Aeneid Flashcards
gracilis gracile
modulor –ārī –ātus sum
to measure; regulate, tune, sing, play (> modulus)
avēna –ae f.
a straw; oats; an oaten pipe; a Pan–pipe or syrinx
even though, although, however you like; altogether
avidus –a –um
greedy, keen
colōnus colōnī m.
farmer, colonist
agricola agricolae m.
profugus –a –um
fleeing forth; fugitive, exiled (> profugio, flee)
adeō adīre adīvī/adiī aditus
to approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession (inheritance)
caelestis caeleste
from/of heaven
asper –a –um
rough/uneven, coarse/harsh; sharp/pointed; rude; savage; pungent; keen; bitter
posthabeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold next; esteem less; overlook, disregard
metuō metuere metuī
to fear, dread
repōnō repōnere reposuī repositus
to put back, set back, replace, restore; put (a character) back on stage, in a new play
iūdicium iūdici(ī) n.
trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice; judgment/sentence/verdict; judging; jurisdiction/authority; opinion/belief
vēlum vēlī n.
sail, awning, curtain
sāl salis m.
salt, wit
aes aeris n.
copper/bronze/brass, base metal; money, pay, fee, fare; (w/alienum) debt; gong; in meo aere esse: be debt free
inceptum –ī n.
a beginning; deliberation; undertaking, design, purpose; measure, movement (> incipio)
dēsistō dēsistere dēstitī dēstitus
to cease, desist
noxa noxae f.
harm, injury
dīsiciō –ere –iēcī –iectus
to throw, cast asunder; overthrow, demolish; scatter, disperse; cleave (> dis– and iacio)
trānsfīgō –ere –uī –ītum
to transfix
fētus –a –um
pregnant, with young; bearing; filled, full, teeming; having brought forth; fruitful.
sonōrus –a –um
loud–sounding; roaring; ringing, resounding (> sonor)
carcer carceris m.
prison, jail; starting gate
frēnō frēnāre frēnāvī frēnātus
to bridle; check, curb, restrain (> frenum)
molliō mollīre mollīvī mollītus
to soften, soothe
indeed, surely
rapidus –a –um
swift, quick
abdō abdere abdidī abditum
to put away, remove, set aside
laxus –a –um
wide, loose, spacious
habēna –ae f.
a rein; strap, thong; whip; immissis or laxis habenis, with all the reins let out, without restraint, unchecked; pressis or adductis habenis, with tightened reins (> habeo)
mulceō –ēre mulsī mulsus (mulctus)
to stroke; lick; (fig.), soothe, caress, comfort; mitigate, soften, calm; to make harmonious, charm
inimīcus –a –um
unfriendly, hostile (+ dat.)
incutiō –ere –cussī –cussus
to strike into or upon; add, put into (> in and quatio)
dīversus –a –um (or dīvorsus)
opposite; separate, apart; diverse, unlike, different; hostile
praestāns –ntis
excellent, outstanding (in quality/worth/degree/importance), surpassing all
fōrma fōrmae f.
form, figure, appearance; beauty; mold, pattern
stabilis –e
steadfast, lasting, permanent (> sto); measured, steady
meritum meritī n.
punishment, reward
conciliō conciliāre conciliāvī conciliātus
to advise, bring together, unite, reconcile, make friendly, win over, conciliate
epulae epulārum (f. pl.)
banquet, feast
accumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to lie down; recline at dinner
turbō (turben) turbinis m.
whirlpool, whirlwind; spinning top (child’s toy or magic bull-roarer, rhombus)
perflō perflāre perflāvī perflātus
to blow through or over; sweep over
incubō incubāre incubuī incubitus
to lie, recline upon, w. abl. or dat.; rest upon
intonō intonāre intonuī
to thunder forth (perf. part. in middle sense, having thundered)
micō micāre micuī
to vibrate, dart; flash, glitter, gleam; tremble, quiver; play the game of morra (guessing the number of fingers)
oppetō –ere –petīvī (–petiī) –petītus
to encounter; with or without mortem, to die, fall, perish (> ob and peto)
occumbō –ere –cubuī –cubitus
to sink, fall upon; die; meet (> ob and cubo)
procella –ae f.
a gale, storm, squall, tempest
praerumpō praerumpere –rūpī –ruptus
to burst or break off in front; p., praeruptus, a, um, broken or torn off; precipitous, abrupt, steep
dehīscō –ere –hīvī
to gape, yawn; stand open, open
aestus aestūs m.
heat; agitation, passion, seething; wave, surge, flood, tide
torqueō torquēre torsī tortum
to twist, torture; turn (in a different direction); (of missiles) hurl, shoot
Ara –ae f.
Aras, “the Altars”, rocks off the shore of Carthage
dorsum –ī n.
the back; a ridge, reef of rocks; a bank
inlīdō –ere –līsī –līsus
to dash upon, thrust, drive upon; dash into (> in and laedo)
feriō ferīre
to strike, hit
in the same place
vorō vorāre vorāvī vorātus
to swallow up
rārus –a –um
wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
tabula tabulae f.
writing tablet (wax covered board); records (pl.); document, deed, will; list; plank/board, flat piece of wood; door panel; counting/playing/notice board; picture, painting; wood panel for painting; metal/stone tablet/panel w/text
gāza –ae f.
riches, wealth, treasure; strictly, the Persian royal treasure (a Persian word, Greek form)
grandaevus –a –um
very aged; old, aged (> grandis and aevum)
rīma –ae f.
a cleft; crack, fissure
fatīscō –ere
to come apart; to open; gape open
ēmittō ēmittere ēmīsī ēmīssus
to send out
refundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour back or up; cast, throw up; boil up; flow back, overflow; p., refusus, a, um, thrown back, beaten back; poured back, flowing back upon itself, encircling
commoveō commovēre commōvī commōtus
to shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite; waken; provoke; move (money/camp); produce; cause, start (war); raise (point)
extollō –ere
to lift up; (fig.), laud, extol
lateō latēre latuī
to lie hidden, be hidden
Eurus –ī m.
Eurus, Southwest wind
then, next
commissum –ī n.
an offense, a fault, a crime (> committo)
luō luere luī
to satisfy; suffer (punishment) for; pay for
mātūrō mātūrāre mātūrāvī mātūrātus
to hasten
tridēns –entis
three–pronged, trident; subst., tridens, entis, m., a triple–pointed spear; trident (> tres and dens)
adnītor –nīsus (–nīxus) sum
to press upon; (with dat.), lean against; lean, rest upon; alone, make effort, strive; ply the oars
dētrūdō –ere –trūsī –trūsus
to thrust down or away; push off from; drive from, thrust out; thrust down
syrtis –is f.
a sand–bank or shoal in the sea; esp., Syrtis Maior and Syrtis Minor, on the northern coast of Africa; a sand–bank, shoal
perlābor –lāpsus sum
to glide through or over; reach, come down in tradition
coorior –īrī coortus sum
to arise
sēditiō sēditiōnis f.
dissension, revolt
ignōbilis (ignōrābilis) –e
unknown; obscure; low, base; undistinguished, bringing no renown, ignoble
vulgus vulgī n.
common people/general public/multitude/common herd/rabble/crowd/mob; flock
invehō –ere –vexī –vectus
to carry into or forward; (pass.), invehi, to ride or drive; sail; w. acc. of place, sail to, arrive at, or in; enter
obiectus –ūs m.
a throwing against; projection, opposition (> obicio)
scaena scaenae f.
stage, piece of theatrical behavior, charade; scene
nemus nemoris n.
grove, forest
within, on the inside, inside; at home
sedīle –is n.
a bench, seat (> sedeo)
adligō adligāre adligāvī adligātus
to tie or bind to; hold fast, hold; constrain, confine
ancora –ae f.
an anchor
arēna (harēna) –ae f.
sand, desert, beach; (combat) arena
tābeō –ēre
to melt; drip, be drenched; to waste away, be wan
silex silicis n.
pebble, stone, flint; boulder, stone; granite
scintilla –ae f.
a spark
excūdō –ere –cūdī –cūsus
to strike out; beat out, mold
āridus –a –um
dry, arid, parched
nūtrīmentum (nūtrīmen) –ī n.
nourishment; fuel; upbringing (pl.) (> nutrio)
fōmes –itis m.
kindling stuff; fuel (> foveo)
prōspectus –ūs m.
a looking forth, view; sight, prospect, view, w. dat. of the object (> prospicio)
birēmis –is f.
a boat with two oars, or ship with two banks of oars; a galley or ship (> bis and remus)
cervus –ī m.
a stag, deer
arboreus –a –um
pertaining to a tree or trees; tree–like, massive; branching (> arbor)
frondeus –a –um
formed of leaves; covered with leaves; leafy (> frons)
partior partīrī partītus sum
to divide, share
cadus –ī m.
a jar; wine–jar; an urn
maereō –ēre
to be sorrowful, sad; mourn, grieve (cf. miser)
rabiēs –em –ē f.
madness, frenzy, fury, fierceness; of inanimate things
quiētus –a –um
at rest, free from exertion, inactive, in repose
resurgō –surgere –surrēxī –surrēctum
to rise again, reappear
dūrō dūrāre dūrāvī dūrātus
to harden, endure
dīripiō –ere –ripuī –reptus
to tear apart or off; snatch, tear away; plunder, pillage, sack
costa –ae f.
a rib; side
verū –ūs n.
a spit; a slender, tapering lance; spit–dart
fīgō fīgere fīxī fīxus
to fix, fasten, transfix, pierce
ministrō ministrāre ministrāvī ministrātus
to attend (to), serve, furnish; supply
herba herbae f.
grass, herb
impleō implēre implēvī implētus
to fill up, fulfill
ferīnus –a –um
of wild beasts; of game; of animals; subst., ferina (> sc. caro, flesh), ae, f., flesh, game, venison (> ferus)
extrēmus –a –um
farthest, situated at the end or tip, extreme
especially, particularly
gemō gemere gemuī
to groan, sigh
fātum –ī n. or fātus –ī m.
destiny, fate; in pl. (often), death
aethēr aetheris n.
pure upper air, ether, heaven, sky
dēspiciō –ere –spēxī –spectum
to look down upon, despise
vēlivolus –a –um
sail–flying, sail–covered (> velum and volo)
suffundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour from below; pour through; overspread, suffuse (> sub and fundo)
nitēns –entis
shining, glittering, sparkling; bright; (fig.), sleek, well–fed
sōlor –ātus sum
to solace, console; assuage, comfort, aid, relieve; console one’s self for
Īllyrius (Īllyricus) –a –um
of or belonging to the Illyrians, tribes in Dalmatia and Albania; Illyrian
penetrō penetrāre penetrāvī penetrātus
to go into, penetrate
prōgeniēs prōgenieī f.
descent, lineage, race, family
adnuō –ere –nuī (ūtus –rare)
to nod to; with dat., acc. and dat., and infin.; ascent, consent; promise; direct, permit
disiungō –ere –iūnxī –iūnctus
to disjoin, separate, drive away from
subrīdeō subrīdere subrīsī subrīsum
to smile (down) upon
sator satōris m.
planter, sower, begetter, father, founder
sublīmis sublīme
elevated, lofty, heroic, noble; (of breathing) shallow, panting; with head held high
remordeō –ēre — –morsus
to bite again and again; (fig.), harass, torment, vex, afflict; disturb, concern
contundō contundere contudī contūsum
to beat, crush, bruise, destroy
ternī –ae –a
distrib. num. (tres), three each; as a cardinal, three; once in the sing., terno ordine, in triple rank, in three tiers
trānsferō trānsferre trānstulī trānslātus
to transport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplant, copy out (writing); translate (language); postpone, transfer date; transform
rēgnō rēgnāre rēgnāvī rēgnātus
to rule, reign
partus partūs m.
birth, offspring
Īlia –ae f.
Ilia, a name assigned by the poets to Rhaea Silvia, the daughter of Numitor
lupa lupae f.
tegmen (tegumen) –inis n.
a means of covering; skin, hide; clothing; shield; tegmen crurum, close–fitting trousers worn by Phrygians (> tego)
introduces Relative Clause of Characteristic, Doubting clause, Prevention clause; in fact, indeed
togātus –a –um
wearing the toga; of the toga (> toga); (sc. fabula) a Latin comedy with Latin theme and costumes
lustrum –ī n.
bog, morass; den or haunt of wild beasts –> house of ill–repute –> debauchery; a wood, forest
aetās aetātis f.
age; lifetime; time
ōceanus –ī m.
the god Oceanus; the waters encompassing the lands; the ocean; distinguished as eastern and western
terminō termināre termināvī terminātus
to put bounds to; limit (> terminus)
Iūlius –a –um
of the gens Julia, Julian; of the month of July
dēmittō dēmittere dēmīsī dēmissum
to send down, drop; cause (ideas, etc.) to enter (one’s consciousness), make (someone) absorb
onustus –a –um
loaded, laden (> onus)
secūrus –a –um
free from care, tranquil; careless
mītēscō –ere
to become mellow; to become mild, gentle, peaceful (> mitis)
artus –a –um
straitened, narrow; close, tight
arceō arcēre arcuī
to ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate
āēr āeris m. (acc. sing. aera or aerem)
air (one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor
imprīmīs or in prīmīs
especially, chiefly
benīgnus –a –um
kindly, generous, liberal
exeō exīre exīvī/exiī exitus
to come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away, leave; pass (away), expire/perish/die; discharge (fluid); rise (river); become visible; issue/emerge/escape; sprout
incultus –a –um
uncared for, neglected, unshorn; wild; subst., inculta, orum, n. pl., waste, desert regions
exactus –a –um
precise, scrupulous
occulō occulere occuluī occultus
to cover; cover up, hide, cover over, conceal
crīspō crīspāre ––– crīspātus
to crisp, curl; to swing, vibrate, brandish
obvius obvia obvium
in the way, easy; hostile; exposed (to)
habilis –e
vēnātrīx –īcis f.
a huntress; adj. (> venor)
diffundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour round about, pour out; diffuse; spread, multiply; to put in disorder, dishevel; spread abroad
hi! hey!
pharetra –ae f.
maculōsus –a –um
covered with spots; speckled, spotted (> macula)
lynx lyncis m./f.
a lynx
premō premere pressī pressus
to press (hard); overpower; check; (of males) have sex with; check, prune; suppress the publication of
mortālis –e
subject to death, mortal; of mortal nature, lineage, or descent; earthly, human; made by man, mortal; subst., mortales, ium, c., mortals, men, mankind; mortalia, ium, n., human affairs; fortunes, woes (> mors)
certō or certē (certius)
without doubt, certainly, definitely, really, for certain, for a fact, truly; surely, firmly
hostia –ae f.
a sacrificial animal; victim
gestō gestāre gestāvī gestātus
to carry, bear, wear
aloft, on high; high; high up; deeply, deep; comp., altius, higher (> altus)
sūra –ae f.
the calf of the leg; the leg
vinciō vincīre vīnxī vīnctum
to bind, tie up
cothurnus (coturnus) –ī m.
buskin (the high boot worn by tragic actors)
intrāctābilis –e
that can not be handled or managed; indomitable, invincible
intāctus –a –um
untouched, unbroken; unhurt; untouched by the yoke, unyoked; pure; a virgin
iugō iugāre iugāvī iugātus
to yoke; (fig.), join in marriage, unite (> iugum)
germānus –ī m.
impius –a –um
disloyal, wicked
incautus –a –um
unguarded, heedless; unsuspecting
inhumātus –a –um
mīrus –a –um
marvelous, wonderful
trāiciō –icere –iēcī –iectum
to transfer; transport, cross over; pierce, transfix
retegō retegere retēxī retēctus
to uncover, reveal
celerō celerāre celerāvī celerātus
to speed, hasten (> celer)
thēsaurus (thensaurus) –ī m.
a treasure
pondus ponderis n.
weight, burden, impediment
avārus –a –um
mercor –ātus sum
to exchange merchandise; traffic, trade; buy, purchase (> merx, merchandise)
factum factī n.
taurīnus –a –um
of a bull or bull’s (> taurus)
suspīrō suspīrāre suspīrāvī suspīrātus
to breathe from beneath or deeply; to sigh
Annālis –is m.
a book of annals or chronicles; (pl.) a chronicle in several books
fōrs fōrtis f.
chance, luck
appellō –ere –pulī –pulsus
to drive to; bring, convey to; draw up to, moor on the shore (> ad and pello)
Penātēs –ium m.
gods of the household; hearth, fireside gods; tutelary gods of the state as a national family; (fig.), fireside, hearth, dwelling–house, abode (> penus)
dēnī –ae –a
10 each
egēns –entis
destitute, needy, necessitous, helpless (> egeo)
dēserta –ōrum n. (desertum)
desert, waste places; haunts
peragrō peragrāre peragrāvī peragrātus
to go through fields or lands; to roam, travel; traverse (> per and ager)
interfor –fātus sum
to speak between; interrupt
caelestis –is m. or f.
a god or goddess
vītālis –e
pertaining to life; essential to life, vital; (euphemism) relating to death; neut. pl. clothes to be worn at death (> vita)
tūtum –ī n.
safety, place of safety; pl., tuta, orum, safe places, safety, security
cycnus (cygnus) –ī m.
a swan
plaga –ae f.
a tract, region; zone; hunter’s net
āles –itis m./f.
large bird, bird of prey; an omen or augury (from watching birds)
dēspectō dēspectāre dēspectāvī dēspectātus
to look down upon (> despicio)
interrog., relat., and indef. in, by, what way? how?; where, which way, side, direction; for quacumque, any way, anywhere; in any way, by any means; where, in whatever way; so far as
roseus –a –um
ambrosius –a –um
ambrosial, heavenly, divine (> ambrosia)
odor –ōris m.
scent, smell, odor, fragrance; disagreeable odor, stench; foul fumes
spīrō spīrāre spīrāvī spīrātus
to breathe, blow; palpitate; pant; breathe heavily; heave, boil; of odors, breathe forth, exhale, emit; p., spirans, antis, lifelike, breathing
dēfluō –ere –fluxī –fluxus
to flow down; sail down; alight, descend; fall, descend
incessus –ūs m.
a walking or advancing; a manner of walking; walk, gait (> incedo)
so often, so many times
falsus –a –um
deceptive, false
saepiō –īre saepsī saeptus
to fence in; enclose, surround; envelop (> saepes, enclosure)
tūs tūris n.
caleō –ēre –uī
to be warm; to glow
hālō hālāre hālāvī hālātus
to breathe; exhale or emit odor; be fragrant or redolent
sēmita –ae f.
a byway, lane; path (> se– and cf. meo, to go)
collis collis m.
hill; mound; high ground; mountain
māgālia –ium n. pl
huts, dwellings (> a Punic word)
strepitus –ūs m.
a noise; an uproar; din; stir, noise of festivity; confused noise (> strepo)
īnstō īnstāre īnstitī
to pursue, threaten; approach, press hard; be close to (+ dat.); stand in/on
subvolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll up
conclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus
to shut completely; shut around, enclose, surround (> com– and claudo)
iūs iūris n.
law; legal system; code; right; duty; justice; court; binding decision; oath
magistrātus magistrātūs m.
magistracy, civil office; office; magistrate, functionary
theātrum theātrī n.
apis apis f.
flōreus –a –um
flowery (> flos)
adultus –a –um
full–grown, ripe, mature
ēdūcō ēdūcere ēdūxī ēductus
to bring up; train; educate; rear; lead forth
distendō –ere –tendī –tēnsus –or tentus
to stretch apart or out; extend, distend; fill
nectar –aris n.
nectar, the drink of the gods; honey
cella cellae f.
storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder; temple chamber; sanctuary; room, garret; pen; cell; monastery
ignāvus –a –um
lazy, idle
fūcus –ī m.
the male bee; a drone
praesaepe –is n. or praesaepium –iī
an enclosure, fold, stall, manger, trough, table, pen; hive (rel. to praesaepio)
redoleō –ēre –uī
to give forth a smell; to be redolent of, fragrant with
thymum –ī n.
the herb thyme
fragrō fragrāre fragrāvī fragrātus
to emit a smell (good or bad); be fragrant, redolent, sweet-smelling
mel mellis n.
fortūnātus –a –um
lucky, fortunate, happy
nebula –ae f.
a cloud; mist, fog
effodiō –ere –fōdī –fossus
to dig out, excavate; dig up; dig, thrust out (> ex and fodio)
opulentus –a –um
rich, wealthy, opulent
nectō nectere nexī nexum
to tie, bind, connect, weave
opperior opperīrī oppertus/opperitus sum
to wait, expect
artifex –icis m.
an artist; artificis scelus, the iniquity of the deceiver = the accursed falsifier; subtle schemer, artful deviser (> ars and facio)
vulgō vulgāre vulgāvī vulgātus
to spread around/among the multitude; publish, divulge, circulate; prostitute
mortālia –ium n.
human affairs; fortunes, woes
pīctūra –ae f.
the art of painting; painting (> pingo)
ūmectō ūmectāre ūmectāvī ūmectātus
to moisten, bedew, bathe
bellō bellāre bellāvī bellātus
to wage war, carry on war, war
by this way or route; this way, here; on one side
cristātus –a –um
crested, plumed (> crista)
tentōrium –iī n.
a tent (> tendo)
pābulum –ī n.
feeding material; food, pasturage, pasture (> pasco)
gustō gustāre gustāvī gustātus
to taste (> gustus, taste)
impār –aris
unequal, in unequal combat; unequally matched
congredior congredī congressus sum
to meet, engage
lōrum lōrī n. or lorus –ī m.
thong, strap, strip of leather; shoe strap; whip; dog leash; reins
pulvis pulveris m.
inscrībō inscrībere inscrīpsī inscrīptus
to write on(to), brand
peplum –ī n. (peplus m.)
a mantle, robe, or shawl worn by women over the other garments; the mantle used for draping the statues of Athena
exanimus –a –um or exanimis –e
breathless; lifeless, dead; slain; breathless with fear, terrified (> ex and anima)
gemitus –ūs m.
a groaning; a groan; sigh; lamentation; cry; noise, roaring (> gemo)
inermis inermis inerme
permisceō –ēre –miscuī –mistus (–mixtus)
to mix completely; mix, mingle; (fig.), disturb, confound
lūnō lūnāre lūnāvī lūnātus
to shape like a half moon; p., lunatus, a, um, shaped like the half moon; crescent–shaped, crescent–
pelta –ae f.
a light crescent–shaped shield
subnectō –ere –nexuī –nexus
to tie beneath; to bind under; bind, fasten; tie or bind up
exserō –ere –uī –tus
to thrust out; expose, uncover; p., exsertus, a, um, stripped; naked
cingulum –ī n. or cingula –ae f.
a girdle, belt (> cingo)
mamma –ae f.
the breast, “momma”
bellātrīx –īcis f.
a female warrior; adj., warring, a warlike heroine (> bello)
concurrō concurrere concucurrī concursus
to run/assemble/knock/snap together; agree, fit, concur; coincide; make same claim; charge, fight/engage in battle; come running up/in large numbers; rally
mīrandus –a –um
to be wondered at; wonderful, strange (> miror)
obtūtus –ūs m.
a looking at; look, gaze (> obtueor)
stīpō stīpāre stīpāvī stīpātus
to tread down, compress; pack together, store up; load, w. acc. and dat.; throng around, attend
superēmineō –ēre
to rise above, tower above
testūdō –inis f.
a tortoise; a vaulted roof, vault; a testudo, formed of the shields of soldiers held over their heads; a tortoise shell, (by synecdoche) a lyre
concursus concursūs m.
concourse, crowd; encounter; combination; collision, charge, attack
incognitus –a –um
unknown, unnoticed, unperceived; not understood
amiciō –īre –icuī (–ixī) –ictus
to throw around; cover, clothe; surround; veil, cover (> am– and iacio)
intrōgredior –gressus sum
to go within; enter (> intro and gradior)
Īlioneus –eī m. (acc. ēa instead of ea)
Ilioneus, commander of one of the ships of Aeneas
superbus –a –um
arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
superbia superbiae f.
arrogance, pride, haughtiness
glaeba –ae f.
a lump of earth; a clod; soil
nimbōsus –a –um
full of storms; stormy, rainy; cloud–covered (> nimbus)
procāx –ācis
bold, insolent; (fig.), wild, raging
barbarus –a –um
foreign, barbarous, savage
hūmānus –a –um
human; kind; humane, civilized, refined [~ hostiae => human sacrifice]
fandus –a –um
speakable, proper, lawful
aetherius (aetherius) –a –um
pertaining to the upper air; ethereal, heavenly; airy (> aether)
occubō occubāre occubāvī occubātus
to lie, rest (in death)
certō certāre certāvī certātus
to vie (with), contest, contend/struggle (at law/politics), dispute; fight, strive
paenitet paenitēre paenituit
to make sorry, cause to repent
cor cordis n.
heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons (pl.)
sēclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus
to shut apart, off, out; shut up; shut out, dismiss (> se– and claudo)
novitās –ātis f.
newness (> novus)
obtūsus –a –um
enfeebled, blunted, unfeeling (> obtundo, tudi, tusus/tunsus, 3, a., to beat against; beat up; to make blunt, dull)
subdūcō –dūcere –dūxī –ductum
to draw up, raise; remove, take away
compellō compellere compulī compulsus
to drive, coerce
ērumpō ērumpere ērūpī ēruptus
to break out, burst out
classis classis f.
class/division of Romans; grade (pupils); levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band
summergō –ere –mersī –mersus
to plunge beneath; submerge, sink (> sub and mergo)
cēterus –a –um
(nom. sing. masc. not used), the other; other; the rest of; n. pl., cetera, adverbially, in other respect
circumfundō –fundere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour around; to encompass, surround; (pass.), circumfundor, fusus sum, (in middle signif.), to rush around, surround; p., circumfusus, a, um, surrounding; gathering around
scindō scindere scidī scissum
to cut, rend, tear asunder
pūrgō pūrgāre pūrgāvī pūrgātus
to clean, purge
refulgeō –ēre –fulsī –fulsus
to flash back; shine forth, flash, be radiant; glitter, glisten
caesariēs –eī f.
the hair of the head
ebur –oris n.
lapis lapidis m.
stone; milestone; jewel
alloquor alloquī allocūtus
to speak to, address
imprōvīsus –a –um
unforeseen; unlooked for, unexpected
sociō sociāre sociāvī sociātus
to make one a socius; to share, unite, associate; join in marriage (> socius)
persolvō –ere –solvī –solūtus
to loosen completely; set free; free one’s self from obligation; pay, render, give, return; sacrifice, offer
respectō respectāre respectāvī respectātus
to look back, look round, gaze about
iūstitia –ae f.
righteousness, justice, equity (> iustus)
rēctum –ī n.
right (> rego)
saeculum saeculī n.
age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; mortal life; present time/age; century; worldliness; the world; heathenism; time; past/present/future [in ~ => forever]
applicō applicāre applicāvī applicātus
to join, connect, attach, add; to land (a ship)
gignō gignere genuī genitus
to create, bring forth, beget, bear
indeed, certainly; for my part
expellō expellere expulī expulsus
to propel; drive out, expel, banish; disown, reject
vāstō vāstāre vāstāvī vāstātus
to lay waste, ravage
diciō –ōnis f.
dominion, power, sway, rule (only in gen., dat., acc., and abl. sing.)
stirps stirps f.
stalk, stem, family tree, stock
because of which thing; therefore; why
hic haec hoc
this; these
vīgintī; vīcēsimus –a –um
20; 20th
sūs suis m. or f.
pig; boar
agnus agnī m.
lamb (male)
interior –ius
nearer, deeper, moreintimate, more hidden, farther inalnd
rēgālis –e
belonging to a king; regal, kingly, royal (> rex)
splendidus –a –um
shining, clear, brilliant, splendid
lūxus –ūs m.
excess, extravagance; luxury, sumptuousness, magnificence; wanton pleasure, sensuality
seriēs –eī f.
a chain of things, train, row, succession, series (> sero)
orīgō –inis f.
origin, source; birth, family; race; ancestry
praemittō praemittere praemīsī praemissum
to send ahead
ruīna ruīnae f.
fall; catastrophe; collapse (of a building), destruction
palla –ae f.
rigeō –ēre
to be stiff, stiffen
circumtextus –a –um
to woven round (> circum and texo)
acanthus –ī m.
the plant bear’s–foot; the acanthus
ōrnātus –ūs m.
an equipping, fitting out; adornment, attire (> orno)
inconcessus –a –um
not allowed; unlawful
collum collī n.
neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge
monīle –is n.
bācātus –a –um
set or studded with pearls; or made of beads, pearls, etc. (> baca)
gemma –ae f.
jewel, gem; the bud of a plant
corōna corōnae f.
garland; crown, wreath; a circle of spectators
implicō implicāre implicāvī (implicuī) implicitus
to fold in; involve, entangle, entwine; to wheel; (w. dat.), bind to; infuse; insinuate, mingle; se implicare, cling to
bilinguis –e
double–tongued; (fig.), deceitful, treacherous (> bis and lingua)
atrōx atrōcis
cruel, fierce, relentless, unyielding; dark, gloomy, frowning, horrible, hideous, frightful, dreadful
recursō recursāre recursāvī recursātus
to rush back; come back, recur to the mind; return
āliger –era –erum
wing–bearing; winged (> ala and gero)
potentia potentiae f.
power, force
temnō temnere tempsī temptum
to despise, disdain, scorn, defy; p., temnendus, a, um, to be despised; insignificant, small
cōnfugiō cōnfūgere cōnfūgī
to flee
blandus –a –um
flattering, charming, pleasant; attractive
cardō –inis m.
for which reason, wherefore, and therefore
accītus –ūs m.
a summons, call; used only in the abl. sing. (> accio)
sacrātus –a –um
holy (> sacro)
recondō recondere recondidī reconditus
to put up again, put back, lay up, put away, hoard, shut up, close, hide, conceal, bury
occurrō occurrere occurrī occursus
to run to meet; oppose, resist; come to mind, occur (+ dat.)
mēnsa mēnsae f.
table; course, meal; banker’s counter
amplexus –ūs m.
an embrace (> amplector)
ōsculum –ī n.
genetrīx –īcis f.
she who brings forth; mother (> gigno)
exuō exuere exuī exūtus
to take off, strip
amāracus –ī m.
flōs flōris m.
flower, bloom
aspīrō (adspīrō) adspīrāre adspīrāvī adspīrātus
to breathe to or upon; breathe or emit fragrance; inspire; aid, favor, prosper; aspire
aulaeum –ī n.
a curtain, covering, hangings, embroidered stuff, tapestry
sponda –ae f.
the frame of a bedstead or couch; a couch
canistra –ōrum n. pl.
a basket; baskets
mantēle –is n.
a handcloth, a napkin, towel
villus –ī m.
shaggy hair; nap
famula –ae f.
a female house slave; maidservant (> famulus)
penus –ūs ( –ī ) m. or f.; or penus –oris n.
that which is stored within; the household store of provisions; stores, provisions, viands
minister ministrī m.
attendant, servant
pōculum pōculī n.
cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking (pl.); drink
frequēns frequentis
crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant; frequens senatus: a senate with adequate attendance, a quorate senate
torum –ī n. (also torus –ī m.)
bed, couch, cushion; swelling; muscle
discumbō –ere –cubuī –cubitus
to recline separately; recline at table (impers.), discumbitur, they recline
pingō pingere pīnxī pictus
to paint, tint, color; adorn/decorate/embellish with colored designs; depict, portray; depict in embroidery; [acu ~ => embroidery, needle–work]
dēvoveō dēvovēre dēvōvī dēvōtus
to vow (as an offering to), dedicate
ārdēscō –ere –ārsī
to begin to burn; (fig.), burn; to increase, grow louder and louder (> ardeo)
complexus –ūs m.
aboleō abolēre abolēvī abolitus
to cause to wane or waste; to destroy; cleanse, efface, wipe out; obliterate the memory of
praevertō –ere –vertī –versus
to turn before; to preoccupy, prepossess; surpass; pass. as dep. (only in pres.), praevertor, to surpass, outstrip
removeō removēre removī remōtus
to move back; put away; withdraw; remove
corōnō coronāre coronāvī coronātus
to crown, surround
dēpendeō –ēre
to hang down; hang
lychnus –ī m.
a lamp, light
laquear –āris n.
a ceiling with hollows or panels; a paneled or fretted ceiling
fūnālis –e
made of or pertaining to a rope, cord, or wick; subst., funale, is, n., a wax taper, candle, torch (> funis)
merum –ī n.
wine; wine unmixed with water
meminī meminisse
to remember, be mindful (of)
laetitia laetitiae f.
joy, happiness
dator –ōris m.
a giver (> do)
increpitō increpitāre increpitāvī increpitātus
to make a great noise; to call or cry out to; chide, blame, reproach; dare, challenge; taunt (> increpo)
impiger –gra –grum
not sluggish, not inactive; quick, not backward
patera –ae f.
a broad, saucer–shaped dish, used in making libations; a libation cup, patera (> pateo)
prōluō –ere –luī –lūtus
to wash forth or out, cast out; wash away; wet, drench, fill
cithara –ae f.
the cithara, cithern, or lute
crīnītus –a –um
long–haired (> crinis)
Iōpās –ae m.
