-ray transmission imaging, these photons are much more likely to be detected by the image receptor.
For a given scattering angle, the fraction of energy transferred to the scattered photon ____ with increasing incident photon energy.
When Compton scattering occurs at the lower x-ray energies used in diagnostic imaging (15 to 150 keV), the majority of the incident photon energy is transferred to the scattered ____.
What factors are being degraded by the following interaction:
a. Rayleigh scattering
b. Compton scattering
a. Image quality
b. Image contrast and increase in random noise
T/F: The laws of conservation of energy and momentum place limits on both scattering angle and energy transfer.
The maximal energy transfer to the Compton electron (and thus, the maximum reduction in incident photon energy) occurs with a ____-degree photon scatter (backscatter)
T/F: In contrast to the scattered photon, the energy of the ejected electron is usually absorbed near the scattering site.
The scattering angle of the ejected electron cannot exceed ____ degrees, whereas that of the scattered photon can be any value including a ____-degree backscatter.
90, 180
T/F: The relative probability of a Compton interaction increases, compared to Rayleigh scattering or photoelectric absorption, as the incident photon energy increases.
The incident photon energy must be substantially greater than the electron’s binding energy before a Compton interaction is likely to take place.
T/F: Hydrogenous materials have a higher probability of Compton scattering than anhydrogenous material of equal mass.
Compared to other elements, the absence of neutrons in the hydrogen atom results in an approximate doubling of electron density. And, the probability of Compton scattering also depends on electron density = # of e-/g x density
T/F: The probability of photoelectric absorption per unit mass is approximately proportional to Z3/E3, where Z is the atomic number and E is the energy of the incident photon.
T/F: The benefit of photoelectric absorption in x-ray transmission imaging is that there are no scattered photons to degrade the image.
The fact that the probability of photoelectric interaction is proportional to 1/E3 explains, in part, why image contrast decreases when higher x-ray energies are used in the imaging process
For every element, the probability of the photoelectric effect, as a function of photon energy, exhibits sharp discontinuities called ____
Absorption edges
The ____ process predominates when lower energy photons interact with high Z materials
____ is the primary mode of interaction of diagnostic x-rays with image receptors, radiographic contrast materials, and radiation shielding
Photoelectric absorption
When diagnostic energy photons interact with materials of low atomic number (e.g., soft tissue), the ____ process dominates.
____ can only occur when the energies of x-rays and gamma rays exceed 1.02 MeV
Pair production
It is the removal of photons from a beam of x-rays or gamma rays as it passes through matter.
Predict what interaction predominates in the following cases of attenuation processes in soft tissues:
1. At low photon energies (less than 26 keV) interacting with high Z materials
2. When higher energy photons interact with low Z materials (e.g., soft tissue)
3. Occurs in medical imaging with low probability comprising about 10% of the interactions in mammography and 5% in chest radiography
4. At very high photon energies (greater than 1.02 MeV)
- Photoelectric
- Compton scattering
- Rayleigh scattering
- Pair production
The fraction of photons removed from a monoenergetic beam of x-rays or gamma rays per unit thickness of material is called the
Linear attenuation coefficient
Typically expressed in units of inverse centimeters (cm^-1)
T/F: The linear attenuation coefficient is the sum of the individual linear attenuation coefficients for each type of interaction
In the diagnostic energy range, the linear attenuation coefficient ____ with increasing energy except at ____
Decreases, absorption edges (e.g., K-edge)
T/F: The linear attenuation coefficient is inversely proportional to the density of the material
The linear attenuation coefficient is proportional to the density of the material
The linear attenuation coefficient, normalized to unit density, is called the
Mass attenuation coefficient
Unit: cm2/g
T/F: The mass attenuation coefficient is independent of density.
The product px is called the
Mass thickness or areal thickness
It is defined as the thickness of material required to reduce the intensity (e.g., air kerma rate) of an x-ray or gamma-ray beam to one half of its initial value.
Half-value layer (HVL)
The HVL of a beam is an indirect measure of the photon energies (also referred to as the ____) of a beam, when measured under conditions of ____-beam geometry.
quality, narrow
Determination of the HVL in diagnostic radiology is a way of characterizing the penetrability of the polyenergetic x-ray beam and can be converted to a quantity called
Effective energy
T/F: The effective energy of an x-ray spectrum is the energy of a mono-energetic beam of photons that has the same penetrating ability (HVL) as the polyenergetic spectrum of photons.
Effective energy of an x-ray beam from a typical diagnostic x-ray tube is ____ the maximal value.
