Agents and Institutions of Sport Flashcards
% of NZ kids under 12 years old living in ‘income poverty’
% of Black Ferns that were maori
% of football ferns that were maori
Sky TV and Secondary School Sport
puts pressure on athletes
and shows things outside of sport
Evolution of women’s sport
rapid growth so more job opportunities
- play massive role in issues
- how they work around people wanting to make political statements
Sport NZ 2015 Vision
to be the worlds most successful sporting nation
Elite vs Community
Sport NZ 2020 Vision
Everybody Active: contribute to the wellbeing of everybody in NZ by leading an enriching and inspiring Play, Active Recreational and Sport System
Community vs Elite
Cassidy T Reading: There’s More Than Meets The Eye
Coach Education to Coach Development
process through how knowledge is produced
- how one teaches
- what is being taught
- how one learns
Two Coaching Stratergies
coach centred vs athlete centred coach
Coach Centred
coach focus on winning, bosses around etc
Athlete Centred Coach
focus on development, and the athletes need etc
Balance is Better
- NZ overall approach to youth sport that focuses on maximising participation and skill development
- help athletes realise their potential at anytime
Character and Talent ID
if two athletes were to have the same physical strengths the one with the best character will get chosen
All Black Policy
no dickheads
Measuring Character
at every level there is a different interpretation of character so this is a very contested area
Sport Psychology
human and behaviour in sport - emotions can influence performance and mental skills can help cope with these emotions
2 Main points in sport psychology
- how psychology factors effect an athlete
- how the athletes involvement influences her psych development/wellbeing
4 psych things that impact sport performance
social and environmental influences
athlete psych profile
movement-specific psychological activity
skill performance
What is competition
athletes are watched, judged, compared, who evaluate us on a criteria/standard of excellence
What gives us anxiety
Competition, this threat doesn’t go away we just have to deal with it
how you generally act or behave, it is what drives difference
anything that impels a person into action
- selection
- intensity
- persistance
Achievement Motivation
someone who persists in failure and feels pride in success
motive to approach success
motive to avoid failure
Higher in Ms than Maf =
high achiever
Higher in Maf then Ms
a perceived threat
Performance Anxiety
a tendency to perceive competition as a threatening situation, and have feelings of tension and apprehensive
Stress is the ___ and Anxiety is the ___
process and product
the cause of anxiety
perceived imbalance of demand and capabilities
State Anxiety
a current emotional state, with feelings of apprehension and muscle tension, associated with negative affects
Trait Anxiety
perceive sport as a threat and respond with different levels of ‘state anxiety’
What are the two type of anxiety
trait and state
Arousal and Performance Relationship
- inverted U theory
- can change during a game
Under Arousal
can lead to boredom and low performance
Over Arousal
can lead to ‘choking’, more is not always better
- decrease coordination
- tunnel vision
- lose self confidence
Flow Experience
reached when we have optimal arousal which allows us to reach peak performance
everything seems to click
Precise Movements and high concentration require
low arousal
High intensity, speed movements require
high levels of arousal
We can manage arousal levels with
mental skills training
Mental Skills Training (6)
- things you can train but it takes time
- help clear and manage thinking
- help with reaching optimal arousal and perform at their best
- you don’t have to be sick to get better
- help athletes enjoy sport
- develop mental skills as life skills
MST Skills vs Methods
skills are the produce of MST and methods are the process to the learn the skill
MST skills example
MST methods example
goal setting
Development of sport organisations jobs
- organise and deliver international competitions
- develop sport
- make sport better
Sport FOR Development
- organisations for community development
- use sport to develop social, cultural, political, health and well-being outcomes, overcome challenges and development
3 NZ sport sub-sector
Public Sub-Sector
- paid for by the rate, tax payers and funding
- serve everyone
- accountable from the people funding them
eg. sport nz
Voluntary Sub-Sector
- run by volunteers
- serve members that are paying to be there
- accountable to the member
- income should come back to the organisation
eg. clubs
Commercial Sub-Sector
for profit
- see sport/related products to gain profit
- accountable to investors
- profit goes into the business
- purpose to make money
Sport OF Development
promoting in interest, participation, performance in sport. ensuring sport is running effectively and healthy.
eg. sport clubs, sport nz
Global North vs Global South
global north is more developed countries which control the undeveloped south
What is development
attempt to improve life chances for those in low income countries
Sport Improves
- physically, psychologically, socially
- reduce socio-economic, issue risks etc
Homeless World Cup (5)
- using it to try overcome a social issue
- using it to raise awareness and get rid of negative assumptions
- connect people through football
- PA is good for you
- transferrable to their everyday lives
Reading: Footballs Coming Home
see if the 4 paradigms are the same as the ones on my flashcard
10 Week Tournament Preparation Phase Changes
- improvements in physical and mental health
- reduced alcohol consumptions
- developed friendships
Tournament Phase Changes
- difficulty being away from regular support services
- competition created stress
- losing felt humiliating
- relapsed into alcohol consumption
Limitation of FWC “band aid”
- very little change to their lives
- made their concerns worse that these homeless may not be able to handle the real world
FWC Paradigms (4)
- sport is a universal language (GSM)
- global heirarchy (south get no control over what programs the north operate)
- only addressing the temporary issue, not what is actually causing the real issue of homelessness
- sport washing (doing things to cover other bad things they are doing)
Wicked Problems Rabbit Example
problem was that there was to many rabbit
solution was to pay for amount of rabbits you kill
wicked problem was that people was try get more money by cheating the system
Wicked Problem Definition
is something that when you try to overcome an issue you just keep coming across more problems
Reading: Wicked Problems for sport development
how do we get more people participating in sport
how do we get more medals at the highest levels
Targeted Funding
giving more funding to those who are winners as less to those who lose.
based of the medals you win
Targeted Funding Impacts
- effects on development (cherry picking)
- effects on integrity (welfare)
Cherry Picking
purchasing an existing environment rather than building more efficient and effective development
choosing people who will win or are already benefited
Reading: (by Cottrell) Blame Culture
if the athlete doesn’t go well then this effects their whole support system which then goes on to effect the integrity of sport
lots of pressure on the athlete creating poor athlete welfare