After midterm #2 - Ch 11: opiates Flashcards
Intro and overview of opiate family
opiate - drug with properties similar to opimium
papaversomniferum - plant makes opium on only 10 days of its life cycle. Seeds scratched so sap leaks out. Opoium is sap scraped off, compressed into cakes
Active ingredients
morphine (10%), codeine (<0.5%), thebaine (0.3%)
narcotic analgesics = “sleepiness” and “relieve pain”
- opiates: opium, morphine, codeine, thebaine
- derivatives: hydromorphone, oxycodone, heroin, etorphine
- synthetic opiates: methadone, meperidine, LAAM, fentanyl
diacetyl morphine; libid solubility 10x greater than morphine. Gets into brain faster and at a higher concentration
less potent as analgesic than morphine, produces antitussive (stops coughing) effects at doses that do not cause analgesia; produces less euphoria
from thebaine; sold as Percocet with acetaminophen or percodan with aspirin
Meperidine (demerol)
well absorbed orally; often given parenterally; analgesia for severe pain; doesn’t cause pinpoint pupils, dilates pupils
100x more potent than morphine as analgesic; highly lipophilic, rapid onset and short duration of action (15-30 mins); used as epidural during labour and anesthesia and in a transdermal patch
longer acting, well absorbed orally, maintenance drug for heroin addices
synthesized from codeine, street name krokodil due to rough scaly green skin that occurs with repeated use (due to contaminants). Necrosis of limbs, deep abcesses
pharmacokinetics administration and absorption - morphine
morphine (base, aka = 8.2), abs poor with oral administration, only about 15-40% available for absorbance; first pass metabolism hy enzymes in digestive system and liver. Given orally because of ease of maintaining blood levels
Heroin/morphine administration and absorption
parenterally - iv produces intense and immediate effects.
- vapour of heated heroin inhaled (chasing the dragon)
Methadone - administration and absorption
well absorbed orally - 70-80% available, equal to morphine in potency as an analgesic
- most opiate [] in lungs, liver, spleen, 80-96% bound to blood proteins
- morphine readily crosses placental barrier, but slow to cross BBB (low lipid solubility-
- heroin - highly lipid soluble, readily crosses BBB