Aggression evaluations Flashcards
Limbic system
+research evidence eg. Pardini carried out longitudinal study of males from children to adults. Pps had MRI at 26 and found lower amygdala volume= higher level of aggression/violence
+Research evidence eg. Raine et al, one group of impulsively violent criminals, the other cold calculated criminals. Impulsive group had differing sized hippocampus, suggesting asymmetry in hippocampus impacts communication between it and amygdala causing aggression
+Evidence eg. Summer, case study of 14 year old who was diagnosed with a brain tumour in the limbic system. When treated with drugs, the girls aggression reduced, showing aggression is linked to limbic system
-contradicting evidence eg. Muller did fMRIs on 6 psychopaths and 6 male controls, while being shown positive and negative pictures. Found psychopaths had increased activity in the amygdala
-Role of limbic system in aggression isn’t clear cut as its not clear what parts are involved, so an interaction between different components may be more important
+Research evidence eg. Crockett et al, manipulated one group’s diet to reduce serotonin and the other gave SSRIs. Found when play videogames the restrictive diet group displayed higher levels of retaliation compared to other group. Low serotonin= more aggressive
+Research evidence eg. Raleigh et al, fed monkeys high tryptophan (increases serotonin in brain) and found their aggression decreased
-Crockett’s supportive research has low validity as game playing is not a direct physical aggressive response, it could be no effect of serotonin when measuring actual aggression
-Deterministic-link of aggressive behaviour with reduction of serotonin doesn’t allow for free will. This implies violent criminals aren’t to blame for their actions as serotonin levels is out of their control
-most research is correlational, meaning its difficult to state causation as another factor maybe effecting it
Genetic factors
+research evidence eg. Miles and Carey, meta analysis of 24 twin and adoption studies, found a strong genetic influence on aggression
-variables in previous study eg. age , moderated the genetic influence on aggression, suggesting other factors play a role
-problems assessing aggression in studies, many studies involve self report which could cause social desirability bias
-difficult to establish how influential genes are on aggression as difficult to separate genetics and environmental factors eg. gene only expressed in correct environmental conditions
+evidence eg. Caspi, 500 male children, found those with low variant of MAOA were more aggressive
+practical applications eg. valuable in offender treatment and rehab. Also used to develop treatments for personality disorders that are risk factors in criminal behaviour
-contradicting eg. Cases et al, disabled MAOA gene in mice found males became more aggressive, but didn’t affect females. Other factors may affect eg. testosterone
-Not complete explanation as Caspi found evidence for gene/environment interaction, Caspi found those with MAOA-L variant more likely to be aggressive if maltreated in childhood
Ethological explanation
+ritualised aggression prevents injury/ death eg Chagnon describe how Yanomamo people in South America chest pound to settle conflict without violence
-Lehrman criticised Lorenz’s theory of aggression being instinctual, believed he had underestimated importance of environment and interaction with innate factors
-difficult to generalise- human FAP such as smiling have been identified, however FAP such as aggression are no longer adaptive in modern times, human behaviour more varied and less predictable than animals
-cultural differences eg. Nisbett found killing more common amongst white males in southern states of America than northern, due to difference in social norms as impulsive aggression was learnt as social norm
Evolutionary explanation
+evidence eg. Daly + Wilson - found 80 murders where 44 victims husband, 36 wives , 29% due to sexual jealousy. Although more husbands murdered, wives murdered due to self defence
+evidence for link between aggression + status eg. Buss found male on male violence was due to one male perceiving a slight affront to his status from another male
+practical applications eg. know what actions may precede violence, family members can step in when they identify retention strategies being used
-contradicting evidence eg. Buss + Shackleford suggested males acted differently to being cheated on eg. some resorted to retention strategies, some murder, some get drunk. Therefore evolutionary approach ignores individual differences
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
+evidence eg. Marcus-Newhall, meta analysis of 49 studies of displaced aggression, found pps who couldn’t retaliate directly against the cause of frustration deflected aggression on an innocent party
+Practical applications eg. Berkowitz + LePage’s findings of study has been discussed in the gun control debate in US. Some states guns don’t have to be concealed, meaning aggression is more likely
