Aero 3.0 Flashcards
About which axis is pitch?
Lateral axis
About which axis is roll?
About which axis is yaw?
Normal axis
Where do all three axis’ intersect?
Centre of gravity
All motion in pitch, roll or yaw occur with what as the pivot?
Centre of gravity
What is equilibrium?
When a bodies speed nor direction is changing
What states is a flight in straight and level at constant speed, equilibrium or not in equilibrium?
What state is a balanced turn at constant speed said to be in, equilibrium or not equilibrium?
Not equilibrium because it’s direction is changing
Flying at what speed will you achieve maximum range?
Minimum drag
What happens if drag is increased when flying at minimum drag speed?
Range will decrease
What happens when you are flying at minimum power?
Equals minimum fuel flow and maximum endurance
Time in the air equals?
Time to distance equals?
Time to climb to height equals?
Rate of climb
If there is a small change to approach speed, what happens to the landing distance?
Reduces dramatically
On a hot day on a high strip, what must happen to the tas?
Must be higher to obtain the required dynamic pressure
What is lift?
Resultant of all aerodynamic forces which act at right angles TO direction of motion
Where does lift act? Where does it acts in relation to drag?
Single point called centre of pressure
At right angles TO drag
What is drag?
Resultant of all aerodynamic forces which act to oppose motion of aircraft
Where does drag act? Where does it act in relation to motion?
Acts through centre of pressure
Acts opposite to direction of motion
What is thrust?
Resultant of all forces produced by propeller which act to produce motion
Where does thrust act?
Through single point IN direction of motion
What is weight?
Total weight of aircraft and everything in it
Where does weight act and in what direction?
Acts vertically down through centre of gravity
Where is the centre of pressure?
At the intersection of lift and drag lines
What is the Coanda effect?
Tendency of airflow to follow a surface with a gentle curve
In the Venturi, where will the highest pressure be? What will the velocity be at the same point?
Pressure low
Velocity high
What is an aerofoil?
Structure designed to generate aerodynamic forces such as lift and drag when exposed to airflow
What is the chord line?
A straight line joining the leading edge to the trailing edge. All other lengths are expressed as percentages of the chord
What is the mean camber line?
Line drawn from leading edge to the trailing edge so that it always remains equal lengths from the top and bottom surface of the aerofoil
What is the maximum camber?
Occurs at the points where the greatest separation occurs between chord line and mean camber line
What is the boundary layer?
Shallow layer which is effected by friction with surface. Air goes over the aerofoil
What is laminar flow and for how long will it persist?
When airflow is slowed by friction but maintains a smooth laminar flow. It persists whilst aerofoil is thickening
When does laminar flow give way to turbulent flow?
At about the point of maximum thickness aka transition point
What happens to drag at the transition point?
Drag increases
An aerofoil with a maximum thickness well back on the chord will experience what with regards to laminar flow and drag?
More extensive laminar flow
Less drag
What happens to the speed and pressure as air flows over the camber top surface?
Increase in speed
Decease in pressure on that surface
An aerofoil with a max thickness well back on the chord will experience what with regards to laminar flow and drag?
More extensive laminar flow
Less drag
What is angle of attack ?
Angle between chord line and direction of relative airflow
What happens to lift as the angle of attack increases?
Lift increases
What happens to lift and airflow as angle of attack is at stalling angle of attack?
Lift decreases
Flow separates into chaotic flow
What happens to drag as angle of attack increases?
Drag increases
What happens to the centre of pressure as angle of attack increases?
Moves forward and lower
What is span wise flow?
Tendency to flow in towards fuselage
What is a symmetrical aerofoil?
Aerofoil that has no camber.
The chord line is the same as mean camber
When the angle of attack is zero, what is the coefficient of lift for a symmetrical aerofoil?
What is parasite drag cause by?
Shape of aerofoil and friction generated as speed passes over surface
What happens to drag as angle of attack increases?
Drag increases
What must drag be over come by?
