Aeneid Translation 2 - Laocoon's fate Flashcards
diffugimus visu exsangues. (212)
Pale at the sight we scatter.
illi agmine certo Laocoonta petunt; (212, 213)
But they made straight for Laocoon in a direct line;
et primum parva duorum corpora natorum (213, 214)
First it surrounded the small bodies of his two sons
serpens amplexus uterque implicat (214, 215)
and each serpent wrapped them up
et miseros morsu depascitur artus; (215)
and fed on their helpless limbs with a bite;
post ipsum auxilio subeuntem ac tela ferentem corripiunt spirisque ligant ingentibus; (216, 217)
After, when he arrived to help with his sword, they coiled and bound him in a huge spiral.
et iam bis medium amplexi, (217, 218)
And now they have twice embraced his middle,
bis collo squamea circum terga dati superant capite et cervicibus altis (218, 219)
Soon they bound his neck twice with their scaly backs and reared over him with their necks and heads.
ille simul manibua tendit divellere nodos (220)
At the same time, he stretches out with his hands to tear apart the knots,
perfusus sanie vittas atroque veneno, (221)
his headband drenched in gore and black venom;
clamores simul horrendos ad sidera tollit. (222)
at the same time, he shouts horrendous cries towards the constellations:
qualis mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram taurus e incertam excussit cervice securim. (223, 224)
the sort of bellowing when a wounded bull has fled from the altar and shaken the uncertain axe form its neck.
at gemini lapsu delubra ad summa dracones effugiunt (225, 226)
But the serpent twins escape towards the summit of the temple,
saevaeque petunut Tritonidis arcem, (226)
and make for fierce Athena’s castle,
sub pedibusque deae clipeique sub orbe teguntur. (227)
and under her feet they are covered by the circle of her shield.