Iopas, a Carthaginian poet
personō personuī personitus
to sound loudly; sing, play; cause to or make resound
pluvius –a –um
rainy, bringing rain
triō –ōnis m.
an ox as the breaker of the sod in plowing, the “Team” or “Wain”, pl., Triones, um, m., the constellation of the greater and lesser bear
tardus –a –um
slow, limping; deliberate; late
plausus –ūs m.
a beating, clapping, flapping; fluttering sound; plaudit, applause (> plaudo)
bibō bibere bibī
to drink; toast; visit, frequent (w/river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck, (fig.) wound
rogitō rogitāre rogitāvī rogitātus
to ask frequently
no indeed (contradiction); on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
ōrdior ōrdīrī ōrsus sum
to begin
lāmentābilis –e
deplorable; pitiable; to be deplored (> lamentor, deplore)
temperō temperāre temperāvī temperātus
to combine, blend, temper; make mild; refrain from; control oneself; control physically; govern
praecipitō praecipitāre praecipitāvī praecipitātus
to send headlong, throw down
horreō horrēre horruī
to dread, shrink from, shudder at; stand on end, bristle; have rough appearance
repellō repellere reppulī repulsum
to drive back, repel
ductor –ōris m.
a leader; captain, commander; prince, king (> duco)
reditus reditūs m.
return, revenue
fīdus –a –um
faithful, trustworthy
lūctus lūctūs m.
mourning, grief
exitiālis –e
destructive, fatal, deadly (> exitium)
suspectus –a –um
suspicious, suspect
uterus –ī m.
the womb, belly; cavity
contrārius –a –um
opposite, contrary, hostile
caterva –ae f.
band, company (esp. of soldiers); a crowd, throng
līgnum lignī n.
wood; firewood; trunk/stump/tree; timber; beam/post; wood (material); stave; wood thing/part, writing–tablet, spear shaft; stone (of fruit), shell (nut); the Cross; staff, cudgel, club; gallows/stocks; [~ pedaneum => altar step]
occultō occultāre occultāvī occultātus
to hide; conceal
fabricō fabricāre fabricāvī fabricātus
to construct, frame, build (> fabrica, structure)
compāgēs –is f.
a joining; fastening, joint (> com– and pango)
alvus –ī f.
the abdomen, the belly; waist; body
recutiō –ere –cussī –cussus
to strike back; cause to resound; p., recussus, a, um, resounding, reverberating (> re and quatio)
impellō impellere impulī impulsum
to strike against, impel
foedō foedāre foedāvī foedātus
to pollute, spoil, dishonor, defile
fīdēns –entis
trusting, bold, confident, w. abl., dat., or gen., freq. (> fido)
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
to visit, go to see; look at
inlūdō –ere –lūsī –lūsus
to play upon; w. dat.; (fig.), insult, mock; set at naught; injure, hurt; (w. acc.), insult
above, on top, over; upwards; moreover, in addition, besides; during (time); concerning; beyond
īnfēnsus –a –um
hostile, angry
crēscō crēscere crēvī crētus
to come forth/to be; arise/spring (from); be born; become visible/great; grow (up); thrive, increase (size/number/honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted
mendāx –ācis
given to lying; false, deceitful (> mentior)
prōditiō –ōnis f.
betrayal, abandonment (of a cause)
indicium indici(ī) n.
evidence (before a court); information, proof; indication
nex necis f.
killing, murder
cassus –a –um
void; deprived of; fruitless, vain
lūgeō lūgēre lūxī lūctum
to mourn, grieve
cōnsanguinitās –ātis f.
kinship (> consanguineus)
propinquus –a –um
near, neighboring; related; masc. sb. relatives
invidia invidiae f.
envy, jealousy; ill–will, resentment
pellāx –ācis
leading into error; wily, deceitful, artful (> pellicio)
adflīctus –a –um
dejected, desponding; wretched, troubled (> adfligo)
taceō tacēre tacuī tacitus
to be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something
remeō remeāre remeāvī remeātus
to go back, return
requiēscō requiēscere requiēvī requiētum
to rest
while, as long as; until
revolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll back; (fig.), bring back, recall, repeat; retrace; go over again, suffer again; turn, change again; (pass.), revolvor, fall back, fall down; p., revolutus, a, um, rolling
pavitō pavitāre pavitāvī pavitātus
to be much agitated; tremble, quake with fear; be terrified (> paveo)
fīctus –a –um
feigned, false (> fingo)
interclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus
to close the way; hinder, detain (> inter and claudo)
contexō –ere –uī –tus
to weave together; construct, build
acernus –a –um
of maple; maple (> acer, maple)
scītor –ārī –ātus sum
to seek to know; ascertain; inquire; p., scitans, antis, consulting, to consult (> scio)
ōrāculum –ī n.
oracle, prophecy
reportō reportāre reportāvī reportātus
to bear back, bring again, carry back
auris auris f.
prōtrahō –ere –trāxī –trāctus
to draw, drag, bring forth
flāgitō flāgitāre flāgitāvī flāgitātum
to demand, entreat
ventūrum –ī n.
that which is to come, the future, futurity (> venio)
quīnī –ae –a
5 each
tēctus –a –um
covered, roofed; hidden, secret; concealed, disguised; guarded, secretive
oppōnō oppōnere opposuī oppositum
to place opposite, oppose
compositum –ī n.
an agreement, compact; adv: by compact
dēstinō dēstināre dēstināvī dēstinātus
to determine, intend
adsentiō –īre –sēnsī –sēnsus
to and, more frequently, adsentior, sensus sum, 4, dep. n., to give consent; to assent, agree
convertō –ere –vertī
to turn round, cause to turn, turn back
frūx frūgis f.
fruit, produce, pulse, legumes
ēripiō ēripere ēripuī ēreptus
to tear away, snatch away
līmōsus –a –um
full of mud; miry, slimy (> limus)
dēlitēscō –ere dēlituī
to hide; lurk, lie hidden (> de and latesco, be hidden)
fōrs (adv. for fors sit)
haply, perchance
reposcō reposcere
to demand back, ask again
effugium –iī n.
a fleeing away; pl., flight, escape (> effugio)
piō piāre piāvī piātus
to atone for, expiate; appease; avenge, punish (> pius)
restō restāre restitī
to remain, resist
miserēscō –ere
to feel pity, alone, or w. genit. (> misereo)
manicae –ārum f.
something connected with the hand; a sleeve reaching to the hand; a long sleeve; found only in the pl., manicae, arum, sleeves; handcuffs, chains, cords, manacles (> manus)
dictum dictī n.
word; saying
amīcus –a –um
friendly (+ dat.)
ēdisserō –ere –uī –tus
to state; set forth, declare, relate
māchina māchinae f.
device, machine; scaffolding; winch, windlass
vinculum vinculī n.
chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment (pl.)
palma palmae f.
hand, palm
violābilis –e
that may be violated; violable; non violable, inviolable (> violo)
resolvō –ere –solvī –solūtus
to untie, loosen, unbind; break apart; dispel; of the lips, open; of the body, relax, unbend, extend; of separation of body and spirit, dissolve, separate, release; unravel, disclose; break, viola
prōmissum –ī n.
a promise; a thing promised; prize
rependō –pendere –pendī –pensum
to make up for; balance
fīdūcia fīdūciae f.
inventor –ōris m.
a finder; contriver (> invenio)
cruentus –a –um
bloody, blood–stained; covered with blood
virgineus –a –um
maidenly, of a virgin
contingō contingere contigī contāctus
to touch; reach (to); border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize; color/stain; lay hands on, appropriate; smite; affect emotionally, move/touch; happen, befall, turn out, come to pass, be granted to one; be produced
sublābor –lāpsus sum
to slip or glide beneath; sink down, decline, ebb, wane; pass silently by
parma –ae f.
a small round shield or buckler, usually carried by light troops; in gen., a shield
ōmen ōminis n.
āvehō –ere –vehere –vehexī –vectum
to carry off, bear away
remētior remēnsus sum
to measure again, retrace, recross; survey, observe again
dīgerō –gere –gessī –gestum
to separate, arrange
texō –ere –texuī –textus
to weave; to build cunningly; form, fashion, fabricate, construct; make intricate movements, interweave; p., textus, a, um, woven, constructed, made
domō domāre domuī domitus
to subdue, dominate
decem; decimus –a –um
10; 10th
by much, greatly
tremendus –a –um
to be trembled at; dreadful, fearful, terrible (> tremo)
imprōvidus –a –um
not looking before; improvident; unsuspecting, blinded; unprepared
tranquillus –a –um
calm, still; subst., tranquillum, i, n., a calm; calm weather
fluctus fluctūs m.
wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion
iuba –ae f.
the mane of a horse; of a serpent; of a helmet, plume, crest
sanguineus –a –um
of blood; bloodshot; of bloody color or aspect, bloody; fiery, bloody; ruddy, burnished; bloodthirsty (> sanguis)
sinuō sinuāre sinuāvī sinuātus
to make into a fold or folds; to coil, wind (> sinus)
salum –ī n.
the tossing or heaving swell of the sea; the open sea, the main
sufficiō sufficere suffēcī suffectum
to suffuse, supply, suffice
sībilus –a –um
vibrō vibrāre vibrāvī vibrātus
to set in tremulous motion, move to and fro, brandish, shake, agitate
exsanguis –e
without blood; lifeless; pale with terror, terrified
serpēns –entis (gen. pl. serpentum) m./f.
a creeping thing; snake, serpent (> serpo)
amplector amplectī amplexus sum
to embrace
morsus morsūs m.
a biting, bite
dēpāscor –pāscī –pāstus sum
to eat up, feed on, consume
spīra –ae f.
a fold, coil, especially of serpents
ligō ligāre ligāvī ligātus
to tie, bind, bind together, bind up, bandage, bind fast
squāmeus –a –um
covered with scales; scaly (> squama)
cervīx cervīcis f.
neck, nape; severed head/neck
dīvellō –ere –vellī –vulsus
to tear asunder; tear in pieces; tear away; separate, scatter (others, drive away); loosen, uncoil
nōdus –ī m.
a knot; of a tree; bond; coil; (fig.), difficult point; center of strife
venēnum venēnī n.
poison; drug
mūgītus –ūs m.
a lowing; bellowing (> mugio)
lāpsus –ūs m.
a slipping; gliding; gliding movement; turning, movement; descent, flight; course (> labor)
orbis orbis m.
circle, orb; a circular path, circuit
īnsinuō īnsinuāre īnsinuāvī īnsinuātus
to embosom; to penetrate
pavor pavōris m.
fear, trembling
expendō –ere –pendī –pēnsus
to weigh out; (fig.), pay; suffer; expiate
scelerātus –a –um
accursed, criminal, scoundrel
intorqueō –ēre –torsī –tortus
to turn or hurl toward, or against; shoot, dart
stūppeus –a –um
made of tow or flax; flaxen (> stuppa)
inclutus (inclitus) –a –um
famous, glorious, renowned
4 times
futūrus –a –um
about to be; future (> sum)
iūssus iūssūs m.
an order, command, decree, ordinance
dēlūbrum –ī n.
the place for sacrificial cleansings; a shrine, temple, sanctuary (> deluo, cleanse)
rēgius –a –um
royal, of a king, regal
pīneus –a –um
of pine, made of pine, produced from pine, piny; pine–; piny, pine–growing (> pinus)
patefaciō patefacere patefēcī patefactum
to reveal
prōmō –ere –prōmpsī –prōmptus
to take, give, bring forth, exhibit, put forth; with se, come forth (> pro and emo)
fabricātor –ōris m.
a constructor, contriver, framer, artificer, builder (> fabrico)
pateō patēre patuī
to stand open, be open; extend; be well known; lie open, be accessible
serpō –ere serpsī serptus
to creep, glide; steal on or over
largus –a –um
ample; spacious, expansive; plentiful, copious, flowing; bountiful, free; w. gen., lavish
raptō raptāre raptāvī raptātus
to seize violently; drag; hurry away, transport (> rapio)
bīgae –ārum f. pl
a team of two horses; a car or chariot drawn by two horses; a car; bigis in albis, in a chariot drawn by two white horses (> bis and iugum)
tumeō tumēre tumuī
to swell, puff up
(interj. expressive of grief), ah! alas! woe is me!
so much as; how much; how far
exuviae –ārum f.
that which has been taken off; a garment, vestment; armor, arms; spoils; memorials, relics; skin; hide (> exuo)
iaculor –ātus sum
to hurl the javelin; to dart; throw, cast, hurl (> iaculum); (also transitive) strike, shoot at
squāleō –ēre –uī
to be rough, foul, neglected, waste; p., squalens, entis, foul, filthy, neglected, squalid; of armor, scaly, covered with work of scales, embossed
barba –ae f.
beard; dim. barbula, little beard)
concrēscō –ere –crēvī –crētus
to grow together; grow thick; stiffen; p., concretus, a, um, concreted, matted; formed by natural growth, contracted, accumulated
exprōmō –ere –prōmsī –prōmptum
to bring forth, explain
to say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law)
pererrō pererrāre pererrāvī pererrātus
to wander through or over; survey; explore, try; pervade
obtegō –ere –tēxī –tēctus
to cover up or over
clārēscō –ere claruī
to become clear to the ear or eye; grow loud, increase
ingruō –ere –uī
to rush into; advance furiously; assail; rush upon the ear, resound; descend
horror –ōris m.
a roughening or bristling; (fig.), a shuddering; terror, dread, horror, dismay; clashing din (> horreo)
ascēnsus –ūs m.
a climbing or ascending (> ascendo)
Auster –trī m.
Auster, the southerly or south wind, opposite to Aquilo; wind in general; the south
incidō incidere incidī
to fall upon, fall into; happen
montānus –a –um
pertaining to mountains; mountain (> mons)
torrens –ntis m.
a rushing stream, torrent
praeceps praecipitis
plunging head-foremost, falling; headlong; rushing (of winds etc.)
stupeō –ēre –uī
to be amazed or dazed; to be bewildered, confounded, lost in wonder; wonder at
pāstor pāstōris m.
fretum fretī n.
straight, channel; (sing. or pl. by metonymy) the sea
relūceō –ēre –lūxī
to shine back or again, or brightly; glow, flash; to take fire
clangor –ōris m.
a clashing sound; braying, din, blast; rushing sound, flapping (> clango, resound)
inēluctābilis –e
that can not be averted by struggling; inevitable; resistless
Īlium –iī n.
Ilium, Troy
ferus –a –um
wild, fierce
dominor dominārī dominātus
to be lord or master; rule, reign, be supreme; take possession, overrun, prevail (> dominus)
armātī –ōrum m.
armed men, warriors (> armo)
bipatēns –entis
with twofold opening; with twofold or double doors (> bis and pateo)
mūcrō –ōnis m.
a sharp point or edge, esp. of a weapon; point of a spear; a sword, blade
vigil vigilis
awake, on the watch; sleepless; perpetual; subst., vigil, ilis, m., a watchman, guard, sentinel (> vigeo)
dīvus (dīus) dīvī m.
god, deity; the sky
fremitus –ūs m.
a murmuring, an uproar, din; tumult, shouting; buzzing, humming; neighing (> fremo)
agglomerō agglomerāre agglomerāvī agglomerātus
to gather, assemble, crowd to; se agglomerare, to join themselves to (> ad and glomero)
spōnsa –ae f.
one promised as a bride; the betrothed (> spondeo)
cōnfertus –a –um
crowded together (> confercio, crowd together)
excēdō excēdere excessī excessus
to pass, withdraw, exceed; go away/out/beyond; die
succurrō –currere –currī –cursūrum
to come to mind
lupus lupī m.
raptor –ōris m.
a plunderer, robber; adjectively, plundering (> rapio)
exigō exigere exēgī exāctus
to drive out, exact, collect; achieve, complete
catulus –ī m. or catula (catella) –ae f.
a young dog; a whelp, the young of wild animals; a cub, whelp
explicō explicāre explicāvī/explicuī explicātus/explicitus
to untangle; extricate; unfold, explain
aequō aequāre aequāvī aequātus
to make level, equalize; make (a treaty) on equal terms
iners –ertis
unskilled, lazy; unadventurous, unmanly
religiōsus –a –um
religious, reverent, superstitious
praecordia –ōrum n.
the diaphragm or midriff; the vital parts; the heart; the heart as the seat of courage; spirit, heart (> prae and cor)
furthermore, beyond, besides; far away; gratuitously, wantonly; voluntarily
sēgnitiēs –eī f.
sloth, tardiness, delay (> segnis)
reprimō reprimere repressī repressus
to restrain, stop, check
sentis –is m./f.
a thorn, brier, bramble
attollō attollere
to raise up, lift up
secus; comp. sequior –ius
otherwise, differently, not so, the contrary; non secus ac, no different from, just as (when, etc.)
vīsus vīsūs m.
tremefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus
to cause to tremble or quake; to shake; make to tremble with fear; cause to tremble; p., tremefactus, a, um, trembling; quivering (> tremo and facio)
īnsīgne īnsīgnis n.
medal, decoration
comāns –antis
hairy; crested; leafy (> como –are)
accommodō accommodāre accommodāvī accommodātus
to fit one thing to another; to buckle, gird (> ad and commodo)
armō armāre armāvī armātus
to equip, arm
immisceō –miscuī –mixtus (–mistus)
to mingle with; usually w. dat.; blend with, vanish in
cōnserō –ere –seruī –sertus
to tie together; fasten; arm,; conserere proelia, to join battle, engage in, fight
formīdō formīdinis f.
scandō scandere scandī scānsus
to mount, climb, ascent
adytum –ī n.
the inaccessible; the innermost part of a temple, accessible only to the priest; a shrine, sanctuary, oracle; the interior of a tomb, or shrine of the dead
iniciō –ere –iēcī –iectum
to throw, lay hands on; bring into, instill
incurrō –ere –currī (–cucurrī) –cursus
to run into or against; rush upon, charge
nostrī –ōrum m.
our friends, kindred, allies, etc. (> noster)
colligō colligere collēgī collēctus
to collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up
cōnflīgō cōnflīgere cōnflixī cōnflīctus
to clash, collide; contend/fight/combat; be in conflict/at war; argue/disagree
strīdō –ere
to make a shrill noise, sound harshly, creak, hiss, grate, whiz, whistle, rattle, buzz
discors discordis
disagreeing; hostile; opposing, contending (> dis– and cor)
prōcumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to fall forwards, sink down, fall prostrate
servāns –antis (superl. –servantissimus –a –um)
observant, w. gen.
aequum –ī n.
that which is even; right, justice; in aequum, to the open field
īnfula –ae f.
a bandage, miter; a fillet of red and white wool, twisted together, worn by priests
exter extera exterum
outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange
testor –ārī –ātus sum
to testify, bear witness to, with acc. of object witnessed; to call to witness, appeal to, with acc. of witness called upon; invoke; w. object omitted, adjure, implore; declare, proclaim; beseech
occāsus –ūs m.
a going down; setting; the west; fall, ruin, destruction (> occido)
indomitus –a –um
untamed, ungovernable, wild
pariēs parietis m.
wall (of a house)
scālae –ārum f.
a ladder; scaling ladder (> scando)
gradus gradūs m.
step; position
prōtegō –tegere –texī –tectum
to cover, conceal; protect
prēnsō prēnsāre prēnsāvī prēnsātus
to grasp (> prendo)
fastīgium fastīgi(ī) n.
convellō –ere –vellī –vulsus
to pull violently; pluck, tear, pull up; wrench forth; cut off; p., convulsus, a, um, rent, shattered; convulsed
ultima –ōrum n.
the end, goal; the last, the final hour; the end (> ulterior)
dēvolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll down; throw, hurl down; (of property) fall to, devolve upon (an heir)
pervius –a –um
that can be passed through; unobstructed, free; common (> per and via)
īnfēlīx īnfēlīcis
unfortunate, unhappy; unsuccessful
avus avī m.
grandfather; forefather, ancestor
astrum astrī n.
star, constellation
labō labāre labāvī labātus
to give way, begin to yield; totter; of the mind, waver; falter, flag, despond
iūnctūra –ae f.
a joining; joint (> iungo); the action of combining; combination
tabulātum –ī n.
a planking; floor, platform, story (> tabula)
vestibulum –ī n.
entrance, porch, portal, vestibule
līmen līminis n.
coruscus –a –um
vibrating, tremulous, waving; flashing; gleaming (> corusco)
aēnus –a –um
of bronze; brazen; subst., a bronze or brazen vessel; caldron
grāmen –inis n.
grass, plant, herb
brūma –ae f.
the winter solstice; winter
nitidus –a –um
shining, bright, glittering (> niteo)
iuventa iuventae f.
lūbricus –a –um
smooth, slippery; (fig.), subtle, cunning, slippery; subst., lubrica, orum, n., a slippery place; hazardous; inconstant
convolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll together; roll up, coil
trisulcus –a –um
three–furrowed; three–forked (> tres and sulcus)
agitātor –ōris m.
one who drives; a charioteer (> agito)
armiger –erī m.
“an armor bearer; armiger Iovis, the eagle as the bearer of the thunderbolts of pūbēs –is f.,”the groin
perrumpō –ere –rūpī –ruptus
to break, burst through
aerātus –a –um
furnished with copper, bronze; made of bronze; bronze–covered; with brazen prow; armed with bronze; armed
cavō cavāre cavāvī cavātus
to hollow or scoop out; cavatus, a, um, hollowed out; vaulted (> cavus)
fenestra –ae f.
patēscō –ere –patuī
to begin to be open; to be open to view, stand open; open; become evident, manifest (> pateo)
penetrālis –e
innermost, inner; subst., penetralia, ium, n., the interior of a house; sanctuary, shrine, chapel (> of a dwelling or temple) (> penetro)
plangor –ōris m.
lamentation by beating the breast; lamentation, wailing, cry of grief (> plango)
aedēs aedis f.
temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode, dwelling; household
ululō ululāre ululāvī ululātus
to howl; wail, shriek; to utter wild cries of triumph; shriek the name of; invoke with cries
aureus (aurātus) –a –um
of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid
pavidus –a –um
scared, frightened
sufferō sufferre sustulī sublātum
to take up, submit to, undergo, bear, endure, suffer
ariēs –etis m.
ram (of the golden fleece); Ram (sign of the Zodiac); battering ram; support beam; sea-monster
ēmoveō –ēre –mōvī –mōtus
to move off or away; throw off, start from; dispel, relieve; tear away, shatter
trucīdō trucīdāre trucīdāvī trucīdātus
to slaughter
agger aggeris m.
mound, rampart
spūmeus –a –um
foamy, frothy, foaming (> spuma)
arvum arvī n.
ploughed land, field
furō furere
to rage, be mad
cumulus –ī m.
a heap; flood, mass
stabulum –ī n.
stable, stall; inn, lodging house; brothel; a shepherd’s dwelling, grange; den, haunt; cattle–camp (> sto)
armentum –ī n.
collective, beasts used for plowing; cattle; of all kinds of animals, a herd, drove; of deer; of horses (> aro)
quīnquāgintā; quīnquāgēsimus –a –um
50; 50th
barbaricus –a –um
foreign, barbaric
dēsuēscō –ere –suēvī –suētus
to become unaccustomed; p., desuetus, a, um, unaccustomed, unused; neglected, unfamiliar, unpracticed; unused to love; dormant
nāta (gnāta) –ae f.
condēnsus –a –um
thick, crowded, close together
iuvenālis (iuvenīlis) –e
dēfēnsor dēfēnsōris m.
defender, protector
ūnus –a –um
1, alone; single
īnsequor īnsequī īnsecūtus sum
to follow after, pursue
ēvādō ēvādere ēvāsī ēvāsus
to go out, evade
concidō concidere concidī
to fall down, fall faint, fall dead, fall victim, fall to earth, fall short, collapse; drop, subside; decline; perish, be slain/sacrificed; lose one’s case, fail, give out, lose heart, decay
abstineō abstinēre abstinuī abstentus
to withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of
ausum –ī n.
a daring deed; outrage
defect. (found only in nom. and acc. pl.), f. (grator), thanks; in a bad sense, return, reward
(adv. or prep. + abl.) in person, face–to–face; in one’s presence, before one’s eyes; publicly, openly
mentior mentīrī mentītus
to invent, assert falsely, lie, cheat, deceive, pretend
ērubescō ērubescere ērubuī
to grow red, blush
remittō remittere remīsī remissum
to send back, release; absolve
imbellis –e
unwarlike, peaceful
umbō –ōnis m.
the boss of a shield; a shield
lāpsō lāpsāre lāpsāvī lāpsātus
to fall down; slip (> labor)
laeva –ae f. (sc. manus)
the left hand; ab laeva, on the left side
capulus –ī m.
the handle; hill (> capio)
(prep. w. gen. or abl., placed after its case), as far as; up to; down to, to; to; hac tenus, separated by tmesis, thus far
exitus exitūs m.
exit, departure; end, solution; death; outlet, mouth (of river)
prōlābor –lāpsus sum
to slip forward, tumble down; p., prolapsus, a, um, fallen, in ruins
rēgnātor –ōris m.
one who reigns; sovereign, lord (> regno)
exhālō exhālāre exhālāvī exhālātus
to breathe out
saltus saltūs m.
jump, leap
praemetuō –ere
to fear beforehand, dread
invīsus –a –um
unseen, secret
comitor comitārī comitātus sum
to accompany
occidō occidere occidī occāsus
to go down; set; fall, perish; die (> ob and cado)
ārdeō ārdēre ārsī ārsum
to burn, glow
sūdō sūdāre sūdāvī sūdātus
to sweat, w. abl.; ooze out, distill
exstinguō exstinguere exstinxī exstinctus
to put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy
satiō satiāre satiāvī satiātum
to satisfy, sate
furiō furiāre furiāvī furiātus
to madden, enrage, infuriate (> furiae)
cōnfiteor cōnfitērī cōnfessus sum
to confess, admit
dextera dextera f.
right hand
contineō continēre continuī contentus
to secure, maintain, sustain; fasten/hold in position; retain, keep safe, preserve; hinder, contain/shut in/confine; stay; restrain/hold back; comprise/form basis; keep/hold/hang together/fast; surround, enclose, contain, limit; concentrate
whither, pray? whither? where?
hauriō haurīre hausī hastus
to drain, drink, swallow
ēnsis ēnsis m.
culpō culpāre culpāvī culpātus
to blame, censure
inclēmentia –ae f.
unkindness; inclemency, cruelly, severity (> inclemens, unkind)
aspiciō aspicere aspēxī aspectus
to look at, behold
obdūcō –ere –dūxī –ductus
to draw or lead towards; draw over (as a covering)
hebetō hebetāre hebetāvī hebetātus
to make blunt; to make dull; to impair, dim, obscure (> hebes, blunt)
cālīgō cālīgāre cālīgāvī cālīgātus
to be dark, darken (> caligo)
neu or neve
or not, and not; (for negative of imp.) [neve … neve => neither … nor ]
praeceptum praeceptī n.
teaching, lesson, precept; order, command
quatiō quatere quassī quassum
to shake
ēruō ēruere ēruī ērutus
to cast out or up; to overthrow; remove, unearth, dig up
īnsideō –ēre –sēdī –sessus
to sit or be seated on; w. dat., rest, recline upon; settle on; w. acc., occupy, hold (> in and sedeo)
nimbus –ī m.
rain–cloud, cloud–burst, downpour
effulgō effulgere effulsī or effulgeō effulgēre
to shine forth or brightly; be effulgent; glitter, be distinguished, conspicuous (> ex and fulgeo)
in truth, in fact, certainly, truly, to be sure, surely, assuredly; (less commonly) but, however
ornus –ī f.
a mountain–ash
accīdō accīdere accīdī accīsus
to cut into, or up; cut; eat into, devour, consume (> ad and caedo)
nūtō nūtāre nūtāvī nūtātus
to nod; sway to and fro; move, wave (> nuo, nod)
for the last time (> superus)
congemō –ere –uī
to groan deeply; send forth a sigh or groan; (fig.), to creak or crash
āvellō –ere –vellī (vulsī) –vulsus
to pluck, or tear off, or away from, with acc. and abl., take away, steal; to force away; p., avulsus, a, um, torn from; torn, rent
excīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut out; cut off, away, or down; destroy (> ex and caedo)
prōdūcō prōdūcere prōdūxī prōductus
to lead forward, bring out; reveal; induce; promote; stretch out; prolong; bury
integer integra integrum
untouched, entire, whole, complete; uninjured, sound, fresh (troops), vigorous
aevum aevī n.
eternity; lifetime, age
rōbur rōboris n.
oak, strength; hardness, strength, firmness, vigor, power; authority
iactūra –ae f.
loss (of stature/prestige); sacrifice
sepulcrum sepulcrī n.
place of burial, tomb, grave
some time before or since; long ago, long since
inūtilis –e
useless, unserviceable
perstō perstitī perstātu
to continue standing; remain fixed; persist
abnegō abnegāre abnegāvī abnegātus
to deny, refuse, with acc. and dat., with inf.; alone
excidō excidere excidī
to fall out, drop; perish; be forgotten; lapse (into actions, etc.)
placeō placēre placuī placitum
to be pleasing, please (+ dat.)
clipeus –ī m. or clipeum –ī n.
round shield
īnsertō īnsertāre īnsertāvī īnsertātus
to put or thrust into; pass through (> insero)
aptō aptāre aptāvī aptātus
to adapt to, prepare; fit together, join
but if; if on the contrary
tūtor tūtāvī tūtātus sum
to watch, make safe, guard, keep, protect, defend
vōciferor –ātus sum
to raise the voice; cry out, exclaim; utter with loud cries (> vox and fero)
repleō –ēre –plēvī –plētus
to fill again; fill up, fill
subitus –a –um
having come up suddenly; unexpected, sudden; suddenly (> subeo)
Iūlus –ī m.
