Age of Exploration questions Flashcards
Who were four Renaissance Explorers?
Christopher Columbus.
John Cabot.
Samuel de Champlain.
Jacques Cartier.
Who was Prince Henry?
Prince Henry the Navigator was a central figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire and in the 15th-century European maritime discoveries and maritime expansion.
Explain the statement “Gold, Glory, God” in terms of the Age of Exploration.
It means that there is only one god.
How did the Spice Trade help lead to the Age of Exploration
spices were a global commodity centuries before European voyages. One widely disseminated explanation for medieval demand for spices was that they covered the taste of spoiled meat.
What attitude did Europeans have toward indigenous people they found in the new territories that partly resulted in imperialism?
The imperialist behavior of the European people defied who they were. It defined their attitudes towards people which were especially the Indigenous People .
- They thought that their thinking and point of view was way better than the Indigineous People
- They thought their ways of doing things and their worldview was way better. Europeans thought that they were very important.
what is imperialism?
a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
What is expansionism?
the policy of territorial or economic expansion.
What was The Battle of Diu?
The Battle of Diu was a naval battle fought on 3 February 1509 in the Arabian Sea, in the port of Diu, India, between the Portuguese Empire and a joint fleet of the Sultan of Gujarat, the Mamlûk Burji Sultanate of Egypt, and the Zamorin of Calicut with support of the Republic of Venice.
Why did Europeans see imperialism differently.
They thought that they were the most powerful and the most influencial people and they thought that they were the rulers of the world
How was Queen Elizabeth a “true Renaissance monarch”?
Queen Elizabeth was literate, she could read both Greek and Latin and was a great patron of the arts. It was under her reign that England defeated Spain, the most powerful country in all of Europe at that time, in a naval battle.
How were Indigenous people different than Europeans?
They are different in many ways. The Indigenous have there own traditions and there way of doing things. They had rulers and they had other things.
Describe New Spain.
The territories that became part of the Spanish empire were called New Spain. At its height, New Spain included all of Mexico, Central America to the Isthmus of Panama, the lands that today are the southwestern United States and Florida , and much of the West Indies (islands in the Caribbean Sea).
how was renaissance different from middle ages
Difference Between Renaissance and Middle Ages. “Renaissance” literally means “awakening” or “rebirth.” It was a European cultural movement between the 14th and the 16th centuries. The Middle Ages was a period from the 5th to 16th centuries. The Renaissance artists followed the more classical form of art.
Explain how our worldview today is different than that of the Europeans in the 1400s?
Europeans think that they were the greatest of all time and that they were the most powerful. Our worldview is more diverse and we think everyone s the same.
What does the European treatment of people they came into contact with reveal about their worldview?
They treat other people very poorly ecspiccilay the Indigenous people and they only care about themselves.
what is humanism
an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.
what is a worldview
a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.
what is perspective
a point of view or how you view something.
What was the difference between medieval and renaissance art.
Medievil art focused on more religious paintings that the renaissance
What is the nickname for renaissance
Who was the richest country in Europe at the time