Aileen Synthetic biology Flashcards
- What synthetic biology has liu et al (2022) been developing?
a. synthetic biomaterials such as synthetic extracellular matrix for biofilms with both living and synthetically modified organisms
- What are the Ethical topics I am going to discuss for the synthetic biology ethics section?
a. Cost
b. Exploitation of class
c. Climate change
d. Morals
- What legislation did the house of representatives in the USA pass?
a. To cap the price of insulin ar $35.00
- Who are the three manufacturers of insulin?
a. Eli Lilly
b. Novo Nordisk
c. Sanofi
- The pharmaceutical company_____ increased the price of insulin from ______ to _____ in 2017.
a. Eli Lily
b. £35 to $275 a vial
- How many people a year are driven into poverty because of health care cost>
a. 100 million
- How many people struggle to access healthcare globally, and in what paper was thi reported?
a. Ozawa et al (2019) over two billion people struggle to gain access to adequate healthcare
- In developing countries such as Southeast Asia and south Africa the supplies are limited and may only be a _______reduces the amount of supply and access
a. single distributer
- What is the estimated global usage of insulin?
a. 420 million people worldwide rely on insulin
- How much is the pharmaceutical industry set to make in 2023? Who published these findings?
a. WHO (2021) $1.5 trillion profit predicted for pharmaceuticals in 2023
- What percentage of people who require access to insulin can not access it?
a. 50%
- What percentage of the take home pay of an isulin user is Ghana is taken for insulin cost?
a. 1/5
- What organisation and in what year launched an initiative to try and get the cost of insulin reduced?
a. WHO in 2020
- Who much money are pharmaceutical companies set ot profit in 2023?
a. 1.5 trillion
- In what ways were there ethical issues with the covid 19 vaccine?
a. Western countries got first
b. Twice price for African countries
c. Government funded but they kep IP: and wouldn’t give for smaller countries to make the vaccine
- On average ________ is given to developing countries in aid but they pay back ________ in interest from loans given for aid, who was the author
a. 1.3
b. 3.3
c. John hickel
- Who and in what year statistically analysed the ethics of synthetic biolgy using a ethical matrix?
a. Kevin Smith (2022)
- Kevin smith (2022) used an _______ to analyse synthetic biology.
a. ethical matrix
- What is the moral for and moral against arguments that I have?
a. For: Kevin smith (2022) ethical matrix
b. Aaginst: Grey goo
- What is the grey goo hypothesis?
a. the synthetically engineered microbes could mutate and evolve and be destructive to the planet. E. coli and microorganisms are self-replication, that is their primary function. Human error and oversite when creating. Could affect other unintended self-replicating organisms.
- What percentage of waste is reduced using biocatalysis?
a. 20%