Iulus or Ascanius, son of Aeneas
lūmen luminis n.
light; lamp, torch; eye (of a person); life; day, daylight; ad lumina: by torchlight
apex –icis m.
the point of anything; peak, top, summit; pointed flame; cone of a helmet; a peaked cap
tāctus –ūs m.
a touching; touch (> tango)
lambō –ere –ī –itus
to lick; of flame, touch, lick
flagrō flagrāre flagrāvī flagrāturus
to burn
laevum –ī n.
the left part; adv.: on the left
umbra umbrae f.
shadow, shade
līmes –itis m.
border, boundary, train; track, passage (rel. to limen); a cross path bounding two fields
sulcus –ī m.
a furrow; furrow; track, train
sulphur (sulphur) –uris n.
fūmō fūmāre fūmāvī fūmātus
to smoke; send up vapor; fume, reek; foam (> fumus)
genitor genitōris m.
aura aurae f.
breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven
augurium argurī(ī) n.
augury, prophecy
recūsō recūsāre recūsāvī recūsātus
to refuse, reject
gravō gravāre gravāvī gravātus
to burden, load
religiō religiōnis f.
supernatural constraint, taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity; reverence, respect, awe, conscience, scruples; religion; order of monks/nuns
attrectō attrectāre attrectāvī attrectātus
to handle or touch, with the notion of violating (> ad and tracto)
abluō –ere –luī –lūtus
to wash away; cleanse, purify, wash
īnsternō –ere –strāvī –strātus
to spread over; cover; saddle; extend over
behind, after (+acc.)
not long ago
prōspiciō prōspicere prōspexī prōspectum
to foresee; see in front; have a view
exclāmō exclāmāre exclāmāvī exclāmātus
to exclaim
nescioquis –qua –quid (also written as two words)
someone or other ; I know not who/what; to some degree, a little bit
cōnfūsus –a –um
mingled, confused, promiscuous; bewildered, confounded (> confundo)
for in fact
āvius –a –um
out of the way, remote, trackless, untrodden devious, unapproachable; that cannot be tracked, inaccessible, eluding pursuit
cursus cursūs m.
running; speed, zeal; charge, onrush; forward movement, march; revolution (wheel); course, direction, line of advance, orbit; voyage, passage; race; career; series; lesson
regiō regiōnis f.
area, region; neighborhood; district, country; direction
subsistō –ere –stitī
to stand after; halt, stand still; wait, remain; tarry, remain behind; stop; withstand, resist, hold out
lassus –a –um
tired, weary
reflectō reflectere reflexī reflexus
to bend back, turn backwards, turn about, turn away
dēsum deesse defuī
to be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing
incūsō incūsāre incūsāvī incūsātus
to bring a cause or case against any one; to accuse, reproach, blame; without object, upbraid, complain (> in and causa)
ēvertō ēvertere ēvertī ēversus
to overturn, overthrow
commendō commendāre commendāvī commendātus
to entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate
renovō renovāre renovāvī renovātus
to restore, refresh, renew
obiectō obiectāre obiectāvī obiectātus
to throw towards, before, or against; to expose to (> obicio)
observō observāre observāvī observātus
to watch, observe
straightway, immediately, at once, instantly (> ire and licet)
edāx –ācis
voracious, greedy
asȳlum –ī n.
A place of refuge; an asylum; a temple, sanctuary; the Asylum established by Romulus on the Capitoline
adservō adservāre adservāvī adservātus
to keep under observation, keep in custody
crātēr –ēris m. [acc. sing. ēra pl. –ēras]
a large mixing bowl or urn; mixer; bowl; jar
congerō –gerere –gessī –gestum
to gather together, collect; pile up
simulācrum simulācrī n.
likeness, image, statue
faux faucis f.
the throat, gullet; pl. jaws, mouth
dēmō dēmere dēmpsī dēmptus
to remove
ēveniō ēvenīre ēvēnī ēventus
to come out/about/forth; happen; turn out
fās n.
(what is divinely) right; (what is) permitted
arō arāre arāvī arātus
to plough
lēnis –e
gentle, kind, mild
dīligō dīligere dīlēxī dīlēctus
to love, hold dear; value/esteem/favor; have special regard for (milder than amo)
serviō servīre servīvī servītus
to serve; be a slave to (+ dat.)
nurus –ūs f.
a daughter–in–law
revīsō –ere
to look at again; visit again, return to see; return to; revisit
adfluō –ere –flūxī –flūxus
to flow to; (fig.), gather, flock together, assemble
admīror admirārī admirātus sum
to admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished
miserābilis –e
that deserves to be pitied; pitiable, miserable, deplorable, wretched; (> adv.), miserabile, wretchedly, pitiably (> miseror)
Lūcifer –ferī m.
Lucifer, the morning star, son of Aurora (dawn) and Cephalus
immeritus –a –um
undeserving; guiltless
mōlior mōlīrī mōlītus
to work at, devise
contrahō contrahere contrāxī contractus
to collect, contract, reduce; shrink because of pain
antīquus –a –um
old, ancient, old–time, former
socius –a –um
sharing, joining in, partaking, united, associated, kindred, allied, fellow, common
curvus –a –um
curved, bent, bending; winding; crooked
auspex –icis m./f.
one who divines by watching birds; a diviner; (fig.), a leader, author, patron, guide, director (> avis and specio, look)
caelicola –ae m./f.
an inhabitant of heaven; a god, et al. (> caelum and colo)
accēdō accēdere accessī accessum
to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)
frondeō –ēre
to be leafy; to bear or put forth leaves; frondens, leafy; green; still bearing leaves (> frons)
horrendus –a –um
to be shuddered at; dreadful, fearful; awe–inspiring, venerable; strange, wonderful; fierce, warlike (> horreo)
rādīx rādīcis f.
root; that upon which any thing is fixed or rests; foothill; a root, ground, basis, foundation, origin, source
vellō vellere vulsī/vellī vulsum
to pluck
gutta guttae f.
maculō maculāre maculāvī maculātus
to spot; stain; defile
coeō coīre coīvō/coiī coitus
to fit together; have sexual intercourse; collect, gather; meet; rally; enter agreement; unite, assemble, conspire; come/go together; mend, knit (wound)
cortex –icis m.
bark, shell, cork
secundō secundāre secundāvī secundātus
to direct favorably; aid, favor, prosper; make auspicious
hastīle –is n.
the shaft of a spear; a spear, lance, javelin; a spear–like sapling or branch; a shoot (> hasta)
nīsus (nīxus) nīsus m.
a pressing upon, pressure, push, striving, exertion, labor, effort
obluctor –ātus sum
to strive, struggle, press against
ēloquor ēloquī ēlocūtus sum
to speak out, express
sileō silēre siluī
to be silent; (transitive) be silent about
lacrimābilis –e
that calls for tears; piteous; causing tears; woeful, disastrous (> lacrimo)
lacerō lacerāre lacerāvī lacerātus
to tear, mutilate; wound; rend (> lacer)
sepeliō sepelīre sepeliī/sepelīvī sepultum
to bury
scelerō scelerāre scelerāvī scelerātus
to commit a crime, pollute
externus –a –um
outside, foreign, strange
stīpes (stips) –itis m.
a log or post, stem, trunk of a tree; club
cōnfīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus
to fasten together or firmly; transfix, pierce
iaculum –ī n.
a thing hurled; a spear, dart, or javelin (> iacio)
incrēscō –ere –crēvī –crētus
to grow in; grow up; increase, w. dat.
obstipescō (obstupescō) –ere –stipuī (stupuī)
to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed
alō alere aluī altus
to feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
diffīdō diffīdere diffīsus sum
to distrust
obsidiō obsidiōnis f.
siege, blockade
victrīx –īcis f.
a female conqueror; in triumph; as adj., victorious (> vinco)
abrumpō abrumpere abrūpī abruptum
to break off, sever
famēs famis f.
hunger, famine
polluō –ere –uī –ūtus
to soil, pollute, defile; break, violate
aggerō –ere –gessī –gestus
to bear to; heap upon, add to (> ad and gero)
cupressus –ī f.
the cypress; a branch of cypress
cymbium –iī n.
a small, skiff–shaped drinking cup; cup
anima animae f.
a breeze or breath of air; the air; wind or blast of the bellows; breath (of life); soul
plācō plācāre plācāvī plācātus
to soothe, placate
sacer sacra sacrum
sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable (the Via Sacra was the principal street in Rome)
contemnō contemnere contempsī contemptus
to think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight; treat with/hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid
veneror venerārī venerātus sum or venerō –āre
to venerate
redimiō –imīre –imiī –imītum
to encircle (with a garland)
laurus –ī f.
hospitium hospiti(ī) n.
vetustus –a –um
old, ancient
immītis –e
hard, harsh, cruel
illābor illābī illāpsus sum
glide; fall (onto)
mūgiō –īre –īvī (–iī)
to low, bellow; (fig.), of a trumpet; of the tripod; to make a roaring sound, rumble, of the ground
cortīna –ae f.
a caldron; kettle; (fig.), the tripod of Apollo; an oracle
redux –ucis
led back, brought back, returning (> reduco)
exorior exorīrī exortus sum
to rise up, proceed
where, whither; to what purpose, what for; on account of which, whereby; so that (by these means); in order that
cūnabula –ōrum n.
a cradle; birthplace (> cunae, cradle)
centum; centēsimus –a –um
100; 100th
ūber ūberis
rich, fruitful, fertile
with correct religious procedure; duly, correctly; rightly, fittingly
recordor recordārī recordātus sum
to remember, recollect
cultrīx –īcis f.
an inhabitant; protectress (> colo)
currus currūs m.
distō distāre distāvī distātus
to stand apart; be distant
sistō sistere stitī status
to stop, check; cause to stand; set up
niger nigra nigrum
black; dark; deathly, sad, mournful; unlucky; wicked
paternus –a –um
fatherly; paternal, connected with one’s father
vacō vacāre vacāvī vacātus
to be empty, open, unoccupied, free from
niveus –a –um
snowy, of snow; snow–white (> nix)
cōnserō –ere –sēvī –situs (satus)
to sow or plant
proavus –ī m.
great–grandfather; ancestor
focus –ī m.
a fireplace, hearth; home; place where the funeral pyre has been consumed, place of burning; fire, firebrand
siccus –a –um
operor –ārī –ātus sum
to work; be occupied with, engaged in (w. dat.); of religious rites, to sacrifice (> opus)
tābidus –a –um
melting away; wasting, emaciated, consuming (> tabeo)
corrumpō corrumpere corrūpī corruptus
to spoil/rot; taint/contaminate; damage/ruin, undo; destroy/deface; digest; infect; pervert, corrupt, deprave; bribe, suborn; seduce, tempt, beguile; falsify
trāctus –ūs m.
a dragging, drawing, an extending; stretch of space, tract, region of land, sea, or sky (> traho)
sata satōrum n.
things sown or planted; grain, growing grain; crops (> sero, serere, sevi, satus)
luēs –is f.
a pestilence, plague, contagion, blight; disorder, infection
lētifer –era –erum
death–bringing; deadly (> letum and fero)
dulcis dulce
sweet, pleasant
sterilis –e
unproductive, unfruitful; barren
vīctus vīctūs m.
food, nourishment
seges –etis f.
a field of grain; standing corn; crop, harvest, growth of spears; pasture land
animal animālis n.
effigiēs –eī or effigia –ae f.
a portrait, image, effigy, statue; a ghost
manifēstus –a –um
clear, evident, manifest
īnserō īnserere īnseruī īnsertus
to fasten or put in; insert
tumidus –a –um
swollen; inflamed with passion; puffed up with pride
permētior permēnsus sum
to measure completely; traverse
suādeō suādēre suāsī suāsus
to urge, recommend; suggest; induce; propose, persuade, advise
requīrō requīrere requīsīvī requīsītus
to require, seek, ask for; need; miss, pine for
vīsum vīsī n.
praesēns –ntis
present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious
mānō mānāre mānāvī mānātus
to drip, flow
sūdor sūdōris m.
supīnus –a –um
backwards, bent backwards, thrown backwards, on the back, supine
intemerātus –a –um
undefiled, unspotted, inviolate; chaste
Hesperia –ae f.
Hesperia, the western land; Italy
ovō ovāre ovāvī ovātus
to shout, rejoice; celebrate an ovation (a lesser triumph); ovans, antis: exulting, joyous, shouting, triumphant; of things
trabs trabis f.
tree–trunk, beam; (by metonymy) ship
amplus –a –um
great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable, generous
above, beyond; over; more than; in charge of, in authority over (adv. and prep. +acc.)
inhorrēscō inhorrēscere inhorruī —
to be rough; of the sea, rise up, become rough, swell; to cause to bristle; shiver, tremble; shake with fear
aequor aequoris n.
level surface; sea; plain
dispergō –ere –spersī –spersus
to sprinkle, shower around; disperse, scatter; diffuse, dissolve (> dis– and spargo)
discernō –ere –crēvī –crētus
to distinguish one thing from another; determine, distinguish, decide; perceive; mark, set off; work, embroider
cālīgō –inis f.
mist, fog; misty, obscurity; darkness, dimness, obscurity; smoke; cloud of dust; blinding dust
volvō volvere voluī volūtum
to turn, roll; roll over in the mind, ponder
īnsurgō –ere –surrēxī –rēctus
to rise to; w. dat.; rise, spring to, ply; (without case), lift or raise one’s self, rise upward
linquō linquere līquī
to leave, relinquish
efferō efferre extulī ēlātus
to carry out; bring out; carry out for burial; raise; transport (emotionally)
foedus –a –um
venter ventris m.
stomach, belly
prōluviēs –eī f.
a flowing forth; excrement, discharge (> proluo)
caprigenus –a –um
pertaining to goats; of the goat kind, of goats (> caper and root gen–)
epulor –ātus sum
to banquet, feast; w. abl., to banquet, feast upon; w. acc., feast upon (> epulae)
horrificus –a –um
occasioning horror; terrible, fearful (> horreo and facio)
contāctus –ūs m.
a touching together or upon; touch (> contingo)
immundus –a –um
unclean, foul
taeter –tra –trum
disagreeable; foul, loathsome
sēcessus –ūs m.
a going apart; a retreat, retirement; a recess (> secedo)
sonāns –antis
sounding, resounding, murmuring, rustling, rattling, freq. (> sono)
capessō capessere capessiī/capessīvī capessitus
to grasp, seize
ēdīcō ēdīcere ēdīxī ēdictus
to make known, proclaim
dispōnō dispōnere dispōsuī dispōsitus
to place, arrange, distribute; (late) to settle, determine (+ acc. and inf.)
sonitus –ūs m.
a sounding; noise; roaring; thunder (> sono)
specula –ae f.
a lookout; watch–tower; eminence, hill; a height (> specio, look)
plūma –ae f.
feather, down
sēmēsus –a –um
half eaten (> semi– and edo)
praecelsus –a –um
very high, lofty
rūpēs –is f.
a rock, cliff, crag, ledge, freq.; quarry (> rumpo)
furia –ae f.
a fury; scourge; curse
māla –ae f.
absūmō absumere absūmpsī absūmptum
to take away, destroy
refugiō –ere –fugere –fūgī
to flee back, run away; recoil from
exposcō –ere –poposcī
to ask importunately; to beg, entreat, seek
volucris volucris m. or f.
meritus merita meritum
deserved, due
indīcō indīcere indīxī indictus
to proclaim, announce
dēripiō –ripere –ripuī –reptum
to snatch away, tear down
nemorōsus –a –um
abounding in woods, woody (> nemus)
altrīx –īcis f.
a nurse; mother (> alo)
exsecror –ārī –ātus sum
to curse bitterly; execrate, curse (> ex and sacro)
formīdō formīdāre formīdāvī formīdātus
to be in dread; to dread, fear; p., formidatus, a, um, formidable, dreadful
succēdō succēdere successī successus
to climb; advance; follow; succeed in
īnspērātus –a –um
unhoped for; unexpected
lūdus lūdī m.
game, play, sport, pastime, entertainment, fun; school, elementary school
exerceō exercēre exercuī exercitus
to keep in action or motion; hurry, drive along, whip; exercise, carry on, pursue; employ; engage in, cultivate, cherish; practice; train, lead; agitate, torment, harass; pursue
patrius –a –um
father’s, paternal; ancestral
palaestra –ae f.
a place for wrestling or exercise; pl., wrestling, gymnastic, or palaestric games
nūdō nūdāre nūdāvī nūdātus
to bare, uncover, strip
circumvolvō –ere ––– –volūtus
to roll round; (pass.), to complete
glaciālis –e
of ice; icy (> glacies)
asperō asperāre asperāvī asperātus
to make rough; raise, arouse, lift up (> asper)
gestāmen –inis n.
that which is carried; equipment, weapon, defense; crown (> gesto)
postis –is m.
doorjamb; door
trānstrum –ī n.
a cross–timber; a thwart, transom, or bench for rowers; bench (> trans)
with striving or contention; emulously, vying one with another; with every blow; emulously; impatiently; as if in rivalry; fiercely (> certo)
prōtinus or prōtenus
immediately, at once, forthwith
āerius –a –um
pertaining to the air; airy, aerial; rising into the air; towering, lofty; air–cleaving
abscondō abscondere abscondī / abscondidī absconditus / absconsus
to put out of sight, hide, conceal; to conceal; lose sight of, withdraw from
subeō subīre subīvī/subiī subitus
to go/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in on; place/be placed under/in support; come up w/aid; assume a form; undergo, endure
incrēdibilis incrēdibilis incrēdibile
incredible; extraordinary
scēptrum –ī n.
a royal staff; scepter; freq.; (meton.), rule, sway, power, royal court, realm; authority
sollemnis –e
annual, stated, established, appointed
lībō libāre libāvī libātus
to pour, taste
viridis –e
caespes (cespes) –itis f.
turf, sod (> caedo)
dērigēscō –ere –riguī
to grow completely stiff; to be cold, stiff; to be cold, stiff, paralyzed with fear; stand staring
for fārī fātus sum
to speak, say
hīscō –ere
to gape, open the mouth; speak in broken utterances, falter (> hio)
dēmissus –a –um
let down; hanging down; low, subdued; modest, unassuming; downcast (> demitto)
hostīlis –e
tumulus tumulī m.
sortītus –ūs m.
a drawing of lots; allotment (> sortior)
erus –ī m.
an owner, householder, master, lord
captīvus –a –um
taken in war; captured, captive; of a captive or of captives; subst., captivus, i, m., a captive (> capio)
fastus –ūs m.
haughtiness, pride, arrogance
servitium servirti(ī) n.
servitude, slavery
hymenaeus –ī m.
the Greek wedding refrain, hymeneal; personified as god of marriage; pl. marriage
flammō flammāre flammāvī flammātus
to inflame, set on fire; excite
obtruncō obtruncāre obtruncāvī obtruncātus
to lop off; cut down; cut to pieces, slay
quisnam (quīnam) quaenam quidnam
who, pray? what, pray? who? what?
vēscor vēscī
to eat, feed on
ecquis ecquid
whether any
(subst. interr. pron., denoting vehement feeling ), whether anybody? anything, any one; anybody? who, what, anything? freq.; (adv.), ecquid, as to anything, in any respect or degree? perchance? at all? (> ec and quis)
virīlis virīle
male, manly, virile; toga virilis: the toga of a grown man
avunculus avunculī m.
maternal uncle
in vain
multī –ōrum m.
subst., many men, many
afferō afferre attulī allātus
to bring to (word/food), carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause
āreō –ēre –uī
to be dry; wither; p., arens, entis, dry; dried up, shallow; dry, thirsty
cōgnōmen cōgnōminis n.
surname, family name; name
and also, and yet, and in fact
porticus porticus f.
covered walk, colonnade, portico
īnflō īnflāre īnflāvī īnflātus
to blow into; fill, inflate, swell
carbasus –ī f. (pl. carbasa –ōrum n.)
linen, cloth or web of lawn; canvas; a sail
quaesō quaesere
to beg, ask, ask for, seek; “please” (idiom)
tripus –odis m.
a three–footed vessel or seat; a tripod; the seat of the priestess of Apollo; an oracle
lingua linguae f.
tongue; speech, language; dialect
prōsper or more frequently prōsperus –a –um
favorable to one’s hope; propitious, favorable, auspicious (> pro and spes)
dēnūntiō dēnūntiāre dēnūntiāvī dēnūntiātus
to denounce
exōrō exōrāre exōrāvī exōrātus
to pray effectually; entreat, implore, prevail upon
sortior –ītus sum
to cast lots; obtain, get, take by lot; share; distribute; assign, allot, appoint; select, choose (> sors)
vicis vicis f.
turn, change, interchange, alternation, succession, vicissitude; (in abl.) in place of (+ gen.)
lentō lentāre lentāvī lentātus
to make flexible; of oars, bend, ply (> lentus)
īnfernus –a –um
that which is below; of Hades, infernal (> inferus)
compōnō compōnere composuī compōsitus
to compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match (up); store/hoard; calm; construct, build; arrange, compile, compose, make up; organize, order; settle
sollicitus –a –um
concerned, worried; upset, troubled, disturbed, anxious, apprehensive
lītoreus –a –um
littoral, of the seashore
trīgintā; trīcēsimus or trīcēnsimus –a –um
30; 30th
ēnītor ēnītī ēnīsus/ēnīxus sum
to struggle, strive; give birth to
horrēscō –ere –horruī
to become rough; bristle, rise bristling; (fig.), to tremble, shudder; dread (> horreo)
perfundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour over or along; wash; overspread, overflow; spot, stain; anoint; besprinkle
trānsmittō –ere –mīsī –missus
to send across; bear or convey across or over; give over; to cross, pass over, fly over, with acc. of the space crossed over; to make across, of a passage or voyage
adoperiō –īre –operuī –opertus
to cover up, cover
amictus –ūs m.
a veiling or draping of the person; an upper garment, covering; cloak, mantle, veil (> amicio)
rārēscō –ere
to become thin; to part or begin to stand open; to open (> rarus)
claustrum –ī n.
bolt, bar
circuitus –ūs m.
circuit, circle
longinquus –a –um
far distant, in space or time; distant, remote, long (> longus)
vetustās vetustātis f.
age, antiquity
dissiliō –īre –uī
to spring apart; burst asunder; be rent asunder; break in twain (> dis– and salio)
interluō –ere
to wash between; flow between
implācātus –a –um
unappeased; insatiable
īnferus –a –um
below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last; inferī, inferōrum or inferum, the inhabitants of the underworld (the dead and the gods of the underworld)
barathrum –ī n.
an abyss, chasm, gulf
sorbeō –ēre –uī
to suck; absorb, draw on
cohibeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold together, restrain, confine; check, curb, repress (> com– and habeo)
latebra –ae f.
hiding place, concealment
exsertō exsertāre exsertāvī exsertātus
to stretch or thrust forth (> exsero)
immānis immāne
huge, monstrous
pistris (pistrīx) –īcis f.
a sea monster (cf. pristis)
delphīnus –ī m. (acc. Delphīnās) or delphīn –īnis m.
cauda –ae f.
the tail; penis; coda
praestō praestāre praestitī praestitus
to excel, surpass; prevail; furnish, make available, hand over; play part; apply; fulfill; keep word; be responsible for
circumflectō –ere –flexī –flexus
to bend around; turn far round
prudentia prudentiae f.
discretion; good sense, wisdom; prudence; foresight
repetō repetere repetīvī repetītus
to return to; get back; demand back/again; repeat; recall; claim
prex precis f.
prayer, request
adōrō adōrāre adōrāvī adōrātus
to pray to; supplicate, worship, adore
domina dominae f.
mistress of the family, wife; lady, lady–love; owner
immōtus –a –um
unmoved, unchanged, unrelenting
tenuis tenue
thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble
tener tenera tenerum
volitō volitāre volitāvī volitātus
to fly around
incōnsultus –a –um
uninstructed, unadvised, without advice
abeō abīre abiī abitum
to go away
dispendium –ī n.
expenditure, expense, loss
elephantus –ī m. or elephās (elephāns) –antis m.
lebēs –ētis m.
a kettle or caldron
cōnus –ī m.
a cone; the metallic point or apex of a helmet
crista –ae f.
a crest, plume; helmet
suppleō –ēre –plēvī –plētus
to fill up; to supply, furnish (> sub and pleo, fill)
compellō compellāre compellāvī compellātus
to address, accost, speak to; greet, salute; chide, upbraid
dignō dignāre
to consider worthy
tellūs tellūris f.
arripiō –ere –uī arreptum
to snatch, seize
dēmoror –ātus sum
to linger, protract; detain; wait for, await
dīgressus –ūs m.
a going away; a departure, parting
pīctūrātus –a –um
adorned with painting; embroidered (> pictura)
subtēmen –inis n.
that which is woven under or passed under or across the warp in weaving; the cross thread, weft, woof or filling; thread (> subtexo)
textilis –e
woven, embroidered (> texo)
onerō onerāre onerāvī onerātus
to load, burden; weigh down; shower with accusations
pūbēscō –ere pūbuī
to be growing up (> pubes)
dīgredior dīgressus sum
to walk or go apart, aside, or away; depart; separate; come from (> di– and gradior)
oborior –orīrī –ortus sum
to arise, appear
peragō peragere perēgī perāctum
to finish, end
vīcīnus –a –um
neighboring, near
cognātus –a –um
near by birth; kindred
prōvehō –ere –vexī –vectus
to carry forward or forth; (pass.), provehor, vectus sum, to be borne, ride, sail forth or away; proceed, continue
opācus –a –um
shady; obscure, dark; subst., opaca, orum, n., partitive; opaca viarum, dark pathways, roads
optātus –a –um
desired, longed for, much desired; (adv.), optato, according to one’s wish; in good time
inrigō inrigāre inrigāvī inrigātus
to water; (fig.), diffuse; pervade
explōrō explōrāre explōrāvī explōrātus
to search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate
captō captāre captāvī captātus
to grasp at, seize, captivate; hunt for legacies
geminus –a –um
twin, doubled, two-fold, both; testicles; (subst.) The Twins, esp. Castor and Pollux
aurum aurī n.