What lift drag ratio will there be for an angle of attack which produces the least amount of drag?
A poor L/D ratio
What lift drag ratio will there be for an angle of attack which produces max lift?
Poor lift drag as there will be high drag
What does the minimum drag coefficient determine?
The maximum speed of the aircraft
Where does the total reaction act through?
Centre of pressure
What does the centre of pressure do?
Distributes all pressure evenly
A laminar flow aerofoil has the point of maximum thickness where and produces less sort of what drag?
Near 50% of the chord
Less parasite drag
As the angle of attack of a cambered aerofoil is increased in flight towards the stalling angle, the effect on the total reaction is what?
Magnitude of total reaction continue to increase up to stall angle
What should you do on the ground with a cross wind from the front right?
Right aileron up, elevator up
What should you do on the ground with a cross wind from behind and the left?
Right aileron up, elevator down
What happens to the aircraft when it is in slipstream effect?
Pushes left side of tail to the right, ie yaw to the left
When is slipstream effect strongest?
When prop generating max thrust (full power at low airspeeds) ie take off run and climb
What are some design effects to eliminate slipstream effect?
Offset the fin so it produces right yaw
Biased rudder to the right
Offsetting engine thrust
What is torque reaction?
Attempting to rotate engine in opposite direction to propeller
In a clockwise rotating prop, what will it attempt to do to an aircraft in effect of torque reaction in the air and on the ground?
Tendency to roll to left.
Left wheel harder on surface than right
How can you overcome torque reaction?
Setting left wing at a higher angle of incidence than the right
In a tail wheel aircraft, a pilot lifts the wheel abruptly and yaws to the left, what is this likely to be?
Gyroscopic effect
What is the asymetric blade effect?
Down going blade goes through greater distance, quicker than up going blade and therefore creates more trust
What sort of aircraft does asymetric blade affect? What effect does it have on the aircraft?
Yaw to the left on the ground for tail wheel aircraft
What is the ground loop?
When an aircraft swerves to either side unchecked and cannot be undone.
Why does ground looping occur?
Larger keel surface behind centre of gravity for tailwheel aircraft
With ground looping, which direction does inertia go?
In direction of motion
When is wheelbarrowing likely to occur?
With excessive forward pressure and high speed on ground run
What must an aircraft do if the air density is low during take off run?
Must have higher TAS
What is skin friction?
Air ‘sticking’ to surfaces
What is form drag?
Air getting out of the way as aircraft moves forward
Can you reduce form drag? If so how?
Yes, by changing the shape of moving object (streamlining)
What is induced drag?
Drag as a result of lift
Air attempts to move from what pressure to what pressure?
Higher pressure under the wing to lower pressure above the wing
What does the air moving from lower pressure below the wing to higher pressure about the wing generally cause?
Wing tip vortices and trailing edge eddies
How can you reduce induced drag?
Keeping the wing tip as small as possible
What sort of drag will there be with a low aspect ratio wing?
High induced drag
When does parasite drag increase?
With higher speeds
What sort of drag will there be with a high aspect ratio wing?
Low induced drag
What is a low aspect ratio wing?
Short and fat
What is a high aspect ratio wing?
Long and thin
In level flight, what must lift equal?
When is wing tip vortices greatest, high or low speed?
Low speed
If two wings were identical in every respect except for the aspect ratio, which aspect ratio would produce the greatest lift for same angle of attack and airspeed?
Wing with the higher aspect ratio
If two wings were identical in every respect except for the aspect ratio, which aspect ratio would require a larger angle of attack?
The low aspect ratio wing
Which type of aspect ratio wing produces less vortex activity?
Higher aspect ratio wings
What will an aircraft following a large heavy aircraft experience in effect of wake turbulence
Strong tendency to roll or yaw
What direction is rotation from left wing and right wing behind the vortices?
Left wing - clockwise
Right wing - anti clockwise
What rate does wake turbulence sink behind an aircraft?
400 to 500 feet per minute
What level does wake turbulence tend to stabilise?
