AFAA Flashcards
list 8 health benefits associated with regular exercise
lower risk of coronary heart disease,lower risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer risk reduced depression, improved cardiorespirtatory and muscular fitness, prevention of weight gain
how can interval training improve aerobic preformance
maximize aerobic power and minimize boredom
list 3 physiological adaptations that occur to improve xercise preformance
increased max blood flow (increases stroke volume), increased oxygen delivery and CO2 removal, increaed maximal oxygen uptake and aerobic power
define energy and its food source
the ability to do work and source is sun
what is an intercellular carrier of chenical energy produced by the body for mulscar work
adenosine triphosphate ATP
list 2 energy pathways
Anaerobic and Aerobic
anaerobic path way ATP CP- Fuel source, intensity, duration, 3 examples of activites that utilize this system
creatine phosphate, very high intensity, 1-15secs,sprinting, jumping, kicking
anaerobic pathway lactice acid system fuel source, intesnity, duation, example
carbohydrate only, high intensity, 45-90sec, prolonged sprints, swimming, cycling
Aerobic pathway fuel source, intensity, duration, example
carbs, protein, fat, moderate to low intesnity, >5 mins, cross country, walking, sleeping, biking
define aerobic
requires oxygen
define anaerobic
does not require oxygen
Steady State
After beginning exercise, the oxygen uptake meets the oxygen demands, usually 3-4 mins after exercise, cardiac output and heart rate and pulmonary ventilation are constant
Excess Post oxygen COnsumption
after exercise has stopped, there is still elevated intake of oxygen for several minutes during recovery
Oxyge Deficit
period in which the level of oxygen consumption is below what is necessary to supply ATP production
Anaerobic threshold
when body can no longer meet its demand for oxygen and must undergo anaerobic metabolism
Aerobic Capacity
ability of body to remove oxygen from the air and transfer it to working muscles (related to cardiorespiratory endurance)
Lactic ACid
Byproduct of anaerobic metabolic pathway
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic
Aerobic-complete breakdown of glucose, use of carbs, fat, protein, long duration activity, smaller EPOC. Anaerobic-partial breakdown of glucose, only carb, short duration, greater EPOC
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood pumped per heart beat-volume of blood ejected by each ventricle of te heart during asingle systole
Cardiac output
volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute
Venous Return
Pumping action of the muscles in extremeties and respiratory system along with venoconstriction to moe oxygen poor blood back to heart
Blodd Polling
condition caused by ceasing vigorous exercise too aburptly so that blood reamins in the extremities and not deliverd to heart
Vital Capacity
Greatest volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after deepest inhalation
Valsalva Maneuver
Danverous condition that can occur if an individual holds their breath forming an unequal pressure in the brain
Blood pressure for normal person? too high?
120/ 80 is good. 140/90 is bad!
Where two bones meet
attaches bone to bone, fibrous tissues
Attaches muscle to bone,dense fibrous tissue, not very elastic
connective tissue that cushions the articular surfaces
Front and back of body
Midline of body, head to trunk
lying on back, lying on stomach
upper half of body, lower half of body
one side of body affected/ both sides affected
Joint actions
Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, cirucmduction
decreasing angle between two bones
increae in angle between bones
movement away from the body
movement towards midline of the body
movment around the axis
movment in which an extremity describes a 360 degree circle
main muscle causing movment, prime mover
muscles that moves in opposition to the agonist
Primary Movers
muscle that preforms the movment
Muscles that help preform the same task
Muscles that contract with no significant movement but to maintin posture or fixate joint
Tension increases but muscle length remains the same
shortenting, contracting of muscles
enlongating of muscles
Tensions remains the the same as muscle shortens and lengthens
movements where muscles shorten at a constant rate, reqiures special equipment
3 muscle contractions used in group exercise setting
concentric, essentric, isometric
slow twitch fibers
have lots of mitochondria and resistant to fatigue, aerobic activity
fast twicht fibers
type II fibers quick high intesnity contractions, anaerobic acitvity
benefits of weight bearing activities
increased muscular strength and endurance, improved bone density, more lean mass