1/3 to 1/2
Average distance traveled before interaction, calculated from the linear attenuation coefficient or the HVL of the beam
Mean free path
Lower energy photons of x-ray beams are removed from the beam while passing through matter, causing a shift of the x-ray spectrum to higher effective energies as the beam transverses matter. This selective attenuation of lower (soft) energy photons is also referred to as
Beam filtration
____ is commonly used in mammography (which uses low-energy photons) for beam filtration
FDA regulations require a minimum total filtration of ____ of aluminum equivalent for x-ray tubes operating above 70 kV
2.5 mm
The number of photons/particles passing through a unit cross-sectional area is referred to as the ____
Defined as fluence per unit time
The amount of energy passing through a unit cross-sectional area is referred to as
Energy fluence
The mass attenuation coefficient multiplied by the fraction of the energy of interacting photons transferred to charged particles as kinetic energy.
Mass attenuation transfer coefficient
The kinetic energy transferred to charged particles by indirectly ionizing radiation per unit mass
1 J/kg = ?
1 Gy
It is the energy (E) imparted by ionizing radiation per unit mass (m):
Absorbed dose
Charged particles deposit imparted energy locally, when bremsstrahlung production is negligible, kerma will be ____ to the absorbed dose.
The absorbed dose is expressed in either ____
Energ unit per mass (J/kg) or in units of gray (Gy)
The amount of electrical charge (Q) produced by ionizing electromagnetic radiation per mass (m) of air is called ____
Exposure, X
Give the SI unit for the following:
a. Length
b. Mass
c. Time
d. Electric current
e. Temperature
f. Luminous intensity
g. Amount of substance
a. Meters
b. Kilogram
c. Second
d. Ampere
e. Kelvin
f. Candela
g. Mole
The shift of the x-ray spectrum to higher effective energies as the beam transverses matter is called ____
Beam hardening
T/F: Low-energy (soft) x-rays will not penetrate the entire thickness of the body; thus, their removal reduces patient dose without affecting the diagnostic quality of the exam
It is the ratio of the first to the second HVL and describes the polyenergetic character of the beam.
Homogeneity coefficient
The first HVL is the thickness that reduces the incident intensity to 50%, and the second HVL reduces it to 25% of its original intensity (i.e., 0.5 3 0.5 5 0.25)
For most of diagnostic x-ray imaging the homogeneity coefficient of the x-ray spectrum is between ____
Homogeneity coefficient of:
a. Mammography
b. Monoenergetic source of gamma rays
a. 0.97
b. 1
The SI unit of Kerma
Gray (Gy) or milligray (mGy)
SI unit of absorbed dose
Older unit of absorbed dose
rad (radiation absorbed dose)
1 rad = 10 mGy
If the energy imparted to charged particles is deposited locally and the bremsstrahlung produced by the energetic electrons is negligible, the absorbed dose will ____ relative to the kerma
T/F: The mass energy absorption coefficient will be the same as the mass energy transfer coefficient when all transferred energy is locally absorbed.
The difference between the calculation of kerma and dose for air is that kerma is defined using the mass energy ____ coefficient, whereas dose is defined using the mass energy ____ coefficient.
transfer, absorption
The historical unit of exposure is the ____
Roentgen (R)
1 R = 2.58 x 10^-4 C/kg (exactly)
The total amount of energy deposited in matter, called the ____ is the product of the dose and the mass over which the energy is imparted.
Imparted energy
The product of the absorbed dose (D) and the radiation weighing factor is the ____
Equivalent dose (H)
SI unit for equivalent dose
Sievert (Sv) = 1 J/kg
Which type of radiation has the highest radiation weighting factor?
a. Xray, gamma rays, beta particles
b. Protons
c. Neutrons
d. Alpha particles, and other multi-charged particles
d. Alpha particles and, other multi-charged particles
Which type of radiation has the lowest radiation weighting factor (=1)?
a. Xray, gamma rays, beta particles
b. Protons
c. Neutrons
d. Alpha particles, and other multi-charged particles
a. Xray, gamma rays, beta particles
To modify the dose to reflect the relative effectiveness of the type of radiation in producing biologic damage, ____ was established by the ICRP as part of an overall system for radiation protection.
Radiation weighting factor (wR)
____ were also established by the ICRP as part of their radiation protection system to assign a particular organ or tissue (T) the proportion of the detriment from stochastic effects
Tissue weighting factors (wT)
The sum of the products of the equivalent dose to each organ or tissue irradiated (HT) and the corresponding weighting factor (wT) for that organ or tissue is called the ____.
Effective dose (E)
SI unit for effective dose
Sievert (Sv) or rem
Define, give SI unit and traditional unit (if there is) of the following:
a. Exposure
b. Absorbed dose
c. Kerma
d. Air Kerma
e. Imparted energy
d. Dose equivalent
e. Equivalent dose
f. Effective dose equivalent
g. Effective dose
See below