900 feet below aircraft and close to the ground (about 200 feet)
Once stabilised, what area of sky does wake turbulence tend to occupy?
Two wingspans horizontally by one wingspan vertically
Once close to the ground and stopped sinking, what does wake turbulence tend to do?
Drift out laterally outwards at about 3 to 4 knots
How can aircraft behind a large heavy aircraft avoid the wake turbulence?
Fly more than 1000 feet below
Remain at or above generating aircrafts level
Remain upwind of aircraft
A 3 to 4 knot crosswind will do what to the wake turbulence?
Cause the upwind vortex to persist in the vicinity of the runway longer
When does wake turbulence begin and cease?
Begin at lift off
Cease at touchdown
What will an approach in a light quartering tail wind do to wake turbulence?
Causes it to drift down beyond the touchdown point
A heavy aircraft carrying out a missed approach, what will happen with wake turbulence?
Wake turbulence for entire length of runway
What sort of flying configuration will cause the most wake turbulence
Slow flying wing with flaps up
What separation should a light aircraft landing after departing heavy aircraft for wake turbulence?
3 mins of 6nm
What separation should a light aircraft landing in the opposite direction to a departing heavy aircraft?
2 mins or 6nm
What separation should a light aircraft taking off after departing heavy aircraft?
2 mins or 6nm
What separation should a light aircraft taking off from an intersection more than 150m from the heavy aircrafts commencement of take-off run?
3 mins or 6nm
What distance can helicopter rotor down wash on a light aircraft be?
Three rotor diameters
What does the amount of thrust depend on?
Mass of air being accelerated
Velocity change imparted to that air by prop disc
When is thrust highest, when forward speed is highest or lowest?
What happens to thrust as speed increases?
It decreases
In level flight, what must thrust equal at any speed?
With full throttle applied at low speed, what is the thrust?
What will flying at max surplus thrust achieve?
The max angle of climb
What does flying at max surplus power achieve?
The max rate of climb
What will you achieve if you fly at the speed for minimum power?
Minimum fuel flow and therefore max endurance
What happens if you fly below the max endurance speed?
You are flying in the region of reverse command.
Extra power is required to prevent continuous drop in speed
What will flying at minimum thrust speed have you at?
Minimum drag and therefore max range
As speed is increased from the stalling speed to maximum cruising speed in straight and level flight, what happens to induced drag?
Decreases continuously
As speed is decreased from the maximum cruising speed to stalling speed in straight and level flight, what happens to parasite drag?
Decreases continuously
As speed is increased from the stalling speed to maximum cruising speed in straight and level flight, what happens to total drag?
Decreases then increases
What speed gives you the least amount of total drag in level flight?
Speed which produces best lift/drag ratio
Design features such as high aspect ratio wings, wash out and taper have the effect of increasing the aircrafts what?
Maximum lift/drag ratio
The greatest amount of induced drag would be produced by applying what with regards to angle of attack and speed?
High angle of attack and high speed
In level flight induced drag is inversely or directly proportional to weight and speed?
Directly proportional to weight
Inversely proportional to speed
What speed produces the best lift/drag ratio angle of attack in level flight?
Minimum thrust
P factor is greatest when what is applied to angle of attack and power?
High angles of attack with high power
What effect and direction does torque have on the aircraft?
Roll opposite to prop rotation
Application of high power with low air speed is accompanied by what phenomena and affect on the aircraft?
Engine torque and roll opposite to prop rotation
In a piston aircraft, max rate of climb at given weight is governed by?
Excess power
If more power is required to maintain altitude when IAS is reduced, the aeroplane is flying at what speed?
Max endurance speed
If indicated airspeed is progressively reduced during level flight, induced drag will?
Increase continuously
If the approach speed of an aircraft is in the region of reverse command, a reduction in IAS will require what with nose attitude and power?
Higher nose attitude
Increase in power
In level flight, if speed is reduced, what action is required to maintain level flight?
Increase in angle of attack
In level flight, if speed is increased, what action is required to maintain level flight?
