What is Code 3 driving?
A police tactic used in responding to an emergency
Code 3 driving emphasizes good judgment, communication, and coordination to maximize safety and minimize risks.
What does Code 1 represent in emergency response?
Normal response - Must obey all traffic laws and rules
Code 1 indicates a standard response without any emergency lights or sirens.
What situations allow for Code 2 response?
Non-Emergency situations
Code 2 involves using lights only and is for stopping violators, signaling traffic hazards, and other specific circumstances.
List the conditions under which Code 3 response is authorized.
- Imminent danger to citizens
- Another officer requires assistance
- Reliable information of a felony in progress
- Pursuits
Only commissioned personnel are authorized to use Code 3.
What is the maximum speed limit for Code 3 driving?
Will not exceed posted speed limit by more than 20 mph
The 20 mph over limit rule is removed for pursuit driving.
What actions are prohibited during a Code 3 response?
Typing messages and using a cell phone
These actions are prohibited to maintain focus and safety during an emergency response.
What must the primary officer do when initiating a Code 3 response?
- Notify Communications via radio of Code 3 status
- Activate and continuously utilize emergency lights and siren
- Activate the Code 3 button on the MDT, if equipped
- Proceed in a safe manner
The primary officer is responsible for ensuring all protocols are followed.
What is the role of the secondary officer during a Code 3 response?
- Notify Communications via radio of Code 3 status
- Activate the Code 3 button on the MDT, if equipped
- Proceed in a safe manner
The secondary officer supports the primary officer and follows similar protocols.
What must first and second arriving units do upon arrival?
- Broadcast arrival status via the radio
- Determine the need for continued Code 3 response
- Advise other units to continue or discontinue Code 3
Communication and coordination are essential for managing the response effectively.
What must additional units do before proceeding Code 3?
Activate the Code 3 button on the MDT, if equipped
This informs Communications of their response status and arrival.
What is the responsibility of field supervisors during Code 3 responses?
Monitor radio channels for adherence to policy and direct Code 3 responses
Field supervisors ensure safety and compliance during emergency responses.