AFCS Flashcards
What does Prev Button do
Allows Capture of ILS/BC while still using FMS as basic Nav source provided Auto Tune is enabled on MCDU and Approach is loaded in FMS
What are All functions of Green Dot
- DD Speeds
- Best Endurance Vx
- Green Dot + 50 = Vy
- Stall Protection Speed up to 20,000’
- MCA for Stall Recovery, Green Dot + 10
- F-Bug for Flap Extension and Retraction
- Green Dot can be used for immediate return to airport when no time to calculate LDG Perf.
What will disengage the AT’s Auto and Manually
Normal Auto
- After Touchdown
- TL beyond TOGA
- TR usage during RTO
NON Normal
- TL diff > 8*
- Internal System Fail
- AT Button on GP
- AT Disc Button on TL
Basic Vertical Mode
FLT Path Angle (FPA)
When will FD Auto Display
- TOGA Button is pressed
- AP is activated
- WDSH Detection
4 Situation in which ATTCS will command RSV Thrust
- 15% Diff of N1 values
- WDSH Detection
Manually - TL to Max detent
When does ATTCS go from Armed (white) to Active (green)
TL set to TOGA
What does TOGA button do for the FGCS
On GRD - Activates T/O Guidance Crossbars
In FLT - Activates G/A Guidance within 2nm of FAF and Sequences the MA into Active FLT Plan
What does the FD Limit Bank Angle to while intercepting the LOC
What does LIM and OVRD mean on FMA
LIM - Selected Vertical Mode requires more or less ENG. Thrust than is avail.
OVRD - TL’s are being manually moved
When FMS is selected as Primary Navigation Source, System Automatically selects ILS Freq. and LOC course when
- Within 30nm of Destination
- PREV function is used
- Auto Tuning is enabled on MCDU
- ILS or BC is part of active FLT Plan in FMS
What can we Activate Roll mode
- No Lateral Mode Active and Vertical Mode is selected
- Pressing TOGA on GRD and IAS < 100 kts
- Deselecting Active Lateral Mode
- Course to Intercept on FMS is activated
What is TLA Trim used for
Synchronizes ENG N1 when AT’s are off
How do we Auto. Transition from FMS Nav into ILS approach
Auto. - Thru use of the Preview Button
Manual - Hitting V/L Button on Display Controller Panel
Can FLT Path Reference (FPR) be displayed in other Vertical Modes besides FPA
Yes as long as FPA is Active
What does SECT (Sector Scan) do to the WX Radar
Goes from Normal sweep of 60* & 12 sweeps/min to 30* & 24 sweeps/min
When will AT’s engage on GRD and in FLT
GRD - AT TO (GP) is Armed and TLA >50*
FLT - AT (GP) is Armed and Plane is >400’ AGL
What 2 Performance Metrics are used to calculate T/O FD Pitch Angle
Flap Position and V2 Speed
When is the TOGA Mode deactivated
- Another Vertical Mode is Pressed
- AP is Activated
- TCS Button is Pressed
Can the FD be turned off if your side is the active FMS
NO, only non-coupled side can turn FD off
When is Track Mode Activated
IAS > 100kts
Bank Angle is _< 3* or > 10 seconds
TOGA is Pressed and Track Mode activates immediately
While in T/O Mode, how many seconds must you wait before FPA will activate or another Vertical mode is entered
30 seconds or upon engaging AP at 1000’
Thrust Management System (TMS) consists of 3 components
- AT