Decrease in angle of attack
What happens to maximum range in a head wind? What about in a tailwind?
Range reduced in a headwind
Range increases in a tailwind
In a headwind, how do you achieve best range?
Fly at a speed faster than the minimum drag speed
In a tailwind, how do you achieve best range?
Fly at a speed slower than the minimum drag speed
What effect will heavier weight have on best range?
Reduce it
What are other terms for maximum range?
Minimum total drag Best lift/drag ratio Best glide Minimum thrust Best air nm per gallon
What do you need to do with regards to angle of attack and speed if weight is increased to achieve maximum range?
Fly at speed which produces minimum drag (this will be at a higher speed)
Same angle of attack
What theoretically is the best height to achieve maximum range?
Full throttle height
What affect does wind have on max endurance?
What affect does increase in weight have on max endurance? Why?
Reduced endurance.
Because with increase weight requires increase in power and therefore increase in fuel flow.
What height and RPM setting should be used for maximum endurance?
Low as possible
RPM as slow as possible
What is higher, max range speed or max endurance speed?
Max range speed
What is higher, minimum drag or minimum power speed?
Minimum drag speed
What affect does deploying the flaps have on the lift/drag ratio?
Reduce lift drag ratio
Generates more lift and drag at every angle of attack
What are slats and what do they do?
Small auxiliary aerofoil ahead of wings leading edge Increase the maximum lift coefficient (only at higher angles of attack)
Delay the stall
Allow wing to operate at higher angle of attack
What is the gap between a wing and a slat called?
When are slats effective?
Only at high angles of attack
What do wing fences do?
Barrier which straightens span wise flow near the top and allows air to follow correct path over wing
What do wing fences do to aircraft performance?
Improves the wings performance and allows slower approach speeds
What do vortex generators do?
Delay flow reversal and seperation.
Generates additional lift
Delays stall
Improves airflow over control surfaces
What are the benefits of vortex generators
Lower lift off speed
Lower stall speed
Improved controllability
Improved low speed characteristics
An aircraft of a certain weight is flown at 150kt IAS at 1000 feet. If the same aircraft was flown at 150kt IAS at 20000 feet, the angle of attack required to maintain level flight would be what?
The same
Devices such as slats, slotted flaps and vortex generators act to modify behaviour of what?
Boundary layer
Two aircraft identical in every aspect except for gross weight to achieve max range in nil wind conditions, what speed should the heavy aircraft fly in comparison to the lighter one?
Heavy aircraft should fly faster than the light one
For an aircraft at a particular gross weight to maintain level flight at a particular height and IAS, a particular power setting is required. If gross weight is increased, what must happen to angle of attack and power setting?
Larger angle of attack and more power
What happens to lift and drag as flaps are lowered in flight?
Lift and drag both increase
An aircraft is in straight and level flight at constant power. As weight reduced with fuel burnoff, level flight may be maintain by doing what to IAS and angle of attack?
Increase IAS
Lower nose
The S in coefficient of lift stand for?
Maximum plan area of the wing
The p in lift formula stands for?
Mass of a unit volume of air
1/2pv squared is associated with what speed?
At a constant throttle setting and constant IAS what happens to ROC and ground speed if nil wind?
ROC decreasing
GS increasing
In a climb, what are the forces with regards to thrust, drag, lift and weight?
Thrust is greater than drag
Weight is greater than lift
What setting should you use to achieve max rate of climb?
Speed which provides max surplus power
What happens to the power as height increases?
Power available decreases
What is the height where no surplus power is available?
Absolute ceiling
As weight increases, what power is required to maintain level flight?
Power increase
What setting should you use to achieve max angle of climb?
Max surplus thrust
What affect does headwind have on rate of climb?
No effect. it will gain same height as in no wind, but would have reduced horizontal distance covered
What affect does head wind have on angle of climb?
Increases it
When is ground effect likely to take place?
Roughly one wing span down to ground
What will happen to an aircraft in ground effect ?