circumspiciō –ere –spexī –spectus
to look around; cast a glance round upon; survey; look round and see; observe; look round for, look out, seek (> circum and specio, look)
āla ālae f.
wing, armpit
rubēscō –ere –rubuī
to grow or turn red; begin to glow, redden (> rubeo)
humilis humile
conclāmō conclamāre conclamāvī conclamātus
to cry out together, shout, make acclaim
puppis puppis f.
stern of a ship; (by metonymy) ship
crēbrēscō –ere –crēbuī
to become frequent, prevail; to increase, swell; blow fresh (> creber)
Eurōus –a –um
pertaining to Eurus, the southeast wind; eastern (> Eurus)
curvō curvāre curvāvī curvātus
to bend, curve; swell; wind (> curvus)
aspargō –inis f.
a sprinkling upon; spray (> aspergo)
candor –ōris m.
shining, brilliant whiteness; whiteness (> candeo)
nivālis –e
snowy; snow–covered; snowy (> nix)
suēscō –ere suēvī suētus
to become accustomed, to be wont, used, accustomed
quadrupēs (quadripēs) –edis
four–footed, on all fours, subst., a quadruped, animal, beast; courser, steed (> quattuor and pes)
concors concordis
of one mind or spirit; harmonious, friendly (> com– and cor)
armisonus –a –um
making arms to resound; with resounding arms (> arma and sono)
adoleō –ēre –oluī –ultus
to cause to increase; to magnify, honor, adore, worship; burn in sacrifice, offer; fire, kindle
continuus –a –um
incessant, unremitting; constantly repeating/recurring; successive, next in line; continuous, connected, hanging together; uninterrupted; indivisible; lasting
obvertō –ere –vertī –versus
to turn towards; turn round (towards the sea); p., obversus, a, um, turned or turning, wheeling; turning against; directly opposite, facing towards.
antenna –ae f.
a sail yard
nāvifragus –a –um
shipwrecking (> navis and frango)
exsultō (exultō) –are –āvī –ātus
to be ecstatic, run riot, exult
without doubt, doubtless, indisputably, certainly, surely, truly
parum; minus; minimē
too/very little, not enough/so good, insufficient; less
rudō –ere –īvī –ītus
to send forth a loud, rough sound; bellow, roar, of men; of beasts; of the roaring sound of the rushing water (p. gen. pl., rudentum)
laevus –a –um
left, on the left side
dēsīdō –ere –sēdī
to sink down
ēlīdō –ere –līsī –līsus
to crush; destroy; kill; dash forth, out, up; suffocate, strangle; force out, cause to start out (> ex and laedo)
rōrō rōrāre rōrāvī rōrātus
to be moist with dew; (fig.), to drop, drip (> ros)
adlābor –lāpsus sum
to glide to; (with dat., rarely acc.), sail to, reach; advance, glide (with abl. of manner); fly to; descend, fall upon
accessus –ūs m.
a going near to; an access, approach (> accedo)
tonō tonāre tonuī —
to thunder
prōrumpō –ere –rūpī –ruptus
to cause to burst forth; cast forth; spring forth; rush, run, burst into; p., proruptus, a, um, breaking, starting out; dashing, rushing, broken
piceus –a –um
of pitch; smoking with pitch, pitchy; pitch–black (> pix)
favīlla –ae f.
ashes, embers, cinders
sometimes, now and then
ēructō ēructāre ēructāvī ēructātus
to belch out; to vomit, throw forth or out; discharge
liquefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus; liquefīō –fierī –factus sum
to render liquid; dissolve, melt, liquefy (> liqueo and facio)
exaestuō exaestuāre exaestuāvī exaestuātus
to boil up, foam up, rage; to be agitated, to burn
sēmustus –a –um
half burned, half consumed (> semi– and uro)
above, overhead; moreover; (prep. w. abl.) besides
exspīrō exspīrāre exspīrāvī exspīrātus
to breathe out; to expire, die
camīnus –ī m.
stove; furnace; forge; crevice, cavity
intremō –ere –uī
to tremble; quake
subtexō –ere –texuī –textus
to weave beneath; to veil or cover from below; cover, veil
lūcidus –a –um
bright, shining, gleaming, glittering; clear (> luceo)
aethra –ae f.
the cloudless air; serene sky; heaven
sīdereus –a –um
abounding in stars, starry; star–lighted; glittering, flashing (> sidus)
nūbila –ōrum n.
rain clouds
intempestus –a –um
unseasonable; unpleasant; gloomy, dark; of unhealthy atmosphere or climate, malarious, unhealthy
Eōus –ī m.
Eous, the dawn god
maciēs –ēī f.
emaciation, leanness; ghastliness
cultus cultūs m.
cultivation, civilization, dress, guise, appearance; habits, mode of life, life
inluviēs –eī f.
that which is deposited by washing; dirt, filth (cf. eluo)
spīna –ae f.
a thorn; the vertebrae, spine, backbone
in other respects (n. pl. of ceterus, a, um)
habitus habitūs m.
condition, appearance; style of dress, get-up, costume
conterreō –ēre –uī –itus
to frighten greatly; terrify
spīrābilis –e
that may be breathed; vital (> spiro)
abdūcō abdūcere abdūxī abductus
to lead away, carry off; detach; entice, seduce, charm; withdraw
vāstus –a –um
empty, devastated
genū (genus) genūs n.
volūtō volūtāre volūtāvī volūtātus
to roll about; to roll back, reecho; roll or send through, make resound; of thought, turn over, ponder, think over; meditate; with ellipsis of the acc.; n., fall prostrate (> volvo)
pīgnus –oris n.
a pledge, stake, token, assurance (rel. to pango and paciscor)
dēpōnō dēpōnere dēposuī dēpositus
to put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit; lift off; take off (clothes); have (hair/beard/nails) cut; shed (tusks); pull down, demolish; plant (seedlings); set up, place; lay to rest; fire
introduces an Optative subjunctive; would that! if only!
daps dapis f.
a feast, banquet; food, viands; flesh of sacrificial victims; usually found in the pl., but the gen. pl. is not used.
āvertō avertere avertī aversus
to turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate
adfābilis –e
that can be spoken to; easy to be approached (> adfor)
duō duae duo
pre(he)ndō –ere prendī prēnsum
to lay hold of, grasp, snatch
resupīnus –a –um
bent back; lying extended on the back; supine, thrown backwards; stretched out
saniēs –em –ē f.
putrid, corrupt blood; bloody matter; gore (rel. to sanguis)
aspergō –ere –spersī –spersus
to sprinkle upon, to sprinkle (> ad and spargo)
tābum –ī n.
corrupt matter; putrid blood; gore (> tabeo)
mandō –ere mandī mānsus
to chew, bite, champ; eat, devour; of falling in battle, bite the dust
tremō tremere tremuī
to tremble
with impunity
immēnsus –a –um
vast, immense
frūstum –ī n.
a piece
terebrō terebrāre terebrāvī terebrātus
to bore through; pierce, penetrate; take out by boring, bore out (> terebra, an instrument for boring)
acūtus –a –um
sharp, piercing
instar n.
the equivalent, just like, + gen.
lāniger –era –erum
bearing wool; fleecy (> lana, wool, and gero)
pressō pressāre pressāvī pressātus
to press hard; squeeze, press; milk
tertius –a –um
lūna lūnae f.
fera ferae f.
wild animal
lūstrum –ī n.
a purifying atonement; the national lustrum or atoning sacrifice, the suovetaurilia, made at Rome every fifth year, at the taking of the census; the period of a lustrum, five years; an indefinite period; age (> luo, to atone)
tremēscō –ere
to begin to tremble; to tremble, quake; to tremble at (> tremo)
bāca –ae f.
berry; pearl
lapidōsus –a –um
full of stones; hard as stone, stony (> lapis)
cornum –ī n.
the cornel cherry or cornel berry
conlūstrō conlūstrāre conlūstrāvī conlūstrātus
to cast light upon; to look at, inspect, survey
quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque
whoever, whatever
addīcō –ere –dīxī –dictus
to pronounce for; assign to; give up to; to sell
nefandus –a –um
not to be spoken; impious, execrable, accursed, abominable; perfidious; subst., nefandum, i, n., wrong (> ne and fari)
lētum letī n.
truncus –a –um
stripped of its branches; mutilated, maimed, mangled; broken, shattered (> truncus)
pīnus –ūs or –ī f.
a pine tree, pine.; (meton.), a ship; a torch; a pine brand or torch
fīrmō fīrmāre fīrmāvī fīrmātus
to strengthen, harden; support; declare; prove, confirm, establish
ovis –is n.
voluptās voluptātis f.
pleasure, enjoyment
sōlāmen –inis n.
a means of consoling; a solace; consolation (> solor)
fluidus –a –um
flowing, fluid, running; dropping (> fluo)
lavō lavāre (lavere) lāvī lōtus (lautus)
to wash, bathe; soak
cruor cruōris m.
blood, bloodshed
īnfrendeō –ēre or īnfrendō –ere
to gnash
gradior gradī gressus sum
to take steps, step, walk, go advance
tingō (tinguō) tingere tinxī tinctum
to wet, moisten; dye, color
incīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut into; cut upon; cut (> in and caedo)
fūnis fūnis m.
rope, line
rēmus rēmī m.
adfectō adfectāre adfectāvī adfectātus
to strive after, strive to obtain, aspire to, pursue, aim at, inspire
immūgiō –īre –īvī or iī –ītus
to bellow within; roar, resound
caverna –ae f.
a hollow; cavern (> cavus)
in vain
concilium concilī(ī) n.
public gathering/meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate/discussion; association, society, company; union/connection (of objects); league of states; sexual union/coition; close conjunction; bond of union; plant: iasione blossom
celsus –a –um
high, lofty, et al. (> cello, rise)
cōnifer –era –erum
cone–bearing (> conus and fero)
cyparissus –ī f.
a cypress
indef., to whatever place, whithersoever, wherever; however; often quo … cumque (by tmesis)
iūssum iūssī n.
command, order
linteum –ī n.
linen cloth; towel, napkin; sailcloth; a sail (> linum)
praetervehor –vectus sum
to go by; pass, sail by
relegō –ere –lēgī –lēctus
to gather again; pass by, survey again; coast again
retrōrsus or retrōrsum
backwards, back; again (> retro and versus from verto)
occultus –a –um
hidden, secret
(prep. w. acc. and abl.), below, beneath, under, beneath
cōnfundō cōnfundere cōnfūdī cōnfūsus
to pour together, confuse; proelia confundere: stir up battle; combine, bring together; to disconcert, embarrass
exsuperō exsuperāre exsuperāvī exsuperātus
to be completely above; mount upward, rise on high; pass by; pass over; surpass, excel; overrule; surmount; of wrath, boil over
praepinguis –e
very fat; rich
stāgnō –āre –āvī –ātus
to be stagnant, to form a standing pool; to overflow, so as to form standing pools or lakes; overflow (> stagnum)
cautēs –is f.
a craggy or pointed rock, or cliff; rock, crag
prōiectus –a –um
projecting, jutting (> proicio)
rādō rādere rāsī rāsum
to shave; scratch; inscribe
generātor –ōris m.
one who begets; a breeder (> genero)
palmōsus –a –um
full of palm trees; palmy (> palma)
inlaetābilis (ill–) –e
joyless; sad, mournful
levāmen –inis n.
an alleviation; relief, mitigation; solace (> levo)
dēserō dēserere dēseruī dēsertus
to leave/depart/quit/desert; forsake/abandon/give up; withdraw support, let down; cease to be concerned with; fail/fall short; (passive w/abl.) be without/deprived
praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus
to say beforehand; foretell, prophesy, predict; forewarn; p., praedictus, a, um, foretold.
renārrō renārrāre renārrāvī renārrātus
to relate again; recount
conticēscō –ere –ticuī
to become still; be still, hushed, silent (> com– and taceo)
saucius –a –um
wounded; afflicted; drunk
caecus –a –um
blind; hidden, secret, dark
dīmoveō –ēre –mōvī –mōtus
to move apart or away; remove, dispel; divide
ūnanimus –a –um
of one mind, of one accord, in union, concordant
sānus –a –um
sound; healthy; sensible; sober; sane
suspendō suspendere suspendī suspēnsum
to hang, suspend
īnsomnium –iī n.
sleeplessness (usually plural); that which comes in sleep; a dream
dēgener –eris
degenerate; of base descent (> de and genus)
arguō arguere arguī argūtus
to prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict
exhauriō exhaurīre exhausī exhaustum
to drain, exhaust
forsan or fortisan
perhaps, possibly; it may be
succumbō –ere –cubuī –cubitus
to fall down; succumb, yield (> sub and cubo)
frāternus –a –um
of a brother, brotherly, fraternal
īnflectō –ere –flexī –flexus
to bend; (fig.), move, sway, change; (pass.), to be bent or swayed
optō optāre optāvī optātus
to desire; choose
omnipotēns –entis
all–powerful, almighty; supreme, sovereign; subst., The Almighty (> omnis and potens)
palleō –ēre –uī
to be pale; p., pallens, entis, pallid, wan, pale
profundus –a –um
deep; lofty, deep–vaulted; subst., profundum, i, n., the deep, the sea
violō violāre violāvī violātus
to violate, dishonor; outrage
perpetuus –a –um
continuous, uninterrupted, whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting; in perpetuum: for the whole course of a given period, for the duration of one’s life
cinis cineris m. or f.
ashes, embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation
aeger aegra aegrum
sick, ill
placitus –a –um
agreeable, pleasing (> placeo)
īnsuperābilis –e
that can not be surmounted; invincible
īnfrēnus –a –um; also īnfrēnis –e
unbridled; riding without bridle
inhospitus –a –um
unfriendly, inhospitable, (fig.)
sitis –is f.
reor rērī ratus sum
to think, regard; deem; suppose, believe, reckon; prō ratā (parte): according to a certain part, i.e. in proportion, proportionally
coniugium –iī n.
a joining together; marriage, wedlock; husband, wife, consort (> coniungo)
venia veniae f.
indulgence, pardon
litō litāre litāvī litātus
to sacrifice auspiciously; atone, expiate, make atonement; to offer in sacrifice
dēsaeviō –īre –iī
to rage furiously; rage
aquōsus –a –um
abounding in water, bringing rain; watery, rainy (> aqua)
impēnsus –a –um
ample, considerate, great; adv.: with unusual or much outlay; carefully, earnestly
īnflammō īnflammāre īnflammāvī īnflammātus
to ignite, set on fire
exquīrō exquīrere exquīsīvī exquīsītus
to seek out
lēgifer –era –erum
law–bringing, law–giving (> lex and fero)
iugālis –e
pertaining to the yoke; yoked together; matrimonial, nuptial; subst., iugales, ium, m., yoked, or harnessed horses; a team (> iugum)
vacca vaccae f.
spatior spatiārī spatiātus sum
to walk about
reclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus
to unclose; to open, freq.; throw open; reveal, disclose; unsheathe; cut or lay open (> re and claudo)
inhiō inhiāre inhiāvī inhiātus
to gape at or over; inspect, examine; yawn; gape at, gaze at
vōtum vōtī n.
solemn promise, vow; hope
medulla medullae f.
marrow, kernel; innermost part
ūrō ūrere ussī ustum
to burn
coniciō –icere –iēcī –iectus
to throw together, to unite, collect; pile up; dispute, contend; to conclude; to direct, urge, drive quickly towards
volātilis –e
able to fly, fleeting
nescius –a –um
ignorant, unaware
lētālis –e
deadly, fatal, mortal; ominous of death (> letum)
convīvium convīviī n.
banquet, feast
pendeō pendēre pependī
to hang, hang down
gremium gremi(ī) n.
lap, bosom
īnfandus –a –um
not to be uttered; unutterable, inexpressible, unspeakable; cruel; dreadful, horrible; accursed, perfidious; fatal; neut., in exclamations, infandum! O shame, O woe unutterable!
adsurgō –ere –surrēxī –surrēctus
to rise up; rise; swell, fume
iuventūs iuventūtis f.
youth; the age of youth (20–40), young persons; young men, knights
prōpūgnāculum –ī n.
a defense, rampart, fortification, bulwark (> propugno, defend)
interrumpō –ere –rūpī –ruptus
to break asunder; interrupt, discontinue, suspend; of fire, extinguish
pestis pestis f.
plague, disaster
memorābilis –e
deserving to be remembered; memorable, remarkable, famous, honorable (> memoro)
nūmen nūminis n.
divine power/will, divinity, divine spirit, numen
os ossis n.
commūnis commūnis commūne
common, joint, public; general, universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related; neutral, impartial; applicable on either side; same form for two cases
dōtālis –e
pertaining to a dowry, dotal (> dos)
that, to the end that, in order that; quo magis, by how much more, that the more
abnuō abnuere abnuī abnuitus
to refuse, deny, decline; refuse by sign, shake head; reject; rule out
misceō miscēre miscuī mixtus
to mix; mingle (the object with which is in dat., or in abl. alone, or w. prep.); unite; multiply; assemble, flock together; confuse, disturb, confound, agitate; scatter
tentō tentāre tentāvī tentātus
to try, test
pergō pergere perrēxī perrēctus
to go on, proceed
cōnfīō cōnfierī cōnfactus
to be brought together
venōr venārī venātus sum
to hunt, go hunting
crāstinus –a –um
pertaining to the morrow; tomorrow’s (> cras, the morrow)
ortus ortūs m.
birth, rising
nigrāns –antis
black, dusky, dark; cloud–covered; gloomy (> niger)
grandō –inis f.
trepidō trepidāre trepidāvī trepidātus
to be fearful/agitated, tremble
saltus saltūs m.
pasture, ravine
indāgō –inis f.
an inclosing or surrounding of the woods with the hunting nets; toils, the chase
tonitrus –ūs m. or tonitruum –ī n.
thunder; thunderbolt (> tono)
diffugiō –ere –fūgī
to flee apart; run away, flee
voluntās voluntātis f.
will, desire; purpose; good will; wish, favor, consent; pleasure, delight, enjoyment
dicō dicāre dicāvī dicātus
to devote, consecrate; pronounce (rel. to dico)
adversor –ātus sum
to be against; to oppose (> adverto)
rīdeō rīdēre rīsī rīsus
to laugh at (+ dat.), laugh; ridicule
iubar –aris n.
brightness, radiance, of the sun, or of a star; the sun, morning
rēte rētis n.
net, trap
plaga –ae f.
a net, hunter’s net; a snare, a trap
vēnābulum –ī n.
a hunting–spear (> venor)
odōrus –a –um
that emits a smell; having a keen sense of smell, keen–scented (> odor)
ostrum –ī n.
the purple fluid of the murex; purple dye, purple; purple cloth, covering or drapery; purple decoration; purple trappings, housings
sonipēs –edis
noisy–hoofed; subst. m., horse, courser, steed (> sonus and pes)
chlamys –ydis f. or chlamyda –ae
a mantle or cloak of woolen cloth, worn by the Greeks; a mantle
limbus –ī m.
a border, hem, fringe
nōdō nōdāre nōdāvī nōdātus
to tie with a knot; bind, fasten (> nodus)
hībernus –a –um
(belonging to) winter
fluentum –ī n.
a stream, river; current, water (> fluo)
māternus –a –um
invīsō –ere –vīsī –vīsus
to come, or go to see; visit
mollis molle
soft (cushion/grass); flexible; mild, tolerable; easy; calm; weak; cowardly; unmanly; pathic; tender (women/youths); peaceful; kindly; impressionable
crīnis crīnis m.
ēgregius –a –um
singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent
ēniteō –ēre –uī
to shine forth; grow bright
dēiciō dēicere dēiēcī deīctum
to throw down, eject
capra –ae f.
a she–goat; a goat (> caper); goatish smell; armpit
pulverulentus –a– um
covered with dust, dusty
glomerō glomerāre glomerāvī glomerātus
to form into a ball; mass together
vallēs vallis f.
pecus pecoris n.
farm animals, esp. sheep and cattle; sheep (pl.), a flock of sheep
aper aprī m.
a wild boar
leō leōnis m.
ruō ruere ruī rūtum
to rush; fall, collapse
dēveniō –īre –vēnī –ventus
to come down; arrive at, reach, w. acc. of place
prōnuba –ae f.
aiding in marriage rites; presiding over marriage; bridal–; bridesmaid (> pro and nubo, marry)
cōnscius –a –um
having knowledge of, conscious
cōnūbium –iī n.
nympha –ae (nymphē –ēs) f.
a bride, mistress, young woman; nymph, demi-goddess inhabiting water or other natural parts
furtīvus –a –um
secret, furtive
meditor meditārī meditātus sum
to think, prepare to; think out; rehearse, practice
praetegō –tegere –tēxī –tēctum
to cover over, to shelter, protect
mōbilitās –ātis f.
moveableness; swiftness, speed, velocity (> mobilis)
vigeō –ēre –uī
to flourish
adquīrō –ere –quīsīvī –quīsītus
to seek in addition; gain (> ad and quaero)
inrītō (irrītō) inrītāre inrītāvī inrītātus
to exasperate, provoke; rouse, stimulate
perhibeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold persistently; maintain, assert; say, report (> per and habeo)
prōgignō –ere –genuī –genitus
to beget; bear, bring forth
pernīx pernīcis
swift, nimble, agile; persistent, preserving; leggy, long–legged
subrigō subērigō –ere –rēxī –ērēctum
to raise up, erect; cf. surgo (> sub and rego)
dēclīnō dēclīnāre dēclīnāvī dēclīnātus
to turn down or away; of the eyes, to close in sleep; (intrans.) turn aside (to), be inclined (towards)
territō territāre territāvī territātus
to fill with alarm; affright, alarm (> terreo)
fīctum –ī n.
falsehood (> fingo)
prāvus –a –um
crooked; subst., pravum, i, n., perverseness, wrong, evil, falsehood
tenāx –ācis
holding on or fast; tenacious; adhering to, persistent in, w. gen. (> teneo)
nūntia –ae f.
a messenger
īnfectus –a –um
not done; unworked, unwrought; unfinished, unconsummated; not actual; untrue; of a covenant, not made, unmade; broken
dīgnor –ārī –ātus sum
to deem worthy of (w. acc. and abl.); w. inf., think, fit, deign; p., dignatus, a, um, with pass. meaning, deemed worthy of, honored by (> dignus)
immemor –oris
unmindful, forgetful
dētorqueō –ēre –torsī –tortus
turn away; turn aside, sway (opinions, etc.); distort
aggerō aggerāre aggerāvī aggerātus
to pile up; increase, aggravate (> agger)
sacrō sacrāre sacrāvī sacrātus
to sanctify, consecrate
excubiae –ārum f. pl.
the keeping of a watch, a watch
varius –a –um
different; various, diverse; changing; colored; parti-colored, variegated
flōreō flōrēre flōruī
to flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one’s prime
rūmor rūmōris m.
amārus –a –um
bitter; harsh
nūbēs nūbis f.
terrificō terrificāre terrificāvī terrificātus
to affright, terrify (> terrificus)
murmur murmuris n.
rumble, roar; murmur
sēmivir semivirī m.
half man, effeminate, unmanly
comitātus –ūs m.
an accompanying or following; a suite, train, retinue (> comitor)
mitra –ae f.
headband; turban, cap
madeō –ēre
to be wet, be damp
subnīxus (subnīsus) –a –um
relying on, propped up on, supported by, resting upon; elated by (+abl.)
raptum –ī n.
plunder, prey, spoil
foveō fovēre fōvī fōtus
to warm, keep warm; favor, cherish, maintain, foster
vādō vādere vāsī vāsum
to go, rush
pulcher pulchra pulchrum
beautiful, handsome
therefore, for the reason that, for that reason
vindicō vindicāre vindicāvī vindicātus
to claim, vindicate; punish, avenge
gravidus –a –um
heavy (epithet of Mars); with young, pregnant; (> fig.), pregnant, teeming with (> gravis)
invideō invidēre invīdī invīsus
to envy, regard with envy/ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse (+ dat.)
struō struere strūxī strūctus
to build, construct
summa summae f.
peak, summit; sum (of money), sum-total
tālāria –ium n.
sandals; winged sandals (> talus, ankle)
flāmen –inis n.
gust, blast (of wind)
virga virgae f.
twig, stick; wand, staff; the caduceus of Mercury
resīgnō resīgnāre resīgnāvī resīgnātus
to unseal; (fig.), to open, of the eyes
arduus –a –um
steep, difficult, inauspicious
fulciō fulcīre fulsī fultum
to strengthen, fortify, reinforce; support, hold up
persistently, perpetually, constantly (> adsiduus)
pīnifer –era –erum
pine–bearing, pine–covered (> pinus and fero)
nix nivis f.
mentum mentī n.
glaciēs –eī f.
pār paris
equal (to); a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper; equal in power/prestige/importance/rank/status/office/authority; comparable; corresponding in degree, proportionate, commensurate (unlike qualities); measuring up
nītor nītī nīxus sum
to press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor
avis avis f.
piscōsus –a –um
abounding in fish; haunt of fish (> piscis)
harēnōsus –a –um
sandy (> harena)
ālātus –a –um
winged (> ala)
planta –ae f.
a sprout, twig; sole of the foot
stellō stellāre ––– stellātus
to cover over with stars; to stud with stars; p., stellans, antis, starry; p., stellatus, a, um, set with stars; (fig.), glittering, gleaming (> stella)
iaspis –idis f.
a precious stone of greenish hue; jasper
laena –ae f.
an upper garment; cloak, mantle
tēla tēlae f.
fundāmentum –ī n.
a foundation (> fundo)
uxōrius –a –um
pertaining to a wife; enslaved to one’s wife, uxorious, slave of a wife (> uxor, wife)
exstruō –ere –strūxī –strūctus
to build up; erect; raise, spread; build; p., exstructus, a, um, raised by, reclining on. exstructum, i, n., an elevated seat or tribunal
mandātum –ī n.
order, commission
hērēs hērēdis m. or f.
ēvānēscō –ere ēvānuī
to disappear, vanish
obmūtēscō –ere –mūtuī –––
to become speechless or dumb; to be silent, hushed, mute
āmēns āmentis
mad, insane
coma comae f.
hair, tresses
monitus –ūs m.
an admonition, warning (> moneo)
ambiō –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus
to go round; strive for, aim at; encompass; approach, address; entrap, circumvent (> amb– and eo)
adfātus –ūs m.
a speaking to; address (> adfor)
exōrdium –iī n.
a beginning; origin; opening, beginning, of discourse (> exordior)
alternō alternāre alternāvī alternātus
to do by turns; to alternate (attack) by turns; weigh or consider one thing after another (> alternus)
potis or pote (indecl.)
powerful, able
novō novāre novāvī novātus
to make new, renovate; renew, refresh, change
dissimulō dissimulāre dissimulāvī dissimulātus
to conceal, dissemble, disguise, hide; ignore
facessō –ere –cessī –cessītus
to do effectively; perform, execute (> facio)
praesentiō praesentīre praesēnsī praesēnsum
to feel beforehand
mōtus mōtūs m.
motion, movement; disturbance
saeviō saevīre saeviī saevitum
to act savagely, rage
inops inopis
lacking, poor; destitute of (+ gen.)
bacchor bacchārī bacchātus
to revel, rant, rave, rage
trietēricus –a –um
nefās n.
(what is divinely) forbidden; sacrilege
dēcēdō dēcēdere dēcessī dēcessus
to withdraw/retire, go off/away, depart, leave; relinquish/cease; desert/abandon; stray/digress; pass away/depart life, die; subside/cease (feelings); disappear
sīdus sīderis n.
star, constellation
altum altī n.
deep sea; height
aliēnus –a –um
strange, unrelated, belonging to some else, another’s
undōsus –a –um
billowy, stormy; sea–washed (> unda)
misereor –ērī miseritus sum
to pity
tyrannus tyrannī m.
dēstruō –ere –strūxī –strūctus
to destroy, tear down
Iarbās –ae m.
