Agent Orange Flashcards
What is agent orange?
A toxic chemical herbicide designed to defoliate forests and fields
When was agent orange used?
When was is mainly used?
It was mainly used in Operation Ranch Hand
What was it intended to do?
Deprive Vietnamese of clean food and water so they would have to relocate to USA controlled areas
How many gallons were sprayed?
Why did it cause so much damage?
As it was 50times more concentrated than normal herbicides
What happened to the agriculture?
Due to the extreme intensity of agent orange it was all destroyed
What else did it effect?
Animals and people
How may people were killed?
The Vietnam Red Cross recorded over 4.8miliion
How many children were born with birth defects?
What was later revealed?
It caused serious health issues such as tumours, physiological symptoms, cancer and more
What happened to many US soldiers?
They were sent home due to health problems caused by agent orange
What was agent orange a violation of?
The Geneva Contract
What happened in 1979?
A lawsuit was filed on the behalf of the 2.4million veterans who were effected by agent orange
How many people are suffering from health issues due to agent orange?
How are people still effected today?
The ground where agent orange was sprayed plants and crops will not grow there
What was the benefits of agent orange?
Communists had to move their troops
Where was it used?
In the mountains along the region of Vietnam/Cambodia
How many in total was it estimated that it affected?