Nose down pitch and increase in longitudinal stability
IAS and altimeter indication to decrease (over read)
Decrease in induced drag
When an aircraft leave ground effect, what is likely to happen?
Nose up pitch and decrease in longitudinal stability
What happens to forces in a descent?
Lift is less than weight
Thrust is less than drag
To achieve maximum glide range in a head wind, what do you need to do?
Fly at a speed faster than best lift/drag ratio speed
To achieve maximum glide range in a tail wind, what do you need to do?
Fly at a speed slower than best lift/drag ratio speed
Two aircraft both flying at best lift/drag ratio speed in a head wind but one is much heavier, which one goes further?
Heavier one
If nose attitude and power are kept constant but there is a sudden drop in headwind (ie tailwind) what happens to IAS and lift?
Decrease in IAS and lift
If nose attitude and power are kept constant but there is a sudden increase in headwind what happens to IAS and lift?
Increase in IAS and lift
For an aircraft in a turn, how do you generate more centripetal force?
Bank the wings
If the aircraft is to remain level during a turn what must the vertical component of lift equal?
Increasing your speed with the same bank angle will result in what?
A larger radius
Flying at the same speed with more bank will result in what?
A smaller radius
What happens to the stall IAS during a turn?
Increases with the square root of load factor
What is the load in a 60 degree turn?
What is the load in a 70 degree turn?
If the TAS increases and angle of bank is kept constant what happens to rate and radius of turn?
Radius of turn increases
Rate of turn decreases
If the TAS decreases and the angle of bank is kept constant, what happens to rate and radius of turn?
Radius of turn decreases
Rate of turn increases
If bank is increased while TAS is kept constant, what happens to rate and radius of turn?
Radius of turn decreases
Rate of turn increases
If turn aircraft, one heavy and one light, are travelling at the same TAS and turn at same angle of bank, what will radius of turn be?
The same
What is the angle of bank required for a rate one turn formula?
(TAS / 10) + 7
When does pilot experience illusion of skidding out of turn?
When turning from downwind to upwind
When does the pilot experience illusion of slipping into the turn?
Turning upwind to downwind
In a climbing turn, if the aircraft stalls, which wing is likely to stall first?
The outside wing
To maintain same angle of bank during turn, what must happen?
Must continually be rolled out of turn with opposite aileron
Increased weight does what to rate and angle of climb?
Reduces it
Reduced density does what to angle and rate of climb?
Reduces it
What does a decrease in IAS do to max angle of climb if climbing at recommended IAS to achieve max angle of climb?
Reduce angle of climb
During an approach what is the effect of a sudden decrease in headwind component on IAS and rate of descent?
IAS decreases
Rate of would increase
Partial extension of flap will result in what with regards to rate and angle of descent?
Increase rate and angle of descent
If nose attitude and power are kept constant, a sudden decrease in headwind during final will result in what with IAS and gliding angle?
Decrease IAS
Increase in gliding angle
The limit to the rate of turn that can be achieved by a typical general aviation aircraft is?
The amount of power available for engines
What is Va
Max control deflection speed
If power is increased during a turn while maintaining stalling angle of attack, what happens to radius and rate of turn?
Radius stays the same
Rate will increase
While maintaining a turn with a constant bank angle, speed is increased. What happens to radius of turn, rate of turn and the back pressure / angle of attack and lift?
Radius would increase
Rate would decrease
Need to decrease back pressure/reduce angle of attack
Lift remains the same
What happens to the coefficient of lift as angle of attack increases?
What does increasing weight do to stalling IAS?
Stall occurs at higher IAS
What does increasing the load do to stalling IAS?
Stall occurs at higher IAS
What does increasing power do to stalling IAS?
Decrease it
What does deploying flaps do to the stalling IAS?
Lowers the stall IAS
What does damage and ice on the wings do to stalling IAS?
Increases the stall IAS
What happens as the centre of gravity moves aft to stalling IAS?
Stalling IAS decreases
What is a stall strip and what does it do?