Iarbas, a king of the Mauretani in Numidia, and suitor for the hand of Dido
subolēs –is f.
a shoot; twig, sprout; offspring, of men
parvulus –a –um
very little; small, little (> parvus)
aula –ae (–āī) f.
a forecourt, atrium; court, peristyle (as surrounded with columns), hall; palace, royal seat
monitum –ī n.
an admonition; counsel; advice, warning; command; influence (> moneo)
prōmereor –meritus sum
to merit for one’s self by favors given; deserve, merit, put under obligation
piget pigēre piguit pigitum est
to it disgusts (one), it irks (one)
fingō fingere fīnxī fīctus
to mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive; adapt, transform into; modify (appearance/character/behavior); groom; make up (story/excuse); pretend, pose; forge, counterfeit; act insincerely
praetendō –ere –tendī –tentus
to hold out before; stretch forth, extend, wave; stretch, extend before; oppose; (fig.), pretend, promise
spōns spontis f.
free will
meī m. pl.
my kindred, friends, countrymen, descendants, etc.; mea, orum, n., my possessions, enjoyments (> me)
recidīvus –a –um
falling back; returning; rebuilt, restored (> recido, to fall back)
aspectus aspectūs m.
possibility of seeing, sight
dētineō –ēre –uī –tentus
to hold from or back; hold, detain (> de and teneo)
ūmeō –ēre
to be wet, moist
operiō operīre operuī opertum
to cover, hide
fraudō fraudāre fraudāvī fraudātus
to defraud, act illegally, cheat (out of) (+ abl.)
fātālis fātālis fātāle
fated, fatal
dēferō dēferre dētulī dēlātus
to carry/bring/sink/fall down/off; convey/deliver/transfer; reduce/slope (down to)flow/carry/run down (to sea); pay/remit; deposit/record/register; bear/produce; bring/lodge information (about), report; indict, accuse, denounce; defer (to);offer
querēla querēlae f.
of one’s own will; voluntarily; for one’s own sake
there, thither
profor –fātus sum
to speak out; say; speak
dīva –ae f.
a goddess
auctor auctōris m.
seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder
perfidus –a –um
faithless, treacherous, false
horrēns –entis
bristling, bristly; rough, roughening; fierce (> horreo)
admoveō admovēre admōvī admōtus
to move, bring to
reservō reservāre reservāvī reservātus
to reserve, conserve
amāns –antis
loving, fond, affectionate; (subst.) a lover
anteferō –ferre –tulī –lātus –ferre
to bear before; to prefer
already, now
ēiciō ēicere ēiēcī ēiectus
to throw out, expel
locō locāre locāvī locātus
to place, put, station; arrange; contract (for); farm out (taxes) on contract; contract out, award work contracts for (often with gerundive)
augur auguris m. or f.
seer, augur, soothsayer
interpres –etis m./f.
an agent between parties; a mediator, messenger; author; prophet
horridus –a –um
rough, trembling, uncouth, shaggy, disheveled
one may know, certainly; of course
sollicitō sollicitāre sollicitāvī sollicitātus
to disturb, worry; stir up, arouse, agitate, incite
refellō –ere –fellī
to disparage, refute
sēdūcō –ere –dūxī –ductus
to lead apart or away; to separate
sermō sermōnis m.
conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word
cūnctor –ārī –ātus sum
to delay
strātum –ī n.
bedding, coverlet; (often in pl.) bed
lēniō lēnīre lēnīvī lēnītus
to mollify, alleviate
labefaciō –ere –fecī –factus; labefīō –fierī –factus (pass.)
to cause to totter or waver; p., labefactus, a, um, shaken; yielding, melting
natō natāre natāvī natātus
to swim
īnfabricātus –a –um
unwrought, unhewn
migrō migrāre migrāvī migrātus
to go, depart
formīca –ae f.
an ant
far farris n.
spelt; grain or meal
convectō convectāre convectāvī convectātus
to carry, bring together; convey (> conveho, bring together)
grandis grandis grande
full–grown, grown up; large, great, grand, tall, lofty; powerful; aged, old
trūdō –ere –sī –sus
to thrust, shove, push
castīgō castīgāre castīgāvī castīgātus
to chastise, punish; chide, reprove, rebuke (> castus and ago); correct
improbus –a –um
wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless
sumittō (submittō) –mittere –mīsī –missum
to place under, submit
inexpertus –a –um
act., unacquainted with , inexperienced in, unaccustomed to a thing; pass., unused, untried, unproven
properō properāre properāvī properātus
to hasten, speed; prepare quickly
conveniō convenīre convēnī conventus
to be appropriate to, fit, be correctly shaped/consistent; harmonize, agree, tally; meet/assemble; go to meet; come together; (have sex); converge; visit/approach; resort to; sue, prosecute, take legal action; be agreed upon/arranged (PASS)
exsequor (exequor) exsequī exsecūtus sum
to follow, accomplish, persist
arcānus –a –um
secret, mysterious, hidden
exscindō –ere –scidī –scissus
to tear out; tear down, destroy; extirpate
trāctābilis –e
that can be handled; indulgent, yielding, flexible; non tractabilis, unfavorable, inclement (> tracto, handle)
obstruō –ere –strūxī –strūctus
to build before or against; to stop, close up
Boreās –ae m.
Boreas, the god of the North Wind
flātus –ūs m.
a blowing; wind; a blast; breath, snorting; (fig.), boasting, pride (> flo, blow)
from there, thence
strīdor –ōris m.
a harsh, grating, or whizzing sound; a creaking, whistling; din, clank, rattling; humming (> strido)
cōnsternō –ere –strāvī –strātus
to strew over; cover, strew
persentiō –īre –sēnsī –sēnsus
to feel deeply; feel; perceive
lacrima lacrimae f.
tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge
taedet taedēre taesum est
to it makes (one) tired or sick
convexum –ī n.
a convexity; recess; pl., vault, arch; the concave vaulted sky or heavens; convexities, sloping or hollow sides
tūricremus –a –um
incense–burning (> tus and cremo)
impōnō impōnere impōsuī impōsitus
to impose, put upon; establish; inflict; assign/place in command; set; deceive, trick, impose upon (+ dat.)
nigrēscō –ere –uī
to become or turn black; grow dark (> niger)
obscēnus (obscaenus) –a –um
filthy, indecent, loathsome, foul; horrible (> caenum)
fēstus –a –um
sacred, festive
revinciō –īre –vinxī –vinctus
to bind back; bind fast; bind around, wreathe, festoon
exaudiō exaudīre exaudīvī exaudītus
to hear
culmen –inis n.
a top, summit, height; house top, ridge, roof (cf. columna)
carmen carminis n.
a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound
būbō –ōnis m.
praedictum –ī n.
a thing foretold; a prediction, prophecy (> praedico)
horrificō horrificāre horrificāvī horrificātus
to make rough; make to shudder; terrify (> horrificus)
incomitātus –a –um
unattended; alone
dēsertus –a –um
desolate; abandoned; uninhabited, solitary, lonely
ultrīx –īcis
avenging (> ulciscor)
sedeō sedēre sēdī sessus
to sit, remain; settle; encamp
furiae –ārum f.
rage, fury, madness, frenzy; vengeance; personif., Furiae, arum, the goddesses of vengeance, the Furies, Allecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone; the Avengers; for the Harpies (> furo)
ēvincō –ere –vīcī –victus
to conquer completely; overcome; move, et al.; bear down, sweep away
dēcernō dēcernere dēcrēvī dēcrētus
to decide/settle/determine/resolve; decree/declare/ordain; judge; vote for/contend
serēnō serēnāre serēnāvī serēnātum
to make clear, brighten, cheer up, soothe
grātor –ātus sum
to wish joy to; w. dat. (the acc. is doubtful), rejoice with; congratulate; greet, welcome (perhaps w. esse) (> gratus)
ārdēns –entis
burning, hot, sparkling, flaming; bright; impassioned, ardent, eager; spirited, fiery; glowing, lofty; fierce, furious; angry (> ardeo)
aptus –a –um
suitable, adapted, ready; apt, proper; tied, attached to; dependent on (w/ ex)
dracō –ōnis m.
a dragon or fabulous kind of serpent; a serpent
sopōrifer –era –erum
somniferous, sleep–bringing (> sopor and fero)
papāver –eris n.
the poppy
magicus –a –um
pertaining to magi, or magicians; magic
sēcrētus –a –um
separated, apart, retired, solitary; secret; unnoticed (> secerno)
pyra –ae f.
a funeral pile, pyre
lectus lectī m.
bed, couch
pallor –ōris m.
paleness, pallor (> palleo)
fūnus fūneris n.
burial, funeral; funeral rites; ruin; corpse; death
īlex –icis f.
the holm–oak, scarlet oak, ilex
serta –ōrum n.
things entwined; garlands, festoons, wreaths (> sero, serere, serui, sertus)
fūnereus –a –um
of a funeral; funeral (> funus)
ignārus –a –um
ignorant; unaware, having no experience of; senseless; strange
effundō effundere effūdī effūsus
to pour out
tergeminus –a –um
of threefold birth; threefold, having three bodies; of three forms or names; triple
simulō simulāre simulāvī simulātus
to imitate, copy; pretend (to have/be); look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint
fōns fontis m.
spring, fountain, well, source
falx falcis f.
scythe, sickle
metō metere messuī messus
to reap, mow, crop, gather, collect, harvest
pūbēns –entis
pubescent; full of vigor; full of sap, juicy
praeripiō praeripere praeripuī praereptum
to snatch, carry off
mola –ae f.
a mill; (meton.), ground or cracked grain; cracked spelt or coarse meal
pius –a –um
dutiful, loyal
recingō recingere recīnctus
to ungird, loosen, undo, unfasten
memor memoris
remembering; mindful (of, + gen.), grateful; unforgetting, commemorative
sopor –ōris m.
sleep; sound, deep slumber; personified
dūmus –ī m.
a bramble; brake, thicket.
silēns –entis
still, silent, noiseless, voiceless
fluctuō fluctuāre fluctuāvī fluctuātus
to wave, fluctuate; (fig.), toss; rage, boil (> fluctus)
īnsistō –ere –stitī
to place one’s self in or upon a thing; (w. dat.), to tread or stand upon, (w. acc.), to tread; impress; (fig.), of the will, continue, persist
procus –ī m.
one who asks, a wooer, suitor (> procor, ask)
irrīdeō irrīdēre irrīsī irrīsus
to laugh at, ridicule
experior experīrī expertus sum (experiscor)
to test; try; experience
nomas –adis m./f.
a nomad; pl., Nomades, um, m., the Numidians
dēdignor –ārī
to refuse scornfully
marītus marītī m.
husband; (in pl.) a married couple
perditus –a –um
ruined, desperate, depraved
periūrium (pēiūrium) –ī n.
false oath, lie
mereor merērī meritus sum
to earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve
expers expertis
lacking; having no share in
dēgō –ere dēgī
to pass, spend (> de and ago)
questus –ūs m.
a complaining; moaning; groans; mournful sound (> queror)
circumstō circumstāre circumstetī
to stand round, surround
concitō concitāre concitāvī concitātus
to arouse, incite
conlūceō –ēre
to be wholly shining; shine on every side; be lighted up; shine; be refulgent
ferveō fervēre ferbuī or fervō fervere fervī
to boil; (fig.), to blaze, be bright; flash; glow; stir, be alive, teeming; move, speed on; rage
(interj.), up! come on! away!
mūtābilis –e
changeable, unstable, fickle, inconstant; changeful, that brings changes (> muto)
exterreō –ēre –uī –itus
to frighten; alarm, startle, terrify; flutter in terror; p., exterritus, a, um, startled; roused
stimulō stimulāre stimulāvī stimulātus
to spur; to rouse, urge; infuriate, incite (> stimulus)
fulmineus –a –um
like lightning; gleaming, flashing; like lightning (> with his lightning darts) (> fulmen)
stringō stringere strīnxī strictum
to draw tight; bind fast; strip (i.e. leaves from a tree); draw (from a scabbard, etc.)
retinaculum –ī n.
that which holds back; a halter, rein; cable, rope (> retineo)
ārdor ārdōris m.
burning, heat, eagerness
spūma –ae f.
froth, foam, spray; pl., spray (> spuo, spit)
verrō verrere verrī versum
to sweep; sweep up
croceus –a –um
of saffron; saffron–colored, yellow (> crocus)
speculum –ī n.
albēscō –ere
to grow white, whiten; to brighten, dawn (> albeo)
rēmex –igis m.
an oarsman, a rower; a band of oarsmen, crew, oarsmen (> remus and ago)
3 times; on 3 occasions
percutiō percutere percussī percussum
to hit, strike; kill, put to death
flāveō –ēre –––
to be yellow; p., flavens, entis, growing yellow; p., yellow, golden (> flavus)
prō (prōh)
(interj. denoting wonder, surprise, lamentation, distress, agony), O! ah! alas!
advena –ae m./f.
a new comer; a stranger, foreigner; adj., foreign (> advenio)
īnsānia –ae f.
abripiō abripere abripuī abreptus
to take away violently; snatch, carry away (> ab and rapio)
nocturnus –a –um
trivium –ī n.
a crossroads, gutter (often pl.)
mereō merēre meruī meritum
to earn, deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
annō annāre annāvī annātus
to swim up to
terminus –ī m.
a boundary line; limit, end, destiny
vexō vexāre vexāvī vexātus
to annoy, vex, attack; afflict
extorris –e
out of one’s country; exiled, w. abl. (> ex and terra)
implōrō implōrāre implōrāvī implōrātus
to implore
fruor fruī frūctus sum
to enjoy (proceeds/socially/sexually), profit by, delight in (w/abl.)
ultor –ōris m.
avenger, punisher
imprecor –ātus sum
to call down good or, more usually, evil by prayer; to invoke evil upon, imprecate, invoke
versō versāre versāvī versātus
to keep turning/going round, spin, whirl; turn over and over; stir; maneuver
invīsus –a –um
hated, hateful, odious; (act.), inimical, an enemy, hostile
quam prīmum
as soon as possible
nūtrīx nūtrīcis f.
fluviālis –e
pertaining to a river or brook (> fluvius)
lympha –ae f.
clear spring water; water
piāculum –ī n.
an expiation; expiatory, sacrifice, offering; purifying sacrifice; lustration; (meton.), that which requires such expiation; sin, crime (> pio)
rogus rogī m.
funeral pyre
anīlis –e
old woman
coeptum –ī n.
a thing begun; an undertaking, enterprise, design (> coepio)
efferus –a –um
extremely wild; savage, frantic; fierce; cruel (> ex and ferus, wild)
macula –ae f.
a spot; stain; blemish, fault
interfundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour between; besprinkle; mark; pass. as middle, pour itself, flow between
pallidus –a –um
pale, pallid; ghastly (> palleo)
irrumpō irrumpere irrūpī irrumptus
to burst in
cōnscendō –ere –scendī –scēnsus
to ascend, climb; mount; embark on (> com– and scando, climb)
furibundus –a –um
filled with frenzy; raging, raving, wild, frantic (> furo)
cubīle cubīlis n.
place of rest, couch, bed
exsolvō –ere –ī –solūtus
to loosen completely, w. acc. and abl.; disengage; set free, deliver
praeclārus –a –um
very clear; splendid; famous; bright, illustrious; noble, distinguished
inultus –a –um
ātrium –ī n.
atrium, court
concutiō –cutere –cussī –cussus
shake, beat, strike; terrify; disturb, distract
lāmenta –ōrum n.
a wailing, cry of grief, lamentation, mourning, moaning (sing. not in good use)
fēmineus –a –um
ululātus –ūs m.
a yelling, howling; wailing, shrieking (> ululo)
pūgnus –ī m.
a fist, hand
germānus –a –um
having the same parents; true, real, honest-to-goodness
sēmianimis (in hexam. poetry pron. semyanimis) –e
half alive; dying
siccō siccāre siccāvī siccātus
to make dry, drain, suck; dry up, wipe away; wash (> siccus)
cubitum –īn. or cubitus –ī m.
the elbow; the bending of the shore; the measure of a cubit, the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger
levō levāre levāvī levātus
to lift/raise/hold up; support; erect, set up; lift off, remove (load); comfort; undo, take off; release, rid; free from (worry/expense); refresh/restore; lighten, lessen, relieve; reduce in force/potency; bring down (cost/prices); alleviate
miseror –ārī –ātus sum
to feel or show pity for; be compassionate, pity (> miser)
obitus –ūs m.
a going down, setting; downfall, ruin; death
luctor –ārī
to wrestle, struggle, strive
flāvus –a –um
golden, yellow
Īris –idis f. (acc. Īrim)
Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, daughter of Thaumas and Electra, and messenger of the gods above
roscidus –a –um
dew–covered, dewy
adversus –a –um
towards, opposite, directly facing; opposed, adverse, hostile, unfavorable, in opposition
dēvolō dēvolāre dēvolāvī dēvolātus
to fly down
dīlābor –lābī –lāpsus sum
to slip, glide, fall apart; depart, pass away
calor –ōris m.
warmth, heat, vital heat (> caleo)
accendō accendere accendī accēnsus
to set on fire
tenebrae tenebrārum f. pl.
gubernātor –ōris m.
a helmsman, pilot (> guberno)
why? ah! why? wherefore?
incumbō –ere –cubuī –cubitus
to lay one’s self upon; lean or recline upon; (w. dat.), lie on or stretch over; fall upon; bend to, ply; hasten, urge, press on; overhang; press or bend toward; (w. ad and acc.), lean, hang, incline; bear down on (in a military or sexual sense)
oblīquō oblīquāre oblīquāvī oblīquātus
to bend, turn to one side, veer (> obliquus)
magnanimus –a –um
noble–spirited, brave, bold
spondeō –ēre spopondī sponsum
to make a solemn promise; be a surety for, go bail for
trānsversus –a –um
across the path or course; crosswise
vesper vesperis m. or vesper vesperī m.
evening, evening star
cōnsurgō –ere –surrēxī –surrēctus
to rise together, rise up; rise at once; rise; rise or spring to the oars, ply
iamdūdum or iam dudum
now for a long time (+ present tense)
flectō flectere flēxī flexus
to bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften
pellis pellis f.
skin, hide
ursa –ae f.
a she–bear; a bear (> ursus)
concipiō concipere concēpī conceptum
to hold, conceive, become fertilized, germinate, commit; verba concepta, “a solemn utterance”
agrestis agrestis agreste
rural, rustic
stēlla stēllae f.
coitus (coetus) coitūs m.
meeting, encounter, gathering; conjunction; meeting place, coalescence, union, sexual intercourse; fertilization; gathering, collection
advocō advocāre advocāvī advocātus
to summon, call
annuus –a –um
of the year, yearly
honōrātus –a –um
honored, respected, honorable, respectable, distinguished
exsul exsulis m.
an exile, banished person; wanderer
pompa –ae f.
procession, parade; the set piece at a banquet; display
bōs bovis m.
adhibeō adhibēre adhibuī adhibitus
to summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to; bring on stage, introduce
almus –a –um
giving nourishment; fostering, genial, blessing, blessed, benign; fruitful; gracious, kind, kindly, propitious (> alo)
radius radi(ī) m.
spoke of a wheel, stick
crūdus –a –um
bloody, raw; of untanned hide, of raw hide; covered with blood, bloody; fresh, strong, vigorous; dyspeptic; rough, green; deadly, cruel, fatal
myrtus –ī m./f.
mātūrus –a –um
early, speedy; ripe; mature, mellow; timely, seasonable
merus –a –um
pure, undiluted
carchēsium –iī n.
a large drinking vessel with two handles; bowl, beaker
lac lactis n.
milk; juice
salveō –ēre
to be well; imperative, all hail! hail! (> salvus, safe)
gȳrus –ī m.
a circle, circular track, ring; circuit; coil
volūmen volūminis n.
book, roll
gently, softly, quietly, calmly
nota notae f.
mark, note, label
squāma –ae f.
a scale of fishes, serpents, etc.; of the small plates or scales of armor; singular as a collective, scales
fulgor –ōris m. or fulgur –ūris n.
lightning, flash, brightness
innoxius –a –um
harmless, innocent
dēpāscō –ere –pāvī –pāstus or dēpāscor –pāstus sum
to devour, consume; taste; feed upon, graze
altāria –ium n.
the upper part of an altar; a high altar; an altar (> altus)
īnstaurō īnstaurāre īnstaurāvī īnstaurātus
to build; perform, celebrate; revive, resolve anew; celebrate anew; renew; repay, requite
incertus –a –um
unsure, uncertain, unreliable
genius –iī m.
the birth–spirit; a tutelar deity, or guardian genius (> geno, gigno)
bīnī –ae –a
2 by 2
nigrō nigrāre nigrāvī nigrātus
“to be or make black”
mactō mactāre mactāvī mactātus,”to sacrifice
iuvencus –ī m.
young bull, bullock
prūna –ae f.
a live coal
vīscus vīsceris n.
innards, viscera, guts
torreō –ēre –uī tostus
to burn, scorch, roast, parch; rush, roll; of a river bank; p., torrens, entis, subst., a torrent, 7.567.
novem; nōnus –a –um
9, 9th
fīnitimus –a –um
neighboring, bordering, adjoining
exciō (excieō) –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus (–itus)
to summon, rouse up or forth; call forth, assemble; arouse, excite, agitate; stir, shake
prīncipium prīncipi(ī) n.
origin, beginning, cause; pl. headquarters (of camp)
circus –ī m.
a circle, circuit, circular area; surrounding multitude or throng of spectators
talentum talentī n.
a talent (weight of money)
quattuor; quārtus –a –um
4; 4th
vēlōx –ōcis
versus versūs m.
line, verse; furrow, ground traversed before turn; row/string, bench (rowers)
tundō tundere tutudī tūnsus
to beat, strike, thump, buffet
aprīcus –a –um
open to the sun; sunny; sun–loving (> aperio)
statiō statiōnis f.
standing, station
grātus –a –um
charming, pleasing; grateful, pleased
mergus –ī m.
a sea bird; a diver; a gull
revertor revertī reversus sum
to return; to turn back, go back, return; recur (usually deponent in present system, active in perfect; deponent perfect mostly post-Augustan)
decōrus –a –um
fitting, suitable; handsome
pōpuleus –a –um
of the poplar tree
nitēscō –ere nituī
to become bright, to shine, glisten (> niteo)
intendō intendere intendī intentus
to hold out; stretch, strain, exert
intentus –a –um
earnestly attentive, intent; expectant (> intendo)
tuba –ae f.
a trumpet; trumpet–signal
prōsiliō –īre –uī (–īvī or –iī)
to leap or spring forth (> pro and salio)
nauticus –a –um
of ships; pertaining to seamen or sailors; nautical
spūmō spūmāre spūmāvī spūmātus
to foam (> spuma)
lacertus –ī m.
bicep; the muscular part of the uppar arm between the elbow and shoulder
īnfindō –ere –fidī –fissus
to cut, cleave, of a ship’s keel
biiugus –a –um
of a two–horse team or chariot; coupled, yoked; chariot–; subst., a double team or two–horse chariot (> bis and iugum)
aurīga –ae m.
a charioteer; a groom
verber –eris n.
whip; a beating or blow with a whip
cōnsonō cōnsonāre cōnsonuī
to sound at once or together; sound loudly; resound
inclūdō inclūdere inclūsī inclūsus
to shut up/in, imprison, enclose; include
resultō resultāre ––– resultātus
to leap back or again, rebound; reëcho, reverberate, resound (> resilio, leap back)
pristis –is f.
a sea–monster; Pristis, the Pristis, one of the ships of Aeneas (another form for pistrix)
ambō ambae ambō
frōns frōntis f.
forehead, brow; front
sulcō sulcāre sulcāvī sulcātus
to plow (> sulcus)
scopulus –ī m.
a projecting ledge of rock; a high cliff or rock; crag; ledge, reef; detached rock, fragment of rock
rēctor –ōris m.
a director, leader, ruler; general, commander; guide; helmsman, pilot (> rego)
gressus –ūs m.
a stepping; step, walk, course, way; of a ship; air, mien, gait; ferre gressum, to walk; efferre gressum, to go forth or out; comprimere gressum, to stop, stay one’s steps (> gradior)
palmula –ae f.
a small palm; an oar–blade (> palma)
praetereō praeterīre praeterīvī/praeteriī praeteritus
to pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over
mēta mētae f.
limit, goal, boundary, turning point
exārdēscō –ere –ārsī –ārsus
to begin to burn; (fig.), to be roused to anger; kindle, burn
careō carēre caruī caritus
to lack, be without, be free from (+ abl.)
gena –ae f.
sēgnis sēgne
slow, sluggish
dēturbō dēturbāre dēturbāvī dēturbātus
to cast down; strike down; drive away, remove
clāvus –ī m.
a nail, a peg; a helm; purple stripe on the tunic
fundus fundī m.
base, foundation, farm
fluō fluere flūxī fluxus
to flow, stream; emanate, proceed from; fall gradually; droop, wane; be relaxed
summum –ī n.
the top (> superus)
salsus –a –um
made salty; salted; salt–, briny (cf. sal); witty
revomō –ere –vomuī
to vomit back or up; vomit
praeeō –īre –īvī –or iī –itus –īre
to go before; p., praeiens, euntis, going before, preceding
incēdō incēdere incessī incessus
to go, happen; proceed; walk (in a stately manner)
dēligō –ere –lēgī –lēctus
to choose from; choose (> de and lego)
sequāx –ācis
prone to follow; following, pursuing, swiftly pursuing; darting, lambent; rapid (> sequor)
pudeō –ēre –duī –ditus
to make (one) ashamed (often impersonal, with person affected in acc. and cause of shame in gen.)
prohibeō prohibēre prohibuī prohibitus
to prevent; prohibit, forbid; forbid the use of (+ abl.)
anhēlitus –ūs m.
hard–breathing; puffing, panting (> anhelo)
artus artūs m.
limb, leg
rīvus –ī m.
brook, stream
suburgeō –ēre
to push up to
prōcurrō –ere –cucurrī (–currī) –cursus
to run forth or forward; advance, sally forth; roll, rush along; jut, run out, project
mūrex –icis m.
the murex or purple fish; a sharp–pointed shellfish from which was obtained the Tyrian purple; (meton.), purple dye, purple; a pointed or jagged rock
obnītor –nīxus (–nīsus) sum
to press, push against, w. dat.; without an object, push; struggle, resist; bear up; strive, strike against
crepō crepāre crepuī crepitus
to rattle; creak, crack; rustle; grumble about; harp on (a subject), continually chatter
ferrātus –a –um
furnished or covered with iron; iron; iron pointed, iron shod; iron spurred, armed with the spur (> ferrum)
trudis –is f.
a pole, boathook, pike (> trudo)
cuspis –idis f.
sharp point, tip (esp. of a spear)
contus –ī m.
a pole
successus –ūs m.
a going up, an advance; success, good fortune; speed (> succedo)
prōnus –a –um
prone, stooping
dēcurrō –ere –cucurrī (currī) –cursus
to run down, hasten down; descend; run completely round; sail over, sweep over
latebrōsus –a –um
full of lurking places or recesses; full of holes; porous; secret (> latebra)
pūmex pūmicis m. (f. in Catullus)
nīdus –ī m.
a nest; brood, nestling
spoliō spoliāre spoliāvī spoliātus
to strip, despoil
ingeminō ingemināre ingemināvī ingeminātus
to repeat; redouble, multiply, increase; shout again and again, return
īnstīgō īnstīgāre īnstīgāvī īnstīgātus
to goad on; incite, stimulate, encourage
resonō resonāre resonāvī resonātus
to sound again, resound, ring, reecho
fragor –ōris m.
breaking, the noise of breaking; a crash; noise; a burst or clap of thunder; roaring, uproar; shout; noise of lamentation (> frango)
proprius –a –um
own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic
indīgnor –ātus sum
to deem unworthy; to fret, chafe, be impatient; resent; scorn; be angry, indignant
pacīscor pacīscī pactus
to agree (on), arrange
pelagus pelagī m.
sea, ocean
reus reī m.
party in law suit; plaintiff/defendant; culprit/guilty party, debtor; sinner
exta –ōrum n.
cito citius (comp.) citissime (superl.)
praecō –ōnis m.
herald, auctioneer
dēclārō dēclārāre dēclārāvī dēclārātus
to declare/announce/make known; indicate, reveal, testify, show/prove; mean
advēlō advēlāre advēlāvī advēlātus
to veil; wreathe, encircle, crown
tempus temporis n.
the side of the forehead, temple
praecipuus –a –um
peculiar, special
aurō aurāre
to overlay with gold, to gild
purpura –ae f.
purple color, purple; purple border or fringe
intexō –ere –uī –tus
to weave into or in; work in, enweave; festoon, wreathe, entwine; cover; frame
frondōsus –a –um
full of leaves, leafy; woody (> frons)
anhēlō anhēlāre anhēlāvī anhēlātus
to pant; of a furnace, to puff, roar (> am– and halo)
uncus –a –um
hooked, crooked; talon–shaped, hooked
hāmus –ī m.
a hook, ring
trilīx –īcis
of three threads or leashes; of three layers of thread; three–ply; triple (> tres and licium, thread)
lōrīca –ae f.
a leather corselet; a corselet of any material; a hauberk, cuirass, coat of mail (> lorum)
dētrahō –ere –trāxī –tractum
to take away from
tūtāmen –inis n.
a means of protection; a defense (> tutor)
famulus –ī m.
a house servant or slave; manservant; attendant
multiplex –plicis
having many folds; manifold, various (> multus and plico)
induō induere induī indūtus
to put on, clothe
pālor –ārī –ātus sum
to wander about, wander; go astray; straggle, retreat, flee
dōnō dōnāre dōnāvī dōnātus
to give; present (with), reward; concede, waive (a legal claim)
ēvinciō –īre –vinxī –vinctus
to bind round; crown, wreathe; bind
taenia –ae f.
a band, fillet; hairband; ribbon, braid, forming the ends of the vitta
revellō –ere –vellī –vulsus
to pull back; pluck out, tear out or off; rend, rip, tear open; snatch, bring away, rescue; disturb, violate
dēbilis –e
disabled, maimed, crippled; feeble, useless (> de and habilis)
ratis ratis f.
raft; (in poetry) a ship
dēprehendō dēprehendere dēprehendī dēprehensus
to catch, seize; understand, learn about
oblīquus –a –um
slanting, indirect, covert
rota rotae f.
trānseō trānsīre trānsīvī/trānsiī trānsitus
to go over, cross
ictus ictūs m.
blow, stroke; a metrical beat
sēminex (nom. not in use) sēminecis
half slain, half dead (> semi– and nex)
lacer –era –erum
torn, mangled, bruised, mutilated
viātor –ōris m.
traveler, wayfarer
tortus –ūs m.
a twisting, coil (> torqueo)
claudus –a –um
limping, lame
retentō –āre –āvī –ātum
to hold back; restrain, hold fast; to suppress; (> retineo)
nīxor –ātus sum intens. (nītor)
to lean upon with the idea of effort; struggle forward on
plicō plicāre plicāvī (plicuī) plicātus (plicitus)
to wind together, fold, coil
rēmigium –iī n.
a rowing; oarage, rowing movement; body of rowers, oarsmen; a crew; remigium alarum = alae, wings (> remex)
serva servae f.
female slave
grāmineus –a –um
of turf, grassy (> gramen)
adsuētus –a –um
usual, customary
advertō advertere advertī adversum
to turn towards
caelō caelāre caelāvī caelātus
to cut in relief; carve, engrave, chase, emboss (> caelum, a chisel)
bipennis –e
an ax (with two blades)
trēs tria
phalerae –ārum f. or phalera –ōrum n. pl.
bosses of metal worn on the corselet; trappings; trappings or caparisons for the heads, necks, and breasts of horses
sagitta sagittae f.
circumamplector circumamplectī circumamplexus sum
to twine around, encircle, encompass, embrace; fulfill
balteus –ī m. (or –um n.)
a belt, girdle; an edge or crust
fībula –ae f.
a clasp, brooch, buckle (> figo)
contentus –a –um
content, satisfied
ēmicō ēmicāre ēmicuī ēmicātus
to leap, spring forth; to dart, bound, or spring upward; run, rush, dart forward; shine
fulmen fulminis n.
lightening, thunderbolt
ōcior –ius
comp. (superl., ocissimus, a, um), swifter, more fleet; (adv.), ocius, more swiftly; rapidly, speedily, quickly, swiftly
intervāllum –ī n.
the space between two stakes; an interval, distance
calx calcis f. and rarely m.
the heel ; the hoof of a horse, the fore foot, or hoof; a spur
terō terere trīvī trītum
to rub, wear away; use up
ambiguus –a –um
going two ways, wavering, uncertain; obscure (of speech); untrustworthy
caedō caedere cecīdī caesus
to chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize
madefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus
to make wet, to wet, moisten (> madeo and facio)
vestīgium vestīgi(ī) n.
step, track; trace; footstep
titubō titubāre titubāvī titubātus
to be in doubt, waver
fimus –ī m. or fimum –ī n.
mire, slime; dung, manure
spissus –a –um
close, dense, thick; crowded, packed (with people)
cavea –ae f.
a hollow place; that part of the theater or circus which was occupied by the spectators; a theater; natural amphitheater (> cavus); cage
cōnsessus –ūs m.
a sitting together; an assembly (others, place of assembly; others, tribunal or platform); an assembly (> consido)
favor favōris m.
favor, goodwill
prōclāmō prōclāmāre prōclāmāvī prōclāmātus
to cry out; declare, announce, proclaim
cāsus cāsūs m.
fall; occurrence; chance, misfortune
onerōsus –a –um
burdensome, heavy (> onus)
unguis –is m.
fingernail; claw, talon
miseret miserēre miseruit/miseritum est
to it moves (one) to pity
turpis turpe
foul, ugly; base, shameful
prōpōnō prōpōnere prōposuī prōpositus
to announce, display; propose; relate; put or place forward
vēlō vēlāre vēlāvī vēlātus
to cover, conceal
immediately, straightway (> continuus); continuously
percellō percellere perculī perculsum
to hit, knock, strike
fulvus –a –um
reddish or tawny yellow; yellow; tawny; brown; glowing, bright
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus
to throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
prōtendō –ere –tendī –tēnsus (–tentus)
to stretch forth or out; extend
verberō verberāre verberāvī verberātus
to whip, flog, beat
alacer alacris alacre
lively; active, eager; bold, darting, exulting; joyful
quoūsque or quō ūsque
until what time, till when, how long
decet decēre decuīt
adorn, become, grace; be proper, be right; (impers.) it is fitting (to)
fremō fremere fremuī
to groan, roar
cōnsīdō cōnsīdere cōnsēdī cōnsessus
to sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside/sink (in); encamp/bivouac; take up a position; stop/stay, make one’s home, settle; lodge
patiens –ntis
long–suffering, patient; hardy
gelidus –a –um
cold, icy
tardō tardāre tardāvī tardātus
to loiter, delay
hebeō –ēre
to be blunt; (fig.), to be sluggish, run slowly
frīgeō –ēre frīxī
to be cold, stiff with cold; stiffened, rigid with death; to be benumbed, paralyzed, torpid
effētus –a –um
no longer producing; exhausted; incapable (w. gen.) (> ex and fetus, productive)
iste ista istud
that (of yours); those (of yours)
iuventās –ātis f.
youthfulness; the age of youth; youthful vigor (> iuvenis)
indūcō inducere indūxī inductus
to lead in, bring in (performers); induce, influence; introduce; spread on, smear on
plumbum plumbī n.
