What is the purpose of securing the area of a hazardous incident?
To protect human life, including department members.
What does ARMOR stand for?
All Hazard Regional Multi-Agency Operations and Response Section of the Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center (SNCTC).
What is the CAHRT?
Composite All Hazards Response Team made up of all supporting agencies or LVMPD sections of the ARMOR task force.
Define CBRNE.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive.
What is evacuation?
The systematic removal of person(s) from a potentially hazardous situation or environment outside the designated contaminated area.
What are hazardous materials (HAZMAT)?
Substances or materials that can pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety, property, and environment.
What does WMD stand for?
Weapons of Mass Destruction.
What is the primary responsibility for the control or removal of hazardous materials?
The owner, user, shipping agent, carrier, or individual in whose custody the material has been placed.
What should officers do when they approach a scene of an explosion?
Treat it as a possible criminal act and be cautious until the cause is confirmed.
What is the Clark County Mass Casualty Plan?
It will be implemented if an incident results in multiple casualties (in excess of 20).
How should personnel assist the fire department during a hazardous incident?
By ensuring ingress and egress routes are available for emergency vehicles.
What should be done to limit activities at a hazardous incident scene?
Limit activities to those who are competent in the field.
True or False: The ARMOR section leads investigations when an incident is intentional.
What is the role of the area lieutenant/incident commander?
Assume command of all LVMPD police operations until relieved by a senior command officer.
What is the first action for the first LVMPD member on scene?
Stay upwind from the scene and not expose themselves to a designated contaminated area.
What should the first supervisor on the scene establish?
A command post at a safe distance upwind from the scene.
What is required before conducting rescues in a contaminated area?
Proper protective equipment and training in its use.
What should the area command personnel do regarding access inside the perimeter?
Limit access to those authorized by the command post.
What is the responsibility of the media liaison officer?
Establish a location outside the safety perimeter for media personnel and manage information release.
What does the ARMOR Section coordinate during a CBRNE incident?
Mass casualty decontamination and hazardous materials cleanup if required.
Fill in the blank: The first LVMPD member on scene must use the _______ to set up a security perimeter.
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).
What should be marked to assist explosive-detector dogs or bomb squads?
Locations that have been thoroughly checked for possible secondary devices.
What is the role of communications personnel upon notification of an incident?
Notify and dispatch the area lieutenant, emergency management coordinator, and the on-call PIO.
What is prohibited in the area of a hazardous incident?
Eating, drinking, or smoking.