Wedge placed on leading edge of wing tip
Encourages stall to begin at wing root rather than tip
What is positive static stability?
If after original displacement, forces are brought into play to prevent further displacement causing object to move back towards original position
What is positive dynamic stability?
Decreasing series of oscillations about the rest position
If an object has slightest displacement from its position and further displacement occurs and no attempt to return to rest, what is this called?
Static and dynamic instability
Whats the difference between stability and manoeuvrability?
Stability resists changes in attitude and attempts to regain original attitude.
Manoeuvrable aircraft is one that readily changes attitude at pilots commands
Generally where are aircraft least and most stable?
Least stable in roll
Most stable in yaw
What is stability in pitch?
Longitudinal stability
What will a large tailplane which is a long way from the centre of gravity do to stability?
Increase longitudinal stability
Where generally is the centre of pressure of the wings? Why?
Generally behind the centre of gravity.
Causes nose down tendency
What is stability in roll?
Lateral stability
How can you increase lateral stability?
High wing
High fin and rudder (large surface area above the axis)
Sweep back wings
What is stability in yaw?
Directional stability
What will increase directional stability?
Surface area of fin and rudder (be further away from centre of gravity)
Dihedral and sweeback
What is stronger, lateral or directional stability?
What is stability in yaw?
Directional stability
What will increase directional stability?
Surface area of fin and rudder (be further away from centre of gravity)
Dihedral and sweeback
What is stronger, lateral or directional stability?
Compared to the upper wing, the lower wing of an aircarft in a spin is experiencing?
Less lift and more drag
If no control inputs are made by the pilot, an aircraft which has rolled to the left from the level attitude will have a natural tendency to what?
Yaw to the left
Thrust and drag produce what sort of moment with the nose?
Nose up moment
Compared to the upper wing, the lower wing of an aircarft in a spin is experiencing?
Less lift and more drag
Lift and weight produce what sort of moment with the nose?
Nose down moment
Thrust and drag produce what sort of moment with the nose?
Nose up moment
What does the balance tab do?
When the elevator goes down, it goes up and vice versa..
Lightens the load to deflect
What do aileron spades do with regards to ailerons?
Reduce effort required to deflect aileron.
Goes down when aileron goes up
What does the elevator do to the incidence of the tailplane
Changes it
What does the spring tab do? What does it do with regards to parasite drag?
Spring loaded so moderate forces will deflect control surface and tab together. Spring ‘breaks’ and pulls trim tab in appropriate direction.
Produces less parasite drag
What do aileron spades do with regards to ailerons?
Reduce effort required to deflect aileron.
Goes down when aileron goes up
What does the down going aileron produce with regards to lift and drag?
Increases lift coefficient and drag
What does the up going aileron produce with regards to lift and drag?
Reduced lift and drag
What do frise ailerons do?
Wedge shaped nose and hinged at the top.
When aileron goes up, wedge protrudes beneath bottom surface and generates additional parasite drag
What is aerodynamic balancing and what does it do?
Also know as horn balance.
Protrudes in front of control and displaces airflow on opposite side of movement.
Allows resistance to control surface movement
What do differential ailerons do?
Up going aileron goes higher than down going aileron.
More parasite drag is cause on upgoing aileron, evens up the drag and reduces the yaw
What are spoilers and what do they do?
Hinged surfaces on upper surface of wing.
Create sharp discontinuity in airflow and large loss of lift
Where do mass balances bring the centre of gravity to?
Closer to hinge
What are spoilers and what do they do?
Hinged surfaces on upper surface of wing.
Create sharp discontinuity in airflow and large loss of lift
If the nose of an aircraft is suddenly raised in level flight, the angle of attack increases because?
The inertia prevents change in flight path
What factors combined would cause a change in the stalling IAS?
Power and weight
Which produces more drag, upgoing or down going aileron?
Down going
What does swept back wings do to stability?
Increases lateral stability
Which produces more drag, upgoing or down going aileron?