īnsuō –ere –uī –ūtus
to sew or stitch in, into, or on
senex senis
old, aged
īnficiō (īnficiscō) –ere –fēcī –fectus
to impart some foreign quality to an object; to taint, infect; poison; stain; mix, tincture; p., infectus, a, um, inwrought, contracted,; infected, filled (> in an facio)
nor yet; and not yet
probō probāre probāvī probātus
to approve (of), esteem, commend, recommend, certify; give assent/approval/sanction; let; show to be real/true; examine, test, try, prove, demonstrate; get accepted
duplex –icis
double, two–fold; two-faced, deceitful
reiciō reicere reiēcī reiectum
to throw back, reject
digitus digitī m.
interritus –a –um
unaffrighted; dauntless; of inanimate things, undisturbed; without peril, secure
lacēssō lacēssere lacēssīvī lacēssītus
to provoke, irritate
valēns –entis
strong, vigorous, powerful (> valeo)
vigilō vigilāre vigilāvī vigilātus
to remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant
castellum castellī n.
castle, fort
adsultus –ūs m.
a leaping upon; an assault, attack (> ad and salio)
irritus (inritus) –a –um
invalid, void
urgeō urgēre ursī
to press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust; spur on, urge; press hard in attack/pursuit, beset, follow hard on heels of; hem in; threaten by proximity; press verbally/argument/point; follow up
vertex verticis m.
whirlpool, eddy; crown of the head; peak, summit
praevideō –ēre –vīdī –vīsus
to see beforehand; foresee
ēlābor elabī elapsus
to slip away
heavily; deadly; greatly, deeply; heavily, mournfully (> gravis)
cavus –a –um
accurrō –ere –currī (–cucurrī) –cursus
to run to; run, hasten up (> ad and curro)
aequaevus –a –um
of equal age (> aequus and aevum)
suscitō suscitāre suscitāvī suscitātus
to stir up, turn up; to rekindle; rouse, incite; call forth
crepitō crepitāre crepitāvī crepitātus
to make a rattling noise; creak, crackle, murmur, rustle; crack, crash; rattle; dash (> crepo)
dēmentia –ae f.
madness, frenzy, folly (> demens)
dirimō –ere –ēmī –ēmptus
to take asunder; to separate; break off, end; decide (> dis– and emo)
aequālis –e
equal; of the same age; fellow, companion; subst., companion (> aequo)
to both places, on both sides, in each direction
crassus –a –um
thick, fat; crass, coarse
ēiectō ēiectāre ēiectāvī ēiectātus
to cast forth; vomit (> ex and iacto)
galea geleae f.
taurus taurī m.
astō astāre astitī
to stand by
redūcō redūcere redūxī reductus
to lead back, back, roll back; bring back; restore; reduce
lībrō librāre librāvī librātus
to keep in balance, brandish
effringō –ere –frēgī –frāctus
to break out or open; crush, dash out (> ex and frango)
cerebrum –ī n.
the brain
sternō sternere strāvī strātus
to spread, strew, scatter; lay out; knock down; cause winds or waves to subside; (passive in middle sense) lie stretched out
caestus –ūs m.
a gauntlet for boxing; thongs or straps loaded with lead, and bound round the hand and arm (> caedo); girdle of Venus
ērigō ērigere ērēxī ērēctus
to raise, erect, build, set up; rouse, excite, stimulate
volucer volucris volucre
columba –ae f.
pigeon, dove
mālus –ī m.
a standing pole; a mast
aereus –a –um
made of copper or bronze; bronze, brazen (see def. of aes); brazen beaked; of the copper or bronze plates or scales of a corselet
nāvālis –e
pertaining to ships; naval; subst., navalia, ium, n., dock, docks, dockyard, naval arsenal; naval equipments (> navis)
cōnsequor cōnsequī cōnsecūtus sum
to follow, go/come after; attend on; pursue; catch up with, overtake; follow up; happen subsequently, ensue, follow in order/time; act accordingly, follow plan; seek after, aim at; achieve, reach; obtain, acquire, gain; grasp, comprehend
subsīdō –ere –sēdī –sessus
to sit or settle down; to sink down, fall, subside; remain; subside, remain below, be lost or disappear; (w. acc.), to lie in wait for, remain, or watch for the spoils of
incurvō incurvāre incurvāvī incurvātus
to bend in; bend
dēprōmō –ere –prōmpsī –prōmptus
to draw forth
nervus –ī m.
muscle, tendon; cord, string; prison, fetter; nerve, vigor, power, strength
īnfīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus
to fasten in or upon, w. dat. or abl.; thrust; p., infixus, a, um, thrust deeply, deep
addūcō adducere addūxī adductus
to lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten
līneus –a –um
flaxen (> linum)
speculor speculārī speculātus
to watch
plaudō plaudere plausī plausum
to beat, strike, clap
dēcidō –ere –cidī
to fall down; fall (> de and cado)
dēlābor –lāpsus sum
to glide, slip, or fall down; descend; fall in with or upon
terrificus –a –um
causing terror; dread–inspiring, alarming, terrifying, dreadful, dread (> terreo and facio)
volō volāre volāvī volātus
to fly
signō signāre signāvī signātus
to sign, signify, mark; stamp, seal
recēdō recēdere recessī recessum
to step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
as, just as, as if (> ce–ve)
refīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus
to unfasten, loosen; take down; unfasten or take down the tablets of the laws, render null, annul, abolish; refixus, a, um, loosened, falling
trānscurrō –ere –currī (–cucurrī) –cursus
to run across; flash or shoot across; traverse
attonō attonāre attonuī attonitus
to thunder at; p., attonitus, a, um, (fig.), stunned; agitated; amazed, astonished; afflicted, overwhelmed; spellbound, hushed (> ad and tono)
cumulō cumulāre cumulāvī cumulātus
to pile on top (of), heap, crown
auspicium auspicī(ī) n.
divination (by the flight of birds); the legal authority of a general, (pl.) the auspices
imprimō –primere –pressī –pressum
to apply with pressure, press onto, imprint
viridāns –antis
green, grassy, verdant; mossy (> virido)
praeferō praeferre praetulī praelātus
to prefer
harundō –inis f.
reed, rod, stick
impūbēs –is or –eris
not full grown; beardless; youthful
puerīlis –e
pertaining to a boy; a boy’s; boyish (> puer)
patēns –entis
open; broad, gaping
corneus –a –um
of cornel–wood (> cornus)
praefīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus
to fasten before, in front of, w. acc. and dat.; on the end; to tip, head, point
lēvis –e
smooth; slippery; polished
flexilis –e
flexible, pliant (> flecto)
obtorqueō –ēre –torsī –tortus
to turn round, twist
circulus –ī m.
a circle or orbit; ring; chain, torques, collar; a group of people, an audience (> circus)
turma turmae f.
troop, platoon
vagor –ārī –ātus sum
to wander about; ride to and fro, career about; to be rumored round, spread (> vagus, wandering)
senus –a –um
6 in each instance, six at a time, in groups of 6
fulgeō fulgēre fulsī
to shine
iuvenis iuvenis m.
youth; young man
albus –a –um
bicolor –ōris
of two colors; mottled, dappled (> bis and color)
tueor tuērī tūtus sum
to see, look at; protect, watch; uphold
īnsonō īnsonāre īnsonuī
to sound within; resound, snap; (w. acc.), sound, crack (as to, or with) the lash
flagellum –ī n.
a scourge or whip; thong (dim. of flagrum, a whip)
discurrō –ere –cucurrī –or currī –cursus
to run apart; to ride in different directions; to move in patrols, or hurry to and fro as patrols; (impers.), discurritur, they hurry in different directions
dīdūcō –dūcere –dūxī –ductum
to draw apart, separate
īnfestus –a –um
hostile, aggressive
recursus –ūs m.
a running back; return; retreat; a receding, an ebbing (> recurro)
spīculum –ī n.
sharp point, sting, arrow
anceps ancipitis
two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold; on two sides/fronts (war/attack); undecided, drawn, hanging in balance (battle); double; w/two meanings; uncertain; dangerous, perilous; ambiguous; unsettled; doubtful
indēprēnsus –a –um
not overtaken; uncaught, undetected; untraced, intricate
error errōris m.
wandering, error, mistake; mental derangement
nātus (gnātus) –ī m.
son; (in plural) children
nō nāre nāvī
to swim
lūdō lūdere lūsī lūsus
to play, mock, tease, trick; play with
priscus –a –um
ancient, antique
thus far, so far, of space and time; thus far (separated by tmesis)
celebrō celebrāre celebrāvī celebrātus
to celebrate/perform; frequent, crowd, throng; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy
saturō saturāre saturāvī saturātus
to fill; glut, cloy, appease (> satur, full)
arcus arcūs m.
bow, arch
citus –a –um
trāmes –itis m.
a crossway; by–path or narrow way; a pass; course, line, track
virgō virginis f.
maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin
acta –ae f.
the seashore; beach, shore
fleō flēre flēvī flētus
to cry for; cry, weep
alas! oh!
vadum –ī n.
a ford; a shallow, shoal; sand–bank; shallow water; bottom, depth; water, tide, stream; water of the sea; wave, sea
perferō perferre pertulī perlātus
to suffer, endure; report
excidium –iī n.
a complete cutting or tearing down; razing, demolition, destruction (> exscindo)
aestās aestātis f.
summer; summer heat/weather; a year
ēmētior ēmētīrī ēmēnsus sum
to measure out or off; pass over, traverse
īnfaustus –a –um
unfortunate, of ill omen, ill–starred
cōnītor –nīxus (–nīsus) sum
to lean or brace one’s self against; struggle, strive, put forth all one’s strength; strain every nerve
coruscō coruscāre coruscāvī coruscātus
to push with the horns; move quickly hither and thither; shake, brandish, wave, swing; flash; glisten.
arrigō –ere –rēxī –rēctus
to raise up; erect; bristle up; (fig.), to excite, rouse; p., arrectus, a, um, standing up, rising; erect; bristling; attentive; animated, roused, encouraged; ardent, intent; intense
stupefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus
to amaze, stupefy, astound, bewilder; surprise (> stupeo and facio)
nātus –ūs m.
birth, age(used only in the abl., nātū)
dīvīnus –a –um
divine, of a deity/god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired; supernatural; prophetic
notō notāre notāvī notātus
to mark, sign, censure
spīritus spīritūs m.
breathing, breath, spirit, life
effor –ārī –fātus sum
to speak forth; speak, say (> ex and for)
first; for the first time
secō secāre secuī sectum
to cut; cleave a path through (the sea), traverse
virgultum –ī n.
a growth of brambles (used only in the plural); a thicket, grove; shrubs; shoots or sprigs (> virga)
pīctus –a –um
embroidered; many–colored, speckled, spotted, variegated
abies abietis f.
a fir tree; fir wood or fir timber; a ship; a lance
cuneus –ī m.
a wedge; a wedge–shaped battalion; battalion; dare cuneos, to form battalions; pl., cunei, orum, the seats of the theater; an assembly
equester –tris –tre
pertaining to a horseman; equestrian (> eques); as sb. theater seats reserved for Roman knights
ēn or em
look! calling attention, or expressing surprise or indignation, lo! behold! see! there!
cieō ciēre cīvī citus
to cause, to move; stir; agitate, move; excite, kindle, rouse; raise; call upon, invoke; call up, exhibit; of tears, shed
accelerō accelerāre accelerāvī accelerātus
to hasten; make haste (> ad and celero)
if anywhere
concavus –a –um
completely hollow; hollow, concave
āgnōscō āgnōscere āgnōvī agnitus
to recognize, acknowledge
idcircō or iccircō
on that account; therefore
ūdus –a –um
wet, damp
stūppa –ae f.
the coarse part of flax; the calking of a ship; tow
vomō –ere –uī –itus
to vomit; belch, vomit forth
edō ēsse ēdī ēsus
to eat/consume/devour; eat away (fire/water/disease); destroy; spend money on food
prōsum prōdesse prōfuī prōfutūrus
to be useful, be advantageous, benefit, profit (+ dat.)
abscindō –ere –scidī –scissus
to tear off, away, from; separate; swear off, renounce
tendō tendere tetendī tentum
to stretch, extend, direct (one’s steps or course); stretch; (of musical instruments) tighten, tune
exōsus –a –um
hating much; usually w. an obj. acc.; hostile, adverse to, hating
pietās pietātis f.
responsibility, sense of duty; loyalty; tenderness, goodness; pity; piety
respiciō respicere respexī respectum
to look back, regard, consider; pay attention to
obruō obruere obruī obrutum
to cover, overwhelm
imber imbris m.
rain, storm
arduum –uī n.
a high place; height
madēscō –ere –maduī
to become wet; drip, be drenched (> madeo)
restinguō –ere –stīnxī –stīnctus
to put out, quench
vapor –ōris m.
vapor, steam; heat
resīdō –ere –sīdere –sēdī
to sit down, sink down, shrink
portendō –ere –tendī –tentus
to stretch, hold forth; to foretell, portend, presage (> pro and tendo)
to one begins; he begins to speak
retrahō –ere –trāxī –trāctus
to draw back; lead back, recall; restrain
coniungō coniungere coniūnxī coniūnctus
to connect, join/yoke together; marry; connect/compound (words) (w/conjunctions); unite (sexually); place/bring side–by–side; juxtapose; share; add; associate; join in time, make follow without a break
volēns –entis
willing, ready, unresisting, spontaneously
pertaedet –taesum est
to it much wearies me, you, etc. (with me, te, etc.); one is weary, disgusted; w. gen. of the thing
fessus –a –um
tired, exhausted, weary
appellō appellāre appellāvī appellātus
to call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name
polus –ī m.
the terminating point of an axis; the celestial pole; (meton.), the heavens, sky; air
subvehō –ere –vexī –vectus
to carry up; (pass.), ride up, ascend; sail, float up
dēpellō dēpellere dēpulī dēpulsus
to drive off, expel
lēctus –a –um
gathered, collected; picked, culled; chosen, choice (> lego)
dēbellō dēbellāre dēbellāvī dēbellātus
to war to the end; to put down by war; subdue, conquer; fight to the finish (intrans. or with internal acc.)
congressus –ūs m.
a coming together; conflict, assault; pl., an interview (> congredior)
amoenus –a –um
charming; usually to the sight, delightful, pleasant
adflō adflāre adflāvī adflātus
to blow upon; breathe upon; blast; inspire; impart
fūmus –ī m.
prōripiō –ere –ripuī –reptus
to snatch forth; w. pers. pron. expressed or understood, rush forth, hasten away (> pro and rapio)
sōpiō sōpīre sōpīvī sōpītum
to put to sleep, lull to sleep
cānus –a –um
white, of the hair and beard; whitened, hoary, of frost and cold; of the sea, foaming, hoary; gray–haired, venerable; hoary
supplex supplicis
suppliant; a suppliant (> supplico, beseech)
acerra –ae f.
an incense box; a censer
immediately, forthwith
ēdoceō –ēre –uī –tus
to teach completely; communicate, declare
cōnstō cōnstāre cōnstitī cōnstātus
to agree/correspond/fit, be correct; be dependent/based upon; exist/continue/last; be certain/decided/consistent/sure/fixed/established/well–known/apparent/plain; stand firm/still/erect/together; remain motionless/constant; consist of/in
trānscrībō –ere –scrīpsī –scrīptus
to transfer by writing; enroll; transfer, convey
ambedō –ere –ēdī –ēsus
to eat round; to consume, devour, eat
nāvigium –iī n.
a boat, craft, ship (> navigo)
rudēns –entis m.
a rope; cord; pl., rudentes, um or ium, cordage
vīvidus –a –um
full of life; lively, vigorous, ardent; quick, swift (> vivo)
dēsīgnō dēsīgnāre dēsīgnāvī dēsīgnātus
to mark out, arrange
arātrum –ī n
crebēr crēbra crēbrum
thick/crowded/packed/close set; frequent/repeated, constant; numerous/abundant
prōcurvus –a –um
curved forward; curving
complector complectī complexus sum
to embrace
faciēs facieī f.
appearance, face, form
tolerābilis –e
that can be borne; endurable (> tolero)
cōnsangineus (cōnsanguineus) –a –um
having common blood; kindred; (subst. masc. sing.) a brother, kinsman
lacrimō lacrimāre lacrimāvī lacrimātus or lacrimor –ārī –ātus sum
to cry, weep
vitulus –ī m.
a young bullock, steer, calf
agna agnae f.
liqueō liquēre licuī/liquī
to be fluid, be liquid; be clear to a person; be evident
prōsequor prōsequī prōsecūtus sum
to accompany, follow
exsaturābilis –e
that can be satisfied (> exsaturo)
mītigō mītigāre mītigāvī mītigātus
to make soft or mild; to soothe, appease (> mitis and ago)
īnfringō –ere –frēgī –frāctus
to break in; break; (fig.), to break down, subdue; dishearten, paralyze (> in and frango)
quiēscō quiēscere quiēvī quiētus
to sleep, rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit
exedō –ere –ēdī –ēsus
to eat out, hollow out, devour; consume, destroy
reliquiae –ārum f. pl.
relics, remains
perimō (peremō) –ere –ēmī –ēmptus
to take away completely; annihilate, destroy; slay, kill (> per and emo)
recently, not long ago; in recent years/our own time; (superlative) latest in series
testis testis m.
frētus –a –um
leaning on; w. abl. of the thing on which; relying on, confiding in, trusting to
lo! behold! look!
foully, basely, shamefully (> foedus)
subigō subigere subēgī subāctum
to drive under, subject
concēdō concedere concessī concessus
to relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone
domitor –ōris m.
a tamer; ruler, sovereign (> domo)
ēdō ēdere ēdidī ēditus
to eject/emit; put/give forth (buds); beget; bear (fruit); display/evince/exhibit; utter solemnly; pronounce/decree (oracle); deliver (message); issue (command); publish; disclose, tell, relate, make known; declare, make formal statement; cause
comprimō comprimere compressī compressum
to compress, restrain, crush
exanimō exanimāre exanimāvī exanimātus
to deprive of life; p., exanimatus, a, um, without breath, breathless; disheartened; terrified (> ex and anima)
impingō –ere –pēgī –pāctus
to fasten upon; drive, dash against (> in and pango)
reperiō reperīre repperī repertus
to discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent
ēvolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll out or forth; unroll a scroll or volume; hence, (fig.), reveal, declare
īmus –a –um
the lowest, deepest, last, of the underworld
periūrus –a –um
violating one’s oath; perjured, forsworn (> per and ius)
permulceō –ēre –mulsī –mulsus (–mulctus)
to stroke; calm, soothe, cheer
ferus –ī m.
wild animal
caerulus (caeruleus) –a –um
dark blue; sea–colored, azure; dark; black; subst., the dark blue waters; the sea
tonāns tonantis
thundering; the thunderer (an epithet of Jupiter)
cētus –ī m. or cētos –ī n.
any large sea-animal, a sea monster; particularly a species of whale, a shark, dog-fish, seal, dolphin
chorus –ī m.
a dance in a circle; a dance; a company of singers or dancers, choir, train; band, troop; festival
laeva –ōrum n.
the left–hand places; waters or waves on the left hand
pertēmptō pertēmptāre pertēmptāvī pertēmptātus
to handle completely; test, prove; to search through; thrill, penetrate, pervade, fill
sinus sinūs m.
the hanging fold of a toga, a pocket, chest, breast; lap, bay, gulf
cornū cornūs f.
horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top; the tip of a ship’s sail-yard, yard-arm
ūmidus –a –um
moist, wet, damp, dewy; liquid (> umeo)
placidus –a –um
agreeable, pleasant; (of animals) tame; calm, peaceful
laxō laxāre laxāvī laxātus
to spread out; to relax
tenebrōsus –a –um
dark, dusky, murky (> tenebrae)
dispellō –ere –pulī –pulsus
to drive away; separate, scatter, disperse; to part
somnium somni(ī) n.
dream, vision; fantasy, day–dream
loquēla –ae f.
a talking; speech; a word (> loquor)
Īasidēs –ae m.
a son or descendant of Iasius; Palinurus; Iapis (> Iasius)
fūror –ārī fūrātus sum
to steal
ineō inīre iniī/inīvī initus
to enter
fallax –ācis
deceitful, treacherous, false
fraus fraudis f.
fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion
serēnum –ī n.
a clear sky (sc. caelum)
adfīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus
to fasten to, put to; perf. p. pass., clinging to
haereō haerēre haesī haesus
to stick to, hang on to
nowhere; on no occasion
sopōrō sopōrāre ––– sopōrātus
to cause to sleep or to render sleepy; to make soporific; to drug (> sopor)
gubernāculum –ī n.
a helm, steering rope, tiller (> guberno, steer)
liquidus –a –um
clear, liquid, melodious
advehō –ere –vexī –vectus
to carry or convey to; (pass.), advehi, sail to; foll. by acc.
formerly, once, at one time; some day, hereafter; on one occasion; at times, on occasion
assiduus –a –um
established, steady
saxum saxī n.
rock, boulder, stone
fluitō fluitāre fluitāvī fluitātus
to float (> fluo)
serēnus –a –um
serene, calm
nūdus –a –um
nude; bare, stripped
īgnōtus –a –um
unknown, strange; unacquainted with, ignorant of
prōra –ae f.
the extreme forward part of a ship; the prow
dēns dentis m.
praetexō –ere –texuī –textus
to weave in front; to fringe; (fig.), palliate, cloak; conceal
sēmen sēminis n.
seed; breeding, propagation
abstrūdō –ere –trūsī –trūsus
to push or thrust off; to conceal, hide
vēna vēnae f.
vein; supply of talent; channel
dēnsus –a –um
thick, dense
arx arcis f.
citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge
praesideō –ēre –sēdī
to sit before; preside over, rule over, w. dat. (> prae and sedeo)
sēcrētum –ī n.
anything apart; a solitary place, recess, cave; secret; pl., secreta -ōrum: solitude, chamber; secret abode; (plural) private papers (> secerno)
īnspīrō īnspīrāre īnspīrāvī īnspīrātus
to breathe into; inspire, impart; instill
futūrum –ī or futūra –ōrum n.
the future
praepes –etis
hastening before, swift, fleet; winged
penna pennae f.
wing, feather
īnsuētus –a –um (trisyll.)
unaccustomed; unused, unwonted (pl. n. as adv.), insueta, strangely; hideously
ēnō ēnāre ēnāvī ēnātus
to swim out or away; (fig.), to fly away
pendō pendere pependī pēnsus
to weigh out, suspend; pay, pay out; have a weight of (a particular amount)
septēnī –ae –a
7 each
every year, yearly
suppō –erenō –ere –posuī –positus
to put, put something in the place of another, substitute; place under; put to the throat, thrust under (> sub and pono)
īnsum inesse īnfuī
to be in
monumentum monumentī n.
reminder; memorial, monument, tomb; record, literary work, history, book
inextrīcābilis –e
that cannot be disengaged or disentangled, inextricable, incurable
ambāgēs –is f.
a roundabout path, circuitous route; meandering; a winding; details, particulars, story; mysteries (in good usage in the abl. sing. and all cases of pl.) (> ambigo, go about)
fīlum –ī n.
thread, string
Īcarus –ī m.
Icarus, the son of Daedalus
effingō –ere –fīnxī –fīctus
to mold out, shape forth; form, fashion; portray, represent; counterfeit, imitate (> ex and fingo)
perlegō –legere –lēgī –lectum
to read through
Trivia –ae f.
Trivia, an epithet of Hecate or Diana, whose images were placed at the forks of roads (> trivium)
spectāculum spectāculī n.
show, spectacle; (pl.) the seats for the audience
grex gregis m.
herd, flock; troupe of actors
just as many
bidens –ntis m.
mattock, hoe
sacrum sacrī n.
