What is the purpose of the department policy?
To provide for the deployment of personnel and equipment when a life-safety threat exists.
What types of incidents may require a major commitment of resources?
Natural or man-made disasters, civil disturbances, or other complex incidents.
What is NIMS?
National Incident Management System, developed for responders from different jurisdictions to work together.
What are the benefits of NIMS?
- Unified approach to incident management
- Standard command and management structures
- Emphasis on preparedness, mutual aid, and resource management.
What does ICS stand for?
Incident Command System.
What is the function of the ICS?
To provide command, control, response coordination, and overall management of complex incidents.
What is Unified Command?
A team effort that allows agencies with jurisdictional responsibility to participate in incident management.
What is the role of the Emergency Management Section?
To advise on unusual occurrences and coordinate emergency plans.
What training is required for commissioned officers and civilian employees during probation?
- ICS-100
- ICS-200
- ICS-700.
What are the top three priorities for establishing incident objectives?
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property preservation.
What must be communicated when command is transferred?
It must be communicated to Dispatch over the radio.
What does ‘IC’ signify in a call sign?
Incident Commander.
What should be established when a command post is set up?
A unique name for the command post.
True or False: The first arriving officer must always assume command.
Fill in the blank: The first arriving officer(s) will ensure _______.
officer and public safety.
What must the Communications Bureau do during a major incident?
- Initiate a Code Red
- Notify area command lieutenant
- Ensure IC is logged on with the IC designator.
Who is responsible for establishing command during an incident?
The most qualified officer present.
What is the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO)?
To report to the command post for accurate information and assist with media staging.
What is required from department members during a large-scale event?
Completion of a Major Incident Officer’s Report or Major Incident Civilian Report.
What should be done with the Incident Command Systems After Action Report?
It should be completed and reviewed if needed, with recommendations made.
What does the Emergency Management Section coordinate?
Regional, state, or federal resources.
What is the responsibility of the Traffic Bureau during an incident?
To provide traffic control.
What is the role of the Bureau Commander following a significant critical incident?
To conduct a thorough debrief with all personnel assigned to the incident.
What types of incidents require an Incident Command Systems After Action Report?
- Mass casualty incident/terrorist attack
- Hazardous material accidents.
What is the role of the Bureau Commander following a significant critical incident?
Conduct a thorough debrief with all personnel assigned to the incident as soon as possible.
What type of incidents require an Incident Command Systems After Action Report?
The following events:
* Mass casualty incident/terrorist attack
* Hazardous material accidents
* CBRNE incidents
* Natural disasters
* Public health emergencies
* Wildland fires
* Large facility fires
* Aircraft accidents with loss of life or major property damage
* Large civil disorders
* Utility disruptions
Fill in the blank: An Incident Command Systems After Action Report is completed for a mass casualty incident or _______.
[terrorist attack]
What should supervisors do if trauma exposure during a major incident affects an employee’s well-being?
See LVMPD 7.430, Early Identification and Intervention Program (EIIP) for reporting procedures.
True or False: All employees are allowed to query major events in the Communication Aided Dispatch (CAD) system during major incidents.
Who is permitted to access major events in CAD during incidents?
Personnel directly assigned to the incident or supervisory operational personnel.
What types of natural disasters are mentioned that could lead to an Incident Command Systems After Action Report?
Natural disasters such as:
* Earthquakes
* Floods
* Avalanches
* Large storms
Fill in the blank: The LVMPD ARMOR Task Force is associated with _______ incidents.
What type of fires require an Incident Command Systems After Action Report?
Fires involving large facilities or critical infrastructure.
List three examples of utility disruptions that may be reported.
- Major power outages
- Pipeline breakage
- Other significant utility disruptions