Down going
What happens to induced drag as IAS is increased from stalling speed to maximum level flight cruising speed?
Decreases continuously
Moving centre of gravity forward during flight does what to stability?
Increases directional stability
When operating a single engine prop at high power and low IAS, what happens to control effectiveness for elevator, rudder and ailerons?
Elevator and rudder are more effective
Ailerons less effective
As altitude increases, what happens to the stall speed for TAS and IAS?
Occurs at same speed for IAS
Higher speed for TAS
What effect does increase weight have on gliding range of and angle of attack of aeroplane
Gliding range not affected if angle of attack is kept constant
An aircraft in straight and level flight at constant power reduces its weight with fuel burnoff, how will level flight be maintained with regards to IAS and nose position?
Increase IAS
Lower the nose
What effect does increase weight have on gliding range of and angle of attack of aeroplane
Gliding range not affected if angle of attack is kept constant
A sudden drop in headwind during an approach to land will initially cause what with regards to IAS if nose is held constant
Reduction in IAS for same nose
What will an increase in load do to stall speed?
Increase stall speed
As angle of attack is increased in straight and level flight, what happens to total reaction and what happens to centre of pressure?
Total reaction increases
Centre of pressure moves forward
If indicated airspeed is kept constant and angle of attack is increased what happens to induced drag and parasite drag?
Both parasite drag and induced drag will increase
What will forward movement of the centre of gravity during flight do to stability?
Increase longitudinal and directional stability
A decrease in airspeed does what to control movement and control effectiveness?
Less resistance to control movement
Reduced control effectiveness
If flap is lowered during an approach and nose attitude and power are kept constant what happens to airspeed and angle of decrease?
Air speed decreases
Angle of descent will increase
What happens to the rate and angle of descent when flaps are extended during a glide at constant IAS?
Both rate and angle increase
When flying at the best lift/drag, what are you also flying at?
Maximum range (drag is minimum)
To achieve maximum glide range in still air at higher weight, what should the pilot do with regards to IAS and angle of attack?
Increase IAS
Maintain angle of attack
If a pilot is flying in the region of reverse command and then increases back pressure, what happens to rate of descent and IAS?
IAS decreases
Rate of descent increases
Increasing the angle of attack will always do what to induced drag?
Increase it
Aircraft weight divided by wing area is also known as what
Wing loading
Where does turbulent flow first become apparent?
Separation point
What does fowler trailing edge flaps do to stall angle of attack? What will be required to nose trim?
Reduces it
Nose up trim
At a fixed forward speed, the angle of attack for a thick and highly cambered aerofoil compared to a thin, slightly cambered aerofoil would be?
What does deploying the trailing edge flaps do to glide angle, gradient and range?
Increase glide angle
Decrease glide gradient
Range unaffected
Reduction in total drag at all speeds would do what to fuel flow?
Reduce fuel flow
What happens to parasite drag if airspeed is doubled?
What does washout do to angles of attack at wing tips and roots?
Angle of attack less than that at wing roots
What does an increased angle of bank do to wingtip vorticies?
Increases them
What will thrust and fuel flow be when induced drag equals parasite drag?
When does wind milling occur and what happens to blade tips?
ATM and CTM act in same direction
Blade tips forced rearwards
A steep descent at steady low power, what happens to engine torque and RPM?
Torque reduced
RPM increases
What happens to control responsiveness if control surface is further from COG?
Control responsiveness is reduced
Halving the airspeed does what to lift and control responsiveness?
Reduce to one quarter
Wing tip vortices move?
Out and down
Is coefficient of lift linear or non linear?
Non linear
If all other values are the same, what is the difference between high and low cambered wings with regards to span wise flow and induced drag?
Less span wise flow for High aspect
Less induced drag for high aspect
Low aspect ratio and high wing loading produce strong or weak vortices?
If an aircraft is disturbed in pitch and it continues to diverge through oscillation over time, from its initial position the aircraft demonstates what with regards to stability?
Positive longitudinal static stability
Negative dynamic stability