(religious) rite, sacrifice; something consecrated, a holy thing, sacred vessel, sacred utensil, holy place, sanctuary, temple
ōstium ōsti(ī) n.
doorway, entrance
cōmō comere cōmpsī cōmptus
to arrange; adorn, make beautiful; embellish
pectus pectoris n.
chest, breast; heart
anhēlus –a –um
panting, gasping, throbbing (> anhelo)
sonō sonāre sonuī sonitum
to sound, resound
cessō cessāre cessāvī cessātus
to cease, be idle; hold back, lay off, delay; rest; be free of; fail
tremor –ōris m.
a trembling; quaking; tremor, a shudder, horror (> tremo)
dīrigō (dērigō) –ere –rēxī –rēctus
to lay straight, bring into a definite line; to aim, direct (> de and rego); (of an army) form a battle line
obeō obīre obiī/obīvī obitum
to go to, meet, die; visit (so as to watch); survey
penitus or penitē
inwardly, internally, entirely
repositus –(repostus) –a –um
replaced; treasured up, cherished; buried; remote (> repono)
praescius –a –um
foreknowing, prescient; foreboding, ill–boding
indēbitus –a –um
not due; unassigned, unallotted, unpromised
solidus –a –um
dense, firm, solid; unbroken, uninterrupted
marmor –oris n.
marble; of the surface of the sea
lūdibrium –iī n.
a mocking; mockery, sport (> ludo)
antrum –ī n.
a cave, cavern, grotto
by so much, so much (> tantus)
fatīgō fatīgāre fatīgāvī fatīgātus
to tire, wear out
dēfungor dēfungī dēfūnctus sum
to finish, complete; to depart, die
egēnus –a –um
needy; in want, destitute; distressed, straitened, imperiled, desperate (> egeo)
hospitus –a –um
welcoming; friendly, hospitable; foreign, strange; friendly (> hospes)
thalamus –ī m.
marriage bed; bedchamber
audēns –entis
venturing, daring; bold, brave; (compar.), audentior, bolder, more boldly
remūgiō –īre
to bellow again or loudly; resound, reecho
vērum –ī n.
that which is true; truth, justice, right
involvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll on or in; cast upon; roll along, carry; cover up, obscure; conceal, involve
frēnum –ī n. (frēnī –ōrum m.)
bridle, reins
stimulus –ī m.
a prick; spur, (fig.); incentive, sting
inopīnus –a –um
praecipiō praecipere praecēpī praeceptus
to take or receive in advance; anticipate; warn; order; teach, instruct
iānua iānuae f.
door, doorway
cōnspectus conspectūs m.
view, range of sight; aspect, appearance, look; perception, contemplation, survey
minae –ārum f. pl.
threats, menaces; projecting points, pinnacles
invalidus –a –um
not strong; feeble, infirm; timid
senecta –ae f.
old age
fidēs –is; mostly in the pl. fidēs –ium f.
a lute string, string, or stringed instrument
canōrus –a –um
tuneful, harmonious; resounding (> cano)
alternus –a –um
one after the other; alternating; by turns, in succession; every second (> alter)
redimō –imere –ēmī –emptum
to buy back; purchase; buy out of slavery
dēscēnsus –ūs m.
a going down; descent (> descendo)
āter atra atrum
black, dark
revocō revocāre revocāvī revocātus
to call back, recall; revive; regain
ēvehō –ere –vexī –vectus
to carry forth; carry up, raise, elevate
medium –iī n.
circumveniō circumvenīre circumvēnī circumventus
to surround, cheat
innō innāre innāvī innātus
to swim upon or over; swim; (w. acc.), sail over; swim, pass by swimming.
īnsānus –a –um
indulgeō indulgēre indulsī indultus
to gratify, indulge in
vīmen –inis n.
a flexible twig; osier, sprout, shoot, sprig, stem
obscūrus –a –um
dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, dingy; gloomy; imperceptible; inaudible; little known, insignificant (person); secret
opertum –ī n.
a covered or secret place; partitive, operta telluris, hidden, unseen regions of the earth (> operio)
auricomus –a –um
golden–haired; (fig.), golden–leaved, or with golden sprays (> aurum and coma)
dēcerpō –ere –sī –tus
to pluck off; crop, pluck (> de and carpo)
īnstituō īnstituere īnstituī īnstitūtus
to set up, establish, found, make, institute; build; prepare; decide; educate, train
frondēscō –ere fronduī
to put forth leaves (> frondeo)
metallum –ī n.
a mine; metal
vestīgō vestīgāre vestīgāvī vestīgātus
to track; trace, explore, search; seek out, hunt; descry
otherwise, differently; in any other way [aliter ac => otherwise than]
incestō incestāre incestāvī incestātus
to defile, pollute (> incestus, unclean)
cōnsultum cōnsultī n.
decree, decision
lūcus lūcī m.
grove, wood
invius –a –um
without a way; trackless, inaccessible, impassable; difficult
dēfīgō dēfīgere dēfīxī dēfīxus
to fix, sink, stick
ēventus ēventūs m.
outcome, result, success; event, occurrence; chance, fate, accident; denouement
serō serere (seruī) sertus
to join together; interweave, plait; interchange words; multa serere, to interweave many things, talk, commune much
vātēs vātis m.
seer, prophet; poet, bard
humō humāre humāvī humātus
to lay earth on anything; inhume, inter, bury (> humus)
indīgnus –a –um
unworthy (of) (+ abl.); whom it does not befit (+ inf.)
lituus –ī m.
an augur’s staff or wand; a cornet, trumpet, clarion
īnferior īnferius
concha –ae f.
a shellfish; cockle shell, shell; a shell used as a trumpet; conch
dēmēns dēmentis
mad, raving
cantus –ūs m.
a singing or playing; melody; song; strain, sound; incantation, charm (> cano)
aemulus –a –um
striving to equal; competing, rivaling; envious; a rival for, aspiring
spūmōsus –a –um
full of foam; foaming (> spuma)
immergō –ere –mersī –mersus
to plunge into, immerse in, w. acc. and abl.
picea –ae f.
the pitch–pine; the pine (> pix)
icō (iciō) –ere –īcī –ictus
to smite, hit, strike; of treaties or leagues, make, ratify
secūris secūris f.
fraxineus –a –um
pertaining to the ash tree; of ash wood, ashen, ash (> fraxinus)
fissilis –e
easily split; fissile (> findo)
advolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll to; roll
aspectō (adspectō) –āre –āvī –ātus
to look at or upon, behold; survey earnestly; with admiration; with regret (> ad and specto)
hērōs –ōis m.
a demigod; a hero; an illustrious man, champion, hero
opācō opācāre opācāvī opācātus
to shade (> opacus)
dēficiō dēficere dēfēcī dēfectus
to fail, disappoint, let down; leave without a sufficiency; cease to be available
dīvus (dīus) –a –um
divine; godlike; subst., divus, i, m., a god, freq.; the image of a god; diva, ae, f., a goddess
pascor –ī
to feed, nourish
prōdeō prōdīre prōdiī prōditum
to go, come forth, advance; appear; spring up
olens –entis
to having a smell; aromatic; stinking
sīdō –ere sīdī
to seat one’s self; perch, alight; sink, descend
discolor –ōris
of different color
brūmālis –e
of the winter; wintry (> bruma)
vīscum –ī n. or vīscus –ī m.
the mistletoe
frōns frondis f.
a leaf; leafage, foliage; leafy spray, branch, twig, bough; a leafy crown, a garland, wreath
sēminō sēmināre sēmināvī sēminātus
to plant, sow; produce (> semen)
fētus fētūs m.
a bearing or breeding; the young; the new swarm; litter; of vegetable products, growth, sprig, shoot; fruit; product.
teres –etis
rubbed or rounded off smooth; tapering; polished; well twisted, strong (> tero); close-twisted; delicate
truncus –ī m.
the stem, stock, or trunk of a tree; stem, trunk; trunk of the human body
speciēs specieī f.
appearance, aspect; image; specter
bractea –ae f.
a thin plate of metal; gold–foil, –leaf
refringō –ere –frēgī –frāctus
to break back; break off (> re and frango)
ingrātus –a –um
unpleasant, displeasing; ungrateful, displeased
suprēmum –ī n.
the end; pl., suprema, orum, the last honors, rites (> superus)
fērālis –e
pertaining to the dead; funereal, funeral; mournful
decorō decorāre decorāvī decorātus
to adorn, decorate; honor (> decus)
calidus (caldus) –a –um
warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot, quick, ready, prompt; having a warm climate/place
latex –icis m.
a liquid; liquor; wine; water
aēnum –ī n.
undō undāre undāvī undātus
to rise in waves, surge
expediō expedīre expediī/expedīvī expedītus
to set free, provide, be expedient; (impersonal) be profitable, be useful; solve, clear up (difficulties etc.)
unguō –ere (ungō –ere) –ūnxī –ūnctus
to anoint, cover with oil; envenom; p., unctus, a, um, oiled over, oiled; of the bottoms of ships, covered with pitch, pitchy
membrum membrī n.
limb, member, part
dēfleō –ēre –flēvī –flētus
to weep much; weep over, bewail, bemoan, lament
purpureus –a –um
vēlāmen –inis n.
covering, garment
feretrum –ī n.
a bier (> fero)
ministerium –ī n.
service, ministry
subiciō subicere subiēcī subiectus
to throw under, place under; put up for auction; make subject; expose
fax facis f.
torch, fire; torment
cremō cremāre cremāvī cremātus
to burn
tūreus –a –um
of frankincense (> tus)
olīvum olīvī n.
conlābor –lāpsus sum
to slip or fall together or completely; give way, fail; sink down; swoon, faint; fall
bibulus –a –um
drinking readily; absorbing quickly; dry (> bibo)
circumferō –ferre –tulī –lātus
to bear round; pass around, sprinkle, purify by sprinkling; cast about
rōs rōris m.
dew; moisture
rāmus rāmī m.
olīva olīvae f.
aeternus –a –um
everlasting, eternal
properus –a –um
quick, hasty
spēlunca spēluncae f.
scrūpeus –a –um
consisting of jagged stones; flinty (> scrupus, a sharp stone)
lacus lacūs m.
lake; cistern, reservoir
volāns –antis f.
a winged creature; a bird (> volo –are)
hālitus –ūs m.
a breathing; breath; exhalation, vapor (> halo)
invergō –ere
to cause to incline; turn into, pour upon
vīnum vīnī n. or vīnus vīnī m.
carpō carpere carpsī carptum
to pluck, seize; criticize, carp at
saeta –ae f.
a bristle; a stiff hair; fur.
lībāmen –inis n.
a libation; sacrifice, offering (> libo)
culter –trī m.
a plowshare; a knife (> colo)
tepidus –a –um
warm, tepid
vellus –eris n.
a fleece; woolen band or fillet; skin
incohō incohāre incohāvī incohātus
to lay the foundation; begin, essay; to consecrate
pinguis pingue
fat, rich, fertile; also, plump, in good condition; dull, gross, heavy, stupid, doltish
oleum –ī n.
olive oil, oil
superfundō –fundere –fūsī –fūsum
to pour over or upon; spread; scatter; extend
adventō adventāre adventāvī adventātus
to come rapidly nearer; to approach, draw near (> advenio)
profānus –a –um
in front or outside of the sacred enclosure; not sacred; profanos facere, to desecrate; subst., profani, orum, m., the unconsecrated; uninitiated, profane (> pro and fanum, shrine)
vāgīna –ae f.
a scabbard, sheath
opus n. (indeclinable)
need, necessity, w. abl. of the thing needed
fīrmus –a –um
firm/steady; substantial/solid/secure/safe; strong/robust/sturdy/stout/durable; loyal/staunch/true/constant; stable/mature; valid/convincing/well founded
timidus –a– um
hesitant, cowardly, timid, afraid
vacuus –a –um
empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of; available; free from romantic entanglements, fancy-free
malignus –a –um
malignant, wicked, malicious
color colōris m.
color; shade, quality (of style or diction)
malesuādus –a –um
crime–impelling; desperate (> male and suadeo)
egestās –ātis f.
poverty, destitution, penury, need, want, personified (> egeo)
terribilis terribile
mortifer –era –erum
bringing death; deadly (> mors and fero)
discordia discordiae f.
disagreement, dissention
vīpereus –a –um
pertaining to vipers or snakes; viperous, snaky (> vipera, viper)
vitta vittae f.
innectō –ere –nexuī –nexus
to bind, tie; entwine; link together; (fig.), devise
annōsus –a –um
full of years; aged, old; hoary (> annus)
pandō pandere pandī passus
to split, spread out; explain
ulmus –ī f.
an elm tree, elm
vānus –a –um
empty; false, deceitful; containing nothing, empty; devoid of truth, deceitful, false, ignorant; (adv.), vain, vainly
stabulō stabulāre stabulāvī stabulātus
to be in a stall or standing–place; to stay, harbor, dwell (> stabulum)
bifōrmis –is
of twofold shape or form, two–formed (> bis and forma)
centumgeminus –a –um
hundredfold; of the hundred– (or many–) handed Briareus
bēlua –ae f.
a beast, large, monstrous, or hideous
frightfully, fearfully (> horreo)
tricorpor –oris
three–bodied (> tres and corpus)
trepidus –a –um
fearful, agitated
doctus –a –um
taught, learned, skilled
admoneō admonēre admonuī admonitus
to admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution
inruō –ere –ruī
to rush in, break in; rush on; rush
dīverberō dīverberāre ––– dīverberātus
to strike asunder, cleave, cut
caenum –ī n.
dirt, mud, mire, slime
vorāgō –inis f.
a chasm, abyss, gulf, whirlpool; torrent (> voro)
gurges –itis m.
a whirlpool, gulf; flood; wave, billow; rolling, raging sea, abyss; sea, ocean
aestuō aestuāre aestuāvī aestuātus
to glow, to be dried up or parched; boil up; heave, foam; fume; rage, seethe (> aestus)
portitor –ōris m.
a carrier; ferryman, boatman (> porto)
squālor –ōris m.
foulness, roughness, filth, squalor (> squaleo)
cānitiēs –eī f.
hoariness, grayness; gray hair; gray hairs, old age (> canus)
sordidus –a –um
dirty, sordid; mean, shabby; of no account; disreputable; dressed in rags as a sign of mourning, mourning
umerus umerī m.
the upper arm, shoulder; ridge, middle (of a thing)
ferrūgineus –a –um
of the color of iron rust; dusky, dark (> ferrugo)
subvectō subvectāre subvectāvī subvectātus
to carry up often, carry up, bring up; transport, convey; carry across
cumba or cymba –ae f.
small boat, rowboat
senectūs senectūtis f.
old age; extreme age; senility; old men; gray hairs; shed snake skin
innūptus –a –um
not veiled; unmarried, virgin–
autumnus autumnī m.
folium foli(ī) n.
frīgidus –a –um
cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless, indifferent, dull
fugō fugāre fugāvī fugātus
to put to flight, rout
immittō immittere immīsī immīssus
to send in(to), let in(to)
summoveō –ēre –mōvī –mōtus
to move from beneath; remove, drive away; separate (> sub and moveo)
līvidus –a –um
bluish; envious; discolored with bruises, black and blue
generō generāre generāvī generātus
to sire, create
raucus –a –um
harsh–sounding, noisy
trānsportō trānsportāre trānsportāvī trānsportātus
to carry across or over, governing the acc. of the space crossed
admittō admittere admīsī admīssus
to urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go
stagnum stagnī n.
standing water, lake, pool, pond, swamp, fen
exoptō –āre –āvī –ātus
to choose out; wish exceedingly, long for, desire much
sors sortis f.
lot, fate; oracular response
ventōsus –a –um
windy, stormy; fleeting, unreal, inflated, windy, noisy; empty, vain boasting; fleet as the wind (> ventus)
maestus –a –um
sad, sorrowful; depressing
age agite
onward! away! come on!
dēlūdō –ere –lūsī –lūsus
to deceive, mock, delude
incolumis incolumis incolume
unharmed, uninjured; alive, safe; unimpaired
mergō –ere mersī mersus
to dip, immerse, plunge, w. abl. alone, or w. prep.; cover; (fig.), involve, overwhelm
excutiō excutere excussī excussum
to shake off
Notus –ī m.
identical in meaning with auster, the south–wind, wind, storm
violentus –a –um
violent, savage
madidus –a –um
moist, wet; drunk
iūcundus –a –um
pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
creātrīx –īcis f.
she who brings forth; a mother (> creo)
saltem or saltim
at least, at any rate
cupīdō cupidinis f.
desire, eagerness, craving
amnis amnis m.
river (real/personified), stream; current; (running) water; the river Ocean
sevērus –a –um
stern, strict, severe; grave, austere; weighty, serious; unadorned, plain
iniūssus –a –um
not commanded; uncalled, unbidden
sōlācium sōlāci(ī) n.
comfort, consolation
prōdigium –iī n.
a prognostic sign, prodigy, wonder, portent; monster
a little while; for a short time (> parum and –per)
fluvius (fluvidus) fluvi(ī) m.
propinquō propinquāre propinquāvī propinquātus
to bring near; render favorable; to draw near, approach, w. dat. (> propinquus)
increpō increpāre increpavī/increpuī increpatus/increpitus
to rattle; complain loudly about, inveigh against; strike noisily
from (over) there, thence; from where you are; on the other side; from here
sopōrus –a –um
sleep–bringing, drowsy (> sopor)
vectō vectāre vectāvī vectātus
to convey (> veho)
carīna –ae f.
keel; ship
with the aid of Theseus
invictus –a –um
unconquered; invincible
solium –iī n.
a seat; throne
dēdūcō dēdūcere dēdūxī dēductus
to lead/draw//pull/bring/stretch down/away/out/off; escort; eject/evict (claimant) divert/draw (water); draw (sword); spin; deduct/reduce/lessen; describe; deduce launch/bring downstream (ship); remove (force); entice; found/settle (colony)
adorior adorīrī adortus sum
to assail, assault, attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost, address, improperly influence; undertake, try, attempt, come to grips; begin, set to work
absistō –ere –abstitī
to stand off or away from, followed by the abl., alone or with prep.; withdraw from; fly, dart from; (with infin.), desist, cease; (alone), stop, cease
iānitor –ōris m.
lātrō lātrāre lātrāvī lātrātus
to bark, snarl, bay; of waves
patruus patruī m.
imāgō imāginis f.
likeness, image, appearance; statue; idea; echo; ghost, phantom
venerābilis –e
deserving of respect; venerable, venerated, revered; sacred (> veneror)
forus –ī m.
a gangway between the rowing benches of a ship; the inferior, the hold or hatches of a ship or boat; pl., hatches (rel. to forum)
alveus –ī m.
a cavity, hollow; the hollow trunk of a tree; (meton.), a boat (> alvus)
sūtilis –e
stitched together, sewed; made of stitched hides or skins (> suo)
rīmōsus –a –um
full of cracks or crevices; leaky (> rima)
īnfōrmis –e
shapeless; deprived of beauty, deformed, blank, waste; misshapen, hideous; uncouth, foul; unseemly, dishonored
līmus –ī m.
mud, slime, mire, filth
glaucus –a –um
dark; sea–green
expōnō expōnere exposuī expositus
to set/put forth/out; abandon, expose; publish; explain, relate; disembark
ulva –ae f.
water–grass, sedge
lātrātus –ūs m.
a barking; baying (> latro)
trifaux trifaucis
found only once, three–throated., three–voiced, triple (> tres and faux)
recubō recubāre recubāvī recubātus
to be lying back or down; recline; be extended; lie
coluber colubrī m. or colubra –ae f.
a snake, serpent
medicō (medicor) medicāre medicāvī medicātus
to treat, medicate (with); dye (with)
offa –ae f.
a mouthful, a bit, lump, morsel
obiiciō obiicere obiēcī obiectus
to throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one’s teeth; present
rabidus –a –um
raving, savage, mad, raging; frenzied; frantic, raving
guttur –uris n.
windpipe, throat
aditus aditūs m.
approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning
inremeābilis –e
that can not be gone over again; not to be repassed, or retraced; inextricable
vāgītus –ūs m.
a wailing (> vagio)
īnfāns –antis
not capable of speech; an infant
exsors exsortis
without share, lot, or part; deprived of; not provided or given by lot; unallotted, undesignated; different from others; distinguished, 8.552.
ūber ūberis n.
udder, breast
acerbus –a –um
bitter; harsh
near, close, near by; at the same time; near to; according to
damnō damnāre damnāvī damnātus
to pass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom; discredit; seek/secure condemnation of; find fault; bind/oblige under a will
quaesītor –ōris m.
an investigator; examiner; judge; judicial investigation (> quaero)
urna urnae f.
īnsōns –sontis
innocent, guiltless, unoffending
perōdī –ōdisse –ōsus sum (defective)
to hate, abhor, loathe (> per and odi)
prōiciō –icere iēcī –iectum
to cast forth, throw out, fling to the ground
pauperiēs –eī f.
narrow or straitened circumstances; poverty (> pauper)
obstō obstāre obstitī obstātum
to stand in the way; hinder, block
palūs –ūdis f.
a marsh, swamp, moor, fen; water; pond, lake
inamābilis –e
unlovely; odious, abhorred, accursed
noviēns or noviēs
9 times
coerceō coercēre coercuī coercitus
to enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish; keep in order, control
tābēs –is f.
a melting, wasting away; repining, woe, grief (> tabeo)
peredō –ere –ēdī –ēsus
to eat through or completely; eat up; consume
callis –is m.
a narrow, uneven footpath; path
myrteus –a –um
of myrtle, myrtle (> myrtus)
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape
adfor (affor) adfārī adfātus sum
to speak to; address; beseech, supplicate; bid adieu, farewell to
iūrō iūrāre iūrāvī iūrātus
to swear; call to witness; vow obedience to; [jus jurandum => oath]; conspire
sentus –a –um
thorny; rugged; squalid (> sentis)
situs sitūs m.
situation, position, site; structure; neglect, disuse, stagnation; mold
queō quīre quīvī/quiī quitus
to be able
discessus discessūs m.
departure; separation, opening; a (military) marching off
torvus –a –um
stern, grim, wild; savage, lowering; fierce; shaggy; adv., torvum and torva, sternly, wildly
āversus –a –um
turned away, from behind
umbrifer –era –erum
shady (> umbra and fero)
prīstinus –a –um
former, previous
frequentō frequentāre frequentāvī frequentātus
to crowd together, frequent
much, a lot
cadūcus –a –um
liable to fall; destined, doomed to fall, or die; slain (> cado)
ingemō –ere –uī –itus
to sigh or groan; (w. acc.), groan for; lament, bewail
procer –eris m.
a nobleman, aristocrat; member of the social elite; elder
phalanx phalangis f.
a body of troops in compact array; a battalion, army, host; of a fleet
exiguus –a –um
small, little
frūstror –ātus sum
to render vain; frustrate, baffle, disappoint (> frustra)
hiō hiāre hiāvī hiātus
to yawn, gape; to distend or open the mouth; p., hians, antis, with open mouth
laniō laniāre laniāvī laniātus
to lacerate, mangle, mutilate
cruelly, barbarously (> crudelis)
populō populāre populāvī populātus
to plunder, devastate
inhonestus –a –um
dishonorable; ignominious, shameful
nāris –is f.
a nostril; (pl.) nares –ium: the nostrils, the nose
pelagius –a –um
of the sea
acervus –ī m.
heap, pile
nequeō nequīre nequiī/nequīvī nequitum
to be unable
armātus –a –um
euhāns –antis
crying Euhan! shrieking madly, celebrating (> Evan or Euan, i.e. Bacchus)
orgia –ōrum n.
the rites of Bacchus
circumdūcō –dūcere –dūxī –ductum
to lead around, draw around
āmoveō –ēre –mōvī –mōtus
to move away, take away, remove
hortātor –ōris m.
one giving encouragement or inciting; an instigator (> hortor)
vicissim or vice
in turn; in one’s turn, on one’s part (> vicis)
turbidus –a –um
confused; mingled, foul; dismal, dark; whirling; of the mind, sad, troubled; startled, in alarm; furious (> turbo)
aurōra aurōrae f.
the dawn, morning; personified, Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, who precedes the horses of the sun–god; the east; the sun
quadrīgae –ārum f.
a yoke or team of four horses; a four–horse chariot, chariot (> quadriiugae fr. quattuor and iugum)
axis axis m.
axis, north pole, axle, axle-tree
findō findere fidī fissum
to split apart
expleō explēre explēvī explētus
to fill up, fulfil
decus decoris n.
beauty, grace; ornament, glory, honor
triplex –icis
threefold, triple
adamās –antis m.
that which cannot be overcome; the hardest iron, steel, adamant
columna –ae f.
a column, pillar; Protei columnae, the pillars of Proteus; the northern extremities of Egypt
ferreus –a –um
made of iron
turris turris f.
tower; high building, palace, citadel; dove tower, dove cot
succingō –ere –cīnxī –cīnctus
to gird beneath; gird up; wrap; gird (> sub and cingo)
exsomnis –e
sleepless (> ex and somnus)
catēna –ae f.
chain, fetter
castus –a –um
pure, spotless, chaste
fateor fatērī fassus sum
to confess, admit
quis quid (after sī nisī ne or num)
anyone, anything, someone, something
superī –ōrum m.
those above, i.e. the gods
fūrtum fūrtī n.
theft; trick, deception; stolen article
laetor laetārī laetātus sum
to be glad/joyful/delighted; rejoice; be fond (of), delight in; flourish (on/in)
differō differre distulī dīlātus
to carry in different directions, scatter; postpone, defer; (intr.) differ, be different
sōns sontis
hurtful; guilty; criminal
accingō –ere –cīnxī –cīnctus
to gird on; gird; arm, equip; make one’s self ready; prepare; resort to (> ad and cingo)
īnsultō īnsultāre īnsultāvī īnsultātus
to (w. dat.), to leap upon, bound upon, gallop over, trample on; (w. acc.), bound, dance, rush through; absol., prance,; insult, be insolent, mock; exult (> insilio, leap upon)
intentō intentāre intentāvī intentātus
to stretch, hold out; threaten (> intendo)
anguis anguis m. or f.
horrisonus –a –um
having or making a fearful sound; harsh–sounding, thundering (> horreo and sonus)
strīdeō strīdēre or strīdō strīdere strīdī
to produce a grating or shrill sound; to creak; gurgle; rustle; whiz, roar; hiss; twang
custōdia custōdiae f.
custody, protection; prisoner
hiātus –ūs m.
a gaping; throat; opening; cleft, chasm, vortex, abyss (> hio)
hydra –ae f. and hydrus –ī m.
a water–serpent; snake; any serpent like the Lernaean Hydra, a monster with many heads, slain by Hercules
suspectus –ūs m.
a looking up; upward views; distance upward, height; elevation (> suspicio)
rescindō –ere –scidī –scissus
to tear off or away; cancel, rescind; rase, tear down; lay open
imitor imitārī imitātus sum
to imitate
lampas –adis f.
a light, torch; firebrand
quassō quassāre quassāvī quassātus
to shake violently, toss, brandish, wave
imitābilis –e
that can be imitated; imitable (> imitor)
cornipēs –edis
horn–hoofed (> cornu and pes)
pulsus –ūs m.
a striking or beating; tramp, reverberation (> pello)
contorqueō –ēre –torsī –tortus
to turn round entirely, twist; turn; hurl, cast, lance
fūmeus –a –um
smoky; smoking (> fumus)
taeda taedae f.
omniparēns –entis
all–producing, parent, mother of all (> omnis and pario)
alumnus –ī m.
a foster–son (> alo)
iūgerum –ī n.
a Roman acre, about five-eighths of an English acre; a iuger, an acre; pl., iugera, um, acres; fields, lands, ground. (rel. to iungo and iugum)
porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum
to stretch forth, hold forth, lift; (pass.), to be stretched out, extend (> pro and rego)
rōstrum rōstrī n.
beak, prow, speaker’s platform
vultur (volt–) vulturis m.
obuncus –a –um
bent in, hooked
immortālis immortālis immortāle
immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable
iecur –oris or iecinoris n.
the liver
tondeō –ēre –totondī –tōnsus
to shear; finish; clip, trim; browse, feed upon, graze upon
fēcundus –a –um
bringing forth; fruitful, productive; teeming
rīmor –ārī –ātus sum
to force open in cracks (fig.), to ransack, explore, search (> rima)
fibra –ae f.
a fiber; root; entrail.
requiēs –ētis or –eī f.
repose, rest; respite; support, comfort; cessation
renāscor renāscī renātus sum
to be born again; to be reproduced; grow again
memorō memorāre memorāvī memorātus
to remember; be mindful of (+ gen./acc.); mention/recount/relate, remind/speak of
immineō imminēre
to threaten, be a threat (to); overhang, be imminent (+ dat.)
adsimilis –e
like, similar to
lūceō lūcēre lūxī
to shine
geniālis –e
pertaining to, or sacred to the birth–spirit, or guardian genius; genial, joyous, happy, festive (> genius)
fulcrum –ī n.
a support, prop, post, foot (> fulcio)
rēgificus –a –um
made meet for a king; magnificent, royal (> rex and facio)
accubō accubāre accubuī accubitus
to lie near or by, to recline; bend over, project (> ad and cumbo)
exsurgō (exurgō) –ere –surrēxī
to rise up; rise; stand
cliēns clientis m.
client (of a patron), dependent
adulterium adulterī(ī) n.
adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination
distringō –ere –strīnxī –strīctus
to draw apart; draw, blind, stretch
continually, eternally
vendō vendere vendidī venditus
to sell
invādō invādere invāsī invāsum
to go in, attack, invade
percurrō –ere –cucurrī (–currī) –cursus
to run through or over; (fig.), run over in narration, relate briefly
longaevus –a –um
of advanced age; aged (> longus and aevum)
fornix –icis m.
an arch, vault; brothel
foris foris f.
virectum –ī n.
a green or grassy spot; a lawn or meadow (> vireo)
beātus –a –um
happy; blessed, prosperous, fortunate
vestiō vestīre vestiī/vestīvī vestītum
to clothe
chorēa –ae f.
a circling dance; a dance
obloquor obloquī oblocūtus
to interrupt; speak against, contradict; rail at, abuse
septem; septimus –a –um
7; 7th
discrīmen discriminis n.
division, crisis; distinction, difference
pecten –inis m.
comb; shell-fish, scallop
pulsō pulsāre pulsāvī pulsātus
to hit, beat
eburneus (eburnus) –a –um
of ivory; ivory; ivory–hilted (> ebur)
inānis inānis ināne
void, empty, hollow; vain; inane; foolish
pāscō pāscere pāvī pāstum
to nourish, feed; pasture
on the left
odōrātus –a –um
sweet–smelling, fragrant
from above, out above, above (> supernus)
excolō –ere –uī –cultus
to till completely; cultivate; refine, perfect, polish
ex(s)tō ex(s)tāre ex(s)tāvī ex(s)tātus
to stand forth or out; rise above
suspiciō suspicere suspexī suspectus
to take, catch, take up, receive; defend; undertake
trānō trānāre trānāvī trānātus
to swim or sail across; fly across or through (> trans and no)
incolō incolere incoluī
to live, dwell/reside (in); inhabit; sojourn
iugum iugī n.