-contradicting evidence eg. Bushman, found pps who let out anger by using a punchbag became more aggressive which is different to predictions, questioning validity
-other factors eg. pain, extreme temperatures, found baseball players became more aggressive in hotter temperatures
+support eg. Poulin and Boivin, found aggressive boys form relationships with other aggressive boys, use alliances to gain resources Meaning frequently exposed to aggressive behaviours making them more aggressive
+explains cultural differences eg. Kung San in Kalahari desert, parents don’t punish or reward children for aggression instead separate and distract them. Therefore no reinforcement of behaviour
+practical applications, gov can introduce policies that prevent aggressive acts being shown on TV at certain times or if shown need to see punishment. Parents taught how to discipline child without reinforcing
-lack of mundane realism in bobo doll study, doll isn’t real person so can’t retaliate. Doesn’t support aggression towards other humans as they can retaliate
+support eg zimbardo, female undergrads, wore lab coat with a hood. Found deindividuated pps gave twice the amount of shocks as individuated
+practical applications, knowing we become more aggressive in crowds, police can use techniques such as dispersion or containment
-Deindividuation can be pro social eg. Mullen found that in violent situations, individuals would help the victim if their identity was masked
-Gender differences, males and females respond differently when deindividuated. Increased aggression was only in male groups than female groups could be because males more likely to respond to provocation
Dispositional explanation
(institutional aggression)
+supportive research, Keller + Wang, violence more likely to occur in facilities with most troublesome inmates and with max security. Supports idea that its the individuals characteristics
+practical applications, know how to reduce institutional aggression by isolating known gang members, reducing opportunities for them to carry out aggressive acts
-contradicting evidence, DeLisi found inmates with prior street gang involvement were no more likely to engage in prison violence
Situational explanation
(institutional aggression)
+evidence eg. Jiang + Fisher studied 431 male prison records, found prisons with most restrictive regimes had highest incidence of violence
+practical applications eg. prisons can change policies to reduce aggression for example reduce overcrowding etc.
-conflicting research eg. McCorkle found little evidence to support the link between violence and situational factors such as overcrowding and living conditions. Serious prison violence due to management, not the deprivation that prisoners endure
Effects of computer games (experimental, correlations, longitudinal + meta analysis)
+experimental studies are highly controlled, so can state cause and effect, repeat and test reliability
-experimental studies are artificial and unrealistic eg. measure of selecting white noise. No fear of retaliation, so offers little explanation to aggression in real life
-correlational studies you can’t state cause and effect as no variables are manipulated or controlled and no random allocation.
-other explanations eg. Ferguson, meta analysis showed effects of violent content disappears when there are other influences eg. family aggression or mental health.
+Carnagey- pps played violent or non violent game for 20 mins, then watched 10 min video on real life violence. Found heart rate of pps who played the violent game was lower
+desensitisation can be adaptive for some eg. soldiers being desensitised to the horrors of combat makes them more effective in their role as they don’t feel empathy for victims
-Belson- 1500 teenage boys, examined hours watching violent tv and antisocial attitudes, found no link between them
-Bushman + Anderson- exposure to violent media can reduce helping behaviour as they become ‘comfortably numb’ to the pain and suffering of others
1+, 2-
+Berkowitz+ Alioto- participants who saw a film depicting aggression as vengeance gave more (fake) shocks to a confederate, because justified violence is more socially acceptable, therefore adds validity as remove social constraints
-dependent on other factors eg. younger children more likely to be affected as they act without considering motives or consequences
-effects are limited as contained to period of time playing the game. Therefore effect is only relevant while engaging and is insignificant away from the media
Cognitive priming
+Fischer + Greitemeyer- male pps listened to songs with aggressively derogatory lyrics towards women, or neutral lyrics. Found males who listened aggressive lyrics were more aggressive to female confederate, lyrics primed them to be aggressive
+Anderson + Dill- those who play violent games have more aggressive thoughts
+Practical applications eg. effective interventions to reduce aggression by challenging hostile cognitive biases + encouraging habitual violent media users to consider alternatives
-individual differences, cognitive priming may only occur in people if they have a certain predisposition for aggressive behaviour