Aeneid 2: 100-113 Flashcards
nec requievit enim, donec Calchante ministro - sed quid ego haec autem nequiquam ingrata revolvo, quidve moror?
In fact, he did not rest, until with Calchas as his agent - but why am I, however, dwelling in vain upon these unwelcome things, or why do I bother?
si omnes uno ordine habetis Achivos, idque audire sat est, iandudum sumite poenas:
If you hold all Greeks in the same bracket, and that is enough (for you) to hear, without delay exact the punishment:
hoc Ithacus velit et magno mercentur Atridae.”
the Ithacan would wish this and the Atreides would purchase it at a high price.”
tum vero ardemus scitari et quaerere causas, ignari scelerum tantorum artisque Pelasgae.
Then indeed we were keen to know all and to search for the reasons, ignorant of such great crimes and of Greek cunning.
prosequitur pavitans et ficto pectore fatur:
fearful, he continues and spoke with pretended heart:
“saepe fugam Danai Troia cupiere relicta moliri et longo fessi discedere bello;
“often the Greeks have desired to accomplish their retreat from an abandoned Troy to leave the long war, tired;
fecissentque utinam! saepe illos aspera ponti interclusit hiems et terruit Auster euntis
and if only they had done! often the harsh winter of the sea shut them in and the South Wind terrified them as they set out.
praecipue cum iam hic trabibus contextus acernis staret equus, toto sonuerunt aethere nimbi.
especially when now this thing, weaved from maple beams, the horse was standing, the clouds sounded in the whole sky