yoke; team, pair (of horses); ridge (mountain), summit, chain
from above; above
ostentō ostentāre ostentāvī ostentātus
to exhibit, display
cacūmen –inis n.
a point, peak; summit
convallis –is f.
a valley completely enclosed by hills; a valley, vale
vireō virēre viruī
to be green or verdant; be lively or vigorous; be full of youthful vigor
recolō –ere –coluī –cultus
to till again; (fig.), think over, reflect, consider
recēnseō –ēre –uī –us (–itus)
to estimate from the beginning; reckon, review, survey
nepōs nepōtis m.
grandchild, nephew, descendant; spendthrift, playboy
dīnumerō dīnumerāre dīnumerāvī dīnumerātus
to distinguish by number, enumerate, reckon, count
adigō adigere adēgī adāctus
to drive to, compel
subtrahō –ere –trāxī –trāctus
to draw from beneath; withdraw; sweep away
flētus fletūs m.
weeping, wiling, lamenting
rigō rigāre rigāvī rigātus
to moisten, wet, bedew; bespatter, stain
circumdō circumdare circumdedī circumdatus
to place round; surround
brachium brachī(ī) n.
comprehendō (comprendō) comprehendere comprehendī comprehensus
to catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive (baby); embrace; include/cover/deal with (in speech/law); express (by term/symbol)
reductus –a –um
drawn back; withdrawn, retired; remote, sequestered
sēclūsus –a –um
sequestered, retired (> secludo)
praenatō praenatāre praenatāvī praenatātus
to swim in front of or by; (fig.), flow by, along by
innumerus –a –um
prātum prātī n.
meadow; field, plain
īnsīdō –ere –sēdī –sessus
to sink, take a seat, or settle upon; (w. dat.), alight upon; to be stationed or secreted in; (w. acc.), settle upon
candidus –a –um
shining white, clear, bright; fair; kind
līlium –iī n.
a lily
strepō –ere –uī –itus
to make a noise; murmur; of music, resound; of arms, ring, rattle, clash
īnscius –a –um
not knowing; unaware, unwitting, ignorant; amazed, bewildered; w. gen., ignorant of
forward, of space, time, or of mental operations, far off; afterwards, in process of time, then; further
compleō complēre complēvī complētus
to fill (up/in); be big enough to fill; occupy space, crowd; furnish, supply, man; finish, complete, perfect; make pregnant; fulfill, make up, complete, satisfy
oblīvium –iī n.
oblivion, forgetfulness (> obliviscor)
pōtō pōtāre pōtāvī pōtus
to drink; (perf. part. in active sense) having drunk, (often) having drunk too much, having gotten drunk
ēnumerō ēnumerāre ēnumerāvī ēnumerātus
to count out or completely; enumerate
līquor līquī
to be in a liquid state; run, ooze, trickle, flow; p., liquens, entis, liquid, fluid
globus –ī m.
any body of a spherical form; a globe, ball; sphere; phalanx, battalion, mass of assailants; a mass of smoke or dust; a cloud
īnfundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour into or upon; pour down; assemble, crowd together; infuse, diffuse; (pass.), lie, repose
agitō agitāre agitāvī agitātus
to stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue
mōlēs mōlis f.
large mass; rock/boulder; heap/lump/pile, bulk; monster; mole/jetty/dam/dike; large structure/building; military structure, wall, ramp; causeway/embankment; crowd, throng; heavy responsibility/burden; difficulty/danger; might/force
pecus pecudis f.
one animal of a flock or herd; an animal; a sheep; victim for sacrifices
marmoreus –a –um
of marble, marble; like marble; smooth, marble–; fair (> marmor)
mōnstrum mōnstrī n.
omen, monster
pontus pontī m.
the open sea, the deep
igneus –a –um
of fire or fiery substance; fiery; of lightning swiftness (> ignis)
vigor vigōris m.
liveliness, activity, vigor
noxius –a –um
guilty (masc. as sb.) convicted criminal; hurtful, baneful; destructive (> noxa)
terrēnus –a –um
made of earth; earthen, of earth; earthly, earth–born (> terra)
moribundus –a –um
in a dying condition; ready to die, dying; lifeless; mortal (> morior)
dispiciō –ere –spexī –spectus
to see distinctly, descry, perceive, discern (> dis– and specio, look)
claudō (clūdō or clodō) claudere clausī clausus
to close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine
malum malī n.
evil, misfortune, calamity
completely, utterly, entirely
corporeus –a –um
bodily, corporeal (> corpus)
inolēscō –ere –olēvī –olitus
to grow into, upon, or in, w. dat.; fasten upon, be incorporated, be fixed by growth, without a case foll.
supplicium supplici(ī) n.
punishment, suffering; supplication; torture
ēluō –ere –uī –ūtus
to wash out or away
exūrō –ere –ussī –ūstus
to burn out, consume with fire; burn up; dry up, parch; burn out, purge
exinde (abbrev. exin)
from that place; thence, of place; of time, thereafter; thereupon, then
eximō eximere exēmī exēmptus
to take away, remove
lābēs –is f.
a falling, sinking down; decline, beginning of evil or ruin, downward step; corruption, stain, blemish (> labor)
pūrus –a –um
pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement/taboo/stain; blameless, innocent; chaste, unpolluted by sex; plain/unadulterated; genuine; absolute; refined; clear, free of mist/cloud; ringing (voice); open (land); simple
sēnsus sēnsūs m.
perception, feeling; sense
simplex –icis
artless, naïve, lacking guile
mīlle; mīllēsimus –a –um
1000, 1000th
ēvocō ēvocāre ––– ēvocātus
to call out, summon
conventus conventūs m.
agreement, covenant; coming together; conjunction (astrology); Roman district; gathering, meeting; assembly, people in assembly; provincial court, “assize”; convent, monastery
illūstris illūstre
bright, shining, brilliant; clear, lucid; illustrious, distinguished, famous
commisceō –uī –mixtus or –mistus
to mix together, freq.; blend, mingle
posterus –a –um
coming after, following, next; in pl. descendants, posterity, the future
prōlēs prōlis f.
progeny, offspring, descendants
sērus –a –um
late, too late
glōria glōriae f.
renown, glory
alike, likewise, at the same time
umbrō umbrāre umbrāvī umbrātus
to overshadow
cīvīlis cīvīle
of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming
quercus –ūs f.
an oak tree; (meton.), an oak leaf crown
prōferō prōferre prōtulī prōlātus
to bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention
caelifer –era –erum
heaven–bearing, sky–bearing (> caelum and fero)
adventus adventūs m.
arrival, approach; visit, appearance, advent; ripening; invasion, incursion
septemgeminus –a –um
sevenfold, said of the Nile on account of its seven mouths
aeripēs –edis
brazen– or bronze–footed, or hoofed (> aes and pes)
cerva –ae f.
a hind; stag (> cervus)
even though
pācō pācāre pācāvī pācātus
to render peaceful; to quiet (> pax)
pampineus –a –um
covered with vine tendrils; entwined with vines, vine–wreathed (> pampinus)
tigris tigris m.
tiger; the name of one of Aeneas’ ships
extendō –ere –tendī –tentus (–tēnsus)
to stretch forth; stretch, extend; continue; magnify, advance
incānus –a –um
covered over with gray; hoary
fundō fundāre fundāvī fundātus
to establish, found, begin; lay the bottom, lay a foundation; confirm
reses –idis
that remains seated; (fig.), inactive, slothful, quiet; sluggish, torpid, dormant (> resideo)
triumphus triumphī m.
iactāns –antis
arrogant, assuming, ambitious (> iacio)
nimium (nimiō)
excessively, inordinately
populāris populāris
public, popular; of one’s own people, native
fascis –is m.
a bundle; burden, pl., fasces, ium, the fasces or bundle of rods, a symbol of authority, borne by the lictors before the higher magistrates of Rome, (meton.), civil honors
utcumque or utcunque or utquomque orut cumque)
in whatever way, however; according as, whenever; at any event, at any rate
attingō attingere attigī attāctus
to touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to
strāgēs –is f.
slaughter, havoc, carnage; edere stragem, to make havoc (cf. sterno)
socer socerī m.
gener generī m.
Eōus –a –um
belonging to the dawn, eastern
assuēscō assuescere assuēvī assuētum
to grow accustomed to
triumphō triumphāre triumphāvī triumphātus
to triumph, have a triumph
armipotēns –entis
powerful in arms; valiant, brave, warlike (> arma and potens)
ulcīscor ulcīscī ultus sum
to avenge
temerō temerāre temerāvī temerātus
to violate, desecrate, defile
parvum –ī n. –
a small estate; small property, little; pl., small affairs
serō serere sēvī satum
to plant, sow
comp., mollius, softly, gently, sweetly; delicately, skillfully (> mollis)
meātus –ūs m.
a going; passage, course, movement, motion (> meo)
dēscrībō dēscrībere dēscrīpsī dēscrīptus
to mark off; divide, distinguish, describe; transcribe, copy out
opīmus –a –um
rich, fertile; sumptuous; spolia opima, the arms taken by a general from a general slain in battle (> ops)
turbō turbāre turbāvī turbātus
to disturb, confuse
rebellis –e
warring or making war again; rebellious, insurgent (> re and bellum)
fulgēns –entis
gleaming, flashing; glowing, bright (> fulgeo)
anne (an + ne)
(introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that…?)
around, all around; round about; near, in vicinity/company; on either side (adv. and prep. +acc.)
circumvolō circumvolāre circumvolāvī circumvolātus
to fly around or surround in flying; hover round, swoop round; enshroud, cover
tuī –ōrum m.
your friends, kinsmen, countrymen, descendants, etc. (> tuus)
beyond, further (adv. and prep. +acc.)
propāgō –inis f.
that which is fastened forward or along; the layer of a vine; offspring, progeny, race, lineage (> pro and pango)
praeterlābor –lāpsus sum
to glide, flow along by; sail past or by
calcar –āris n.
a spur (> calx)
armus –ī m.
the shoulder, strictly at the shoulder blade; of beasts, shoulder; flank, side; of men, the shoulder
miserandus –a –um
to be pitied; p., unhappy; wretched; deplorable, direful (> miseror)
spargō spargere sparsī sparsum
to scatter, strew; cast in fragments; disperse; shower, hurl; sprinkle; besprinkle, bedew, stain; infuse; (fig.), spread abroad, disseminate; bring over or upon, diffuse
accumulō accumulāre accumulāvī accumulātus
to place heap on heap; heap up, load; honor (> ad and cumulo)
fungor fungī fūnctus sum
to perform, occupy oneself (+ acc. or abl.)
lūstrō lūstrāre lūstrāvī lūstrātus
to purify by atonement; go round the fields with the victims; hence to bless, ask for a blessing on; go or dance around an altar or the image of a god; traverse, pass across, around, or over; pass in review, parade before; make bright
singulī –ae –a
apiece (pl.); every; one each/at a time; individual/separate/single; several
corneus –a –um
made of horn
candeō candēre –uī
to be brilliant, be glittering, shine, glitter, glisten; to be of pure whiteness; p., candens, entis, white; at white heat; glowing
latrō latrōnis m.
robber, highwayman
impavidus –a –um
not afraid; fearless, intrepid
glīscō –ere
to grow, swell; rise, increase, rage
violentia –ae f.
violence; fierceness, impetuosity, fire, passion, fury, rage (> violentus)
pangō pangere pepigī pactum
to fasten, fix; settle for, agree upon, contract for; compose (poetry etc.)
dēsertor –ōris m.
one who has deserted; a renegade (> desero)
sēdātus –a –um
composed, calm, quiet; of the mind (> sedo)
oppidum oppidī n.
recaleō –ēre
to be warm or hot
albeō –ēre
to be white (> albus)
adsciō –īre
to ally, adopt
refūtō refūtāre refūtāvī refūtātus
to repel; disprove, refute, falsify, disappoint; refuse (late Latin)
by no means whatever, not at all
aegrēscō –ere
to become sick; grow worse (> aegreo, to be sick)
medeor mederi
to heal
fugāx –ācis
swift in flight; fleet; timid (> fugio)
(prep. w. acc.), within one’s power or possession
inclīnō inclīnāre inclīnāvī inclīnātus
to bend, influence, tilt
recumbō –ere –cubuī
to lie down again; sink down; depend, rest (> re and cubo, lie down)
rubor rubōris m.
redness, blush; shame, disgrace
calefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus ; calefīō calefierī calefactus sum (pass.)
to make hot, glowing; (fig.), excite, arouse (> caleo and facio)
rubeō rubēre rubuī
to be red, be ruddy
rosa rosae f.
līber lībera līberum
free (man); unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute; unconstrained, unrestrained, unencumbered; licentious; idle; w/abandon
anteeō –īre –īvī (–iī) –īre
to go before; surpass
pectō –ere –pexī –pexus
to comb
orichalcum –ī n.
mountain copper; brass
ignipotēns –entis
having power over fire; subst., Ignipotens, the fire god, Vulcan (> ignis and potens)
vocātus –ūs m.
a calling; summons; pl., a call (> voco)
myrra (murra) –ae f.
the myrrh tree; gum of the myrrh tree; myrrh
īrāscor īrāscī īrātus
to feel resentment, be angry, be in a rage
prōlūdō –ere –lūsī –lūsus
to play or practice beforehand; prepare for
rēfert rēferre rētulit
to it is important, it concerns
ēlātus – a –um
exalted, elevated, lofty, high
efflō efflāre efflāvī efflātus
to blow or breathe out (> ex and flo)
dīmētior –mēnsus sum
to measure, mark out; lay out
līnum –ī n.
flax or hemp
verbēna –ae f.
laurel, olive, or myrtle boughs for the altar; sacred boughs (usually in the plural)
pīlātus –a –um
armed with the pilum, javelin, or dart (> pilum)
reclīnō reclīnāre reclīnāvī reclīnātus
to recline; rest, lay back or down
inermus –a –um
profundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour forth; pour, shed
honestus –a –um
honorable, respectable
exhortor –ātus sum
to encourage, rouse; advise; to spur
quadriiugus –a –um
pertaining to a team of four; four–horse (> quadrigae)
specimen –inis n.
a means of seeing or knowing; token, symbol, emblem (> specio, look)
saetiger –era –erum
bristle–bearing, bristly (> saeta and gero); (subst.) boar
intōnsus –a –um
unshaven, unshorn; leafy
bifrōns –frontis
two–faced, double–faced
sacrārium sacrāriī n.
sanctuary, shrine
sanciō sancīre sānxī sānctus
to confirm, ratify; sanction; fulfill (prophesy); enact (law); ordain; dedicate
dīluvium –iī n.
a washing away, flood, deluge; desolation, destruction (> diluo, cleanse)
recīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut away; lop off; curtail, reduce (> re and caedo)
iugulō iugulāre iugulāvī iugulātus
to cut the throat; slay, slaughter; immolate (> iugulum)
variō variāre variāvī variātus
to vary, diversify; adorn with various colors
adsimulō adsimulāre adsimulāvī adsimulātus
to make like; to counterfeit, feign; (pass.), make one’s self like
adiungō adiungere adiūnxī adiūnctus
to add, attach, join to, add to, support; apply to; harness, yoke; direct; confer
ruber rubra rubrum
excellēns –entis
surpassing; beautiful, stately
obscūrō obscūrāre obscūrāvī obscūrātus
to conceal
dēnseō –ēre or dēnsō –āre –āvī –ātus
to make thick; thicken; close up; cast thick, shower; gather together, crowd (> densus)
adversus or adversum + acc.
facing, opposite, against, opposed (to)
strīdulus –a –um
hissing, whizzing, twanging (> strido)
cornus –ī f.
a cornel cherry tree; a spear shaft; a lance or javelin, shaft
creō creāre creāvī creātus
to create, produce
mordeō mordēre momordī morsus
to bite, bite into
trānsadigō –ere –adēgī –adāctus
to drive through, thrust; of the object which is stabbed, pierce
animōsus –a –um
courageous, bold, strong, ardent, energetic, stormy
missilis –e
that is sent or cast; missive, thrown, hurled; subst., missilia, ium, n., missile weapons, darts, missiles (> mitto)
inundō inundāre inundāvī inundātus
to overflow; of an army, rush on, pour on
īnfrēnō īnfrēnāre īnfrēnāvī īnfrēnātus
to furnish with a bridle; to rein, harness
prōterreō –ēre –terruī –territus
to frighten forth or away; put to flight
advolō advolāre advolāvī advolātus
to fly to, fly; hasten, run up, speed
trabālis –e
of beams; like a beam (> trabs, a beam)
victima –ae f.
an animal offered in sacrifice; a victim
ambūrō –ere –ussī –ūstus
to burn round; ambustus, a, um, blazing, singed
torris –is m.
a firebrand; brand (> torreo)
plāga –ae f.
a blow, wound; lash, whip
nīdor –ōris m.
vapor, steam; a smell
rigidus –a –um
hard, rigid, strict
superimmineō –ēre
to overhang, press upon
repēns –entis
prōterō –ere –trīvī –trītus
to rub before; trample upon or down, crush to pieces
ingerō –ere –gessī –gestus
to carry, bring, throw, cast into, at, or upon; heap on; obtrude; say over and over
wretchedly, pitiably
calcō calcāre calcāvī calcātus
to put under the heel; trample upon; mix by trampling (> calx)
nūtriō –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus
to nourish, suckle; breed, rear, train
ōrnō ōrnāre ōrnāvī ōrnātus
to equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim
speculātor –ōris m.
courier, spy
afficiō afficere affēcī affectus
to affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken
biiugis –e
yoked two together
dēsiliō –īre –uī –sultus
to leap or spring down; alight from (> de and salio)
superveniō –īre –vēnī –ventu
to come over or upon; come unexpectedly; fall upon; turn up, arrive on the scene
extorqueō extorquēre extorsī extortus
to twist out, wrench away
iugulum –ī n.
the joining part; the throat (rel. to iungo)
mētior mētīrī mēnsus sum
to measure, estimate; distribute, mete; traverse, sail/walk through
sternāx –ācis
throwing flat; throwing the rider; plunging (> sterno)
citātus –a –um
swiftly driven or swiftly running (> cito –are)
lancea –ae f.
a lance, light spear, javelin
bilīx –īcis
two–threaded, double–plaited (> bis and cf. licium, thread)
dēgustō dēgustāre dēgustāvī dēgustātus
to taste of; touch, graze
thōrāx –ācis m. (acc. pl. –ācas)
a corselet, breastplate, cuirass
inglōrius –a –um
without glory; unrenowned, inglorious
immōbilis –e
unmoved; immovable
medicus –a –um
of or pertaining to healing, healing, curative, medical; magical
forceps –ipis f.
a pair of tongs, pincers
subveniō subvenīre subvēnī subventum
to support, aid
dictamnus –ī f. or dictanum –ī n.
dittany, an aromatic plant found on Mount Dicte, in Crete (> Dicte)
pūbēs (pūber) –eris
grown up, pubescent; of plants, mature, full grown
caulis –is m.
a stalk
lābrum –ī n.
a vat or tub; a bowl, vase, vessel
splendeō –ēre –uī
to shine, gleam
salūbris –e or salūber –bris –bre
ambrosia ambrosiae f.
the food of the gods, ambrosia, a divine unguent
sūcus –ī m.
odōrifer –era –erum
bearing odor; sweet, sweet–scented (> odor and fero)
panacēa –ae f.
an herb which cured all diseases; all–heal
magistra –ae f.
a mistress, directress; appositive, masterly, skill–giving; teaching, instructive, (> magister)
prōveniō –venīre –vēnī –ventūrum
to come forth; come about
dēlībō dēlībāre dēlībāvī dēlībātus
to sip; kiss
adolēscō adolescere adolēvī adultus
grow up, mature, reach manhood, peak; become established/strong; grow, increase
exemplum exemplī n.
example, sample, specimen; instance; precedent, case; warning, deterrent; pattern, model; parallel, analogy; archetype; copy/reproduction, transcription
virāgō –inis f.
a woman of masculine spirit; a heroine, warlike maid (cf. vir)
tēmō –ōnis m.
the tongue or pole of a plow or cart; wagon, chariot
pervolō pervolāre pervolāvī pervolātus
to fly through or over
hirundō –inis f.
a swallow
loquāx –ācis
talkative; prattling, chirping; noisy (> loquor)
ēsca –ae f.
food, bait (> edo)
ālipēs –edis
wing–footed; subst. m., wing–footed horse (> ala and pes)
retorqueō –torquēre –torsī –tortum
to twist back, bend back
incitus –a –um
rapid, swift
dīvertō –ere –vertī –versus
to turn one’s self, turn or go apart
crātēs (crātis) –is f.
a hurdle; wicker work, wattles; crates pectoris, the wattled covering of the breast; the ribs
abscīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut off (> abs and caedo)
condūcō conducere condūxī conductus
to draw/bring together, collect, assemble; unite/join; cause to curdle/coagulate; employ, hire; rent; borrow; contract for, undertake; farm the taxes; be advantageous for; be conducive to, tend to
dēcursus –ūs m.
a running down, descent (> decurro)
populor –ārī –ātus sum or populō –āre –āvī –ātus
to lay waste; ravage; ransack; devastate, plunder; rob, deprive; of things (> populus)
atavus –ī m
grandfather; forefather, ancestor
prōvolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus
to roll forward or along; roll, whirl over or along
ungula –ae f.
a hoof (> unguis); talon; (LL) a hook used in torture
prōculcō prōculcāre prōculcāvī prōculcātus
to tread down, trample upon (> pro and calco)
wildly, fiercely
ēversor –ōris m.
an over–thrower, destroyer (> everto)
immūnis –e
free from service; w. gen., exempt, freed from
legiō legiōnis f.
libet (libēre) libuit libitum est
it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable
obumbrō obumbrāre obumbrāvī obumbrātus
to overshadow; darken; screen, protect, shield
reserō reserāre reserāvī reserātus
to unbolt; open, 7.613
cēreus –a –um
waxen, of wax (> cera)
acuō –ere –uī –ūtus
to make pointed; to sharpen, whet; stimulate, provoke; incite, rouse
accidō accidere accidī –––
to fall, befall, happen
incessō –ere –cessīvī
to attack, assail, beleaguer (> incedo)
discindō –ere –scidī –scissus
to tear asunder, pull in pieces, rend
fīlia fīliae f.
turpō turpāre turpāvī turpātus
to make indecent; to soil, disfigure, defile (> turpis)
adscīscō –ere –scīvī –scītus
to call to one’s aid; to ally; to adopt (> adscio)
bellātor –ōris m.
a warrior; adj., warlike (> bello)
terror terrōris m.
fear, terror
dēdecus dēdecōris n.
shame, disgrace, dishonor
perpetior –petī –pessus sum
to bear to the end, endure
fulminō fulmināre fulmināvī fulminātus
to flash like lightning; (impersonal) lightning strikes; (passive) be struck by lightning
sustentō sustentāre sustentāvī sustentātus
to support, sustain
on or from either side; on both sides; on every side (> uterque)
discutiō –ere –cussī –cussus
to shake off, strike off; disperse, dissipate, dispel (> dis– and quatio)
compingō –ere –pēgī –pāctus
to join together; p., compactus, a, um, close–jointed (> com– and pango)
subdō –ere –didī –ditus
to put under; place or fasten under; bury
pōns pontis m.
indecor –oris or indecoris –e
disgraceful, bringing disgrace; disgraced, infamous; unhonored
āctus –ūs m.
a driving or impelling; speed, swift descent (> ago); the performance of some business, an act; the performance of a play; an act in a play (deducere in actus = dramatize); an act as a section of play
significō significāre significāvī significātus
to signify, indicate, show
inhibeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold back, hold in, keep back (> in and habeo)
prōcursus –ūs m.
a running forward, onward course, career; charge, onset (> procurro)
from afar, at a distance (> e and manus)
congeminō congemināre congemināvī congeminātus
to redouble, repeat; multiply, multiply blows with
mūtus –a –um
inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
mussō mussāre mussāvī mussātus
to speak low; mutter, complain; whisper, hesitate, or fear to speak out; waver; to low faintly (> mutio, mutter)
iuvencus –a –um
young; subst., iuvencus, i, m., a young bullock; iuvenca, ae, f., a heifer (> iuvenis)
imperitō imperitāre imperitāvī imperitātus
to command, govern, rule (> impero)
exāmen –inis n.
A multitude; swarm; the tongue or indicator of the scales or balances; the index (> ex and ago)
lanx lancis f.
a broad dish or plate; a charger, platter; pl., lances, the basins of weighing scales; scales
sustineō sustinēre sustinuī sustentus
to support; check; put off; put up with, endure, sustain; hold back; be able to
vergō –ere
to incline; go down, sink
subsidium subsidi(ī) n.
help, relief; reinforcement
fūtilis (futtilis) –e
vain, weak, foolish; brittle, treacherous (> fundo)
resplendeō –ēre
to shine brightly; glitter
frāgmen –inis n.
a fracture; a piece broken off, fragment (> frango)
nancīscor nancīscī nanctus (nactus) sum
to obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on
vēnātor –ōris m.
a huntsman; venator canis, a hunting–dog (> venor)
ēlūdō ēlūdere ēlūsī ēlūsus
to make sport of, mock
respōnsō respōnsāre respōnsāvī respōnsātus
to make answer; echo, reply (> respondeo)
efflāgitō efflāgitāre efflāgitāvī efflāgitātus
to ask urgently; demand (> ex and flagito, demand)
minitor –ārī –ātus sum
to die
quīnque; quīntus –a –um
5; 5th
retexō –ere –texuī –textus
to weave again; (fig.), compass again, repeat
lūdicer –cra –crum
sportive; vain, trivial (> ludus)
oleaster –trī m.
the wild olive (> olea)
voveō vovēre vōvī vōtus
to vow, promise solemnly, engage religiously, pledge, devote, dedicate, consecrate
disclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus
to open; loosen (> dis– and claudo)
reficiō reficere refēcī refectus
to rebuild, repair, restore
gladius gladiī m. or gladium –iī n.
adsistō (assistō) –ere adstitī
to stand at, by, or present; stand
Indigetes –um m.
Heroes elevated to the rank of gods after their death, and regarded as the patron deities of their country
dēfōrmō dēfōrmāre dēfōrmāvī dēfōrmātus
to bring out of shape; to deform, disfigure; to spoil, mar
adiūrō adiūrāre adiūrāvī adiūrātus
to swear by, with acc. of the thing sworn by
implācābilis –e
inexorable, inflexible
superstitiō –ōnis f.
religious awe; superstition; sacred oath, fear–inspiring oath (> supersto)
obtestor –ārī –ātus sum
to call to witness; conjure, implore; beseech; swear
māiestās –ātis f.
greatness; majesty, dignity, authority, power (> magnus, maius)
indigena –ae
born in the land; native, indigenous (> indu–, an old form of in–, and geno)
repertor –ōris m.
discoverer, inventor
rītus –ūs m.
a farm of religious ceremonial; a form, rite; custom, manner; abl., ritu, in the manner of, like
adiciō adicere adiēcī adiectus
to throw at, add
equally, justly, fairly; in same/like manner/degree, just as; likewise, also
fel fellis n.
the gall bladder; gall, bile; poison (fig.), wrath
immedicābilis –e
incurable, deadly
trānsiliō –īre –īvī (–iī or –uī)
to leap over; pass over; fly through (> trans and salio)
būstum –ī n.
the mound where the dead have been burned; funeral pile; tomb (cf. comburo)
sērum –ī n.
the dead of night; late at night
importūnus –a –um
troublesome, uncivilized
ēverberō ēverberāre ēverberāvī ēverberātus
to beat violently, strike, flap upon
torpor torpōris m.
numbness, paralysis
virginitās –ātis f.
virginity (> virgo)
condiciō condiciōnis f.
agreement, contract; terms, proposal, option, alternative; situation; stipulation; marriage (contract); spouse, bride; relation of lover/mistress; paramour
fīniō fīnīre fīnīvī fīnītus
to finish, limit
contegō –ere –tēxī –tēctus
to cover
retrāctō retrāctāre retrāctāvī retrāctātus
to handle again; gripe or grasp again; take up again, resume; recall; n., hesitate, hold back
hand to hand; immediately; near at hand. (> com– and manus)
pinna –ae f.
feather, wing
fervidus –a –um
intensely hot, blazing; seething
līs lītis f.
lawsuit; quarrel
sex; sextus –a –um
6; 6th
ināne –is n.
void space, a void
languidus –a –um
languid (> langueo)
cōnātus cōnātūs m.
succidō –ere
to fall down; sink down (> sub and cado)
by whatever way, wherever; by whatever means, by all means, wherever; separated by tmesis
mūrālis –e
pertaining to walls; battering (> murus)
concieō –ēre –īvī –itus
to call together; incite, to stir up, arouse; enrage, fire, make furious; hurl, shoot from; disturb; (pass.), to be impelled on, dart along; hasten, speed
tormentum tormentī n.
dissultō dissultāre dissultāvī dissultātus
to leap asunder; spring back or apart; burst from (> dis– and salto)
crepitus –ūs m.
a din; thunder clap, peal (> crepo)
septemplex –icis
femur –oris n. (rarely femen –inis n.)
thigh, the upper part of the thigh, the loins
duplicō duplicāre duplicāvī duplicātus
to fold over; double
poples –itis m.
the hinder part of the knee; hamstring; knee
dēprecor dēprecārī dēprecātus sum
to avert by prayer, deprecate, plead against, beg to escape, seek to avoid
bulla –ae f.
bubble; locket, amulet; a boss
immolō immolāre immolāvī immolātus
to sprinkle the sacred meal upon the victim; to immolate, sacrifice; kill (> in– and mola)