Pro Caelio 65 translation Flashcards
potueruntne magis tempore prosilire, quam cum Licinius venisset, cum in manu teneret veneni pyxidem?
Could they have jumped out at a better time than when Licinius had arrived, when he was holding the box of poison in his hand?
quae cum iam erat tradita servis, si evasissent subito ex balneis mulieris amici Liciniumque comprehendissent,
When it had already been handed over to the slaves, if the lady’s friends had suddenly burst out from the baths and seized Licinius,
imploraret hominum fidem atque a se illam pyxidem traditam pernegaret. quem quo modo illi reprehenderent?
he would have called upon the protection of the public and he would have fiercely denied that he had handed over that box. And how were they to refute him?
vidisse se dicerent? primum ad se revocarent maximi facinoris crimen;
Were they to say that they had seen him? Firstly, they would be bringing on their own heads the charge of the most serious crime;
deinde id se vidisse dicerent quod, quo loco collocati fuerant non potuissent videre.
secondly, they would be claiming that they had seen what they could not possibly have seen from the place which they had been stationed.
tempore igitur ipso se ostenderunt, cum Licinius venisset,
Therefore, they showed themselves at the very moment when Licinius had arrived,
pyxidem expediret, manum porrigeret, venenum traderet,
when he was sorting out the box, stretching out his hand and handing over the poison.
mimi ergo est iam exitus, non fabulae; in quo cum clausula non invenitur, fugit aliquis e manibus, deinde scabilla concrepant, aulaeum tollitur.
So then, this is now the ending of a mime, not of a proper play; in which, when no fitting end can be found, someone escapes from someone’s clutches, then the clappers rattle and the curtain is raised.